Bad news for Democracy " "russia" meddling to help Trump win re-election, US lawmakers hear"

Can Trump get elected without Putin’s help?

Doesn’t seem so
You mean can he be blocked without Dems using PUTIN Russia interference As a strategy like they did the 2018 mid terms. Hence Dems are using Russia as their help.-oops.

Republicans are the ones blocking legislation restricting foreign interference
Can Trump get elected without Putin’s help?

Doesn’t seem so
All you are doing is causing more people to purchase weapons. How many times can this be said? You are the ones shooting yourselves in the foot. We know how you will govern for now on when totally empowered. If the people vote for that then they are foolish. But people have been foolish since the dawn of time when they showed up as the next in line to rule the earth.
Democrats are telling everyone that we can't stand 4 more years of this.

Trump is doing all of this imaginary shit to this country and it has to stop.


What I'm seeing is the screaming media and their lying Democrat friends disrupting our lives.

Trump is doing his job every day....but the Democrats are wailing like banshees 24/7/365 about one thing after another.

Here's deal. The left wants us to get tired of their temper-tantrums.

They say it will all end if we just put a dirty incompetent Democrat back in the Oval Office.

Now the left is trying to create yet another Russia scare.


2 years ago they tried it....and they're doing it again today.


Was this right before, or after, Trump disavowed US intel in favor of Putin's word?

It's hard to tell, with Trump still suffering from the buggering.


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Democrats are telling everyone that we can't stand 4 more years of this.

Trump is doing all of this imaginary shit to this country and it has to stop.


What I'm seeing is the screaming media and their lying Democrat friends disrupting our lives.

Trump is doing his job every day....but the Democrats are wailing like banshees 24/7/365 about one thing after another.

Here's deal. The left wants us to get tired of their temper-tantrums.

They say it will all end if we just put a dirty incompetent Democrat back in the Oval Office.

Now the left is trying to create yet another Russia scare.


2 years ago they tried it....and they're doing it again today.

The Democrats didn't bring that Russian news yesterday... TRUMP APPOINTED intelligence officials did.
The enemy to democracy lies within, and its name is the Republican Party

It's definitely a fifth column working for the Russians. Notice all the upset over the fact that Congress has received information on Russian activities with respect to the upcoming election from national-security officials.

Democrats whine about democracy while trying to undo elections.

I'll bet you don't even understand the contradiction, do you?

There is no contradiction, though. Yeah, he managed to get elected despite not winning the majority vote. However, it is his totally unacceptable conduct, possibly criminal, policies, his constant attacks on our constitution, laws, and institutions, his constant attacks on his fellow Americans, and his associations with criminals and known bigots after he took office that are at issue. You don't seem to understand this.
Democrats are telling everyone that we can't stand 4 more years of this.

Trump is doing all of this imaginary shit to this country and it has to stop.


What I'm seeing is the screaming media and their lying Democrat friends disrupting our lives.

Trump is doing his job every day....but the Democrats are wailing like banshees 24/7/365 about one thing after another.

Here's deal. The left wants us to get tired of their temper-tantrums.

They say it will all end if we just put a dirty incompetent Democrat back in the Oval Office.

Now the left is trying to create yet another Russia scare.


2 years ago they tried it....and they're doing it again today.

As previously reported, mudwhistle is not to be trusted, and the anti patriot movement is still afoot:

U.S. intelligence told lawmakers of Russian bid to boost Trump re-election - source

From the Link:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. intelligence officials told lawmakers last week that Russia is interfering in the 2020 election campaign by aiming to cast doubt on the integrity of the vote and boost President Donald Trump's re-election, a person familiar with the briefing said on Thursday.

The person, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the matter's sensitivity, said Trump's Republican allies on the Democratic-led House Intelligence Committee questioned the assessment presented by officials of the Office of National Intelligence last Thursday.

"The Republicans responded as you would expect. They went nuts," said the person. "They questioned the intelligence."

Why not believe U.S. Intelligence, unless those who are brainwashed by Conspiracy Theories, which guides their every thought acts as does the author of this bogus thread.
The enemy to democracy lies within, and its name is the Republican Party

US is not a democracy, but a republic.

Good to remember that.

It was one thing believing in flat earth when we did not know better. Now that we do have the proof that the earth is round... why do you believe in a flat earth?
"US is not a democracy" you must be joking, right ? ....
If the us was a democracy you would go to Washington and represent yourself instead you vote for someone to represent yo which makes a Republic
Democrats are telling everyone that we can't stand 4 more years of this.

Trump is doing all of this imaginary shit to this country and it has to stop.


What I'm seeing is the screaming media and their lying Democrat friends disrupting our lives.

Trump is doing his job every day....but the Democrats are wailing like banshees 24/7/365 about one thing after another.

Here's deal. The left wants us to get tired of their temper-tantrums.

They say it will all end if we just put a dirty incompetent Democrat back in the Oval Office.

Now the left is trying to create yet another Russia scare.


2 years ago they tried it....and they're doing it again today.

I hear they have weapons of mass distraction. Is Dick Cheney busy Sunday ?
Democrats are telling everyone that we can't stand 4 more years of this.

Trump is doing all of this imaginary shit to this country and it has to stop.


What I'm seeing is the screaming media and their lying Democrat friends disrupting our lives.

Trump is doing his job every day....but the Democrats are wailing like banshees 24/7/365 about one thing after another.

Here's deal. The left wants us to get tired of their temper-tantrums.

They say it will all end if we just put a dirty incompetent Democrat back in the Oval Office.

Now the left is trying to create yet another Russia scare.


2 years ago they tried it....and they're doing it again today.

They realize that they are not going to win the election but they don't want to admit to anyone that it is due to lousy candidates and terrible understanding of what the U.S. needs. Therefore they need someone or something to hang it on. They don't want to alienate China because that's where the big dollars are being siphoned from. It has to be Russia. You know the country that 44 and Hillary wanted to normalize relations with, where they used the wrong reset button for. Because there is no one in the U.S. that's speaks Russian.
Democrats are telling everyone that we can't stand 4 more years of this.

Trump is doing all of this imaginary shit to this country and it has to stop.



What I'm seeing is the screaming media and their lying Democrat friends disrupting our lives.

Trump is doing his job every day....but the Democrats are wailing like banshees 24/7/365 about one thing after another.

Here's deal. The left wants us to get tired of their temper-tantrums.

They say it will all end if we just put a dirty incompetent Democrat back in the Oval Office.

Now the left is trying to create yet another Russia scare.


2 years ago they tried it....and they're doing it again today.

" The SOB is probably going to take a landslide. All we can really do is defame his victory.....might as well use what's already
In motion."

Russia is an enemy to our democracy you fucking moron.
If Russia were your enemy she would support Deep State/Dem candidates who keep destroying and dividing your country. However Russian leaders always preferred dealing with Republicans who don't lie near as much as Democrats do.

Stephen Cohen: Unfortunately, we have a short memory and have already forgotten that after 9/11 Putin was the first who called Bush and said: “That was terrible. How can we help you guys?”

Then US went to war in Afghanistan to destroy Taliban and Putin helped US to get the victory in this war with minimum losses more than anybody else, even more than any NATO country.

Putin also shared his intelligence data with USA and so on and on. He was even criticized in Russia, so for a while he looked more like being pro-American leader, not even a bit anti-American.
Demonization of Putin is one of the biggest threats to American national security,Stephen Cohen.

Cohen:…for nearly a decade, the American media has so demonized Putin that we’ve lost sight of him, and we’ve obscured the possibilities that are there and that he’s offered to enhance, through some kind of steady, calm cooperation, American national security.…
The Real Reason the US Media Hates Vladimir Putin - The Daily Reckoning
Last edited:
Democrats are telling everyone that we can't stand 4 more years of this.

Trump is doing all of this imaginary shit to this country and it has to stop.


What I'm seeing is the screaming media and their lying Democrat friends disrupting our lives.

Trump is doing his job every day....but the Democrats are wailing like banshees 24/7/365 about one thing after another.

Here's deal. The left wants us to get tired of their temper-tantrums.

They say it will all end if we just put a dirty incompetent Democrat back in the Oval Office.

Now the left is trying to create yet another Russia scare.


2 years ago they tried it....and they're doing it again today.

The corrupt president is inviting the Russian help, as is the corrupt GOP Senate leadership. History will record this.
Democrats are telling everyone that we can't stand 4 more years of this.

Trump is doing all of this imaginary shit to this country and it has to stop.


What I'm seeing is the screaming media and their lying Democrat friends disrupting our lives.

Trump is doing his job every day....but the Democrats are wailing like banshees 24/7/365 about one thing after another.

Here's deal. The left wants us to get tired of their temper-tantrums.

They say it will all end if we just put a dirty incompetent Democrat back in the Oval Office.

Now the left is trying to create yet another Russia scare.


2 years ago they tried it....and they're doing it again today.

They realize that they are not going to win the election but they don't want to admit to anyone that it is due to lousy candidates and terrible understanding of what the U.S. needs. Therefore they need someone or something to hang it on. They don't want to alienate China because that's where the big dollars are being siphoned from. It has to be Russia. You know the country that 44 and Hillary wanted to normalize relations with, where they used the wrong reset button for. Because there is no one in the U.S. that's speaks Russian.

Who are they? Are you as stupid as your post(s) suggest? Are maybe you are in the employ of Putin, but I doubt Putin would hire an amateur agitator.

What Trump has done is genius. He fires anyone who is not loyal to him, uses BIG LIES to discredit them and others, and hires only those who will kiss his fat ass. We have seen our democracy and the republic disintegrate before our eyes - and people like you who continue to support this insane president are the enemy within.

But you have nothing but empty words, McConnell and his Senate cabal have set the stage for trump to completely eradicate what our Founders and the Framers of COTUS left us, a separation of powers, the Senate by Abdication and the outrageous abuse of power by McConnell and trump to discredit and demean the Judiciary.

It has happened here, Russian will continue to support trump in any manner they can for his reelection, and trump's megalomania will allow him to do anything which pleases him, no matter how illegal or immoral it will be.
The SOB is probably going to take a landslide.
...says nobody but the most strident Trump cultist. He lost the popular vote in 2016 and the Dems got nearly 10 million more votes than republicans in 2018. You must live in an alternate reality.
Russia is an enemy to our democracy you fucking moron.
If Russia were your enemy she would support Deep State/Dem candidates who keep destroying and dividing your country. However Russian leaders always preferred dealing with Republicans who don't lie near as much as Democrats do.

Stephen Cohen: Unfortunately, we have a short memory and have already forgotten that after 9/11 Putin was the first who called Bush and said: “That was terrible. How can we help you guys?”

Then US went to war in Afghanistan to destroy Taliban and Putin helped US to get the victory in this war with minimum losses more than anybody else, even more than any NATO country.

Putin also shared his intelligence data with USA and so on and on. He was even criticized in Russia, so for a while he looked more like being pro-American leader, not even a bit anti-American.
Demonization of Putin is one of the biggest threats to American national security,Stephen Cohen.

Cohen:…for nearly a decade, the American media has so demonized Putin that we’ve lost sight of him, and we’ve obscured the possibilities that are there and that he’s offered to enhance, through some kind of steady, calm cooperation, American national security.…
The Real Reason the US Media Hates Vladimir Putin - The Daily Reckoning

I'm fairly certain you're a Russian troll.

It's either that or blithering idiot, but I'll go with Russian troll.

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