EU Capital of Homophobia are Poland & Hungary.


Gold Member
Apr 13, 2017
Putnam Lake, NY raised, Pawling, NY resident.
Since when did Gayness become a badge of honor?

Hungary and Poland: EU capitals of homophobia

Hungary and Poland: EU capitals of homophobia

  • 'Fight for equality in Europe is, regrettably, a live one,' Guy Verhofstadt said (Photo: QueenSunshine)

Hungary and Poland have come out as the EU capitals of homophobia by boycotting a gay rights declaration.

Hungary's employment minister and Poland's "family minister" were the only ones who declined to back the text in Brussels on Thursday (6 December), which urged the creation of a "safe" environment on the internet for young "LGBTIQ persons" and other minorities.

  • The European Commission sponsored an EU boat at Amsterdam Pride two years ago (Photo: Bob Lefevere)
Austria, which chaired the EU meeting, plus the other 25 member states, published it anyway, but Hungary and Poland's defiance meant the document was downgraded to an informal status.

"LGBTIQ inclusion and equality are core values of our European Union. This is where I draw the line. We will never compromise our principles," Dutch social affairs minister Wouter Koolmees said.

"The debates were really tough," an Austrian spokeswoman said.

"We really tried to find common ground here. If you have member states that block it, I think it's unfair to project that on the presidency," she added.

In another snub to Hungary and Poland, 19 EU states, led by Malta, backed a second declaration the same day, which called for the European Commission to draft an LGBTIQ rights strategy in 2020.

Their embassies tweeted out messages with rainbow emojis, the hashtag #LoveisLove, and comments such as Belgium's: "Together we say 'no' to discrimination on grounds of gender or sexuality".

Hungary and Poland's veto of the EU declaration was "regrettable", but the EU26 text showed "the EU cannot be taken hostage by two countries and be forced to dismantle agreed non-discrimination standards," Katrin Hugendubel from Ilga-Europe, a gay-rights NGO in Brussels, said.

The EU26 and EU19 texts meant Europe was "drawing a line" on values, in "very reassuring" developments, Ilga-Europe's Evelyne Paradis added.

Some would have liked to see more signatures on the EU19 text.

"It's worrying that so many EU countries didn't [sign]. This shows the fight for equality in Europe is, regrettably, a live one," Guy Verhofstadt, a leading Belgian liberal MEP, said.

But Thursday's events still left Budapest and Warsaw looking like they were out in the cold.

Both of their right-wing governments have a track record of blocking EU gay rights texts.

Poland, which has one of the worst EU scores on gay rights in Ilga-Europe's ranking, did it in October when it stopped the EU from signing off on Europe's Fundamental Rights Charter.

Hungary fares better in the Ilga-Europe ranking, but it also blocked adoption of an EU gay rights action plan in 2016.

They say EU gay rights activism impinges on their sovereignty and goes against conservative values in Hungarian and Polish society.

But other Roman Catholic countries and Orthodox Christian ones, such as Italy and Spain or Greece and Cyprus, saw no problem in signing the EU19 text.

Hungary and Poland's ruling Fidesz and Law and Justice parties mix homophobic rhetoric, with xenophobic, antisemitic, and eurosceptic language at home.

They are also embroiled in EU sanctions procedures on abuse of rule of law and in court cases on boycotts of EU decisions on taking in Muslim migrants.

But if Thursday's rebellion further eroded their political capital in mainstream EU circles, then the rainbow-emoji tweeting member states also fell short of full support for gay rights.

Bill still stuck
Among other issues, the meeting took stock of an EU anti-discrimination bill meant to extend protection of LGBTIQ people and other minorities from the workplace to broader "access to goods and services".

The directive has been blocked in the EU Council for years, in the past by Germany, which quibbled over the cost of installing wheelchair access in bars and cafes.
"In another snub to Hungary and Poland, 19 EU states, led by Malta, backed a second declaration the same day, which called for the European Commission to draft an LGBTIQ rights strategy in 2020."

This would have never happened under the old pope, the one before Obama took over.

Pope Francis strikes blow for church ‘liberals’ in condom row
Order of Malta chief forced to resign after disciplining colleague over ‘breach’ of doctrine
Pope Francis strikes blow for church ‘liberals’ in condom row


Knights of Malta Grand Master to resign at request of Pope Francis
A phobia is an irrational fear. What, precisely, are you afraid of?
This seems like a good humanitarian plan to protect the safety and rights of a demographic group that gets mistreated a lot. Some 26 member states signed it, two did not. That was their decision. But some folks are responding to the news with some sort of an idea that someone ought to pin a medal on these two countries or allow them to rule the roost on this issue. Ridiculous.

This situation makes me suspect that violence occurs in Poland and Hungary, which would, of course, be wrong, and that these countries are hiding it.
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A phobia is an irrational fear. What, precisely, are you afraid of?

Read the Holy Bible and its verses about homosexuality.

It has the same verses prohibiting cheeseburgers. Do you have an irrational fear of cheeseburgers?

Show me the verses.
If you can't you are a liar

Exodus 23 verse 18, Exodus 34 verse 25. Deuteronomy 14 verse 21.

You know nothing about the Holy Bible, read the verses you refer to

18Thou shalt not offer the blood of my sacrifice with leavened bread; neither shall the fat of my sacrifice remain until the morning.

25Thou shalt not offer the blood of my sacrifice with leaven; neither shall the sacrifice of the feast of the passover be left unto the morning.

21Ye shall not eat of any thing that dieth of itself: thou shalt give it unto the stranger that is in thy gates, that he may eat it; or thou mayest sell it unto an alien: for thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God. Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk.
This seems like a good humanitarian plan to protect the safety and rights of a demographic group that gets mistreated a lot. Some 26 member states signed it, two did not. That was their decision. But some folks are responding to the news with some sort of an idea that someone ought to pin a medal on these two countries or allow them to rule the roost on this issue. Ridiculous.

This situation makes me suspect that violence occurs in Poland and Hungary, which would, of course, be wrong, and that these countries are hiding it.

No one with sound mind can accept faggots.
A phobia is an irrational fear. What, precisely, are you afraid of?

Read the Holy Bible and its verses about homosexuality.

It has the same verses prohibiting cheeseburgers. Do you have an irrational fear of cheeseburgers?

Show me the verses.
If you can't you are a liar

Exodus 23 verse 18, Exodus 34 verse 25. Deuteronomy 14 verse 21.

You know nothing about the Holy Bible, read the verses you refer to

18Thou shalt not offer the blood of my sacrifice with leavened bread; neither shall the fat of my sacrifice remain until the morning.

25Thou shalt not offer the blood of my sacrifice with leaven; neither shall the sacrifice of the feast of the passover be left unto the morning.

21Ye shall not eat of any thing that dieth of itself: thou shalt give it unto the stranger that is in thy gates, that he may eat it; or thou mayest sell it unto an alien: for thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God. Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk.

I can read it in the original Hebrew. Can you?
This seems like a good humanitarian plan to protect the safety and rights of a demographic group that gets mistreated a lot. Some 26 member states signed it, two did not. That was their decision. But some folks are responding to the news with some sort of an idea that someone ought to pin a medal on these two countries or allow them to rule the roost on this issue. Ridiculous.

This situation makes me suspect that violence occurs in Poland and Hungary, which would, of course, be wrong, and that these countries are hiding it.

Which country in the World doesn't have violence that occurs?

What kind of statement is that, genius?
This seems like a good humanitarian plan to protect the safety and rights of a demographic group that gets mistreated a lot. Some 26 member states signed it, two did not. That was their decision. But some folks are responding to the news with some sort of an idea that someone ought to pin a medal on these two countries or allow them to rule the roost on this issue. Ridiculous.

This situation makes me suspect that violence occurs in Poland and Hungary, which would, of course, be wrong, and that these countries are hiding it.

Which country in the World doesn't have violence that occurs?

What kind of statement is that, genius?
This seems like a good humanitarian plan to protect the safety and rights of a demographic group that gets mistreated a lot. Some 26 member states signed it, two did not. That was their decision. But some folks are responding to the news with some sort of an idea that someone ought to pin a medal on these two countries or allow them to rule the roost on this issue. Ridiculous.

This situation makes me suspect that violence occurs in Poland and Hungary, which would, of course, be wrong, and that these countries are hiding it.

Which country in the World doesn't have violence that occurs?

What kind of statement is that, genius?

Every country has violence, yes. But I'm seeing the potential for violence specifically targeting gays, and that law enforcement officials might not take any action and perhaps participate in a cover-up. The anti-LGBT folks have shown a propensity to be quite violent in many countries, and these two countries seem to be sending a message of tacit acceptance.
This seems like a good humanitarian plan to protect the safety and rights of a demographic group that gets mistreated a lot. Some 26 member states signed it, two did not. That was their decision. But some folks are responding to the news with some sort of an idea that someone ought to pin a medal on these two countries or allow them to rule the roost on this issue. Ridiculous.

This situation makes me suspect that violence occurs in Poland and Hungary, which would, of course, be wrong, and that these countries are hiding it.

Which country in the World doesn't have violence that occurs?

What kind of statement is that, genius?
This seems like a good humanitarian plan to protect the safety and rights of a demographic group that gets mistreated a lot. Some 26 member states signed it, two did not. That was their decision. But some folks are responding to the news with some sort of an idea that someone ought to pin a medal on these two countries or allow them to rule the roost on this issue. Ridiculous.

This situation makes me suspect that violence occurs in Poland and Hungary, which would, of course, be wrong, and that these countries are hiding it.

Which country in the World doesn't have violence that occurs?

What kind of statement is that, genius?

Every country has violence, yes. But I'm seeing the potential for violence specifically targeting gays, and that law enforcement officials might not take any action and perhaps participate in a cover-up. The anti-LGBT folks have shown a propensity to be quite violent in many countries, and these two countries seem to be sending a message of tacit acceptance.

I'd like a source proving Poland & Hungary have a lot of anti- Gay assaults.

Poland turns out to have one of the lowest rates of anti-Jewish hate crimes in Europe, despite being one of the most anti- Jewish in views in Europe.

Poles tend to be fairly disciplined & peaceful even when they have views you don't aporeciate, including anti- Gay views.
A phobia is an irrational fear. What, precisely, are you afraid of?

Read the Holy Bible and its verses about homosexuality.

It has the same verses prohibiting cheeseburgers. Do you have an irrational fear of cheeseburgers?

Show me the verses.
If you can't you are a liar

Exodus 23 verse 18, Exodus 34 verse 25. Deuteronomy 14 verse 21.

You know nothing about the Holy Bible, read the verses you refer to

18Thou shalt not offer the blood of my sacrifice with leavened bread; neither shall the fat of my sacrifice remain until the morning.

25Thou shalt not offer the blood of my sacrifice with leaven; neither shall the sacrifice of the feast of the passover be left unto the morning.

21Ye shall not eat of any thing that dieth of itself: thou shalt give it unto the stranger that is in thy gates, that he may eat it; or thou mayest sell it unto an alien: for thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God. Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk.
However, bacon cheeseburgers are prohibited:

Leviticus 11:7-8
And the pig, because it parts the hoof and is cloven-footed but does not chew the cud, is unclean to you. You shall not eat any of their flesh, and you shall not touch their carcasses; they are unclean to you.
Maybe Europe should take another look at these backward states ? There should be minimum standards for membership and these shitkickers fall well short.

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