Bachmann mistaken for Jew, sucks money out of Romney campaign.....


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Call it a case of mistaken identity — Mitt Romney is having trouble raising money from some Jewish donors because they believe one of his GOP presidential opponents, Michele Bachmann, is Jewish.

“Some Jewish donors are telling fund-raisers for Romney, a Mormon, that while they like him, they’d rather open their wallets for the ‘Jewish candidate,’ who they don’t realize is actually a Lutheran,” the New York Post reported.

One Romney fundraiser told the Post: “It’s a real problem.”

Some aides of the former Massachusetts governor reportedly are wondering whether the Bachmann camp is pushing the “Jewish Bachmann” idea to boost fundraising.

The Minnesota congresswoman frequently has spoken of her stay on a kibbutz in Israel. She went there in 1974, immediately after graduating from high school, on a mission sponsored by a Christian ministry, Newsmax reported in July.

Bachmann is one of Israel’s strongest supporters in Congress and has visited the Jewish state several times since taking office.

She told the American Israel Political Action Committee last year: “I am a Christian, but I consider my heritage Jewish, because it is the foundation, the roots of my faith as a Christian.”

Romney has been expressing his strong support for Israel, hoping to capitalize on President Obama’s waning support among Jewish voters disturbed by his policies toward Israel.

“We’re working very hard in the Jewish community because of Obama’s Israel problem,” a fundraiser told the Post.

Read more on Belief Bachmann Is Jewish Siphons Donors From Romney
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Belief Bachmann Is Jewish Siphons Donors From Romney

So.........we already knew this country had a hard time electing a Catholic (JFK), and now there has been talk about people having a problem electing Romney because he's Mormon.

How are the teabagging Christians going to feel about a Christian who identifies strongly with the Jewish faith?

Remember..........most Christians think it was the Jews that killed Christ.
Call it a case of mistaken identity — Mitt Romney is having trouble raising money from some Jewish donors because they believe one of his GOP presidential opponents, Michele Bachmann, is Jewish.

“Some Jewish donors are telling fund-raisers for Romney, a Mormon, that while they like him, they’d rather open their wallets for the ‘Jewish candidate,’ who they don’t realize is actually a Lutheran,” the New York Post reported.

One Romney fundraiser told the Post: “It’s a real problem.”

Some aides of the former Massachusetts governor reportedly are wondering whether the Bachmann camp is pushing the “Jewish Bachmann” idea to boost fundraising.

The Minnesota congresswoman frequently has spoken of her stay on a kibbutz in Israel. She went there in 1974, immediately after graduating from high school, on a mission sponsored by a Christian ministry, Newsmax reported in July.

Bachmann is one of Israel’s strongest supporters in Congress and has visited the Jewish state several times since taking office.

She told the American Israel Political Action Committee last year: “I am a Christian, but I consider my heritage Jewish, because it is the foundation, the roots of my faith as a Christian.”

Romney has been expressing his strong support for Israel, hoping to capitalize on President Obama’s waning support among Jewish voters disturbed by his policies toward Israel.

“We’re working very hard in the Jewish community because of Obama’s Israel problem,” a fundraiser told the Post.

Read more on Belief Bachmann Is Jewish Siphons Donors From Romney
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!

Belief Bachmann Is Jewish Siphons Donors From Romney

So.........we already knew this country had a hard time electing a Catholic (JFK), and now there has been talk about people having a problem electing Romney because he's Mormon.

How are the teabagging Christians going to feel about a Christian who identifies strongly with the Jewish faith?

Remember..........most Christians think it was the Jews that killed Christ.
The Wabbi agweez.
[ame=]Israeli abuse - We killed Jesus & We're Proud - YouTube[/ame]
Call it a case of mistaken identity — Mitt Romney is having trouble raising money from some Jewish donors because they believe one of his GOP presidential opponents, Michele Bachmann, is Jewish.

“Some Jewish donors are telling fund-raisers for Romney, a Mormon, that while they like him, they’d rather open their wallets for the ‘Jewish candidate,’ who they don’t realize is actually a Lutheran,” the New York Post reported.

One Romney fundraiser told the Post: “It’s a real problem.”

Some aides of the former Massachusetts governor reportedly are wondering whether the Bachmann camp is pushing the “Jewish Bachmann” idea to boost fundraising.

The Minnesota congresswoman frequently has spoken of her stay on a kibbutz in Israel. She went there in 1974, immediately after graduating from high school, on a mission sponsored by a Christian ministry, Newsmax reported in July.

Bachmann is one of Israel’s strongest supporters in Congress and has visited the Jewish state several times since taking office.

She told the American Israel Political Action Committee last year: “I am a Christian, but I consider my heritage Jewish, because it is the foundation, the roots of my faith as a Christian.”

Romney has been expressing his strong support for Israel, hoping to capitalize on President Obama’s waning support among Jewish voters disturbed by his policies toward Israel.

“We’re working very hard in the Jewish community because of Obama’s Israel problem,” a fundraiser told the Post.

Read more on Belief Bachmann Is Jewish Siphons Donors From Romney
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!

Belief Bachmann Is Jewish Siphons Donors From Romney

So.........we already knew this country had a hard time electing a Catholic (JFK), and now there has been talk about people having a problem electing Romney because he's Mormon.

How are the teabagging Christians going to feel about a Christian who identifies strongly with the Jewish faith?

Remember..........most Christians think it was the Jews that killed Christ.

So people who are smart enough to have lots of money for political donations aren't smart enough to read the news and realize Bachmann is a Christian?
Yeah, that's credible.

Most conservative Christians are pro-Israel. I haven't met one who wasn't.
Israel has every right to exist.

And they have the right to do so without our money funding their military.

Time to cut the purse strings.
agreed, if were so strapped for cash you would think the gravy train we proved for Israel would be severed. As long as we keep the 5th Fleet in Yemen we can protect Israel real time and quite effectively.

yep, time to cut the purse strings.
Israel has every right to exist.

And they have the right to do so without our money funding their military.

Time to cut the purse strings.

No problem. Cut it off as soon as we stop funding Hamas.

Of the top ten recipients of US aid the majority are Muslim countries. I dont hear anyone clamoring for them being cut off either.
Israel gets about 2B a year. That's enough to run the Federal gov't for one day. And a lot of that is spent here on American weaponry.
You mean Jews donate and vote for other Jews. I smell racism or is it only racist when blacks do it? Those Jews have a sweet deal. Given land, welfare and still they are seen as independent. Awesome.

Strong comment. you know what prompted the reaction?

Is it possible that those people that were angry were reacting to some "anti jew" ralley?

Not saying such is the case....but I must ask you this...

If you saw a group of people screaming in anger "shame on you" to another group of people....would you say they were being animals?

And afterwards, how would you feel when you found out that the angry group of people yelling "shame on you" were those at a cemetary burying their son who just lost his life overseas in A-stan..and the people they were screaming "shame on you" were the protesters from that church that celebrates the deaths of our bravest?

Would you still call them animals?

How dare you call these people animals without kowing the whole story.

You obviously are a Jew Hater...and they say the right are bigots.
You mean Jews donate and vote for other Jews. I smell racism or is it only racist when blacks do it? Those Jews have a sweet deal. Given land, welfare and still they are seen as independent. Awesome.

Actually, it is the left that is claiming that Jews are donating money to Bachman becuase they think she is Jewish.

Once again, it is the left that shows their bigot side..

And an fyi...and to reiterrate what was already said...

If one is bright enough to have the money to donate to a candidate, then one is bright enough to know that Bachman is by no means of the Jewish faith.

She is quite open about her religion.
I can see why people could easily mistake Bachmann (Lutheran) for a Jew. Hell, some people think Obama is a Muslim.
I can see why people could easily mistake Bachmann (Lutheran) for a Jew. Hell, some people think Obama is a Muslim.

It's actually disgusting how fixated American Lefties are on differences in race, religion, class, sex pref, ect ect.. EVERY issue discussion is crafted to slice and dice people apart by these factors. To the current LEFT -- differences ARE THE ISSUES...

It's mortifying, scary, and very very creepy.. Especially as a lapsed Jew who understands the mindset of folks that play this game for political advantage.

Three crazy fucks on a video and you condemn every Jew on earth?

What a racist fucking bigot you are.

Not to criticize you Warrior...but how dare you refer to them as crazy fucks.
How do you know what they were angry at?
Is it possible they were yelling at people who were protesting them during a funeral for a kid who died...saying "Jews will all go to hell"
I you have any idea what those three men were angry at?

I looked at the video....I couldnt find anything....why did the one filming it and posting it NOT show us who they were yelling at and why they were saying "shame on you"?

Three crazy fucks on a video and you condemn every Jew on earth?

What a racist fucking bigot you are.

Not to criticize you Warrior...but how dare you refer to them as crazy fucks.
How do you know what they were angry at?
Is it possible they were yelling at people who were protesting them during a funeral for a kid who died...saying "Jews will all go to hell"
I you have any idea what those three men were angry at?

I looked at the video....I couldnt find anything....why did the one filming it and posting it NOT show us who they were yelling at and why they were saying "shame on you"?

You're right. I don't know what they are angry at. But a whole religion shouldn't be labeled "Animals" becuase of their behavior.

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