Austria will accuse Hungary of neglecting European values


Gold Member
Mar 14, 2015
On Monday it became known that Austrian conservatives in the European parliament will support a resolution in which Hungarian prime minister Orban will be accused of neglecting European values and which opens the way to imposing sanctions against Hungary. Such statement was made by Austrian chancellor Kurz.

I came across this in Russian source.
Considering that views of Orban and Kuez coinside in many crusial fields, this statement seems strange. Something went wrong? Any suggestions or more information?
time for the good Orban to make a decision . 'muslims' or a decent Hungary .
On Monday it became known that Austrian conservatives in the European parliament will support a resolution in which Hungarian prime minister Orban will be accused of neglecting European values and which opens the way to imposing sanctions against Hungary. Such statement was made by Austrian chancellor Kurz.

I came across this in Russian source.
Considering that views of Orban and Kuez coinside in many crusial fields, this statement seems strange. Something went wrong? Any suggestions or more information?

By “European values “ they mean surrender Europe to Muslims of course.
On Monday it became known that Austrian conservatives in the European parliament will support a resolution in which Hungarian prime minister Orban will be accused of neglecting European values and which opens the way to imposing sanctions against Hungary. Such statement was made by Austrian chancellor Kurz.

I came across this in Russian source.
Considering that views of Orban and Kuez coinside in many crusial fields, this statement seems strange. Something went wrong? Any suggestions or more information?

The vote will not succeed, need two thirds to vote yes and if even get two thirds then also need ALL 28 EU members to vote yes, there will be no sanctions on Hungary for this ALL 28 EU members would have to vote yes and that is not going to happen, so it will be just some censure situation and that is it and no sanctions.

Not sure what Sebastian thinking but there is a method to this madness, we trust Sebastian IMHO it is something about that we have 4,608 Migrants that enter via Macedonia into Albania into Hungary and then to us and are trapped as we do not allow them into Germany and the rule is that they HAVE to be Deported back to the FIRST European nation they enter and that is Hungary and Hungary say no they will not have them and we do not want them also and this in my opinion is why Sebastian is saying to vote Yes to the Hungary thing tomorrow at the EU Parliament, because Hungary will NOT take the 4,608 Migrants that we do NOT want and do NOT want to be in our nation. Hungary should take them and then just throw them back into Albania and leave them there.
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On Monday it became known that Austrian conservatives in the European parliament will support a resolution in which Hungarian prime minister Orban will be accused of neglecting European values and which opens the way to imposing sanctions against Hungary. Such statement was made by Austrian chancellor Kurz.

I came across this in Russian source.
Considering that views of Orban and Kuez coinside in many crusial fields, this statement seems strange. Something went wrong? Any suggestions or more information?

By “European values “ they mean surrender Europe to Muslims of course.

Esay is fanatically Pro-Migrants into this Continent, he is not Anti-Migrants or Anti-Open Borders, he also is Pro-EU being Ukranian and Ukraine will NEVER be allowed to join the EU OR NATO.
Do you not remember 2010 when the EU punished your nation for Joerg Haider? Follow Britain out.
Do you not remember 2010 when the EU punished your nation for Joerg Haider? Follow Britain out.

Not 2010 it was 2000 and that also pointless the sanctions only on for two months and then the EU realise the sanctions pointless and so they remove. We now have a Government since December 2017 again the same Coalition as 2000 this a ÖVP-FPÖ Coalition and the EU said ZERO this time.

Re. Follow Britian out, they are not out they are still in Brexit not complete.

We wait for the EU Parliament Elections in 2019 and the replacement of Jean-Claude Juncker and the EU Commission, we hope the continued swing to the Right and then we support Manfred Weber to replace Juncker and have a Weber Commission, this we prefer to do to change the EU from the INSIDE, you cannot change ANYTHING from the OUTSIDE, you infiltrate and change from the INSIDE not from the OUTSIDE.
Do you not remember 2010 when the EU punished your nation for Joerg Haider? Follow Britain out.

In general Sebastian agrees on many situations with Viktor Orbán, the need to prevent more Economic Migrants infesting our Continent, there are some things he disgree with, also it is the same with Italy and Matteo Salvini, he agrees with Viktor Orbán on many situations and we agree with Matteo Salvini the same but we ALL disagree with Salvini on a crucial thing and that is he wants to DISTRIBUTE the Economic Migrants in Italy across ALL EU nations which is the same position that Merkel has and this is something that we and Orbán are 100% against.

We do NOT agree on 100% of things, we have things we disagree on.
Not 2010 it was 2000 and that also pointless the sanctions only on for two months and then the EU realise the sanctions pointless and so they remove. We now have a Government since December 2017 again the same Coalition as 2000 this a ÖVP-FPÖ Coalition and the EU said ZERO this time.

Yes indeed. 2010 a typo on my part.
And yes I have noticed that the EU no longer tries to sanction right wing parties. The reason is obvious..almost every European country now has a major right wing party in parliament or coalition. They would all have to sanction themselves. The elites running the EU have themselves to thank. They have pushed people to the right both in Europe and America like no efforts by the right itself could have done.

Re. Follow Britian out, they are not out they are still in Brexit not complete.

Yes I know that. The anglo-saxons are showing you what happens when people rebel against the rulers. As in the US the losers in the UK are doing everything they can to overturn a vote. This is what you will face if you ever decide to leave. Huge swathes of barbarians who learned their politics from chairman Mao. In the short term I believe the UK will succeed as will the US. Long term we will as well but it will be much nastier.

We wait for the EU Parliament Elections in 2019 and the replacement of Jean-Claude Juncker and the EU Commission, we hope the continued swing to the Right and then we support Manfred Weber to replace Juncker and have a Weber Commission, this we prefer to do to change the EU from the INSIDE, you cannot change ANYTHING from the OUTSIDE, you infiltrate and change from the INSIDE not from the OUTSIDE.

You know your politics better than I. I am just going to say that this populist revolt is worldwide and you can see what is happening over here and in Britain. In fact it is happening in Europe too...outlawed parties, shutting down of dissent on the internet, the strategic movement of foreigners into areas that resist government rule etc. It does no good to remain inside (not that you have much choice..see Brexit) if you have to accept being strangers in your own land.

But as I said, you know your own country best and I wont try and teach you your own politics. I just wish you success.

But from here it looks to me like the EU has done as much damage to your nationhood as Soviet rule would have. In fact it is the ex-warsaw pact EU members who are fighting back the hardest.
In general Sebastian agrees on many situations with Viktor Orbán, the need to prevent more Economic Migrants infesting our Continent, there are some things he disgree with, also it is the same with Italy and Matteo Salvini, he agrees with Viktor Orbán on many situations and we agree with Matteo Salvini the same but we ALL disagree with Salvini on a crucial thing and that is he wants to DISTRIBUTE the Economic Migrants in Italy across ALL EU nations which is the same position that Merkel has and this is something that we and Orbán are 100% against.

We do NOT agree on 100% of things, we have things we disagree on.

Why doesnt he distribute them back to where they came from? If he doesnt they are colonists and not migrants. And it is the one thing they will never give in on Lucy. Importing foreigners is the most powerful weapon they have *in a free society or one with a tradition of freedom*. The Soviets shipped hundreds of thousands of Russians to the Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. Sometimes as much as 50% of the countries became Russian. Its an old trick of conquest.
In the US the Democrats cut off military paychecks to try and force Trump to give papers to more illegals.
In general Sebastian agrees on many situations with Viktor Orbán, the need to prevent more Economic Migrants infesting our Continent, there are some things he disgree with, also it is the same with Italy and Matteo Salvini, he agrees with Viktor Orbán on many situations and we agree with Matteo Salvini the same but we ALL disagree with Salvini on a crucial thing and that is he wants to DISTRIBUTE the Economic Migrants in Italy across ALL EU nations which is the same position that Merkel has and this is something that we and Orbán are 100% against.

We do NOT agree on 100% of things, we have things we disagree on.

Why doesnt he distribute them back to where they came from? If he doesnt they are colonists and not migrants. And it is the one thing they will never give in on Lucy. Importing foreigners is the most powerful weapon they have *in a free society or one with a tradition of freedom*. The Soviets shipped hundreds of thousands of Russians to the Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. Sometimes as much as 50% of the countries became Russian. Its an old trick of conquest.
In the US the Democrats cut off military paychecks to try and force Trump to give papers to more illegals.
The widespread russification in the USSR had obvious and reasonable goal - diminish national semi-identification and create new identity - "Soviet people", with Russian language and culture as basis for this.
I can see little in common with this and the current immigrant influx in Europe.
I've seen European values in action before. They need to be neglected.

The widespread russification in the USSR had obvious and reasonable goal - diminish national semi-identification and create new identity - "Soviet people", with Russian language and culture as basis for this.
I can see little in common with this and the current immigrant influx in Europe.

I see Lucy Hamilton was right about you (no surprise there). “Diminishing national identity” seems to be part and parcel of everything you do.
The widespread russification in the USSR had obvious and reasonable goal - diminish national semi-identification and create new identity - "Soviet people", with Russian language and culture as basis for this.
I can see little in common with this and the current immigrant influx in Europe.

I see Lucy Hamilton was right about you (no surprise there). “Diminishing national identity” seems to be part and parcel of everything you do.
This stuff exists only in Lucy's and your head, Im afraid.
European Parliament votes to punish Hungary for undermining democratic values
Well,well,well. What a turn up.
Im not an expert on Mr Orban but what I have seen doesnt impress me.
I saw a documentary a little whle back regarding Hungarian treatment of their Gypsies.The state was using bogus pretexts to seperate the Gypsies from their children. The children were then given to Hungarian families to raise.

It amounted to ethnic cleansing.
Do you not remember 2010 when the EU punished your nation for Joerg Haider? Follow Britain out.

In general Sebastian agrees on many situations with Viktor Orbán, the need to prevent more Economic Migrants infesting our Continent, there are some things he disgree with, also it is the same with Italy and Matteo Salvini, he agrees with Viktor Orbán on many situations and we agree with Matteo Salvini the same but we ALL disagree with Salvini on a crucial thing and that is he wants to DISTRIBUTE the Economic Migrants in Italy across ALL EU nations which is the same position that Merkel has and this is something that we and Orbán are 100% against.

We do NOT agree on 100% of things, we have things we disagree on.

Not "economic migrants"!


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