Backlash Against Dems Has Begun: 'Trump Leading or Highly Competitive in Every Swing State'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"...surveys of voters in key swing states show far less enthusiasm over the prospect of removing Trump from office... his standing in the places that will matter the most next November is much stronger than the conventional wisdom would suggest."

"Against Bernie Sanders, Trump is a slight favorite. And in a potential battle with Elizabeth Warren, Trump is tied or leading in all six tossup states tested."

"Elizabeth Warren, the media favorite, is behind Trump by two-to-four points everywhere except for Arizona, where the best she can muster is a tie."

Democrats are becoming more and more desperate to Impeach the President, removing him from office if possible, BEFORE the 2016 election, because they KNOW they do not stand a chance of beating him. They have opted to put all of their proverbial 'eggs' in 'one basket', 'betting the farm' on Impeachment rathere than attempt to make their case for President and leave it up to the American people...again.

Oh My: Fresh NYT Polling Shows Trump Leading or Highly Competitive in Every Swing State

"...surveys of voters in key swing states show far less enthusiasm over the prospect of removing Trump from office... his standing in the places that will matter the most next November is much stronger than the conventional wisdom would suggest."

"Against Bernie Sanders, Trump is a slight favorite. And in a potential battle with Elizabeth Warren, Trump is tied or leading in all six tossup states tested."

"Elizabeth Warren, the media favorite, is behind Trump by two-to-four points everywhere except for Arizona, where the best she can muster is a tie."

Democrats are becoming more and more desperate to Impeach the President, removing him from office if possible, BEFORE the 2016 election, because they KNOW they do not stand a chance of beating him. They have opted to put all of their proverbial 'eggs' in 'one basket', 'betting the farm' on Impeachment rathere than attempt to make their case for President and leave it up to the American people...again.

Oh My: Fresh NYT Polling Shows Trump Leading or Highly Competitive in Every Swing State

Quoted from your link---not sure just how comforting this was supposed to be--since the overall theme is not really all that favorable to Trump.."only a modest underdog..." and "within the margin of error"--is pretty weak sauce..IMO. "relatively rough shape among voters on the issue of impeachment" and " national support tumbling' would be a bit worrisome..were I a Trump partisan.

"It has been a very turbulent few weeks for President Trump, who has watched his national support tumble as he faces impeachment at the hands of House Democrats. But even as nationwide polling shows him in relatively rough shape among all voters on the issue of impeachment (though it's not as bleak as the press coverage would indicate), surveys of voters in key swing states show far less enthusiasm over the prospect of removing Trump from office. Similarly, even as Trump's average job approval rating sags, and even as he trails multiple Democrats in hypothetical head-to-head contests, his standing in the places that will matter the most next November is much stronger than the conventional wisdom would suggest.

A fresh batch of polling from the New York Times and Siena College demonstrates that against Joe Biden, Trump is only a modest underdog at this point, battling within the margin of error among likely voters in a slew of battlegrounds. Against Bernie Sanders, Trump is a slight favorite. And in a potential battle with Elizabeth Warren, Trump is tied or leading in all six tossup states tested. Some on the Left are eyeing these numbers and getting nervous.
"...surveys of voters in key swing states show far less enthusiasm over the prospect of removing Trump from office... his standing in the places that will matter the most next November is much stronger than the conventional wisdom would suggest."

"Against Bernie Sanders, Trump is a slight favorite. And in a potential battle with Elizabeth Warren, Trump is tied or leading in all six tossup states tested."

"Elizabeth Warren, the media favorite, is behind Trump by two-to-four points everywhere except for Arizona, where the best she can muster is a tie."

Democrats are becoming more and more desperate to Impeach the President, removing him from office if possible, BEFORE the 2016 election, because they KNOW they do not stand a chance of beating him. They have opted to put all of their proverbial 'eggs' in 'one basket', 'betting the farm' on Impeachment rathere than attempt to make their case for President and leave it up to the American people...again.

Oh My: Fresh NYT Polling Shows Trump Leading or Highly Competitive in Every Swing State

Huh. Based on the results of that poll, we'd better support Biden then, even though he's too old and just be sure he's got a strong Vice President, because we're gonna need it if the poor old guy gets elected.
I don't think there's any "backlash." I think it's describing the current environment in the battleground states. Trump is less unpopular in those states than he is nationwide. Ultimately, the election will come down to a handful of states. If the Dems hold ground and flip WI MI and PA, they'll win.
Huh. Based on the results of that poll, we'd better support Biden then, even though he's too old and just be sure he's got a strong Vice President, because we're gonna need it if the poor old guy gets elected.
Sorry, the majority of Americans are NOT going to support a former VP who gave a video-taped confession of extorting the former Ukraine PM....
2020 will be a massacre to the left. I predict sporadic suicides, maybe some riots, and a continuation of the never-ending streams of fake allegations and "gotchas."
Huh. Based on the results of that poll, we'd better support Biden then, even though he's too old and just be sure he's got a strong Vice President, because we're gonna need it if the poor old guy gets elected.
Sorry, the majority of Americans are NOT going to support a former VP who gave a video-taped confession of extorting the former Ukraine PM....
LOL If that's all you got, you might as well get ready to move Biden in. Where does he live, anyway?
LOL If that's all you got, you might as well get ready to move Biden in. Where does he live, anyway?
Your short-sighted view / intelligence is cute.

Let's say the House partisanly Impeaches the President and sends that to the Senate. The Senate then COULD decide to hold its own investigation of the 'Collusion Delusion 2.0'. It could also use the House's rules regarding its investigation...which means Democrats would not be able to call any witnesses or ask and questions unless the REP|UBLICANS allow them to do so.

Thinks about that for a second....a Senate investigation into Ukraine corruption, an attempt to alter a Presidential election', and a 'Quid Pro Quo'.

I could potentially see the 1st witness being subpoenaed to testify and answer questions before the Senate being HILLARY CLINTON, answering questions specifically about how it has been proven that Democrats and her team sent reps to work with corrupt former Ukrainian politicians to dig up dirt on Trump's team in order to affect / alter the 2016 election.

I could potentially see the 2nd witness being subpoenaed to testify being former VP JOE BIDEN, having his video-taped confession played back to him, the photo of him / his son/ board members of the known corrupt Ukrainian criminal businessman's energy company playing golf together - posing for that photo, & having it pointed out - unlike with Trump's administration - how he and Obama refused to deliver US military aid and prevented the sale of military weapons that could have helped Ukraine defend itself from Putin's invasion and annexation of Crimea...

I could see the 3rd witness being called to testify being D-ADAM SCHIFF, to explain his Seditious false claim for 2+ years how he had direct evidence of crimes perpetrated by the President, his seditious attempt to present his own personally authored fictional account of the phone call between the President and Ukraine PM as 'evidence; during a televised House committee meeting he chaired, how he had direct contact with the Whistle Blower - and lied about it - which makes him a Contact Witness that disqualifies him from being part of an investigation of the President let alone leading one, and he could explain his being the recipient of a large amount of cash from a Russian-born weapons dealer who was doing business with former corrupt Ukraine Politicians....

Yes, the Democrats seem to be as short-sighted as you, unable to see the shit-storm they are potentially unleashing that will swallow up not only Biden but so many of them.....
"...surveys of voters in key swing states show far less enthusiasm over the prospect of removing Trump from office... his standing in the places that will matter the most next November is much stronger than the conventional wisdom would suggest."

"Against Bernie Sanders, Trump is a slight favorite. And in a potential battle with Elizabeth Warren, Trump is tied or leading in all six tossup states tested."

"Elizabeth Warren, the media favorite, is behind Trump by two-to-four points everywhere except for Arizona, where the best she can muster is a tie."

Democrats are becoming more and more desperate to Impeach the President, removing him from office if possible, BEFORE the 2016 election, because they KNOW they do not stand a chance of beating him. They have opted to put all of their proverbial 'eggs' in 'one basket', 'betting the farm' on Impeachment rathere than attempt to make their case for President and leave it up to the American people...again.

Oh My: Fresh NYT Polling Shows Trump Leading or Highly Competitive in Every Swing State


The first signs of the coming landslide.

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