Authoritarianism vs Democracy


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2010
There are probably hundreds of articles on a Google search which addresses the danger to our democracy due to authoritarianism. I have no doubt that such a danger does exist. The question is why? Could it be that our democratic system of government is failing the American people and they are looking for an alternative. There is no doubt that the American people do not trust our goverment to do much of anything right. Assuming this is the case, we need to change the way we are governed. I'm not saying throw away the constitution and start all over but rather look at what does not work in our laws, polices, and the constitution and change it. If we don't, we are going get more authoritarian leaders in the presidency and a congress that accomplishes less and less.
The Quick Answer:

The open/free market is uncertain and thus will cause uncertainty, but corrects itself organically, deflecting power naturally.

Authoritarianism is easier and quicker. You'll read in history books how horrible people dominated their people and judge all of those citizens as stupid and weak, as if they had a choice, didn't fight, or were privy to all of the evil that was going on during these dictators' reigns.

Basically, today's modern American leftists are impatient and pissed off that people who don't agree with them are allowed to exist in modern society. Everything evolves from that. They don't want to have to justify their claims and ideals. There's no time for that, they're right, and everyone just needs to get out of the way or else.

It's so inspiring.
There are probably hundreds of articles on a Google search which addresses the danger to our democracy due to authoritarianism. I have no doubt that such a danger does exist. The question is why? Could it be that our democratic system of government is failing the American people and they are looking for an alternative. There is no doubt that the American people do not trust our goverment to do much of anything right. Assuming this is the case, we need to change the way we are governed. I'm not saying throw away the constitution and start all over but rather look at what does not work in our laws, polices, and the constitution and change it. If we don't, we are going get more authoritarian leaders in the presidency and a congress that accomplishes less and less.

Raise a better class of citizens.
You’ll likely get responses that the United States isn’t a democracy, that the will of the people is irrelevant, and that our political system is designed to prevent the tyranny of the majority.
But the US was not set up as a democracy, even though Progressives continually refer to it as such and have continually tried to transform it into a pure democracy because they have become professionals at propaganda and controlling the masses.

The Founders understood the dangers of a pure democracy but also understood that the people should have influence, so they provided elements of democracy in the Constitution.

But Ben Franklin said it best as to what we should expect in years to follow

“I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such: because I think a General Government necessary for us, and there is no Form of Government but what may be a Blessing to the People if well-administred; and I believe farther that this is likely to be well administred for a Course of Years and can only end in Despotism as other Forms have done before it, when the People shall become so corrupted as to need Despotic Government, being incapable of any other.”​

The decline of the country is directly related to the decline of their own spiritual/moral condition, as evidence by the drug epidemic and war against religion in the culture.
There are probably hundreds of articles on a Google search which addresses the danger to our democracy due to authoritarianism. I have no doubt that such a danger does exist. The question is why? Could it be that our democratic system of government is failing the American people and they are looking for an alternative. There is no doubt that the American people do not trust our goverment to do much of anything right. Assuming this is the case, we need to change the way we are governed. I'm not saying throw away the constitution and start all over but rather look at what does not work in our laws, polices, and the constitution and change it. If we don't, we are going get more authoritarian leaders in the presidency and a congress that accomplishes less and less.
Laws will not change the morality of the people. The morality of the people needs to change and this will reflect on the laws.

The single, most unrecognized threat to Individual liberty in America today is the erosion of virtue in society.
Laws will not change the morality of the people. The morality of the people needs to change and this will reflect on the laws.

The single, most unrecognized threat to Individual liberty in America today is the erosion of virtue in society.
There certainly is an erosion of virtue and morality in the American people, however these traits still exist in great numbers. One thing is certain, there is almost no virtue and morality among our political class and the ruling ultra wealthy oligarchy.
A Convention of States would be a good start

We also need Section-230 repealed, big tech broken up, immigration reform, election reform, etc.
There are probably hundreds of articles on a Google search which addresses the danger to our democracy due to authoritarianism. I have no doubt that such a danger does exist. The question is why? Could it be that our democratic system of government is failing the American people and they are looking for an alternative. There is no doubt that the American people do not trust our goverment to do much of anything right. Assuming this is the case, we need to change the way we are governed. I'm not saying throw away the constitution and start all over but rather look at what does not work in our laws, polices, and the constitution and change it. If we don't, we are going get more authoritarian leaders in the presidency and a congress that accomplishes less and less.
One of the biggest changes that comes to mind and i think we have a direct and immediate impact is amending the US Constitution to put term limits on Congress.
There are probably hundreds of articles on a Google search which addresses the danger to our democracy due to authoritarianism. I have no doubt that such a danger does exist. The question is why? Could it be that our democratic system of government is failing the American people and they are looking for an alternative. There is no doubt that the American people do not trust our goverment to do much of anything right. Assuming this is the case, we need to change the way we are governed. I'm not saying throw away the constitution and start all over but rather look at what does not work in our laws, polices, and the constitution and change it. If we don't, we are going get more authoritarian leaders in the presidency and a congress that accomplishes less and less.

I don't believe that the constitution is the problem.

Gerrymandering is.

Way too many states have rendered people's vote useless. Or have such draconian voting laws, it's nearly impossible to vote so people don't vote.

The problem is the people of our nation aren't getting to have their voices heard because politicians pick their voters. Not the voters picking the politicians.

So we get politicians who are corrupt and only there to fleece the nation.
You’ll likely get responses that the United States isn’t a democracy, that the will of the people is irrelevant, and that our political system is designed to prevent the tyranny of the majority.
The real truth is we are a Republic. We morphed into a Democracy. With all of that that you believe is so great, and in these times maybe it is.. Although there was much more of a Republic 55-60 years ago and before then now. The flaws of a Republic are one thing. The flaws of a Democracy are another. Huge government become totalitarian. The same thing you typed about majority. The laws are in place to to put a vice lock on most rights and we have lost rights.
I don't believe that the constitution is the problem.

Gerrymandering is.

Way too many states have rendered people's vote useless. Or have such draconian voting laws, it's nearly impossible to vote so people don't vote.

The problem is the people of our nation aren't getting to have their voices heard because politicians pick their voters. Not the voters picking the politicians.

So we get politicians who are corrupt and only there to fleece the nation.
where is it “nearly impossible to vote”due to these voting laws?
Way too many states have rendered people's vote useless. Or have such draconian voting laws, it's nearly impossible to vote so people don't vote.

And that’s based on the belief that the United States isn’t a democracy, that the states control the country, not the people.

Wyoming has the same votes in the Senate as California – that’s clearly not democracy.

Presidents are elected by the states, not the people; presidents can be elected having lost the popular vote, becoming president contrary to the will of the majority of the people – again, clearly not democracy.

The Federal judiciary are determined by the president and Senate alone; it’s possible that appointments to Federal courts – including the Supreme Court – are made by a president and Senators who do not reflect the will of the majority of the people.

Instead of the tyranny of the majority we have the tyranny of the minority, we have the United States governed by minority rule, not reflecting the will of the people, the consequence of states suppressing the right to vote and disenfranchising citizens.

When it comes to authoritarianism versus democracy, suppressing votes and denying citizens the right to vote by the states is clearly a manifestation of authoritarianism.
Could it be that our democratic system of government is failing the American people and they are looking for an alternative.
It’s not a matter of our democratic system of government failing as it is the non-democratic components of our political system being manipulated through voter suppression and disenfranchisement to create the tyranny and authoritarianism of minority rule.

As a consequence, the people become understandably frustrated and hostile to a political system where it seems as if one’s vote doesn’t count, even if he lives in a state that doesn’t practice voter suppression and disenfranchisement.

And that’s based on the belief that the United States isn’t a democracy, that the states control the country, not the people.

Wyoming has the same votes in the Senate as California – that’s clearly not democracy.

Presidents are elected by the states, not the people; presidents can be elected having lost the popular vote, becoming president contrary to the will of the majority of the people – again, clearly not democracy.

The Federal judiciary are determined by the president and Senate alone; it’s possible that appointments to Federal courts – including the Supreme Court – are made by a president and Senators who do not reflect the will of the majority of the people.

Instead of the tyranny of the majority we have the tyranny of the minority, we have the United States governed by minority rule, not reflecting the will of the people, the consequence of states suppressing the right to vote and disenfranchising citizens.

When it comes to authoritarianism versus democracy, suppressing votes and denying citizens the right to vote by the states is clearly a manifestation of authoritarianism.
we are a democratic republic. The federal govt was created by the states. we have this system called federalism
I don't believe that the constitution is the problem.

Gerrymandering is.

Way too many states have rendered people's vote useless. Or have such draconian voting laws, it's nearly impossible to vote so people don't vote.

The problem is the people of our nation aren't getting to have their voices heard because politicians pick their voters. Not the voters picking the politicians.

So we get politicians who are corrupt and only there to fleece the nation.

Gerrymandering: it was only cool when democrats did it
There are probably hundreds of articles on a Google search which addresses the danger to our democracy due to authoritarianism. I have no doubt that such a danger does exist. The question is why? Could it be that our democratic system of government is failing the American people and they are looking for an alternative. There is no doubt that the American people do not trust our goverment to do much of anything right. Assuming this is the case, we need to change the way we are governed. I'm not saying throw away the constitution and start all over but rather look at what does not work in our laws, polices, and the constitution and change it. If we don't, we are going get more authoritarian leaders in the presidency and a congress that accomplishes less and less.

Agree with some but we have no one with honest character or integrity now to make such changes.
We're on a very bad slope.

People are making death threats and saying that it's freedom of speech. It's not, and should not be considered as such.

Also, encouraging people to get sick has little to do with fundamental freedoms. Remember what Jim Jones did. Should not be considered freedom of religion.
You’ll likely get responses that the United States isn’t a democracy, that the will of the people is irrelevant, and that our political system is designed to prevent the tyranny of the majority.
The US is best described today as a democratic republic. The founders wanted a republic and had little interest in a democracy. The constitution they created was less democratic than Articles of Confederation or the individual state constitutions. However, before the ink was dry on constitution, Jefferson and Madison realized the need to protect the rights of the people with the Bill of Rights. Over the decades that followed both actions of states and amendments to the constitution turned the republic in a democratic republic giving for more voice to people than the founders intended.

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