AZ Police Officer Acted "Within Policy" Assaulting 15-Year Old Girl...

She committed a crime and then left the scene. (And she at least saw the cop car approaching.) Anyone playing that game anywhere will get knocked down or tackled.

It is a crime to be attacked? If you watch the video you will see that, when the police arrived, one of the witnesses pointed in her direction as she was already walking away. Maybe she is actually a female version of Flash, but I see no evidence she saw the police car arrive.
If this is acting in accepted policy, it's a hell of a policy.

Police are to serve, not persecute. She was innocent until proven guilty in court, not on the street by a testosterone-pumped coward cop. If it had been a big man, what would the 'officer' have done?

I don't see that the police have a right to do such a thing, and my dad of twenty-two years working as a law enforcement officer would say the same.

He did what he was supposed to do, apprehend someone who needed to be in police custody, at least for questioning. He did it in the way he was supposed to do when someone who is not brandishing a weapon is approached: he followed her and told her to stop, when she didn't, he chased her down and tackled her.

I'll bet you your father would agree with me. What else is the cop supposed to do, let the suspect get away?


What he is supposed to do is investigate. He arrived after the fight was over, and had no idea who started it. He wasn't even there long enough to ask the other girl what happened, all he knew is that there was some sort of disturbance, and that another witness said she was involved. What he should have done is asked her for her statement, let his partner get the statement of the other girl, and file a report.
How do we know the girl who was walking away wasn't the victim? She appeared to be the one getting the brunt of the fight.

The cop called out and she had barely turned around when he slammed her head into the wall. What a motherfucker. I wonder if she's had any residual damage from that. I'd like to hear the rest of the story.

Fucking skinhead cops. It'll be your kid next, then some of you won't think it's so righteous. Say one of your daughters get assaulted by a another girl. She finally gets away and is walking down the street and some fucking cop comes up and calls out to her and just as she turns around he slams her head up against the wall?

How would you like that?

They wouldn't like that. They would demand justice. But since it's not one of their own, they'll just dutifully cheerlead along. Unfortunately, they represent the current state of our Nation.
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I saw her turn her head towards him and then he smacked her into the wall.

Who knows if she was going to stop or not. She was in a fight and she left when the cops came...which technically makes her a fugitive.

So was she missing a big chunk of scalp at the top of her head????

How does walking away from a fight make you a fugitive? What if she was attacked by the other girl, and saw no need to press charges, which is a perfectly logical assumption given the video, would you still say she was a fugitive?
I have a problem with men hitting women, and even more , girls.

He didn't hit her; he tackled her in order to stop her from leaving the scene. As a police officer, he has to do that to do his job. What are they supposed to do, let all females go because the are female? Lots of women are just as violent and just as agressive as men, especially a lot of young women these days--they street fight, they beat up and kill old men and women and each other, they can be very frightening and very violent. She was no Bobbie Soxer, you can see that in the video.

If you don't think a tackle is a hit may I suggest you have never been tackled by someone who is running at full speed while they are wearing armor.
Sorry, I have no sympathy whatsoever for criminal idiots who act crazy, then blatantly disregard the Police and try to flee when they are about to get arrested for their lunacy. The cop had no idea whether she was armed, and her attempt at fleeing indicated she was clearly resisting arrest. Enjoy your day in Court moron.

I have wondering this for a while, why does everyone automatically assume she is guilty of something? What if the other girl had been trying to steal her money, and she was fighting her off, would that change your sympathy levels
I saw her turn her head towards him and then he smacked her into the wall.

Who knows if she was going to stop or not. She was in a fight and she left when the cops came...which technically makes her a fugitive.

So was she missing a big chunk of scalp at the top of her head????

How does walking away from a fight make you a fugitive? What if she was attacked by the other girl, and saw no need to press charges, which is a perfectly logical assumption given the video, would you still say she was a fugitive?

This poor girl may have been attacked twice. Once by the other girl, and again by the Police.
Where is the story that goes with that video?
Why was the other girl wrestling with the one that got tackled?


No one, including that cop, knows what was going on, yet he was still justified in attacking someone who is, conceivably, the victim of a crime.
Sorry, I have no sympathy whatsoever for criminal idiots who act crazy, then blatantly disregard the Police and try to flee when they are about to get arrested for their lunacy. The cop had no idea whether she was armed, and her attempt at fleeing indicated she was clearly resisting arrest. Enjoy your day in Court moron.

I have wondering this for a while, why does everyone automatically assume she is guilty of something? What if the other girl had been trying to steal her money, and she was fighting her off, would that change your sympathy levels

I hear ya. I often wonder the same thing. They don't know what happened, yet their so quick to condemn the girl and defend the Police. I've finally concluded that it's their many years of brainwashing conditioning. They feel compelled to defend the Police no matter what. It's learned Authority-Worship. It is very sad but it is what it is.
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I have wondering this for a while, why does everyone automatically assume she is guilty of something? What if the other girl had been trying to steal her money, and she was fighting her off, would that change your sympathy levels
Because we can read.

From AZCentral:

The video shows a girl in a physical fight with a woman, whom Crump identified as the girl's mother, in a parking lot.

The incident occurred in January, Crump said. The girl reportedly was serving alcohol out of a water bottle to other students, was belligerent and drunk, and was being removed from school after assaulting a teacher, he said. Her mother had called the police, Crump said. The girl was charged with aggravated assault, Crump said. According to another department spokesman, Sgt. Steve Martos, the girl had no injuries.
Where is the story that goes with that video?
Why was the other girl wrestling with the one that got tackled?


No one, including that cop, knows what was going on, yet he was still justified in attacking someone who is, conceivably, the victim of a crime.

No, she broke the law right off the get go, when she started leaving the scene of a crime.
But I want to know more about it.
Where is the story that goes with that video?
Why was the other girl wrestling with the one that got tackled?


No one, including that cop, knows what was going on, yet he was still justified in attacking someone who is, conceivably, the victim of a crime.

No, she broke the law right off the get go, when she started leaving the scene of a crime.
But I want to know more about it.

What if she was the victim of a brutal attack? That's why we're all innocent until proven guilty. And what if she was your daughter or sister? Think about that a bit.
Victims don't usually try to leave the scene.

Gads but you guys are dense. Cops are assholes. Get over it, stay out of their way, and if they tell you to stop, fucking stop, morons.
Victims don't usually try to leave the scene.

Gads but you guys are dense. Cops are assholes. Get over it, stay out of their way, and if they tell you to stop, fucking stop, morons.

Nothing will change if you don't stand up. Some cops are brutal assholes, and they need to be held accountable. But that's just not happening enough. Arrest and prosecute them. We'll see how tough they are once they get tossed in a jail cell.
What if she was the victim of a brutal attack?
Article clearly says she was drunk and belligerent at school, was kicked out after assaulting a teacher, her own mother called the police, and said mother was the one being beaten on by her daughter in that video.
Sorry, I have no sympathy whatsoever for criminal idiots who act crazy, then blatantly disregard the Police and try to flee when they are about to get arrested for their lunacy. The cop had no idea whether she was armed, and her attempt at fleeing indicated she was clearly resisting arrest. Enjoy your day in Court moron.

except that being judge and executioner is above his pay grade :cuckoo:

No one, including that cop, knows what was going on, yet he was still justified in attacking someone who is, conceivably, the victim of a crime.

No, she broke the law right off the get go, when she started leaving the scene of a crime.
But I want to know more about it.

What if she was the victim of a brutal attack? That's why we're all innocent until proven guilty. And what if she was your daughter or sister? Think about that a bit.

Victim or not
You are still breaking the law by leaving the scene of a crime.
What we are discussing here is what we've all seen in a video which captures only the most active segment of the incident but none of the critically important peripheral elements, such as the reason for the fight and who the aggressor was. So our individual assessments of what we've seen are strongly influenced by our individual orientations and perceptions. In the simplest terms, without some reliable background information we don't know anything other than what we've seen.

In the way of influenced perceptions; I'm the father of three girls, grandfather of four. My former occupation exposed me to many examples of excessive force by police officers. And I often watch the "ride-along" documentary, COPS, which frequently shows examples of excessively forceful apprehensions. However, I am not prejudiced beyond awareness that not all police officers are inclined to use excessive force.

It's been suggested that the police might have been advised in advance that this girl is an assaultive drunk. If that is true it will mitigate in the cop's favor as far as I'm concerned. But until that allegation is confirmed it remains a big if.
Victims don't usually try to leave the scene.

Gads but you guys are dense. Cops are assholes. Get over it, stay out of their way, and if they tell you to stop, fucking stop, morons.

Nothing will change if you don't stand up. Some cops are brutal assholes, and they need to be held accountable. But that's just not happening enough. Arrest and prosecute them. We'll see how tough they are once they get tossed in a jail cell.

Sure. You go ahead and do that.

Of course, you'll be dead, but whatever.

Cops have leave to take people down. They do not have to wait for them to be convicted, they just have to have reasonable cause. Pretty basic. They're keepers of the peace, and if people are brawling in the street, they might get roughed up.
A girl they witness assaulting someone else ignores commands, walks away with her back turnend and her hands active where he can't see them.

He did fine.

A "girl." LOL If a grown man was screwing her, we'd call her a "child" and we'd call him a pedophile.

It's not okay for someone to have consensual sex with her because she's a child, but it is okay to slam her head up against the wall because then she's a girl.

What a ridiculous fucking society we are sometimes.

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