Aussie reporter to Sidney Powell: "Do you ever hear yourself & think it sounds ridiculous?"


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
This interview is priceless - Watch the video! :heehee:

Sarah Ferguson tried to challenge Powell on some basic facts, such as the number of states in which Smartmatic — another voting-machine company singled out by the Trump team — was operating. When Ferguson pointed out Smartmatic machines were only used in one county in California, Powell responded that its involvement was “probably a lot bigger than that.”​
As Ferguson challenged Powell further, Powell inquired multiple times whether the journalist was working for Smartmatic. “You know, I’m confused why you’re here,” Powell said.​
But the highest-intensity back-and-forth came after Powell briefly stopped the interview because Ferguson had steered the interview toward items Powell called subject to litigation.​
Ferguson said official bodies responsible for the conduct and oversight of the election had determined there was no fraud, and Powell responded that such conclusions represented “propaganda.”​
“I disagree with that completely, and we have, and will produce, additional evidence that proves otherwise,” Powell said.​
Powell, asked whether she was suggesting vast numbers of Americans were involved in fraud, said that thousands did participate “knowingly or unknowingly.”​
But who was responsible for the fraud? Powell wouldn’t say exactly.​
“I don’t know who all the ‘they’ are,” she said. “I would really like to know the answer to that. But it’s a significant number of ‘they,’ and they knew exactly what they were doing and they planned it for three years. This was no accident.”​
Ferguson then asked Powell: “Do you ever hear yourself and think that it sounds ridiculous?”​

I wonder the same thing about you and your posts.
In between the eyes! RIGHT ON! and thank you.

The Inquisition or what is it called?!?!? SYSTEM that the US Shadow government buit to allow it to rig elections around the world and over throw legitimately elected governments they don't like outside the country, was WIDELY USED in the States, to allow the dork they call Joe Bin Laden, to be ILLEGALLY installed at the White Hut.
Let's take 3 am for example as a time stamp, during election night, where everybody is at home fast asleep. There would be cases of sudden 6000 votes jump for Joe Bin Laden, outta NOWHERE!!!! YET The trump would suffer a sudden drop of 2000 votes somewhere else, the middle of the night!!! That's what that system was designed to do. But outside the country and NOT inside it.
And this happened across the Nation where the mules happend to be in charge and even within the so called swing states.
A trucker signed an affidavit, stating that he delivered from Canada a truck load of fake ballots, somehow going aaaaaalll to Joe Bin Laden. And not a single one for the trump! Which is impossible if those ballots were legit. Chinese other loads came from China, alll gone to Joe Bin Laden. In CA they shamelessly implicitely announced that any vote for the trump will NOT be counted and that's CRIMINAL! across the board. Etc. etc. etc. 1000's of instances that document The Fraud that took place with the blessings of Nancy Peloki, the Holy Guardian of her own behind/wallet and NOT American Democracy as she claims.

Sidney Powell at least had the gut to get Poor Flynn off these scumbags fangs and claws. He did nothing that Joe Bin Laden hasn't done on broad day light and bragged about on you tube. Nothing that the criminals haven't done 1000's of times in the past. The poor man pled "guilty" at first I read ONLY to get them off his son's back. That's the only reason. He pawned his own freaking house to be able to pay for his legal fees. I mean this is an American General. That's how much of thief or criminal he is. He is NOT. Now let's talk about Joe Bin Laden and his pimp, gigolo boy-son. HOwwwwly Cr*&p!!!!! I don't even want to get started. I'd get marooned in the process, there is so much to cover.

IRONICALLY, the media-gangsters who covered for them both during and after election are now exposing the Afghanistan Sh*t-show.
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Cue the conservative tears.

Know what's nuts? We have at least 20 posters on this board who are every bit as KrayKray as the Kracken Lady. :cuckoo:


Unfortunately austrailia is infested with as many if not more lamebrain lib activists masquerading as journalists than we have in America

and she’s a long way from home where she belongs
Know what's nuts? We have at least 20 posters on this board who are every bit as KrayKray as the Kracken Lady. :cuckoo:

Other parts of the world accept the West are getting more meaner and nasty. But to you if we do not hop, skip and jump where everything is beautiful, then the other side is kray kray. The other side is not that. They are realists. and they are happier then you.
Other parts of the world accept the West are getting more meaner and nasty. But to you if we do not hop, skip and jump where everything is beautiful, then the other side is kray kray. The other side is not that. They are realists. and they are happier then you.

LoL!! You are projecting again. :)
This interview is priceless - Watch the video! :heehee:

Sarah Ferguson tried to challenge Powell on some basic facts, such as the number of states in which Smartmatic — another voting-machine company singled out by the Trump team — was operating. When Ferguson pointed out Smartmatic machines were only used in one county in California, Powell responded that its involvement was “probably a lot bigger than that.”​
As Ferguson challenged Powell further, Powell inquired multiple times whether the journalist was working for Smartmatic. “You know, I’m confused why you’re here,” Powell said.​
But the highest-intensity back-and-forth came after Powell briefly stopped the interview because Ferguson had steered the interview toward items Powell called subject to litigation.​
Ferguson said official bodies responsible for the conduct and oversight of the election had determined there was no fraud, and Powell responded that such conclusions represented “propaganda.”​
“I disagree with that completely, and we have, and will produce, additional evidence that proves otherwise,” Powell said.​
Powell, asked whether she was suggesting vast numbers of Americans were involved in fraud, said that thousands did participate “knowingly or unknowingly.”​
But who was responsible for the fraud? Powell wouldn’t say exactly.​
“I don’t know who all the ‘they’ are,” she said. “I would really like to know the answer to that. But it’s a significant number of ‘they,’ and they knew exactly what they were doing and they planned it for three years. This was no accident.”​
Ferguson then asked Powell: “Do you ever hear yourself and think that it sounds ridiculous?”​

If I was that journalist, my first and probably only reply to powell would be powell's own words:

"no reasonable person would have thought the Kraken claims were "truly statements of fact"

If she didn't walk away, I would then ask her why is she still saying things she says no reasonable person would take as true statements of fact? And why should anyone believe anything she is saying now?
This interview is priceless - Watch the video! :heehee:

Sarah Ferguson tried to challenge Powell on some basic facts, such as the number of states in which Smartmatic — another voting-machine company singled out by the Trump team — was operating. When Ferguson pointed out Smartmatic machines were only used in one county in California, Powell responded that its involvement was “probably a lot bigger than that.”​
As Ferguson challenged Powell further, Powell inquired multiple times whether the journalist was working for Smartmatic. “You know, I’m confused why you’re here,” Powell said.​
But the highest-intensity back-and-forth came after Powell briefly stopped the interview because Ferguson had steered the interview toward items Powell called subject to litigation.​
Ferguson said official bodies responsible for the conduct and oversight of the election had determined there was no fraud, and Powell responded that such conclusions represented “propaganda.”​
“I disagree with that completely, and we have, and will produce, additional evidence that proves otherwise,” Powell said.​
Powell, asked whether she was suggesting vast numbers of Americans were involved in fraud, said that thousands did participate “knowingly or unknowingly.”​
But who was responsible for the fraud? Powell wouldn’t say exactly.​
“I don’t know who all the ‘they’ are,” she said. “I would really like to know the answer to that. But it’s a significant number of ‘they,’ and they knew exactly what they were doing and they planned it for three years. This was no accident.”​
Ferguson then asked Powell: “Do you ever hear yourself and think that it sounds ridiculous?”​

All Trumpers think the election was stolen, the worst part is you believe the MyPillow guy too! :auiqs.jpg:

And you know I am a "Trumper" how ?

What's funny is that you somehow think you are clever.

Your pathetic upbringing is showing through.
If I was that journalist, my first and probably only reply to powell would be powell's own words:

"no reasonable person would have thought the Kraken claims were "truly statements of fact"

If she didn't walk away, I would then ask her why is she still saying things she says no reasonable person would take as true statements of fact? And why should anyone believe anything she is saying now?

Oh yeah I forgot about that. Are Rudy Tootie and MrPillow gonna mount the same defense? :lol:
Well Sydney was handed two points about the Smartmatic and her response was PROBABLY it was more. Yet she does not seem to know.

She should just give up being a lawyer but I think she has a bright career as a commentator on FOX

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