Attention Democrats: A must read...Get this, Walls do work!

I just think that walls are a testament to the stupidity of man
it is you who is stupid. Israel has a new wall and it works almost perfectly
Well, good luck on you immigration. Your US government specifically trained me to breach, evade and overcome walls, fortifications, etc. with a variety of techniques. Gen. George Patton said fixed fortifications are a testament to the stupidity of man, meaning they are a temporary impediment that can be overcome. I am retired but I guarantee I am not the last Armor Officer to be trained. I also guarantee Patton was smarter than you. There is no accounting for you opinion of me, but I'll side with Patton.

Trillions of linear feet of wall and fence erected worldwide all with the same purpose and function and for some crazy reason this particular wall in no way could or would function the same and or be equally does that make sense to you?
As I posted, I was trained to breach evade and scale obstructions and do not think I am the only one to have theses skills. What part of that sentence does not make sense to you. Are you saying you have not seen video of people going over the border wall, never seen pictures where the tubing of the wall has been cut out by battery powered saws available at any home improvement store, you have never seen in the news of tunnels under our southern border? I am sure you are aware that most illegal aliens in this country were people that overstayed their visas prior to trump?
Again, I have never advocated open boarders, but the wall Mexico was going to build us for free as promised by the liar Donald J. Trump is not going to stop the problem. Only prosecuting employers for hiring illegals will make a long term dent, in my humble opinion, but Republicans want cheap labor and a border issue to gin up conflict and donations and have control of Senate and Presidency, so it ain't happening right now. As a matter of fact Lindsey Graham and 8 other Republicans just lobbied for more foreign workers needed in the country while we have 40,000,000 Americans laid off. Haven't heard of any Democrats lobbying white house for more foreign workers, have you?

What section of the United States Constitution gives the federal government the authority to tell private employers who they may or may not hire? And, before you start trying to flame me, let's go back to when America was great. How were employers deciding who got what job? So, be honest in your reply.
I thought it was still great. I like it here and am sorry you are so unhappy here. I know of no part of the constitution that tells a company who it can hire, though I am aware of federal regulations against hiring illegal aliens. I think that employers often want to hire the most qualified people dependent on the need of the job at the best cost for benefit ratio. I think they still should, as long as they are not hiring illegal aliens to take the place of American workers. Are you saying you want the cheapest labor you can possibly get whether it attract illegal aliens to this country or not? I can't say what you favor on that. There are those that favor exactly that, and they are the main reason for illegal immigration. Most of those people are coming for the opportunity. If the opportunity to work illegally was not here, they would not be as inclined to come, although some are coming to escape oppression of one type or another.

I would suppose that you are being flippant and dishonest for a reason. The real reason is you are looking for a pretext to cover up the fact you're motivated by hatred, ignorance, and outright stupidity. Now you and I know that NO rational person can extrapolate from my post anything that says I'm not satisfied in America. I'm not the one wanting to advocate for a Nanny State nor the POLICE STATE (to which you aspire.)

I have not indicated what kind of employee I want to hire, but the bottom line is I work in a ministry that seeks to help white guys out who got locked out of the system. But, when they don't show up for the gig, we have to go out and hire undocumented workers - much to the chagrin of hatemongers like you. But, the deal is, we service those in the greatest need. For me, I am retired and donate my time. The clientele tends to be the poor, those on fixed incomes and the elderly living on fixed incomes. If we have concrete to pour and trucks on the way with half a dozen white guys that don't show up for work, we don't have a Hell of a lot of options. So, the government is NOT ever going to tell me who I can and cannot hire. Since you like to play games, let's be blunt. The MAGA crowd would be thrilled to death if you could get rid of the Hispanics. Personally, I don't give two hoots in Hell. But, before we had the draconian immigration laws the MAGA crowd wants, the American people hired from within their families and from within their communities. That ended up with companies being all white - the unforgivable sin in liberal theology. Quite frankly, I'm not offended when a company is all white and if a company hires Hispanics, if I don't like the situation, I don't do business there - I don't feel offended either way. I make my own choices.

That you would call people "illegal aliens" shows that you are a traditional Democrat. You simply cannot criminalize Liberty. You cannot impute the weaknesses of your culture onto any other segment of society. I don't know what freaking world you live in, but around here the Hispanics live pretty damn good and they are not living off welfare. There are plenty of jobs for whites to do. Getting the whites to show up - even those who claim to need help is not an easy job. You'd have an easier time shoving hot butter up a wild cat's ass with a red hot poker. You see the same homeless guys week after week, month after month with their cardboard signs saying "Will work for food." Stop one day and offer them some work for money. They will turn you down. That sign on that spot brings in more money than having a traditional job. Why work when you can get more by begging? What I offer is no low paying job. Hispanics live pretty good off of it when whites don't show up. White people had rather sit on their ass, complain about those willing to work, and stay on these discussion boards rather than earn a living. I remain committed to the advancement, preservation, and protection of the Posterity of the founders and framers of this Republic even though they do not deserve this level of commitment. That is especially true when they sound like you.
I just think that walls are a testament to the stupidity of man
it is you who is stupid. Israel has a new wall and it works almost perfectly
Well, good luck on you immigration. Your US government specifically trained me to breach, evade and overcome walls, fortifications, etc. with a variety of techniques. Gen. George Patton said fixed fortifications are a testament to the stupidity of man, meaning they are a temporary impediment that can be overcome. I am retired but I guarantee I am not the last Armor Officer to be trained. I also guarantee Patton was smarter than you. There is no accounting for you opinion of me, but I'll side with Patton.

Trillions of linear feet of wall and fence erected worldwide all with the same purpose and function and for some crazy reason this particular wall in no way could or would function the same and or be equally does that make sense to you?
As I posted, I was trained to breach evade and scale obstructions and do not think I am the only one to have theses skills. What part of that sentence does not make sense to you. Are you saying you have not seen video of people going over the border wall, never seen pictures where the tubing of the wall has been cut out by battery powered saws available at any home improvement store, you have never seen in the news of tunnels under our southern border? I am sure you are aware that most illegal aliens in this country were people that overstayed their visas prior to trump?
Again, I have never advocated open boarders, but the wall Mexico was going to build us for free as promised by the liar Donald J. Trump is not going to stop the problem. Only prosecuting employers for hiring illegals will make a long term dent, in my humble opinion, but Republicans want cheap labor and a border issue to gin up conflict and donations and have control of Senate and Presidency, so it ain't happening right now. As a matter of fact Lindsey Graham and 8 other Republicans just lobbied for more foreign workers needed in the country while we have 40,000,000 Americans laid off. Haven't heard of any Democrats lobbying white house for more foreign workers, have you?

What section of the United States Constitution gives the federal government the authority to tell private employers who they may or may not hire? And, before you start trying to flame me, let's go back to when America was great. How were employers deciding who got what job? So, be honest in your reply.
I thought it was still great. I like it here and am sorry you are so unhappy here. I know of no part of the constitution that tells a company who it can hire, though I am aware of federal regulations against hiring illegal aliens. I think that employers often want to hire the most qualified people dependent on the need of the job at the best cost for benefit ratio. I think they still should, as long as they are not hiring illegal aliens to take the place of American workers. Are you saying you want the cheapest labor you can possibly get whether it attract illegal aliens to this country or not? I can't say what you favor on that. There are those that favor exactly that, and they are the main reason for illegal immigration. Most of those people are coming for the opportunity. If the opportunity to work illegally was not here, they would not be as inclined to come, although some are coming to escape oppression of one type or another.

I would suppose that you are being flippant and dishonest for a reason. The real reason is you are looking for a pretext to cover up the fact you're motivated by hatred, ignorance, and outright stupidity. Now you and I know that NO rational person can extrapolate from my post anything that says I'm not satisfied in America. I'm not the one wanting to advocate for a Nanny State nor the POLICE STATE (to which you aspire.)

I have not indicated what kind of employee I want to hire, but the bottom line is I work in a ministry that seeks to help white guys out who got locked out of the system. But, when they don't show up for the gig, we have to go out and hire undocumented workers - much to the chagrin of hatemongers like you. But, the deal is, we service those in the greatest need. For me, I am retired and donate my time. The clientele tends to be the poor, those on fixed incomes and the elderly living on fixed incomes. If we have concrete to pour and trucks on the way with half a dozen white guys that don't show up for work, we don't have a Hell of a lot of options. So, the government is NOT ever going to tell me who I can and cannot hire. Since you like to play games, let's be blunt. The MAGA crowd would be thrilled to death if you could get rid of the Hispanics. Personally, I don't give two hoots in Hell. But, before we had the draconian immigration laws the MAGA crowd wants, the American people hired from within their families and from within their communities. That ended up with companies being all white - the unforgivable sin in liberal theology. Quite frankly, I'm not offended when a company is all white and if a company hires Hispanics, if I don't like the situation, I don't do business there - I don't feel offended either way. I make my own choices.

That you would call people "illegal aliens" shows that you are a traditional Democrat. You simply cannot criminalize Liberty. You cannot impute the weaknesses of your culture onto any other segment of society. I don't know what freaking world you live in, but around here the Hispanics live pretty damn good and they are not living off welfare. There are plenty of jobs for whites to do. Getting the whites to show up - even those who claim to need help is not an easy job. You'd have an easier time shoving hot butter up a wild cat's ass with a red hot poker. You see the same homeless guys week after week, month after month with their cardboard signs saying "Will work for food." Stop one day and offer them some work for money. They will turn you down. That sign on that spot brings in more money than having a traditional job. Why work when you can get more by begging? What I offer is no low paying job. Hispanics live pretty good off of it when whites don't show up. White people had rather sit on their ass, complain about those willing to work, and stay on these discussion boards rather than earn a living. I remain committed to the advancement, preservation, and protection of the Posterity of the founders and framers of this Republic even though they do not deserve this level of commitment. That is especially true when they sound like you.
I would suppose that you are being flippant and dishonest for a reason.
I was not flippant or dishonest and had no reason to be. I answered you questions as straight as possible, as you didn't state you views clearly.

"Now you and I know that NO rational person can extrapolate from my post anything that says I'm not satisfied in America." You also said "And, before you start trying to flame me, let's go back to when America was great."
I have always thought America was great, that is why a served over twenty years in our military, have done community service, youth outreach, that sort of thing to contribute to the common good. You did not say why you thought America was not great anymore, so I did not know what you were unhappy about.

You said "I'm not the one wanting to advocate for a Nanny State nor the POLICE STATE (to which you aspire.)" I never mentioned nor advocated support for a "Nanny State" or "POLICE STATE".

You said "I have not indicated what kind of employee I want to hire, but the bottom line is I work in a ministry that seeks to help white guys out who got locked out of the system. But, when they don't show up for the gig, we have to go out and hire undocumented workers - much to the chagrin of hatemongers like you.
You are not supposed to hire undocumented workers, as it perpetuates the problem of illegal immigration. Justifying your need for non H2B workers to fill your short term labor needs is no justification. Surprised you cannot find parishioners to support your ministry.

You said "That you would call people "illegal aliens" shows that you are a traditional Democrat."
Actually it is a phrase used by the MAGA crowd and Democrats that do not support illegal immigration and know some people bypass our laws, coming to this country or chose to stay past their permit to be here expired, making their status to be hired illegal for them and whoever employs them. These aliens should leave the country, get their visa and work permits updated or whatever it takes to change their status and employers should not hire them until this is done. It is a legal thing for people who support the laws of this country, though not so much for people trying to make a cheaper buck on their labor resources.

I come from a working culture at least 1100 miles from the border and I too am retired. I have also done outreach with my father as part of the Methodist Mens Club. In our communities in West Tennessee organizations like this sometimes put on roofs, rebuild porches and help with needs of some of the older less able in the community, as well as working on the churches in the circuit. They generally do not hire people who are not supposed to be remaining in the country for labor. They do the labor themselves, without pay. It is part of their ministry, many times not breaking even on materials or time spent. Most of these people are anti-illegal immigration and would not hire as you do.

You said "I remain committed to the advancement, preservation, and protection of the Posterity of the founders and framers of this Republic even though they do not deserve this level of commitment." I think the country deserves this level of commitment whether you do or not. It is sad and I do feel sorry for your bitterness at living in a country of laws you do not support, but only feel forced to comply with, even when you do not comply.
I just think that walls are a testament to the stupidity of man
it is you who is stupid. Israel has a new wall and it works almost perfectly
Well, good luck on you immigration. Your US government specifically trained me to breach, evade and overcome walls, fortifications, etc. with a variety of techniques. Gen. George Patton said fixed fortifications are a testament to the stupidity of man, meaning they are a temporary impediment that can be overcome. I am retired but I guarantee I am not the last Armor Officer to be trained. I also guarantee Patton was smarter than you. There is no accounting for you opinion of me, but I'll side with Patton.

Trillions of linear feet of wall and fence erected worldwide all with the same purpose and function and for some crazy reason this particular wall in no way could or would function the same and or be equally does that make sense to you?
Israel is not a good example, as they also are extremely restrictive with who they allow to enter via flights. We will never have such restrictions, and the vast majority that are here illegally arrive by plane and simply overstay their visas. Look it up if you don't believe me (I'm sure you won't).
I just think that walls are a testament to the stupidity of man
it is you who is stupid. Israel has a new wall and it works almost perfectly
Well, good luck on you immigration. Your US government specifically trained me to breach, evade and overcome walls, fortifications, etc. with a variety of techniques. Gen. George Patton said fixed fortifications are a testament to the stupidity of man, meaning they are a temporary impediment that can be overcome. I am retired but I guarantee I am not the last Armor Officer to be trained. I also guarantee Patton was smarter than you. There is no accounting for you opinion of me, but I'll side with Patton.

Trillions of linear feet of wall and fence erected worldwide all with the same purpose and function and for some crazy reason this particular wall in no way could or would function the same and or be equally does that make sense to you?
Israel is not a good example, as they also are extremely restrictive with who they allow to enter via flights. We will never have such restrictions, and the vast majority that are here illegally arrive by plane and simply overstay their visas. Look it up if you don't believe me (I'm sure you won't).
What do their restrictions on air travel have to do with the effectivness of their wall, which is well documented? They had such restrictions before they built their wall. Your theory is like saying that walls don't work because people jay walk. The "vast majority" did not get her by overstaying their visas. 40% is not the vast majority. Why should we avoid solving one major source of illegals just because we have another source?

You're spouting talking points that don't prove anything. It just looks like you have an argument.
I just think that walls are a testament to the stupidity of man
it is you who is stupid. Israel has a new wall and it works almost perfectly
Well, good luck on you immigration. Your US government specifically trained me to breach, evade and overcome walls, fortifications, etc. with a variety of techniques. Gen. George Patton said fixed fortifications are a testament to the stupidity of man, meaning they are a temporary impediment that can be overcome. I am retired but I guarantee I am not the last Armor Officer to be trained. I also guarantee Patton was smarter than you. There is no accounting for you opinion of me, but I'll side with Patton.

Trillions of linear feet of wall and fence erected worldwide all with the same purpose and function and for some crazy reason this particular wall in no way could or would function the same and or be equally does that make sense to you?
Israel is not a good example, as they also are extremely restrictive with who they allow to enter via flights. We will never have such restrictions, and the vast majority that are here illegally arrive by plane and simply overstay their visas. Look it up if you don't believe me (I'm sure you won't).
What do their restrictions on air travel have to do with the effectivness of their wall, which is well documented? They had such restrictions before they built their wall. Your theory is like saying that walls don't work because people jay walk. The "vast majority" did not get her by overstaying their visas. 40% is not the vast majority. Why should we avoid solving one major source of illegals just because we have another source?
I don't know what kind of crack you are smoking, but here's the truth:
In fiscal 2017, for instance, the most recent year for which both metrics are available, the Border Patrol apprehended just over 310,000 undocumented border crossers. But more than 700,000 foreigners overstayed visas (out of a possible 52.7 million people issued temporary visas for tourism, business, education, etc.), according to the Homeland Security Department, and more than 85 percent of them were thought still in the United States at the year’s close.
I just think that walls are a testament to the stupidity of man
it is you who is stupid. Israel has a new wall and it works almost perfectly
Well, good luck on you immigration. Your US government specifically trained me to breach, evade and overcome walls, fortifications, etc. with a variety of techniques. Gen. George Patton said fixed fortifications are a testament to the stupidity of man, meaning they are a temporary impediment that can be overcome. I am retired but I guarantee I am not the last Armor Officer to be trained. I also guarantee Patton was smarter than you. There is no accounting for you opinion of me, but I'll side with Patton.

Trillions of linear feet of wall and fence erected worldwide all with the same purpose and function and for some crazy reason this particular wall in no way could or would function the same and or be equally does that make sense to you?
Israel is not a good example, as they also are extremely restrictive with who they allow to enter via flights. We will never have such restrictions, and the vast majority that are here illegally arrive by plane and simply overstay their visas. Look it up if you don't believe me (I'm sure you won't).
What do their restrictions on air travel have to do with the effectivness of their wall, which is well documented? They had such restrictions before they built their wall. Your theory is like saying that walls don't work because people jay walk. The "vast majority" did not get her by overstaying their visas. 40% is not the vast majority. Why should we avoid solving one major source of illegals just because we have another source?
I don't know what kind of crack you are smoking, but here's the truth:
In fiscal 2017, for instance, the most recent year for which both metrics are available, the Border Patrol apprehended just over 310,000 undocumented border crossers. But more than 700,000 foreigners overstayed visas (out of a possible 52.7 million people issued temporary visas for tourism, business, education, etc.), according to the Homeland Security Department, and more than 85 percent of them were thought still in the United States at the year’s close.
Source? How long did they overstay their visas? BTW, turd, border crossings are way down. We used to have over 1 million per year.
I just think that walls are a testament to the stupidity of man
it is you who is stupid. Israel has a new wall and it works almost perfectly
Well, good luck on you immigration. Your US government specifically trained me to breach, evade and overcome walls, fortifications, etc. with a variety of techniques. Gen. George Patton said fixed fortifications are a testament to the stupidity of man, meaning they are a temporary impediment that can be overcome. I am retired but I guarantee I am not the last Armor Officer to be trained. I also guarantee Patton was smarter than you. There is no accounting for you opinion of me, but I'll side with Patton.

Trillions of linear feet of wall and fence erected worldwide all with the same purpose and function and for some crazy reason this particular wall in no way could or would function the same and or be equally does that make sense to you?
As I posted, I was trained to breach evade and scale obstructions and do not think I am the only one to have theses skills. What part of that sentence does not make sense to you. Are you saying you have not seen video of people going over the border wall, never seen pictures where the tubing of the wall has been cut out by battery powered saws available at any home improvement store, you have never seen in the news of tunnels under our southern border? I am sure you are aware that most illegal aliens in this country were people that overstayed their visas prior to trump?
Again, I have never advocated open boarders, but the wall Mexico was going to build us for free as promised by the liar Donald J. Trump is not going to stop the problem. Only prosecuting employers for hiring illegals will make a long term dent, in my humble opinion, but Republicans want cheap labor and a border issue to gin up conflict and donations and have control of Senate and Presidency, so it ain't happening right now. As a matter of fact Lindsey Graham and 8 other Republicans just lobbied for more foreign workers needed in the country while we have 40,000,000 Americans laid off. Haven't heard of any Democrats lobbying white house for more foreign workers, have you?

What section of the United States Constitution gives the federal government the authority to tell private employers who they may or may not hire? And, before you start trying to flame me, let's go back to when America was great. How were employers deciding who got what job? So, be honest in your reply.
I thought it was still great. I like it here and am sorry you are so unhappy here. I know of no part of the constitution that tells a company who it can hire, though I am aware of federal regulations against hiring illegal aliens. I think that employers often want to hire the most qualified people dependent on the need of the job at the best cost for benefit ratio. I think they still should, as long as they are not hiring illegal aliens to take the place of American workers. Are you saying you want the cheapest labor you can possibly get whether it attract illegal aliens to this country or not? I can't say what you favor on that. There are those that favor exactly that, and they are the main reason for illegal immigration. Most of those people are coming for the opportunity. If the opportunity to work illegally was not here, they would not be as inclined to come, although some are coming to escape oppression of one type or another.

I would suppose that you are being flippant and dishonest for a reason. The real reason is you are looking for a pretext to cover up the fact you're motivated by hatred, ignorance, and outright stupidity. Now you and I know that NO rational person can extrapolate from my post anything that says I'm not satisfied in America. I'm not the one wanting to advocate for a Nanny State nor the POLICE STATE (to which you aspire.)

I have not indicated what kind of employee I want to hire, but the bottom line is I work in a ministry that seeks to help white guys out who got locked out of the system. But, when they don't show up for the gig, we have to go out and hire undocumented workers - much to the chagrin of hatemongers like you. But, the deal is, we service those in the greatest need. For me, I am retired and donate my time. The clientele tends to be the poor, those on fixed incomes and the elderly living on fixed incomes. If we have concrete to pour and trucks on the way with half a dozen white guys that don't show up for work, we don't have a Hell of a lot of options. So, the government is NOT ever going to tell me who I can and cannot hire. Since you like to play games, let's be blunt. The MAGA crowd would be thrilled to death if you could get rid of the Hispanics. Personally, I don't give two hoots in Hell. But, before we had the draconian immigration laws the MAGA crowd wants, the American people hired from within their families and from within their communities. That ended up with companies being all white - the unforgivable sin in liberal theology. Quite frankly, I'm not offended when a company is all white and if a company hires Hispanics, if I don't like the situation, I don't do business there - I don't feel offended either way. I make my own choices.

That you would call people "illegal aliens" shows that you are a traditional Democrat. You simply cannot criminalize Liberty. You cannot impute the weaknesses of your culture onto any other segment of society. I don't know what freaking world you live in, but around here the Hispanics live pretty damn good and they are not living off welfare. There are plenty of jobs for whites to do. Getting the whites to show up - even those who claim to need help is not an easy job. You'd have an easier time shoving hot butter up a wild cat's ass with a red hot poker. You see the same homeless guys week after week, month after month with their cardboard signs saying "Will work for food." Stop one day and offer them some work for money. They will turn you down. That sign on that spot brings in more money than having a traditional job. Why work when you can get more by begging? What I offer is no low paying job. Hispanics live pretty good off of it when whites don't show up. White people had rather sit on their ass, complain about those willing to work, and stay on these discussion boards rather than earn a living. I remain committed to the advancement, preservation, and protection of the Posterity of the founders and framers of this Republic even though they do not deserve this level of commitment. That is especially true when they sound like you.
I would suppose that you are being flippant and dishonest for a reason.
I was not flippant or dishonest and had no reason to be. I answered you questions as straight as possible, as you didn't state you views clearly.

"Now you and I know that NO rational person can extrapolate from my post anything that says I'm not satisfied in America." You also said "And, before you start trying to flame me, let's go back to when America was great."
I have always thought America was great, that is why a served over twenty years in our military, have done community service, youth outreach, that sort of thing to contribute to the common good. You did not say why you thought America was not great anymore, so I did not know what you were unhappy about.

You said "I'm not the one wanting to advocate for a Nanny State nor the POLICE STATE (to which you aspire.)" I never mentioned nor advocated support for a "Nanny State" or "POLICE STATE".

You said "I have not indicated what kind of employee I want to hire, but the bottom line is I work in a ministry that seeks to help white guys out who got locked out of the system. But, when they don't show up for the gig, we have to go out and hire undocumented workers - much to the chagrin of hatemongers like you.
You are not supposed to hire undocumented workers, as it perpetuates the problem of illegal immigration. Justifying your need for non H2B workers to fill your short term labor needs is no justification. Surprised you cannot find parishioners to support your ministry.

You said "That you would call people "illegal aliens" shows that you are a traditional Democrat."
Actually it is a phrase used by the MAGA crowd and Democrats that do not support illegal immigration and know some people bypass our laws, coming to this country or chose to stay past their permit to be here expired, making their status to be hired illegal for them and whoever employs them. These aliens should leave the country, get their visa and work permits updated or whatever it takes to change their status and employers should not hire them until this is done. It is a legal thing for people who support the laws of this country, though not so much for people trying to make a cheaper buck on their labor resources.

I come from a working culture at least 1100 miles from the border and I too am retired. I have also done outreach with my father as part of the Methodist Mens Club. In our communities in West Tennessee organizations like this sometimes put on roofs, rebuild porches and help with needs of some of the older less able in the community, as well as working on the churches in the circuit. They generally do not hire people who are not supposed to be remaining in the country for labor. They do the labor themselves, without pay. It is part of their ministry, many times not breaking even on materials or time spent. Most of these people are anti-illegal immigration and would not hire as you do.

You said "I remain committed to the advancement, preservation, and protection of the Posterity of the founders and framers of this Republic even though they do not deserve this level of commitment." I think the country deserves this level of commitment whether you do or not. It is sad and I do feel sorry for your bitterness at living in a country of laws you do not support, but only feel forced to comply with, even when you do not comply.

I do not comply with unconstitutional laws and I have every Right to be bitter that the right thinks that every law has to be obeyed. Even the United States Supreme Court has opined that no one is obligated to obey unconstitutional laws. People like you live in a fantasy world. I don't make any money off the laborers OR the poverty level people we serve. Sometimes I do stuff for free when I can afford it and know that someone really doesn't have any money. But, the bottom line remains: If you have material - especially a load of concrete and the white people don't show up, you'd be an idiot to shitcan the project because a few lazy white guys don't show up for work.

You want to make excuses for those who think the world owes them a living. That might be popular, but it is highly dishonest. I don't hire foreigners to save money. I hire them when we can't get white people to show up and get the job done on the day it's scheduled to be done. If the whites who waste their time on social media, doing drugs, and laying around like a mangy dog wanted to work, there is plenty of work to do. Telling an American that they cannot hire someone who WILL work is about as socialistic as you can get... and it appears your objective is to make National Socialism look honorable. That's the ONLY reason for attacking me. You can play innocent all you like, but you are trying your very best to make me out to be something we both know I am not.

You've shown a total disdain for Liberty; you have shown you don't know a damn thing about the Constitution; you are supporting strategies that will ultimately lead to the demise of white people. Don't try to pee down peoples neck and tell them it's raining.
I just think that walls are a testament to the stupidity of man
it is you who is stupid. Israel has a new wall and it works almost perfectly
Well, good luck on you immigration. Your US government specifically trained me to breach, evade and overcome walls, fortifications, etc. with a variety of techniques. Gen. George Patton said fixed fortifications are a testament to the stupidity of man, meaning they are a temporary impediment that can be overcome. I am retired but I guarantee I am not the last Armor Officer to be trained. I also guarantee Patton was smarter than you. There is no accounting for you opinion of me, but I'll side with Patton.

Trillions of linear feet of wall and fence erected worldwide all with the same purpose and function and for some crazy reason this particular wall in no way could or would function the same and or be equally does that make sense to you?
Israel is not a good example, as they also are extremely restrictive with who they allow to enter via flights. We will never have such restrictions, and the vast majority that are here illegally arrive by plane and simply overstay their visas. Look it up if you don't believe me (I'm sure you won't).
What do their restrictions on air travel have to do with the effectivness of their wall, which is well documented? They had such restrictions before they built their wall. Your theory is like saying that walls don't work because people jay walk. The "vast majority" did not get her by overstaying their visas. 40% is not the vast majority. Why should we avoid solving one major source of illegals just because we have another source?
I don't know what kind of crack you are smoking, but here's the truth:
In fiscal 2017, for instance, the most recent year for which both metrics are available, the Border Patrol apprehended just over 310,000 undocumented border crossers. But more than 700,000 foreigners overstayed visas (out of a possible 52.7 million people issued temporary visas for tourism, business, education, etc.), according to the Homeland Security Department, and more than 85 percent of them were thought still in the United States at the year’s close.
Source? How long did they overstay their visas? BTW, turd, border crossings are way down. We used to have over 1 million per year.

So, if border crossings are "way down," it renders any argument for a wall moot.
I just think that walls are a testament to the stupidity of man
it is you who is stupid. Israel has a new wall and it works almost perfectly
Well, good luck on you immigration. Your US government specifically trained me to breach, evade and overcome walls, fortifications, etc. with a variety of techniques. Gen. George Patton said fixed fortifications are a testament to the stupidity of man, meaning they are a temporary impediment that can be overcome. I am retired but I guarantee I am not the last Armor Officer to be trained. I also guarantee Patton was smarter than you. There is no accounting for you opinion of me, but I'll side with Patton.

Trillions of linear feet of wall and fence erected worldwide all with the same purpose and function and for some crazy reason this particular wall in no way could or would function the same and or be equally does that make sense to you?
Israel is not a good example, as they also are extremely restrictive with who they allow to enter via flights. We will never have such restrictions, and the vast majority that are here illegally arrive by plane and simply overstay their visas. Look it up if you don't believe me (I'm sure you won't).
What do their restrictions on air travel have to do with the effectivness of their wall, which is well documented? They had such restrictions before they built their wall. Your theory is like saying that walls don't work because people jay walk. The "vast majority" did not get her by overstaying their visas. 40% is not the vast majority. Why should we avoid solving one major source of illegals just because we have another source?
I don't know what kind of crack you are smoking, but here's the truth:
In fiscal 2017, for instance, the most recent year for which both metrics are available, the Border Patrol apprehended just over 310,000 undocumented border crossers. But more than 700,000 foreigners overstayed visas (out of a possible 52.7 million people issued temporary visas for tourism, business, education, etc.), according to the Homeland Security Department, and more than 85 percent of them were thought still in the United States at the year’s close.
Source? How long did they overstay their visas? BTW, turd, border crossings are way down. We used to have over 1 million per year.

So, if border crossings are "way down," it renders any argument for a wall moot.
No it doesn't. For one thing, the minute a Dim ascends to the thrown, they will go right back up when he puts an end to all the measures Trump has created to lower them. Walls can't be made to disappear with the stroke of a pen.

For another reason, 300,000 is not zero.
I just think that walls are a testament to the stupidity of man
it is you who is stupid. Israel has a new wall and it works almost perfectly
Well, good luck on you immigration. Your US government specifically trained me to breach, evade and overcome walls, fortifications, etc. with a variety of techniques. Gen. George Patton said fixed fortifications are a testament to the stupidity of man, meaning they are a temporary impediment that can be overcome. I am retired but I guarantee I am not the last Armor Officer to be trained. I also guarantee Patton was smarter than you. There is no accounting for you opinion of me, but I'll side with Patton.

Trillions of linear feet of wall and fence erected worldwide all with the same purpose and function and for some crazy reason this particular wall in no way could or would function the same and or be equally does that make sense to you?
As I posted, I was trained to breach evade and scale obstructions and do not think I am the only one to have theses skills. What part of that sentence does not make sense to you. Are you saying you have not seen video of people going over the border wall, never seen pictures where the tubing of the wall has been cut out by battery powered saws available at any home improvement store, you have never seen in the news of tunnels under our southern border? I am sure you are aware that most illegal aliens in this country were people that overstayed their visas prior to trump?
Again, I have never advocated open boarders, but the wall Mexico was going to build us for free as promised by the liar Donald J. Trump is not going to stop the problem. Only prosecuting employers for hiring illegals will make a long term dent, in my humble opinion, but Republicans want cheap labor and a border issue to gin up conflict and donations and have control of Senate and Presidency, so it ain't happening right now. As a matter of fact Lindsey Graham and 8 other Republicans just lobbied for more foreign workers needed in the country while we have 40,000,000 Americans laid off. Haven't heard of any Democrats lobbying white house for more foreign workers, have you?

What section of the United States Constitution gives the federal government the authority to tell private employers who they may or may not hire? And, before you start trying to flame me, let's go back to when America was great. How were employers deciding who got what job? So, be honest in your reply.
I thought it was still great. I like it here and am sorry you are so unhappy here. I know of no part of the constitution that tells a company who it can hire, though I am aware of federal regulations against hiring illegal aliens. I think that employers often want to hire the most qualified people dependent on the need of the job at the best cost for benefit ratio. I think they still should, as long as they are not hiring illegal aliens to take the place of American workers. Are you saying you want the cheapest labor you can possibly get whether it attract illegal aliens to this country or not? I can't say what you favor on that. There are those that favor exactly that, and they are the main reason for illegal immigration. Most of those people are coming for the opportunity. If the opportunity to work illegally was not here, they would not be as inclined to come, although some are coming to escape oppression of one type or another.

I would suppose that you are being flippant and dishonest for a reason. The real reason is you are looking for a pretext to cover up the fact you're motivated by hatred, ignorance, and outright stupidity. Now you and I know that NO rational person can extrapolate from my post anything that says I'm not satisfied in America. I'm not the one wanting to advocate for a Nanny State nor the POLICE STATE (to which you aspire.)

I have not indicated what kind of employee I want to hire, but the bottom line is I work in a ministry that seeks to help white guys out who got locked out of the system. But, when they don't show up for the gig, we have to go out and hire undocumented workers - much to the chagrin of hatemongers like you. But, the deal is, we service those in the greatest need. For me, I am retired and donate my time. The clientele tends to be the poor, those on fixed incomes and the elderly living on fixed incomes. If we have concrete to pour and trucks on the way with half a dozen white guys that don't show up for work, we don't have a Hell of a lot of options. So, the government is NOT ever going to tell me who I can and cannot hire. Since you like to play games, let's be blunt. The MAGA crowd would be thrilled to death if you could get rid of the Hispanics. Personally, I don't give two hoots in Hell. But, before we had the draconian immigration laws the MAGA crowd wants, the American people hired from within their families and from within their communities. That ended up with companies being all white - the unforgivable sin in liberal theology. Quite frankly, I'm not offended when a company is all white and if a company hires Hispanics, if I don't like the situation, I don't do business there - I don't feel offended either way. I make my own choices.

That you would call people "illegal aliens" shows that you are a traditional Democrat. You simply cannot criminalize Liberty. You cannot impute the weaknesses of your culture onto any other segment of society. I don't know what freaking world you live in, but around here the Hispanics live pretty damn good and they are not living off welfare. There are plenty of jobs for whites to do. Getting the whites to show up - even those who claim to need help is not an easy job. You'd have an easier time shoving hot butter up a wild cat's ass with a red hot poker. You see the same homeless guys week after week, month after month with their cardboard signs saying "Will work for food." Stop one day and offer them some work for money. They will turn you down. That sign on that spot brings in more money than having a traditional job. Why work when you can get more by begging? What I offer is no low paying job. Hispanics live pretty good off of it when whites don't show up. White people had rather sit on their ass, complain about those willing to work, and stay on these discussion boards rather than earn a living. I remain committed to the advancement, preservation, and protection of the Posterity of the founders and framers of this Republic even though they do not deserve this level of commitment. That is especially true when they sound like you.
I would suppose that you are being flippant and dishonest for a reason.
I was not flippant or dishonest and had no reason to be. I answered you questions as straight as possible, as you didn't state you views clearly.

"Now you and I know that NO rational person can extrapolate from my post anything that says I'm not satisfied in America." You also said "And, before you start trying to flame me, let's go back to when America was great."
I have always thought America was great, that is why a served over twenty years in our military, have done community service, youth outreach, that sort of thing to contribute to the common good. You did not say why you thought America was not great anymore, so I did not know what you were unhappy about.

You said "I'm not the one wanting to advocate for a Nanny State nor the POLICE STATE (to which you aspire.)" I never mentioned nor advocated support for a "Nanny State" or "POLICE STATE".

You said "I have not indicated what kind of employee I want to hire, but the bottom line is I work in a ministry that seeks to help white guys out who got locked out of the system. But, when they don't show up for the gig, we have to go out and hire undocumented workers - much to the chagrin of hatemongers like you.
You are not supposed to hire undocumented workers, as it perpetuates the problem of illegal immigration. Justifying your need for non H2B workers to fill your short term labor needs is no justification. Surprised you cannot find parishioners to support your ministry.

You said "That you would call people "illegal aliens" shows that you are a traditional Democrat."
Actually it is a phrase used by the MAGA crowd and Democrats that do not support illegal immigration and know some people bypass our laws, coming to this country or chose to stay past their permit to be here expired, making their status to be hired illegal for them and whoever employs them. These aliens should leave the country, get their visa and work permits updated or whatever it takes to change their status and employers should not hire them until this is done. It is a legal thing for people who support the laws of this country, though not so much for people trying to make a cheaper buck on their labor resources.

I come from a working culture at least 1100 miles from the border and I too am retired. I have also done outreach with my father as part of the Methodist Mens Club. In our communities in West Tennessee organizations like this sometimes put on roofs, rebuild porches and help with needs of some of the older less able in the community, as well as working on the churches in the circuit. They generally do not hire people who are not supposed to be remaining in the country for labor. They do the labor themselves, without pay. It is part of their ministry, many times not breaking even on materials or time spent. Most of these people are anti-illegal immigration and would not hire as you do.

You said "I remain committed to the advancement, preservation, and protection of the Posterity of the founders and framers of this Republic even though they do not deserve this level of commitment." I think the country deserves this level of commitment whether you do or not. It is sad and I do feel sorry for your bitterness at living in a country of laws you do not support, but only feel forced to comply with, even when you do not comply.

I do not comply with unconstitutional laws and I have every Right to be bitter that the right thinks that every law has to be obeyed. Even the United States Supreme Court has opined that no one is obligated to obey unconstitutional laws. People like you live in a fantasy world. I don't make any money off the laborers OR the poverty level people we serve. Sometimes I do stuff for free when I can afford it and know that someone really doesn't have any money. But, the bottom line remains: If you have material - especially a load of concrete and the white people don't show up, you'd be an idiot to shitcan the project because a few lazy white guys don't show up for work.

You want to make excuses for those who think the world owes them a living. That might be popular, but it is highly dishonest. I don't hire foreigners to save money. I hire them when we can't get white people to show up and get the job done on the day it's scheduled to be done. If the whites who waste their time on social media, doing drugs, and laying around like a mangy dog wanted to work, there is plenty of work to do. Telling an American that they cannot hire someone who WILL work is about as socialistic as you can get... and it appears your objective is to make National Socialism look honorable. That's the ONLY reason for attacking me. You can play innocent all you like, but you are trying your very best to make me out to be something we both know I am not.

You've shown a total disdain for Liberty; you have shown you don't know a damn thing about the Constitution; you are supporting strategies that will ultimately lead to the demise of white people. Don't try to pee down peoples neck and tell them it's raining.
Do you have, like a list of laws you have determined as "unconstitutional" or do you just know them when you see them or whenever a law prevents you from doing something you want to do?
Did you hear me make an excuse for somebody. I don't think so.
I am actually a great lover of liberty. i just realize that having the liberty I enjoy obligates me to some laws and societal norms.
I promise not to pee on you unless you are on fire and i do not have another method available to help. Friends?
I just think that walls are a testament to the stupidity of man
it is you who is stupid. Israel has a new wall and it works almost perfectly
Well, good luck on you immigration. Your US government specifically trained me to breach, evade and overcome walls, fortifications, etc. with a variety of techniques. Gen. George Patton said fixed fortifications are a testament to the stupidity of man, meaning they are a temporary impediment that can be overcome. I am retired but I guarantee I am not the last Armor Officer to be trained. I also guarantee Patton was smarter than you. There is no accounting for you opinion of me, but I'll side with Patton.

Trillions of linear feet of wall and fence erected worldwide all with the same purpose and function and for some crazy reason this particular wall in no way could or would function the same and or be equally does that make sense to you?
As I posted, I was trained to breach evade and scale obstructions and do not think I am the only one to have theses skills. What part of that sentence does not make sense to you. Are you saying you have not seen video of people going over the border wall, never seen pictures where the tubing of the wall has been cut out by battery powered saws available at any home improvement store, you have never seen in the news of tunnels under our southern border? I am sure you are aware that most illegal aliens in this country were people that overstayed their visas prior to trump?
Again, I have never advocated open boarders, but the wall Mexico was going to build us for free as promised by the liar Donald J. Trump is not going to stop the problem. Only prosecuting employers for hiring illegals will make a long term dent, in my humble opinion, but Republicans want cheap labor and a border issue to gin up conflict and donations and have control of Senate and Presidency, so it ain't happening right now. As a matter of fact Lindsey Graham and 8 other Republicans just lobbied for more foreign workers needed in the country while we have 40,000,000 Americans laid off. Haven't heard of any Democrats lobbying white house for more foreign workers, have you?

What section of the United States Constitution gives the federal government the authority to tell private employers who they may or may not hire? And, before you start trying to flame me, let's go back to when America was great. How were employers deciding who got what job? So, be honest in your reply.
I thought it was still great. I like it here and am sorry you are so unhappy here. I know of no part of the constitution that tells a company who it can hire, though I am aware of federal regulations against hiring illegal aliens. I think that employers often want to hire the most qualified people dependent on the need of the job at the best cost for benefit ratio. I think they still should, as long as they are not hiring illegal aliens to take the place of American workers. Are you saying you want the cheapest labor you can possibly get whether it attract illegal aliens to this country or not? I can't say what you favor on that. There are those that favor exactly that, and they are the main reason for illegal immigration. Most of those people are coming for the opportunity. If the opportunity to work illegally was not here, they would not be as inclined to come, although some are coming to escape oppression of one type or another.

I would suppose that you are being flippant and dishonest for a reason. The real reason is you are looking for a pretext to cover up the fact you're motivated by hatred, ignorance, and outright stupidity. Now you and I know that NO rational person can extrapolate from my post anything that says I'm not satisfied in America. I'm not the one wanting to advocate for a Nanny State nor the POLICE STATE (to which you aspire.)

I have not indicated what kind of employee I want to hire, but the bottom line is I work in a ministry that seeks to help white guys out who got locked out of the system. But, when they don't show up for the gig, we have to go out and hire undocumented workers - much to the chagrin of hatemongers like you. But, the deal is, we service those in the greatest need. For me, I am retired and donate my time. The clientele tends to be the poor, those on fixed incomes and the elderly living on fixed incomes. If we have concrete to pour and trucks on the way with half a dozen white guys that don't show up for work, we don't have a Hell of a lot of options. So, the government is NOT ever going to tell me who I can and cannot hire. Since you like to play games, let's be blunt. The MAGA crowd would be thrilled to death if you could get rid of the Hispanics. Personally, I don't give two hoots in Hell. But, before we had the draconian immigration laws the MAGA crowd wants, the American people hired from within their families and from within their communities. That ended up with companies being all white - the unforgivable sin in liberal theology. Quite frankly, I'm not offended when a company is all white and if a company hires Hispanics, if I don't like the situation, I don't do business there - I don't feel offended either way. I make my own choices.

That you would call people "illegal aliens" shows that you are a traditional Democrat. You simply cannot criminalize Liberty. You cannot impute the weaknesses of your culture onto any other segment of society. I don't know what freaking world you live in, but around here the Hispanics live pretty damn good and they are not living off welfare. There are plenty of jobs for whites to do. Getting the whites to show up - even those who claim to need help is not an easy job. You'd have an easier time shoving hot butter up a wild cat's ass with a red hot poker. You see the same homeless guys week after week, month after month with their cardboard signs saying "Will work for food." Stop one day and offer them some work for money. They will turn you down. That sign on that spot brings in more money than having a traditional job. Why work when you can get more by begging? What I offer is no low paying job. Hispanics live pretty good off of it when whites don't show up. White people had rather sit on their ass, complain about those willing to work, and stay on these discussion boards rather than earn a living. I remain committed to the advancement, preservation, and protection of the Posterity of the founders and framers of this Republic even though they do not deserve this level of commitment. That is especially true when they sound like you.
I would suppose that you are being flippant and dishonest for a reason.
I was not flippant or dishonest and had no reason to be. I answered you questions as straight as possible, as you didn't state you views clearly.

"Now you and I know that NO rational person can extrapolate from my post anything that says I'm not satisfied in America." You also said "And, before you start trying to flame me, let's go back to when America was great."
I have always thought America was great, that is why a served over twenty years in our military, have done community service, youth outreach, that sort of thing to contribute to the common good. You did not say why you thought America was not great anymore, so I did not know what you were unhappy about.

You said "I'm not the one wanting to advocate for a Nanny State nor the POLICE STATE (to which you aspire.)" I never mentioned nor advocated support for a "Nanny State" or "POLICE STATE".

You said "I have not indicated what kind of employee I want to hire, but the bottom line is I work in a ministry that seeks to help white guys out who got locked out of the system. But, when they don't show up for the gig, we have to go out and hire undocumented workers - much to the chagrin of hatemongers like you.
You are not supposed to hire undocumented workers, as it perpetuates the problem of illegal immigration. Justifying your need for non H2B workers to fill your short term labor needs is no justification. Surprised you cannot find parishioners to support your ministry.

You said "That you would call people "illegal aliens" shows that you are a traditional Democrat."
Actually it is a phrase used by the MAGA crowd and Democrats that do not support illegal immigration and know some people bypass our laws, coming to this country or chose to stay past their permit to be here expired, making their status to be hired illegal for them and whoever employs them. These aliens should leave the country, get their visa and work permits updated or whatever it takes to change their status and employers should not hire them until this is done. It is a legal thing for people who support the laws of this country, though not so much for people trying to make a cheaper buck on their labor resources.

I come from a working culture at least 1100 miles from the border and I too am retired. I have also done outreach with my father as part of the Methodist Mens Club. In our communities in West Tennessee organizations like this sometimes put on roofs, rebuild porches and help with needs of some of the older less able in the community, as well as working on the churches in the circuit. They generally do not hire people who are not supposed to be remaining in the country for labor. They do the labor themselves, without pay. It is part of their ministry, many times not breaking even on materials or time spent. Most of these people are anti-illegal immigration and would not hire as you do.

You said "I remain committed to the advancement, preservation, and protection of the Posterity of the founders and framers of this Republic even though they do not deserve this level of commitment." I think the country deserves this level of commitment whether you do or not. It is sad and I do feel sorry for your bitterness at living in a country of laws you do not support, but only feel forced to comply with, even when you do not comply.

I do not comply with unconstitutional laws and I have every Right to be bitter that the right thinks that every law has to be obeyed. Even the United States Supreme Court has opined that no one is obligated to obey unconstitutional laws. People like you live in a fantasy world. I don't make any money off the laborers OR the poverty level people we serve. Sometimes I do stuff for free when I can afford it and know that someone really doesn't have any money. But, the bottom line remains: If you have material - especially a load of concrete and the white people don't show up, you'd be an idiot to shitcan the project because a few lazy white guys don't show up for work.

You want to make excuses for those who think the world owes them a living. That might be popular, but it is highly dishonest. I don't hire foreigners to save money. I hire them when we can't get white people to show up and get the job done on the day it's scheduled to be done. If the whites who waste their time on social media, doing drugs, and laying around like a mangy dog wanted to work, there is plenty of work to do. Telling an American that they cannot hire someone who WILL work is about as socialistic as you can get... and it appears your objective is to make National Socialism look honorable. That's the ONLY reason for attacking me. You can play innocent all you like, but you are trying your very best to make me out to be something we both know I am not.

You've shown a total disdain for Liberty; you have shown you don't know a damn thing about the Constitution; you are supporting strategies that will ultimately lead to the demise of white people. Don't try to pee down peoples neck and tell them it's raining.
Do you have, like a list of laws you have determined as "unconstitutional" or do you just know them when you see them or whenever a law prevents you from doing something you want to do?
Did you hear me make an excuse for somebody. I don't think so.
I am actually a great lover of liberty. i just realize that having the liberty I enjoy obligates me to some laws and societal norms.
I promise not to pee on you unless you are on fire and i do not have another method available to help. Friends?
You love liberty about as much as Pol Pot loves liberty.
I just think that walls are a testament to the stupidity of man
it is you who is stupid. Israel has a new wall and it works almost perfectly
Well, good luck on you immigration. Your US government specifically trained me to breach, evade and overcome walls, fortifications, etc. with a variety of techniques. Gen. George Patton said fixed fortifications are a testament to the stupidity of man, meaning they are a temporary impediment that can be overcome. I am retired but I guarantee I am not the last Armor Officer to be trained. I also guarantee Patton was smarter than you. There is no accounting for you opinion of me, but I'll side with Patton.

Trillions of linear feet of wall and fence erected worldwide all with the same purpose and function and for some crazy reason this particular wall in no way could or would function the same and or be equally does that make sense to you?
As I posted, I was trained to breach evade and scale obstructions and do not think I am the only one to have theses skills. What part of that sentence does not make sense to you. Are you saying you have not seen video of people going over the border wall, never seen pictures where the tubing of the wall has been cut out by battery powered saws available at any home improvement store, you have never seen in the news of tunnels under our southern border? I am sure you are aware that most illegal aliens in this country were people that overstayed their visas prior to trump?
Again, I have never advocated open boarders, but the wall Mexico was going to build us for free as promised by the liar Donald J. Trump is not going to stop the problem. Only prosecuting employers for hiring illegals will make a long term dent, in my humble opinion, but Republicans want cheap labor and a border issue to gin up conflict and donations and have control of Senate and Presidency, so it ain't happening right now. As a matter of fact Lindsey Graham and 8 other Republicans just lobbied for more foreign workers needed in the country while we have 40,000,000 Americans laid off. Haven't heard of any Democrats lobbying white house for more foreign workers, have you?

What section of the United States Constitution gives the federal government the authority to tell private employers who they may or may not hire? And, before you start trying to flame me, let's go back to when America was great. How were employers deciding who got what job? So, be honest in your reply.
I thought it was still great. I like it here and am sorry you are so unhappy here. I know of no part of the constitution that tells a company who it can hire, though I am aware of federal regulations against hiring illegal aliens. I think that employers often want to hire the most qualified people dependent on the need of the job at the best cost for benefit ratio. I think they still should, as long as they are not hiring illegal aliens to take the place of American workers. Are you saying you want the cheapest labor you can possibly get whether it attract illegal aliens to this country or not? I can't say what you favor on that. There are those that favor exactly that, and they are the main reason for illegal immigration. Most of those people are coming for the opportunity. If the opportunity to work illegally was not here, they would not be as inclined to come, although some are coming to escape oppression of one type or another.

I would suppose that you are being flippant and dishonest for a reason. The real reason is you are looking for a pretext to cover up the fact you're motivated by hatred, ignorance, and outright stupidity. Now you and I know that NO rational person can extrapolate from my post anything that says I'm not satisfied in America. I'm not the one wanting to advocate for a Nanny State nor the POLICE STATE (to which you aspire.)

I have not indicated what kind of employee I want to hire, but the bottom line is I work in a ministry that seeks to help white guys out who got locked out of the system. But, when they don't show up for the gig, we have to go out and hire undocumented workers - much to the chagrin of hatemongers like you. But, the deal is, we service those in the greatest need. For me, I am retired and donate my time. The clientele tends to be the poor, those on fixed incomes and the elderly living on fixed incomes. If we have concrete to pour and trucks on the way with half a dozen white guys that don't show up for work, we don't have a Hell of a lot of options. So, the government is NOT ever going to tell me who I can and cannot hire. Since you like to play games, let's be blunt. The MAGA crowd would be thrilled to death if you could get rid of the Hispanics. Personally, I don't give two hoots in Hell. But, before we had the draconian immigration laws the MAGA crowd wants, the American people hired from within their families and from within their communities. That ended up with companies being all white - the unforgivable sin in liberal theology. Quite frankly, I'm not offended when a company is all white and if a company hires Hispanics, if I don't like the situation, I don't do business there - I don't feel offended either way. I make my own choices.

That you would call people "illegal aliens" shows that you are a traditional Democrat. You simply cannot criminalize Liberty. You cannot impute the weaknesses of your culture onto any other segment of society. I don't know what freaking world you live in, but around here the Hispanics live pretty damn good and they are not living off welfare. There are plenty of jobs for whites to do. Getting the whites to show up - even those who claim to need help is not an easy job. You'd have an easier time shoving hot butter up a wild cat's ass with a red hot poker. You see the same homeless guys week after week, month after month with their cardboard signs saying "Will work for food." Stop one day and offer them some work for money. They will turn you down. That sign on that spot brings in more money than having a traditional job. Why work when you can get more by begging? What I offer is no low paying job. Hispanics live pretty good off of it when whites don't show up. White people had rather sit on their ass, complain about those willing to work, and stay on these discussion boards rather than earn a living. I remain committed to the advancement, preservation, and protection of the Posterity of the founders and framers of this Republic even though they do not deserve this level of commitment. That is especially true when they sound like you.
I would suppose that you are being flippant and dishonest for a reason.
I was not flippant or dishonest and had no reason to be. I answered you questions as straight as possible, as you didn't state you views clearly.

"Now you and I know that NO rational person can extrapolate from my post anything that says I'm not satisfied in America." You also said "And, before you start trying to flame me, let's go back to when America was great."
I have always thought America was great, that is why a served over twenty years in our military, have done community service, youth outreach, that sort of thing to contribute to the common good. You did not say why you thought America was not great anymore, so I did not know what you were unhappy about.

You said "I'm not the one wanting to advocate for a Nanny State nor the POLICE STATE (to which you aspire.)" I never mentioned nor advocated support for a "Nanny State" or "POLICE STATE".

You said "I have not indicated what kind of employee I want to hire, but the bottom line is I work in a ministry that seeks to help white guys out who got locked out of the system. But, when they don't show up for the gig, we have to go out and hire undocumented workers - much to the chagrin of hatemongers like you.
You are not supposed to hire undocumented workers, as it perpetuates the problem of illegal immigration. Justifying your need for non H2B workers to fill your short term labor needs is no justification. Surprised you cannot find parishioners to support your ministry.

You said "That you would call people "illegal aliens" shows that you are a traditional Democrat."
Actually it is a phrase used by the MAGA crowd and Democrats that do not support illegal immigration and know some people bypass our laws, coming to this country or chose to stay past their permit to be here expired, making their status to be hired illegal for them and whoever employs them. These aliens should leave the country, get their visa and work permits updated or whatever it takes to change their status and employers should not hire them until this is done. It is a legal thing for people who support the laws of this country, though not so much for people trying to make a cheaper buck on their labor resources.

I come from a working culture at least 1100 miles from the border and I too am retired. I have also done outreach with my father as part of the Methodist Mens Club. In our communities in West Tennessee organizations like this sometimes put on roofs, rebuild porches and help with needs of some of the older less able in the community, as well as working on the churches in the circuit. They generally do not hire people who are not supposed to be remaining in the country for labor. They do the labor themselves, without pay. It is part of their ministry, many times not breaking even on materials or time spent. Most of these people are anti-illegal immigration and would not hire as you do.

You said "I remain committed to the advancement, preservation, and protection of the Posterity of the founders and framers of this Republic even though they do not deserve this level of commitment." I think the country deserves this level of commitment whether you do or not. It is sad and I do feel sorry for your bitterness at living in a country of laws you do not support, but only feel forced to comply with, even when you do not comply.

I do not comply with unconstitutional laws and I have every Right to be bitter that the right thinks that every law has to be obeyed. Even the United States Supreme Court has opined that no one is obligated to obey unconstitutional laws. People like you live in a fantasy world. I don't make any money off the laborers OR the poverty level people we serve. Sometimes I do stuff for free when I can afford it and know that someone really doesn't have any money. But, the bottom line remains: If you have material - especially a load of concrete and the white people don't show up, you'd be an idiot to shitcan the project because a few lazy white guys don't show up for work.

You want to make excuses for those who think the world owes them a living. That might be popular, but it is highly dishonest. I don't hire foreigners to save money. I hire them when we can't get white people to show up and get the job done on the day it's scheduled to be done. If the whites who waste their time on social media, doing drugs, and laying around like a mangy dog wanted to work, there is plenty of work to do. Telling an American that they cannot hire someone who WILL work is about as socialistic as you can get... and it appears your objective is to make National Socialism look honorable. That's the ONLY reason for attacking me. You can play innocent all you like, but you are trying your very best to make me out to be something we both know I am not.

You've shown a total disdain for Liberty; you have shown you don't know a damn thing about the Constitution; you are supporting strategies that will ultimately lead to the demise of white people. Don't try to pee down peoples neck and tell them it's raining.
Do you have, like a list of laws you have determined as "unconstitutional" or do you just know them when you see them or whenever a law prevents you from doing something you want to do?
Did you hear me make an excuse for somebody. I don't think so.
I am actually a great lover of liberty. i just realize that having the liberty I enjoy obligates me to some laws and societal norms.
I promise not to pee on you unless you are on fire and i do not have another method available to help. Friends?
You love liberty about as much as Pol Pot loves liberty.
I don't think we have met. I have two honorable discharges and a letter the President thanking me for my many years service protecting our freedoms here and overseas, and congratulating me on my retirement. Nothing special just doing the duty. Did you answer the call when asked? You are in no position to judge me, kid.
I just think that walls are a testament to the stupidity of man
it is you who is stupid. Israel has a new wall and it works almost perfectly
Well, good luck on you immigration. Your US government specifically trained me to breach, evade and overcome walls, fortifications, etc. with a variety of techniques. Gen. George Patton said fixed fortifications are a testament to the stupidity of man, meaning they are a temporary impediment that can be overcome. I am retired but I guarantee I am not the last Armor Officer to be trained. I also guarantee Patton was smarter than you. There is no accounting for you opinion of me, but I'll side with Patton.

Trillions of linear feet of wall and fence erected worldwide all with the same purpose and function and for some crazy reason this particular wall in no way could or would function the same and or be equally does that make sense to you?
As I posted, I was trained to breach evade and scale obstructions and do not think I am the only one to have theses skills. What part of that sentence does not make sense to you. Are you saying you have not seen video of people going over the border wall, never seen pictures where the tubing of the wall has been cut out by battery powered saws available at any home improvement store, you have never seen in the news of tunnels under our southern border? I am sure you are aware that most illegal aliens in this country were people that overstayed their visas prior to trump?
Again, I have never advocated open boarders, but the wall Mexico was going to build us for free as promised by the liar Donald J. Trump is not going to stop the problem. Only prosecuting employers for hiring illegals will make a long term dent, in my humble opinion, but Republicans want cheap labor and a border issue to gin up conflict and donations and have control of Senate and Presidency, so it ain't happening right now. As a matter of fact Lindsey Graham and 8 other Republicans just lobbied for more foreign workers needed in the country while we have 40,000,000 Americans laid off. Haven't heard of any Democrats lobbying white house for more foreign workers, have you?

What section of the United States Constitution gives the federal government the authority to tell private employers who they may or may not hire? And, before you start trying to flame me, let's go back to when America was great. How were employers deciding who got what job? So, be honest in your reply.
I thought it was still great. I like it here and am sorry you are so unhappy here. I know of no part of the constitution that tells a company who it can hire, though I am aware of federal regulations against hiring illegal aliens. I think that employers often want to hire the most qualified people dependent on the need of the job at the best cost for benefit ratio. I think they still should, as long as they are not hiring illegal aliens to take the place of American workers. Are you saying you want the cheapest labor you can possibly get whether it attract illegal aliens to this country or not? I can't say what you favor on that. There are those that favor exactly that, and they are the main reason for illegal immigration. Most of those people are coming for the opportunity. If the opportunity to work illegally was not here, they would not be as inclined to come, although some are coming to escape oppression of one type or another.

I would suppose that you are being flippant and dishonest for a reason. The real reason is you are looking for a pretext to cover up the fact you're motivated by hatred, ignorance, and outright stupidity. Now you and I know that NO rational person can extrapolate from my post anything that says I'm not satisfied in America. I'm not the one wanting to advocate for a Nanny State nor the POLICE STATE (to which you aspire.)

I have not indicated what kind of employee I want to hire, but the bottom line is I work in a ministry that seeks to help white guys out who got locked out of the system. But, when they don't show up for the gig, we have to go out and hire undocumented workers - much to the chagrin of hatemongers like you. But, the deal is, we service those in the greatest need. For me, I am retired and donate my time. The clientele tends to be the poor, those on fixed incomes and the elderly living on fixed incomes. If we have concrete to pour and trucks on the way with half a dozen white guys that don't show up for work, we don't have a Hell of a lot of options. So, the government is NOT ever going to tell me who I can and cannot hire. Since you like to play games, let's be blunt. The MAGA crowd would be thrilled to death if you could get rid of the Hispanics. Personally, I don't give two hoots in Hell. But, before we had the draconian immigration laws the MAGA crowd wants, the American people hired from within their families and from within their communities. That ended up with companies being all white - the unforgivable sin in liberal theology. Quite frankly, I'm not offended when a company is all white and if a company hires Hispanics, if I don't like the situation, I don't do business there - I don't feel offended either way. I make my own choices.

That you would call people "illegal aliens" shows that you are a traditional Democrat. You simply cannot criminalize Liberty. You cannot impute the weaknesses of your culture onto any other segment of society. I don't know what freaking world you live in, but around here the Hispanics live pretty damn good and they are not living off welfare. There are plenty of jobs for whites to do. Getting the whites to show up - even those who claim to need help is not an easy job. You'd have an easier time shoving hot butter up a wild cat's ass with a red hot poker. You see the same homeless guys week after week, month after month with their cardboard signs saying "Will work for food." Stop one day and offer them some work for money. They will turn you down. That sign on that spot brings in more money than having a traditional job. Why work when you can get more by begging? What I offer is no low paying job. Hispanics live pretty good off of it when whites don't show up. White people had rather sit on their ass, complain about those willing to work, and stay on these discussion boards rather than earn a living. I remain committed to the advancement, preservation, and protection of the Posterity of the founders and framers of this Republic even though they do not deserve this level of commitment. That is especially true when they sound like you.
I would suppose that you are being flippant and dishonest for a reason.
I was not flippant or dishonest and had no reason to be. I answered you questions as straight as possible, as you didn't state you views clearly.

"Now you and I know that NO rational person can extrapolate from my post anything that says I'm not satisfied in America." You also said "And, before you start trying to flame me, let's go back to when America was great."
I have always thought America was great, that is why a served over twenty years in our military, have done community service, youth outreach, that sort of thing to contribute to the common good. You did not say why you thought America was not great anymore, so I did not know what you were unhappy about.

You said "I'm not the one wanting to advocate for a Nanny State nor the POLICE STATE (to which you aspire.)" I never mentioned nor advocated support for a "Nanny State" or "POLICE STATE".

You said "I have not indicated what kind of employee I want to hire, but the bottom line is I work in a ministry that seeks to help white guys out who got locked out of the system. But, when they don't show up for the gig, we have to go out and hire undocumented workers - much to the chagrin of hatemongers like you.
You are not supposed to hire undocumented workers, as it perpetuates the problem of illegal immigration. Justifying your need for non H2B workers to fill your short term labor needs is no justification. Surprised you cannot find parishioners to support your ministry.

You said "That you would call people "illegal aliens" shows that you are a traditional Democrat."
Actually it is a phrase used by the MAGA crowd and Democrats that do not support illegal immigration and know some people bypass our laws, coming to this country or chose to stay past their permit to be here expired, making their status to be hired illegal for them and whoever employs them. These aliens should leave the country, get their visa and work permits updated or whatever it takes to change their status and employers should not hire them until this is done. It is a legal thing for people who support the laws of this country, though not so much for people trying to make a cheaper buck on their labor resources.

I come from a working culture at least 1100 miles from the border and I too am retired. I have also done outreach with my father as part of the Methodist Mens Club. In our communities in West Tennessee organizations like this sometimes put on roofs, rebuild porches and help with needs of some of the older less able in the community, as well as working on the churches in the circuit. They generally do not hire people who are not supposed to be remaining in the country for labor. They do the labor themselves, without pay. It is part of their ministry, many times not breaking even on materials or time spent. Most of these people are anti-illegal immigration and would not hire as you do.

You said "I remain committed to the advancement, preservation, and protection of the Posterity of the founders and framers of this Republic even though they do not deserve this level of commitment." I think the country deserves this level of commitment whether you do or not. It is sad and I do feel sorry for your bitterness at living in a country of laws you do not support, but only feel forced to comply with, even when you do not comply.

I do not comply with unconstitutional laws and I have every Right to be bitter that the right thinks that every law has to be obeyed. Even the United States Supreme Court has opined that no one is obligated to obey unconstitutional laws. People like you live in a fantasy world. I don't make any money off the laborers OR the poverty level people we serve. Sometimes I do stuff for free when I can afford it and know that someone really doesn't have any money. But, the bottom line remains: If you have material - especially a load of concrete and the white people don't show up, you'd be an idiot to shitcan the project because a few lazy white guys don't show up for work.

You want to make excuses for those who think the world owes them a living. That might be popular, but it is highly dishonest. I don't hire foreigners to save money. I hire them when we can't get white people to show up and get the job done on the day it's scheduled to be done. If the whites who waste their time on social media, doing drugs, and laying around like a mangy dog wanted to work, there is plenty of work to do. Telling an American that they cannot hire someone who WILL work is about as socialistic as you can get... and it appears your objective is to make National Socialism look honorable. That's the ONLY reason for attacking me. You can play innocent all you like, but you are trying your very best to make me out to be something we both know I am not.

You've shown a total disdain for Liberty; you have shown you don't know a damn thing about the Constitution; you are supporting strategies that will ultimately lead to the demise of white people. Don't try to pee down peoples neck and tell them it's raining.
Do you have, like a list of laws you have determined as "unconstitutional" or do you just know them when you see them or whenever a law prevents you from doing something you want to do?
Did you hear me make an excuse for somebody. I don't think so.
I am actually a great lover of liberty. i just realize that having the liberty I enjoy obligates me to some laws and societal norms.
I promise not to pee on you unless you are on fire and i do not have another method available to help. Friends?
You love liberty about as much as Pol Pot loves liberty.
I don't think we have met. I have two honorable discharges and a letter the President thanking me for my many years service protecting our freedoms here and overseas, and congratulating me on my retirement. Nothing special just doing the duty. Did you answer the call when asked? You are in no position to judge me, kid.
I call honorable ex-serviceman can vote for or defend the Mexicrat Party and their ideologies. NONE
I just think that walls are a testament to the stupidity of man
it is you who is stupid. Israel has a new wall and it works almost perfectly
Well, good luck on you immigration. Your US government specifically trained me to breach, evade and overcome walls, fortifications, etc. with a variety of techniques. Gen. George Patton said fixed fortifications are a testament to the stupidity of man, meaning they are a temporary impediment that can be overcome. I am retired but I guarantee I am not the last Armor Officer to be trained. I also guarantee Patton was smarter than you. There is no accounting for you opinion of me, but I'll side with Patton.

Trillions of linear feet of wall and fence erected worldwide all with the same purpose and function and for some crazy reason this particular wall in no way could or would function the same and or be equally does that make sense to you?
As I posted, I was trained to breach evade and scale obstructions and do not think I am the only one to have theses skills. What part of that sentence does not make sense to you. Are you saying you have not seen video of people going over the border wall, never seen pictures where the tubing of the wall has been cut out by battery powered saws available at any home improvement store, you have never seen in the news of tunnels under our southern border? I am sure you are aware that most illegal aliens in this country were people that overstayed their visas prior to trump?
Again, I have never advocated open boarders, but the wall Mexico was going to build us for free as promised by the liar Donald J. Trump is not going to stop the problem. Only prosecuting employers for hiring illegals will make a long term dent, in my humble opinion, but Republicans want cheap labor and a border issue to gin up conflict and donations and have control of Senate and Presidency, so it ain't happening right now. As a matter of fact Lindsey Graham and 8 other Republicans just lobbied for more foreign workers needed in the country while we have 40,000,000 Americans laid off. Haven't heard of any Democrats lobbying white house for more foreign workers, have you?

What section of the United States Constitution gives the federal government the authority to tell private employers who they may or may not hire? And, before you start trying to flame me, let's go back to when America was great. How were employers deciding who got what job? So, be honest in your reply.
I thought it was still great. I like it here and am sorry you are so unhappy here. I know of no part of the constitution that tells a company who it can hire, though I am aware of federal regulations against hiring illegal aliens. I think that employers often want to hire the most qualified people dependent on the need of the job at the best cost for benefit ratio. I think they still should, as long as they are not hiring illegal aliens to take the place of American workers. Are you saying you want the cheapest labor you can possibly get whether it attract illegal aliens to this country or not? I can't say what you favor on that. There are those that favor exactly that, and they are the main reason for illegal immigration. Most of those people are coming for the opportunity. If the opportunity to work illegally was not here, they would not be as inclined to come, although some are coming to escape oppression of one type or another.

I would suppose that you are being flippant and dishonest for a reason. The real reason is you are looking for a pretext to cover up the fact you're motivated by hatred, ignorance, and outright stupidity. Now you and I know that NO rational person can extrapolate from my post anything that says I'm not satisfied in America. I'm not the one wanting to advocate for a Nanny State nor the POLICE STATE (to which you aspire.)

I have not indicated what kind of employee I want to hire, but the bottom line is I work in a ministry that seeks to help white guys out who got locked out of the system. But, when they don't show up for the gig, we have to go out and hire undocumented workers - much to the chagrin of hatemongers like you. But, the deal is, we service those in the greatest need. For me, I am retired and donate my time. The clientele tends to be the poor, those on fixed incomes and the elderly living on fixed incomes. If we have concrete to pour and trucks on the way with half a dozen white guys that don't show up for work, we don't have a Hell of a lot of options. So, the government is NOT ever going to tell me who I can and cannot hire. Since you like to play games, let's be blunt. The MAGA crowd would be thrilled to death if you could get rid of the Hispanics. Personally, I don't give two hoots in Hell. But, before we had the draconian immigration laws the MAGA crowd wants, the American people hired from within their families and from within their communities. That ended up with companies being all white - the unforgivable sin in liberal theology. Quite frankly, I'm not offended when a company is all white and if a company hires Hispanics, if I don't like the situation, I don't do business there - I don't feel offended either way. I make my own choices.

That you would call people "illegal aliens" shows that you are a traditional Democrat. You simply cannot criminalize Liberty. You cannot impute the weaknesses of your culture onto any other segment of society. I don't know what freaking world you live in, but around here the Hispanics live pretty damn good and they are not living off welfare. There are plenty of jobs for whites to do. Getting the whites to show up - even those who claim to need help is not an easy job. You'd have an easier time shoving hot butter up a wild cat's ass with a red hot poker. You see the same homeless guys week after week, month after month with their cardboard signs saying "Will work for food." Stop one day and offer them some work for money. They will turn you down. That sign on that spot brings in more money than having a traditional job. Why work when you can get more by begging? What I offer is no low paying job. Hispanics live pretty good off of it when whites don't show up. White people had rather sit on their ass, complain about those willing to work, and stay on these discussion boards rather than earn a living. I remain committed to the advancement, preservation, and protection of the Posterity of the founders and framers of this Republic even though they do not deserve this level of commitment. That is especially true when they sound like you.
I would suppose that you are being flippant and dishonest for a reason.
I was not flippant or dishonest and had no reason to be. I answered you questions as straight as possible, as you didn't state you views clearly.

"Now you and I know that NO rational person can extrapolate from my post anything that says I'm not satisfied in America." You also said "And, before you start trying to flame me, let's go back to when America was great."
I have always thought America was great, that is why a served over twenty years in our military, have done community service, youth outreach, that sort of thing to contribute to the common good. You did not say why you thought America was not great anymore, so I did not know what you were unhappy about.

You said "I'm not the one wanting to advocate for a Nanny State nor the POLICE STATE (to which you aspire.)" I never mentioned nor advocated support for a "Nanny State" or "POLICE STATE".

You said "I have not indicated what kind of employee I want to hire, but the bottom line is I work in a ministry that seeks to help white guys out who got locked out of the system. But, when they don't show up for the gig, we have to go out and hire undocumented workers - much to the chagrin of hatemongers like you.
You are not supposed to hire undocumented workers, as it perpetuates the problem of illegal immigration. Justifying your need for non H2B workers to fill your short term labor needs is no justification. Surprised you cannot find parishioners to support your ministry.

You said "That you would call people "illegal aliens" shows that you are a traditional Democrat."
Actually it is a phrase used by the MAGA crowd and Democrats that do not support illegal immigration and know some people bypass our laws, coming to this country or chose to stay past their permit to be here expired, making their status to be hired illegal for them and whoever employs them. These aliens should leave the country, get their visa and work permits updated or whatever it takes to change their status and employers should not hire them until this is done. It is a legal thing for people who support the laws of this country, though not so much for people trying to make a cheaper buck on their labor resources.

I come from a working culture at least 1100 miles from the border and I too am retired. I have also done outreach with my father as part of the Methodist Mens Club. In our communities in West Tennessee organizations like this sometimes put on roofs, rebuild porches and help with needs of some of the older less able in the community, as well as working on the churches in the circuit. They generally do not hire people who are not supposed to be remaining in the country for labor. They do the labor themselves, without pay. It is part of their ministry, many times not breaking even on materials or time spent. Most of these people are anti-illegal immigration and would not hire as you do.

You said "I remain committed to the advancement, preservation, and protection of the Posterity of the founders and framers of this Republic even though they do not deserve this level of commitment." I think the country deserves this level of commitment whether you do or not. It is sad and I do feel sorry for your bitterness at living in a country of laws you do not support, but only feel forced to comply with, even when you do not comply.

I do not comply with unconstitutional laws and I have every Right to be bitter that the right thinks that every law has to be obeyed. Even the United States Supreme Court has opined that no one is obligated to obey unconstitutional laws. People like you live in a fantasy world. I don't make any money off the laborers OR the poverty level people we serve. Sometimes I do stuff for free when I can afford it and know that someone really doesn't have any money. But, the bottom line remains: If you have material - especially a load of concrete and the white people don't show up, you'd be an idiot to shitcan the project because a few lazy white guys don't show up for work.

You want to make excuses for those who think the world owes them a living. That might be popular, but it is highly dishonest. I don't hire foreigners to save money. I hire them when we can't get white people to show up and get the job done on the day it's scheduled to be done. If the whites who waste their time on social media, doing drugs, and laying around like a mangy dog wanted to work, there is plenty of work to do. Telling an American that they cannot hire someone who WILL work is about as socialistic as you can get... and it appears your objective is to make National Socialism look honorable. That's the ONLY reason for attacking me. You can play innocent all you like, but you are trying your very best to make me out to be something we both know I am not.

You've shown a total disdain for Liberty; you have shown you don't know a damn thing about the Constitution; you are supporting strategies that will ultimately lead to the demise of white people. Don't try to pee down peoples neck and tell them it's raining.
Do you have, like a list of laws you have determined as "unconstitutional" or do you just know them when you see them or whenever a law prevents you from doing something you want to do?
Did you hear me make an excuse for somebody. I don't think so.
I am actually a great lover of liberty. i just realize that having the liberty I enjoy obligates me to some laws and societal norms.
I promise not to pee on you unless you are on fire and i do not have another method available to help. Friends?
You love liberty about as much as Pol Pot loves liberty.
I don't think we have met. I have two honorable discharges and a letter the President thanking me for my many years service protecting our freedoms here and overseas, and congratulating me on my retirement. Nothing special just doing the duty. Did you answer the call when asked? You are in no position to judge me, kid.
They were downsizing when I tried to register for the draft. Being in the army doesn't make you a freedom lover, moron. Many go in because they like sucking off the taxpayers.
I don't know what kind of crack you are smoking, but here's the truth:
In fiscal 2017, for instance, the most recent year for which both metrics are available, the Border Patrol apprehended just over 310,000 undocumented border crossers. But more than 700,000 foreigners overstayed visas (out of a possible 52.7 million people issued temporary visas for tourism, business, education, etc.), according to the Homeland Security Department, and more than 85 percent of them were thought still in the United States at the year’s close.
We're on to the Democrat plan if importing Hispanics to change America's demographics. We ain't putting up with that crap anymore.
I just think that walls are a testament to the stupidity of man
it is you who is stupid. Israel has a new wall and it works almost perfectly
Well, good luck on you immigration. Your US government specifically trained me to breach, evade and overcome walls, fortifications, etc. with a variety of techniques. Gen. George Patton said fixed fortifications are a testament to the stupidity of man, meaning they are a temporary impediment that can be overcome. I am retired but I guarantee I am not the last Armor Officer to be trained. I also guarantee Patton was smarter than you. There is no accounting for you opinion of me, but I'll side with Patton.

Trillions of linear feet of wall and fence erected worldwide all with the same purpose and function and for some crazy reason this particular wall in no way could or would function the same and or be equally does that make sense to you?
As I posted, I was trained to breach evade and scale obstructions and do not think I am the only one to have theses skills. What part of that sentence does not make sense to you. Are you saying you have not seen video of people going over the border wall, never seen pictures where the tubing of the wall has been cut out by battery powered saws available at any home improvement store, you have never seen in the news of tunnels under our southern border? I am sure you are aware that most illegal aliens in this country were people that overstayed their visas prior to trump?
Again, I have never advocated open boarders, but the wall Mexico was going to build us for free as promised by the liar Donald J. Trump is not going to stop the problem. Only prosecuting employers for hiring illegals will make a long term dent, in my humble opinion, but Republicans want cheap labor and a border issue to gin up conflict and donations and have control of Senate and Presidency, so it ain't happening right now. As a matter of fact Lindsey Graham and 8 other Republicans just lobbied for more foreign workers needed in the country while we have 40,000,000 Americans laid off. Haven't heard of any Democrats lobbying white house for more foreign workers, have you?

What section of the United States Constitution gives the federal government the authority to tell private employers who they may or may not hire? And, before you start trying to flame me, let's go back to when America was great. How were employers deciding who got what job? So, be honest in your reply.
I thought it was still great. I like it here and am sorry you are so unhappy here. I know of no part of the constitution that tells a company who it can hire, though I am aware of federal regulations against hiring illegal aliens. I think that employers often want to hire the most qualified people dependent on the need of the job at the best cost for benefit ratio. I think they still should, as long as they are not hiring illegal aliens to take the place of American workers. Are you saying you want the cheapest labor you can possibly get whether it attract illegal aliens to this country or not? I can't say what you favor on that. There are those that favor exactly that, and they are the main reason for illegal immigration. Most of those people are coming for the opportunity. If the opportunity to work illegally was not here, they would not be as inclined to come, although some are coming to escape oppression of one type or another.

I would suppose that you are being flippant and dishonest for a reason. The real reason is you are looking for a pretext to cover up the fact you're motivated by hatred, ignorance, and outright stupidity. Now you and I know that NO rational person can extrapolate from my post anything that says I'm not satisfied in America. I'm not the one wanting to advocate for a Nanny State nor the POLICE STATE (to which you aspire.)

I have not indicated what kind of employee I want to hire, but the bottom line is I work in a ministry that seeks to help white guys out who got locked out of the system. But, when they don't show up for the gig, we have to go out and hire undocumented workers - much to the chagrin of hatemongers like you. But, the deal is, we service those in the greatest need. For me, I am retired and donate my time. The clientele tends to be the poor, those on fixed incomes and the elderly living on fixed incomes. If we have concrete to pour and trucks on the way with half a dozen white guys that don't show up for work, we don't have a Hell of a lot of options. So, the government is NOT ever going to tell me who I can and cannot hire. Since you like to play games, let's be blunt. The MAGA crowd would be thrilled to death if you could get rid of the Hispanics. Personally, I don't give two hoots in Hell. But, before we had the draconian immigration laws the MAGA crowd wants, the American people hired from within their families and from within their communities. That ended up with companies being all white - the unforgivable sin in liberal theology. Quite frankly, I'm not offended when a company is all white and if a company hires Hispanics, if I don't like the situation, I don't do business there - I don't feel offended either way. I make my own choices.

That you would call people "illegal aliens" shows that you are a traditional Democrat. You simply cannot criminalize Liberty. You cannot impute the weaknesses of your culture onto any other segment of society. I don't know what freaking world you live in, but around here the Hispanics live pretty damn good and they are not living off welfare. There are plenty of jobs for whites to do. Getting the whites to show up - even those who claim to need help is not an easy job. You'd have an easier time shoving hot butter up a wild cat's ass with a red hot poker. You see the same homeless guys week after week, month after month with their cardboard signs saying "Will work for food." Stop one day and offer them some work for money. They will turn you down. That sign on that spot brings in more money than having a traditional job. Why work when you can get more by begging? What I offer is no low paying job. Hispanics live pretty good off of it when whites don't show up. White people had rather sit on their ass, complain about those willing to work, and stay on these discussion boards rather than earn a living. I remain committed to the advancement, preservation, and protection of the Posterity of the founders and framers of this Republic even though they do not deserve this level of commitment. That is especially true when they sound like you.
I would suppose that you are being flippant and dishonest for a reason.
I was not flippant or dishonest and had no reason to be. I answered you questions as straight as possible, as you didn't state you views clearly.

"Now you and I know that NO rational person can extrapolate from my post anything that says I'm not satisfied in America." You also said "And, before you start trying to flame me, let's go back to when America was great."
I have always thought America was great, that is why a served over twenty years in our military, have done community service, youth outreach, that sort of thing to contribute to the common good. You did not say why you thought America was not great anymore, so I did not know what you were unhappy about.

You said "I'm not the one wanting to advocate for a Nanny State nor the POLICE STATE (to which you aspire.)" I never mentioned nor advocated support for a "Nanny State" or "POLICE STATE".

You said "I have not indicated what kind of employee I want to hire, but the bottom line is I work in a ministry that seeks to help white guys out who got locked out of the system. But, when they don't show up for the gig, we have to go out and hire undocumented workers - much to the chagrin of hatemongers like you.
You are not supposed to hire undocumented workers, as it perpetuates the problem of illegal immigration. Justifying your need for non H2B workers to fill your short term labor needs is no justification. Surprised you cannot find parishioners to support your ministry.

You said "That you would call people "illegal aliens" shows that you are a traditional Democrat."
Actually it is a phrase used by the MAGA crowd and Democrats that do not support illegal immigration and know some people bypass our laws, coming to this country or chose to stay past their permit to be here expired, making their status to be hired illegal for them and whoever employs them. These aliens should leave the country, get their visa and work permits updated or whatever it takes to change their status and employers should not hire them until this is done. It is a legal thing for people who support the laws of this country, though not so much for people trying to make a cheaper buck on their labor resources.

I come from a working culture at least 1100 miles from the border and I too am retired. I have also done outreach with my father as part of the Methodist Mens Club. In our communities in West Tennessee organizations like this sometimes put on roofs, rebuild porches and help with needs of some of the older less able in the community, as well as working on the churches in the circuit. They generally do not hire people who are not supposed to be remaining in the country for labor. They do the labor themselves, without pay. It is part of their ministry, many times not breaking even on materials or time spent. Most of these people are anti-illegal immigration and would not hire as you do.

You said "I remain committed to the advancement, preservation, and protection of the Posterity of the founders and framers of this Republic even though they do not deserve this level of commitment." I think the country deserves this level of commitment whether you do or not. It is sad and I do feel sorry for your bitterness at living in a country of laws you do not support, but only feel forced to comply with, even when you do not comply.

I do not comply with unconstitutional laws and I have every Right to be bitter that the right thinks that every law has to be obeyed. Even the United States Supreme Court has opined that no one is obligated to obey unconstitutional laws. People like you live in a fantasy world. I don't make any money off the laborers OR the poverty level people we serve. Sometimes I do stuff for free when I can afford it and know that someone really doesn't have any money. But, the bottom line remains: If you have material - especially a load of concrete and the white people don't show up, you'd be an idiot to shitcan the project because a few lazy white guys don't show up for work.

You want to make excuses for those who think the world owes them a living. That might be popular, but it is highly dishonest. I don't hire foreigners to save money. I hire them when we can't get white people to show up and get the job done on the day it's scheduled to be done. If the whites who waste their time on social media, doing drugs, and laying around like a mangy dog wanted to work, there is plenty of work to do. Telling an American that they cannot hire someone who WILL work is about as socialistic as you can get... and it appears your objective is to make National Socialism look honorable. That's the ONLY reason for attacking me. You can play innocent all you like, but you are trying your very best to make me out to be something we both know I am not.

You've shown a total disdain for Liberty; you have shown you don't know a damn thing about the Constitution; you are supporting strategies that will ultimately lead to the demise of white people. Don't try to pee down peoples neck and tell them it's raining.
Do you have, like a list of laws you have determined as "unconstitutional" or do you just know them when you see them or whenever a law prevents you from doing something you want to do?
Did you hear me make an excuse for somebody. I don't think so.
I am actually a great lover of liberty. i just realize that having the liberty I enjoy obligates me to some laws and societal norms.
I promise not to pee on you unless you are on fire and i do not have another method available to help. Friends?
You love liberty about as much as Pol Pot loves liberty.
I don't think we have met. I have two honorable discharges and a letter the President thanking me for my many years service protecting our freedoms here and overseas, and congratulating me on my retirement. Nothing special just doing the duty. Did you answer the call when asked? You are in no position to judge me, kid.
I call honorable ex-serviceman can vote for or defend the Mexicrat Party and their ideologies. NONE
Nobody even mentioned a "Mexicrat" party. I just re-read the post you are responding to. It did not either and defended no party period. The one before was raving about Pol Pot. I assure you I was less than 17 when the killing fields occurred in indochina. Is there a salient quote you would like to address or is this just a generalized unprovoked attack on all retired officers and enlisted who do not voice support for your political affiliation?
I just think that walls are a testament to the stupidity of man
it is you who is stupid. Israel has a new wall and it works almost perfectly
Well, good luck on you immigration. Your US government specifically trained me to breach, evade and overcome walls, fortifications, etc. with a variety of techniques. Gen. George Patton said fixed fortifications are a testament to the stupidity of man, meaning they are a temporary impediment that can be overcome. I am retired but I guarantee I am not the last Armor Officer to be trained. I also guarantee Patton was smarter than you. There is no accounting for you opinion of me, but I'll side with Patton.

Trillions of linear feet of wall and fence erected worldwide all with the same purpose and function and for some crazy reason this particular wall in no way could or would function the same and or be equally does that make sense to you?
As I posted, I was trained to breach evade and scale obstructions and do not think I am the only one to have theses skills. What part of that sentence does not make sense to you. Are you saying you have not seen video of people going over the border wall, never seen pictures where the tubing of the wall has been cut out by battery powered saws available at any home improvement store, you have never seen in the news of tunnels under our southern border? I am sure you are aware that most illegal aliens in this country were people that overstayed their visas prior to trump?
Again, I have never advocated open boarders, but the wall Mexico was going to build us for free as promised by the liar Donald J. Trump is not going to stop the problem. Only prosecuting employers for hiring illegals will make a long term dent, in my humble opinion, but Republicans want cheap labor and a border issue to gin up conflict and donations and have control of Senate and Presidency, so it ain't happening right now. As a matter of fact Lindsey Graham and 8 other Republicans just lobbied for more foreign workers needed in the country while we have 40,000,000 Americans laid off. Haven't heard of any Democrats lobbying white house for more foreign workers, have you?

What section of the United States Constitution gives the federal government the authority to tell private employers who they may or may not hire? And, before you start trying to flame me, let's go back to when America was great. How were employers deciding who got what job? So, be honest in your reply.
I thought it was still great. I like it here and am sorry you are so unhappy here. I know of no part of the constitution that tells a company who it can hire, though I am aware of federal regulations against hiring illegal aliens. I think that employers often want to hire the most qualified people dependent on the need of the job at the best cost for benefit ratio. I think they still should, as long as they are not hiring illegal aliens to take the place of American workers. Are you saying you want the cheapest labor you can possibly get whether it attract illegal aliens to this country or not? I can't say what you favor on that. There are those that favor exactly that, and they are the main reason for illegal immigration. Most of those people are coming for the opportunity. If the opportunity to work illegally was not here, they would not be as inclined to come, although some are coming to escape oppression of one type or another.

I would suppose that you are being flippant and dishonest for a reason. The real reason is you are looking for a pretext to cover up the fact you're motivated by hatred, ignorance, and outright stupidity. Now you and I know that NO rational person can extrapolate from my post anything that says I'm not satisfied in America. I'm not the one wanting to advocate for a Nanny State nor the POLICE STATE (to which you aspire.)

I have not indicated what kind of employee I want to hire, but the bottom line is I work in a ministry that seeks to help white guys out who got locked out of the system. But, when they don't show up for the gig, we have to go out and hire undocumented workers - much to the chagrin of hatemongers like you. But, the deal is, we service those in the greatest need. For me, I am retired and donate my time. The clientele tends to be the poor, those on fixed incomes and the elderly living on fixed incomes. If we have concrete to pour and trucks on the way with half a dozen white guys that don't show up for work, we don't have a Hell of a lot of options. So, the government is NOT ever going to tell me who I can and cannot hire. Since you like to play games, let's be blunt. The MAGA crowd would be thrilled to death if you could get rid of the Hispanics. Personally, I don't give two hoots in Hell. But, before we had the draconian immigration laws the MAGA crowd wants, the American people hired from within their families and from within their communities. That ended up with companies being all white - the unforgivable sin in liberal theology. Quite frankly, I'm not offended when a company is all white and if a company hires Hispanics, if I don't like the situation, I don't do business there - I don't feel offended either way. I make my own choices.

That you would call people "illegal aliens" shows that you are a traditional Democrat. You simply cannot criminalize Liberty. You cannot impute the weaknesses of your culture onto any other segment of society. I don't know what freaking world you live in, but around here the Hispanics live pretty damn good and they are not living off welfare. There are plenty of jobs for whites to do. Getting the whites to show up - even those who claim to need help is not an easy job. You'd have an easier time shoving hot butter up a wild cat's ass with a red hot poker. You see the same homeless guys week after week, month after month with their cardboard signs saying "Will work for food." Stop one day and offer them some work for money. They will turn you down. That sign on that spot brings in more money than having a traditional job. Why work when you can get more by begging? What I offer is no low paying job. Hispanics live pretty good off of it when whites don't show up. White people had rather sit on their ass, complain about those willing to work, and stay on these discussion boards rather than earn a living. I remain committed to the advancement, preservation, and protection of the Posterity of the founders and framers of this Republic even though they do not deserve this level of commitment. That is especially true when they sound like you.
I would suppose that you are being flippant and dishonest for a reason.
I was not flippant or dishonest and had no reason to be. I answered you questions as straight as possible, as you didn't state you views clearly.

"Now you and I know that NO rational person can extrapolate from my post anything that says I'm not satisfied in America." You also said "And, before you start trying to flame me, let's go back to when America was great."
I have always thought America was great, that is why a served over twenty years in our military, have done community service, youth outreach, that sort of thing to contribute to the common good. You did not say why you thought America was not great anymore, so I did not know what you were unhappy about.

You said "I'm not the one wanting to advocate for a Nanny State nor the POLICE STATE (to which you aspire.)" I never mentioned nor advocated support for a "Nanny State" or "POLICE STATE".

You said "I have not indicated what kind of employee I want to hire, but the bottom line is I work in a ministry that seeks to help white guys out who got locked out of the system. But, when they don't show up for the gig, we have to go out and hire undocumented workers - much to the chagrin of hatemongers like you.
You are not supposed to hire undocumented workers, as it perpetuates the problem of illegal immigration. Justifying your need for non H2B workers to fill your short term labor needs is no justification. Surprised you cannot find parishioners to support your ministry.

You said "That you would call people "illegal aliens" shows that you are a traditional Democrat."
Actually it is a phrase used by the MAGA crowd and Democrats that do not support illegal immigration and know some people bypass our laws, coming to this country or chose to stay past their permit to be here expired, making their status to be hired illegal for them and whoever employs them. These aliens should leave the country, get their visa and work permits updated or whatever it takes to change their status and employers should not hire them until this is done. It is a legal thing for people who support the laws of this country, though not so much for people trying to make a cheaper buck on their labor resources.

I come from a working culture at least 1100 miles from the border and I too am retired. I have also done outreach with my father as part of the Methodist Mens Club. In our communities in West Tennessee organizations like this sometimes put on roofs, rebuild porches and help with needs of some of the older less able in the community, as well as working on the churches in the circuit. They generally do not hire people who are not supposed to be remaining in the country for labor. They do the labor themselves, without pay. It is part of their ministry, many times not breaking even on materials or time spent. Most of these people are anti-illegal immigration and would not hire as you do.

You said "I remain committed to the advancement, preservation, and protection of the Posterity of the founders and framers of this Republic even though they do not deserve this level of commitment." I think the country deserves this level of commitment whether you do or not. It is sad and I do feel sorry for your bitterness at living in a country of laws you do not support, but only feel forced to comply with, even when you do not comply.

I do not comply with unconstitutional laws and I have every Right to be bitter that the right thinks that every law has to be obeyed. Even the United States Supreme Court has opined that no one is obligated to obey unconstitutional laws. People like you live in a fantasy world. I don't make any money off the laborers OR the poverty level people we serve. Sometimes I do stuff for free when I can afford it and know that someone really doesn't have any money. But, the bottom line remains: If you have material - especially a load of concrete and the white people don't show up, you'd be an idiot to shitcan the project because a few lazy white guys don't show up for work.

You want to make excuses for those who think the world owes them a living. That might be popular, but it is highly dishonest. I don't hire foreigners to save money. I hire them when we can't get white people to show up and get the job done on the day it's scheduled to be done. If the whites who waste their time on social media, doing drugs, and laying around like a mangy dog wanted to work, there is plenty of work to do. Telling an American that they cannot hire someone who WILL work is about as socialistic as you can get... and it appears your objective is to make National Socialism look honorable. That's the ONLY reason for attacking me. You can play innocent all you like, but you are trying your very best to make me out to be something we both know I am not.

You've shown a total disdain for Liberty; you have shown you don't know a damn thing about the Constitution; you are supporting strategies that will ultimately lead to the demise of white people. Don't try to pee down peoples neck and tell them it's raining.
Do you have, like a list of laws you have determined as "unconstitutional" or do you just know them when you see them or whenever a law prevents you from doing something you want to do?
Did you hear me make an excuse for somebody. I don't think so.
I am actually a great lover of liberty. i just realize that having the liberty I enjoy obligates me to some laws and societal norms.
I promise not to pee on you unless you are on fire and i do not have another method available to help. Friends?
You love liberty about as much as Pol Pot loves liberty.
I don't think we have met. I have two honorable discharges and a letter the President thanking me for my many years service protecting our freedoms here and overseas, and congratulating me on my retirement. Nothing special just doing the duty. Did you answer the call when asked? You are in no position to judge me, kid.
They were downsizing when I tried to register for the draft. Being in the army doesn't make you a freedom lover, moron. Many go in because they like sucking off the taxpayers.
You did not have to wait to be drafted. They never quit accepting enlistments. You say "Many go in because they like sucking off the taxpayers." You certainly have no problem cheapening the military, do you, little freedom fighter?
I just think that walls are a testament to the stupidity of man
it is you who is stupid. Israel has a new wall and it works almost perfectly
Well, good luck on you immigration. Your US government specifically trained me to breach, evade and overcome walls, fortifications, etc. with a variety of techniques. Gen. George Patton said fixed fortifications are a testament to the stupidity of man, meaning they are a temporary impediment that can be overcome. I am retired but I guarantee I am not the last Armor Officer to be trained. I also guarantee Patton was smarter than you. There is no accounting for you opinion of me, but I'll side with Patton.

Trillions of linear feet of wall and fence erected worldwide all with the same purpose and function and for some crazy reason this particular wall in no way could or would function the same and or be equally does that make sense to you?
As I posted, I was trained to breach evade and scale obstructions and do not think I am the only one to have theses skills. What part of that sentence does not make sense to you. Are you saying you have not seen video of people going over the border wall, never seen pictures where the tubing of the wall has been cut out by battery powered saws available at any home improvement store, you have never seen in the news of tunnels under our southern border? I am sure you are aware that most illegal aliens in this country were people that overstayed their visas prior to trump?
Again, I have never advocated open boarders, but the wall Mexico was going to build us for free as promised by the liar Donald J. Trump is not going to stop the problem. Only prosecuting employers for hiring illegals will make a long term dent, in my humble opinion, but Republicans want cheap labor and a border issue to gin up conflict and donations and have control of Senate and Presidency, so it ain't happening right now. As a matter of fact Lindsey Graham and 8 other Republicans just lobbied for more foreign workers needed in the country while we have 40,000,000 Americans laid off. Haven't heard of any Democrats lobbying white house for more foreign workers, have you?

What section of the United States Constitution gives the federal government the authority to tell private employers who they may or may not hire? And, before you start trying to flame me, let's go back to when America was great. How were employers deciding who got what job? So, be honest in your reply.
I thought it was still great. I like it here and am sorry you are so unhappy here. I know of no part of the constitution that tells a company who it can hire, though I am aware of federal regulations against hiring illegal aliens. I think that employers often want to hire the most qualified people dependent on the need of the job at the best cost for benefit ratio. I think they still should, as long as they are not hiring illegal aliens to take the place of American workers. Are you saying you want the cheapest labor you can possibly get whether it attract illegal aliens to this country or not? I can't say what you favor on that. There are those that favor exactly that, and they are the main reason for illegal immigration. Most of those people are coming for the opportunity. If the opportunity to work illegally was not here, they would not be as inclined to come, although some are coming to escape oppression of one type or another.

I would suppose that you are being flippant and dishonest for a reason. The real reason is you are looking for a pretext to cover up the fact you're motivated by hatred, ignorance, and outright stupidity. Now you and I know that NO rational person can extrapolate from my post anything that says I'm not satisfied in America. I'm not the one wanting to advocate for a Nanny State nor the POLICE STATE (to which you aspire.)

I have not indicated what kind of employee I want to hire, but the bottom line is I work in a ministry that seeks to help white guys out who got locked out of the system. But, when they don't show up for the gig, we have to go out and hire undocumented workers - much to the chagrin of hatemongers like you. But, the deal is, we service those in the greatest need. For me, I am retired and donate my time. The clientele tends to be the poor, those on fixed incomes and the elderly living on fixed incomes. If we have concrete to pour and trucks on the way with half a dozen white guys that don't show up for work, we don't have a Hell of a lot of options. So, the government is NOT ever going to tell me who I can and cannot hire. Since you like to play games, let's be blunt. The MAGA crowd would be thrilled to death if you could get rid of the Hispanics. Personally, I don't give two hoots in Hell. But, before we had the draconian immigration laws the MAGA crowd wants, the American people hired from within their families and from within their communities. That ended up with companies being all white - the unforgivable sin in liberal theology. Quite frankly, I'm not offended when a company is all white and if a company hires Hispanics, if I don't like the situation, I don't do business there - I don't feel offended either way. I make my own choices.

That you would call people "illegal aliens" shows that you are a traditional Democrat. You simply cannot criminalize Liberty. You cannot impute the weaknesses of your culture onto any other segment of society. I don't know what freaking world you live in, but around here the Hispanics live pretty damn good and they are not living off welfare. There are plenty of jobs for whites to do. Getting the whites to show up - even those who claim to need help is not an easy job. You'd have an easier time shoving hot butter up a wild cat's ass with a red hot poker. You see the same homeless guys week after week, month after month with their cardboard signs saying "Will work for food." Stop one day and offer them some work for money. They will turn you down. That sign on that spot brings in more money than having a traditional job. Why work when you can get more by begging? What I offer is no low paying job. Hispanics live pretty good off of it when whites don't show up. White people had rather sit on their ass, complain about those willing to work, and stay on these discussion boards rather than earn a living. I remain committed to the advancement, preservation, and protection of the Posterity of the founders and framers of this Republic even though they do not deserve this level of commitment. That is especially true when they sound like you.
I would suppose that you are being flippant and dishonest for a reason.
I was not flippant or dishonest and had no reason to be. I answered you questions as straight as possible, as you didn't state you views clearly.

"Now you and I know that NO rational person can extrapolate from my post anything that says I'm not satisfied in America." You also said "And, before you start trying to flame me, let's go back to when America was great."
I have always thought America was great, that is why a served over twenty years in our military, have done community service, youth outreach, that sort of thing to contribute to the common good. You did not say why you thought America was not great anymore, so I did not know what you were unhappy about.

You said "I'm not the one wanting to advocate for a Nanny State nor the POLICE STATE (to which you aspire.)" I never mentioned nor advocated support for a "Nanny State" or "POLICE STATE".

You said "I have not indicated what kind of employee I want to hire, but the bottom line is I work in a ministry that seeks to help white guys out who got locked out of the system. But, when they don't show up for the gig, we have to go out and hire undocumented workers - much to the chagrin of hatemongers like you.
You are not supposed to hire undocumented workers, as it perpetuates the problem of illegal immigration. Justifying your need for non H2B workers to fill your short term labor needs is no justification. Surprised you cannot find parishioners to support your ministry.

You said "That you would call people "illegal aliens" shows that you are a traditional Democrat."
Actually it is a phrase used by the MAGA crowd and Democrats that do not support illegal immigration and know some people bypass our laws, coming to this country or chose to stay past their permit to be here expired, making their status to be hired illegal for them and whoever employs them. These aliens should leave the country, get their visa and work permits updated or whatever it takes to change their status and employers should not hire them until this is done. It is a legal thing for people who support the laws of this country, though not so much for people trying to make a cheaper buck on their labor resources.

I come from a working culture at least 1100 miles from the border and I too am retired. I have also done outreach with my father as part of the Methodist Mens Club. In our communities in West Tennessee organizations like this sometimes put on roofs, rebuild porches and help with needs of some of the older less able in the community, as well as working on the churches in the circuit. They generally do not hire people who are not supposed to be remaining in the country for labor. They do the labor themselves, without pay. It is part of their ministry, many times not breaking even on materials or time spent. Most of these people are anti-illegal immigration and would not hire as you do.

You said "I remain committed to the advancement, preservation, and protection of the Posterity of the founders and framers of this Republic even though they do not deserve this level of commitment." I think the country deserves this level of commitment whether you do or not. It is sad and I do feel sorry for your bitterness at living in a country of laws you do not support, but only feel forced to comply with, even when you do not comply.

I do not comply with unconstitutional laws and I have every Right to be bitter that the right thinks that every law has to be obeyed. Even the United States Supreme Court has opined that no one is obligated to obey unconstitutional laws. People like you live in a fantasy world. I don't make any money off the laborers OR the poverty level people we serve. Sometimes I do stuff for free when I can afford it and know that someone really doesn't have any money. But, the bottom line remains: If you have material - especially a load of concrete and the white people don't show up, you'd be an idiot to shitcan the project because a few lazy white guys don't show up for work.

You want to make excuses for those who think the world owes them a living. That might be popular, but it is highly dishonest. I don't hire foreigners to save money. I hire them when we can't get white people to show up and get the job done on the day it's scheduled to be done. If the whites who waste their time on social media, doing drugs, and laying around like a mangy dog wanted to work, there is plenty of work to do. Telling an American that they cannot hire someone who WILL work is about as socialistic as you can get... and it appears your objective is to make National Socialism look honorable. That's the ONLY reason for attacking me. You can play innocent all you like, but you are trying your very best to make me out to be something we both know I am not.

You've shown a total disdain for Liberty; you have shown you don't know a damn thing about the Constitution; you are supporting strategies that will ultimately lead to the demise of white people. Don't try to pee down peoples neck and tell them it's raining.
Do you have, like a list of laws you have determined as "unconstitutional" or do you just know them when you see them or whenever a law prevents you from doing something you want to do?
Did you hear me make an excuse for somebody. I don't think so.
I am actually a great lover of liberty. i just realize that having the liberty I enjoy obligates me to some laws and societal norms.
I promise not to pee on you unless you are on fire and i do not have another method available to help. Friends?
You love liberty about as much as Pol Pot loves liberty.
I don't think we have met. I have two honorable discharges and a letter the President thanking me for my many years service protecting our freedoms here and overseas, and congratulating me on my retirement. Nothing special just doing the duty. Did you answer the call when asked? You are in no position to judge me, kid.
I call honorable ex-serviceman can vote for or defend the Mexicrat Party and their ideologies. NONE
Nobody even mentioned a "Mexicrat" party. I just re-read the post you are responding to. It did not either and defended no party period. The one before was raving about Pol Pot. I assure you I was less than 17 when the killing fields occurred in indochina. Is there a salient quote you would like to address or is this just a generalized unprovoked attack on all retired officers and enlisted who do not voice support for your political affiliation?

I know lots of servicemen and women and NONE speak like you do...NONE have a leftist bone in their body.
I just think that walls are a testament to the stupidity of man
it is you who is stupid. Israel has a new wall and it works almost perfectly
Well, good luck on you immigration. Your US government specifically trained me to breach, evade and overcome walls, fortifications, etc. with a variety of techniques. Gen. George Patton said fixed fortifications are a testament to the stupidity of man, meaning they are a temporary impediment that can be overcome. I am retired but I guarantee I am not the last Armor Officer to be trained. I also guarantee Patton was smarter than you. There is no accounting for you opinion of me, but I'll side with Patton.

Trillions of linear feet of wall and fence erected worldwide all with the same purpose and function and for some crazy reason this particular wall in no way could or would function the same and or be equally does that make sense to you?
As I posted, I was trained to breach evade and scale obstructions and do not think I am the only one to have theses skills. What part of that sentence does not make sense to you. Are you saying you have not seen video of people going over the border wall, never seen pictures where the tubing of the wall has been cut out by battery powered saws available at any home improvement store, you have never seen in the news of tunnels under our southern border? I am sure you are aware that most illegal aliens in this country were people that overstayed their visas prior to trump?
Again, I have never advocated open boarders, but the wall Mexico was going to build us for free as promised by the liar Donald J. Trump is not going to stop the problem. Only prosecuting employers for hiring illegals will make a long term dent, in my humble opinion, but Republicans want cheap labor and a border issue to gin up conflict and donations and have control of Senate and Presidency, so it ain't happening right now. As a matter of fact Lindsey Graham and 8 other Republicans just lobbied for more foreign workers needed in the country while we have 40,000,000 Americans laid off. Haven't heard of any Democrats lobbying white house for more foreign workers, have you?

What section of the United States Constitution gives the federal government the authority to tell private employers who they may or may not hire? And, before you start trying to flame me, let's go back to when America was great. How were employers deciding who got what job? So, be honest in your reply.
I thought it was still great. I like it here and am sorry you are so unhappy here. I know of no part of the constitution that tells a company who it can hire, though I am aware of federal regulations against hiring illegal aliens. I think that employers often want to hire the most qualified people dependent on the need of the job at the best cost for benefit ratio. I think they still should, as long as they are not hiring illegal aliens to take the place of American workers. Are you saying you want the cheapest labor you can possibly get whether it attract illegal aliens to this country or not? I can't say what you favor on that. There are those that favor exactly that, and they are the main reason for illegal immigration. Most of those people are coming for the opportunity. If the opportunity to work illegally was not here, they would not be as inclined to come, although some are coming to escape oppression of one type or another.

I would suppose that you are being flippant and dishonest for a reason. The real reason is you are looking for a pretext to cover up the fact you're motivated by hatred, ignorance, and outright stupidity. Now you and I know that NO rational person can extrapolate from my post anything that says I'm not satisfied in America. I'm not the one wanting to advocate for a Nanny State nor the POLICE STATE (to which you aspire.)

I have not indicated what kind of employee I want to hire, but the bottom line is I work in a ministry that seeks to help white guys out who got locked out of the system. But, when they don't show up for the gig, we have to go out and hire undocumented workers - much to the chagrin of hatemongers like you. But, the deal is, we service those in the greatest need. For me, I am retired and donate my time. The clientele tends to be the poor, those on fixed incomes and the elderly living on fixed incomes. If we have concrete to pour and trucks on the way with half a dozen white guys that don't show up for work, we don't have a Hell of a lot of options. So, the government is NOT ever going to tell me who I can and cannot hire. Since you like to play games, let's be blunt. The MAGA crowd would be thrilled to death if you could get rid of the Hispanics. Personally, I don't give two hoots in Hell. But, before we had the draconian immigration laws the MAGA crowd wants, the American people hired from within their families and from within their communities. That ended up with companies being all white - the unforgivable sin in liberal theology. Quite frankly, I'm not offended when a company is all white and if a company hires Hispanics, if I don't like the situation, I don't do business there - I don't feel offended either way. I make my own choices.

That you would call people "illegal aliens" shows that you are a traditional Democrat. You simply cannot criminalize Liberty. You cannot impute the weaknesses of your culture onto any other segment of society. I don't know what freaking world you live in, but around here the Hispanics live pretty damn good and they are not living off welfare. There are plenty of jobs for whites to do. Getting the whites to show up - even those who claim to need help is not an easy job. You'd have an easier time shoving hot butter up a wild cat's ass with a red hot poker. You see the same homeless guys week after week, month after month with their cardboard signs saying "Will work for food." Stop one day and offer them some work for money. They will turn you down. That sign on that spot brings in more money than having a traditional job. Why work when you can get more by begging? What I offer is no low paying job. Hispanics live pretty good off of it when whites don't show up. White people had rather sit on their ass, complain about those willing to work, and stay on these discussion boards rather than earn a living. I remain committed to the advancement, preservation, and protection of the Posterity of the founders and framers of this Republic even though they do not deserve this level of commitment. That is especially true when they sound like you.
I would suppose that you are being flippant and dishonest for a reason.
I was not flippant or dishonest and had no reason to be. I answered you questions as straight as possible, as you didn't state you views clearly.

"Now you and I know that NO rational person can extrapolate from my post anything that says I'm not satisfied in America." You also said "And, before you start trying to flame me, let's go back to when America was great."
I have always thought America was great, that is why a served over twenty years in our military, have done community service, youth outreach, that sort of thing to contribute to the common good. You did not say why you thought America was not great anymore, so I did not know what you were unhappy about.

You said "I'm not the one wanting to advocate for a Nanny State nor the POLICE STATE (to which you aspire.)" I never mentioned nor advocated support for a "Nanny State" or "POLICE STATE".

You said "I have not indicated what kind of employee I want to hire, but the bottom line is I work in a ministry that seeks to help white guys out who got locked out of the system. But, when they don't show up for the gig, we have to go out and hire undocumented workers - much to the chagrin of hatemongers like you.
You are not supposed to hire undocumented workers, as it perpetuates the problem of illegal immigration. Justifying your need for non H2B workers to fill your short term labor needs is no justification. Surprised you cannot find parishioners to support your ministry.

You said "That you would call people "illegal aliens" shows that you are a traditional Democrat."
Actually it is a phrase used by the MAGA crowd and Democrats that do not support illegal immigration and know some people bypass our laws, coming to this country or chose to stay past their permit to be here expired, making their status to be hired illegal for them and whoever employs them. These aliens should leave the country, get their visa and work permits updated or whatever it takes to change their status and employers should not hire them until this is done. It is a legal thing for people who support the laws of this country, though not so much for people trying to make a cheaper buck on their labor resources.

I come from a working culture at least 1100 miles from the border and I too am retired. I have also done outreach with my father as part of the Methodist Mens Club. In our communities in West Tennessee organizations like this sometimes put on roofs, rebuild porches and help with needs of some of the older less able in the community, as well as working on the churches in the circuit. They generally do not hire people who are not supposed to be remaining in the country for labor. They do the labor themselves, without pay. It is part of their ministry, many times not breaking even on materials or time spent. Most of these people are anti-illegal immigration and would not hire as you do.

You said "I remain committed to the advancement, preservation, and protection of the Posterity of the founders and framers of this Republic even though they do not deserve this level of commitment." I think the country deserves this level of commitment whether you do or not. It is sad and I do feel sorry for your bitterness at living in a country of laws you do not support, but only feel forced to comply with, even when you do not comply.

I do not comply with unconstitutional laws and I have every Right to be bitter that the right thinks that every law has to be obeyed. Even the United States Supreme Court has opined that no one is obligated to obey unconstitutional laws. People like you live in a fantasy world. I don't make any money off the laborers OR the poverty level people we serve. Sometimes I do stuff for free when I can afford it and know that someone really doesn't have any money. But, the bottom line remains: If you have material - especially a load of concrete and the white people don't show up, you'd be an idiot to shitcan the project because a few lazy white guys don't show up for work.

You want to make excuses for those who think the world owes them a living. That might be popular, but it is highly dishonest. I don't hire foreigners to save money. I hire them when we can't get white people to show up and get the job done on the day it's scheduled to be done. If the whites who waste their time on social media, doing drugs, and laying around like a mangy dog wanted to work, there is plenty of work to do. Telling an American that they cannot hire someone who WILL work is about as socialistic as you can get... and it appears your objective is to make National Socialism look honorable. That's the ONLY reason for attacking me. You can play innocent all you like, but you are trying your very best to make me out to be something we both know I am not.

You've shown a total disdain for Liberty; you have shown you don't know a damn thing about the Constitution; you are supporting strategies that will ultimately lead to the demise of white people. Don't try to pee down peoples neck and tell them it's raining.
Do you have, like a list of laws you have determined as "unconstitutional" or do you just know them when you see them or whenever a law prevents you from doing something you want to do?
Did you hear me make an excuse for somebody. I don't think so.
I am actually a great lover of liberty. i just realize that having the liberty I enjoy obligates me to some laws and societal norms.
I promise not to pee on you unless you are on fire and i do not have another method available to help. Friends?
You love liberty about as much as Pol Pot loves liberty.
I don't think we have met. I have two honorable discharges and a letter the President thanking me for my many years service protecting our freedoms here and overseas, and congratulating me on my retirement. Nothing special just doing the duty. Did you answer the call when asked? You are in no position to judge me, kid.
They were downsizing when I tried to register for the draft. Being in the army doesn't make you a freedom lover, moron. Many go in because they like sucking off the taxpayers.
You did not have to wait to be drafted. They never quit accepting enlistments. You say "Many go in because they like sucking off the taxpayers." You certainly have no problem cheapening the military, do you, little freedom fighter?
Yes they did, turd.

I didn't "cheapen the military." I simply pointed out the obvious fact that defending this country is not the motive of many people who enlist. We learned that beyond all doubt when many of them refused to go to Iraq.
I just think that walls are a testament to the stupidity of man
it is you who is stupid. Israel has a new wall and it works almost perfectly
Well, good luck on you immigration. Your US government specifically trained me to breach, evade and overcome walls, fortifications, etc. with a variety of techniques. Gen. George Patton said fixed fortifications are a testament to the stupidity of man, meaning they are a temporary impediment that can be overcome. I am retired but I guarantee I am not the last Armor Officer to be trained. I also guarantee Patton was smarter than you. There is no accounting for you opinion of me, but I'll side with Patton.

Trillions of linear feet of wall and fence erected worldwide all with the same purpose and function and for some crazy reason this particular wall in no way could or would function the same and or be equally does that make sense to you?
As I posted, I was trained to breach evade and scale obstructions and do not think I am the only one to have theses skills. What part of that sentence does not make sense to you. Are you saying you have not seen video of people going over the border wall, never seen pictures where the tubing of the wall has been cut out by battery powered saws available at any home improvement store, you have never seen in the news of tunnels under our southern border? I am sure you are aware that most illegal aliens in this country were people that overstayed their visas prior to trump?
Again, I have never advocated open boarders, but the wall Mexico was going to build us for free as promised by the liar Donald J. Trump is not going to stop the problem. Only prosecuting employers for hiring illegals will make a long term dent, in my humble opinion, but Republicans want cheap labor and a border issue to gin up conflict and donations and have control of Senate and Presidency, so it ain't happening right now. As a matter of fact Lindsey Graham and 8 other Republicans just lobbied for more foreign workers needed in the country while we have 40,000,000 Americans laid off. Haven't heard of any Democrats lobbying white house for more foreign workers, have you?

What section of the United States Constitution gives the federal government the authority to tell private employers who they may or may not hire? And, before you start trying to flame me, let's go back to when America was great. How were employers deciding who got what job? So, be honest in your reply.
I thought it was still great. I like it here and am sorry you are so unhappy here. I know of no part of the constitution that tells a company who it can hire, though I am aware of federal regulations against hiring illegal aliens. I think that employers often want to hire the most qualified people dependent on the need of the job at the best cost for benefit ratio. I think they still should, as long as they are not hiring illegal aliens to take the place of American workers. Are you saying you want the cheapest labor you can possibly get whether it attract illegal aliens to this country or not? I can't say what you favor on that. There are those that favor exactly that, and they are the main reason for illegal immigration. Most of those people are coming for the opportunity. If the opportunity to work illegally was not here, they would not be as inclined to come, although some are coming to escape oppression of one type or another.

I would suppose that you are being flippant and dishonest for a reason. The real reason is you are looking for a pretext to cover up the fact you're motivated by hatred, ignorance, and outright stupidity. Now you and I know that NO rational person can extrapolate from my post anything that says I'm not satisfied in America. I'm not the one wanting to advocate for a Nanny State nor the POLICE STATE (to which you aspire.)

I have not indicated what kind of employee I want to hire, but the bottom line is I work in a ministry that seeks to help white guys out who got locked out of the system. But, when they don't show up for the gig, we have to go out and hire undocumented workers - much to the chagrin of hatemongers like you. But, the deal is, we service those in the greatest need. For me, I am retired and donate my time. The clientele tends to be the poor, those on fixed incomes and the elderly living on fixed incomes. If we have concrete to pour and trucks on the way with half a dozen white guys that don't show up for work, we don't have a Hell of a lot of options. So, the government is NOT ever going to tell me who I can and cannot hire. Since you like to play games, let's be blunt. The MAGA crowd would be thrilled to death if you could get rid of the Hispanics. Personally, I don't give two hoots in Hell. But, before we had the draconian immigration laws the MAGA crowd wants, the American people hired from within their families and from within their communities. That ended up with companies being all white - the unforgivable sin in liberal theology. Quite frankly, I'm not offended when a company is all white and if a company hires Hispanics, if I don't like the situation, I don't do business there - I don't feel offended either way. I make my own choices.

That you would call people "illegal aliens" shows that you are a traditional Democrat. You simply cannot criminalize Liberty. You cannot impute the weaknesses of your culture onto any other segment of society. I don't know what freaking world you live in, but around here the Hispanics live pretty damn good and they are not living off welfare. There are plenty of jobs for whites to do. Getting the whites to show up - even those who claim to need help is not an easy job. You'd have an easier time shoving hot butter up a wild cat's ass with a red hot poker. You see the same homeless guys week after week, month after month with their cardboard signs saying "Will work for food." Stop one day and offer them some work for money. They will turn you down. That sign on that spot brings in more money than having a traditional job. Why work when you can get more by begging? What I offer is no low paying job. Hispanics live pretty good off of it when whites don't show up. White people had rather sit on their ass, complain about those willing to work, and stay on these discussion boards rather than earn a living. I remain committed to the advancement, preservation, and protection of the Posterity of the founders and framers of this Republic even though they do not deserve this level of commitment. That is especially true when they sound like you.
I would suppose that you are being flippant and dishonest for a reason.
I was not flippant or dishonest and had no reason to be. I answered you questions as straight as possible, as you didn't state you views clearly.

"Now you and I know that NO rational person can extrapolate from my post anything that says I'm not satisfied in America." You also said "And, before you start trying to flame me, let's go back to when America was great."
I have always thought America was great, that is why a served over twenty years in our military, have done community service, youth outreach, that sort of thing to contribute to the common good. You did not say why you thought America was not great anymore, so I did not know what you were unhappy about.

You said "I'm not the one wanting to advocate for a Nanny State nor the POLICE STATE (to which you aspire.)" I never mentioned nor advocated support for a "Nanny State" or "POLICE STATE".

You said "I have not indicated what kind of employee I want to hire, but the bottom line is I work in a ministry that seeks to help white guys out who got locked out of the system. But, when they don't show up for the gig, we have to go out and hire undocumented workers - much to the chagrin of hatemongers like you.
You are not supposed to hire undocumented workers, as it perpetuates the problem of illegal immigration. Justifying your need for non H2B workers to fill your short term labor needs is no justification. Surprised you cannot find parishioners to support your ministry.

You said "That you would call people "illegal aliens" shows that you are a traditional Democrat."
Actually it is a phrase used by the MAGA crowd and Democrats that do not support illegal immigration and know some people bypass our laws, coming to this country or chose to stay past their permit to be here expired, making their status to be hired illegal for them and whoever employs them. These aliens should leave the country, get their visa and work permits updated or whatever it takes to change their status and employers should not hire them until this is done. It is a legal thing for people who support the laws of this country, though not so much for people trying to make a cheaper buck on their labor resources.

I come from a working culture at least 1100 miles from the border and I too am retired. I have also done outreach with my father as part of the Methodist Mens Club. In our communities in West Tennessee organizations like this sometimes put on roofs, rebuild porches and help with needs of some of the older less able in the community, as well as working on the churches in the circuit. They generally do not hire people who are not supposed to be remaining in the country for labor. They do the labor themselves, without pay. It is part of their ministry, many times not breaking even on materials or time spent. Most of these people are anti-illegal immigration and would not hire as you do.

You said "I remain committed to the advancement, preservation, and protection of the Posterity of the founders and framers of this Republic even though they do not deserve this level of commitment." I think the country deserves this level of commitment whether you do or not. It is sad and I do feel sorry for your bitterness at living in a country of laws you do not support, but only feel forced to comply with, even when you do not comply.

I do not comply with unconstitutional laws and I have every Right to be bitter that the right thinks that every law has to be obeyed. Even the United States Supreme Court has opined that no one is obligated to obey unconstitutional laws. People like you live in a fantasy world. I don't make any money off the laborers OR the poverty level people we serve. Sometimes I do stuff for free when I can afford it and know that someone really doesn't have any money. But, the bottom line remains: If you have material - especially a load of concrete and the white people don't show up, you'd be an idiot to shitcan the project because a few lazy white guys don't show up for work.

You want to make excuses for those who think the world owes them a living. That might be popular, but it is highly dishonest. I don't hire foreigners to save money. I hire them when we can't get white people to show up and get the job done on the day it's scheduled to be done. If the whites who waste their time on social media, doing drugs, and laying around like a mangy dog wanted to work, there is plenty of work to do. Telling an American that they cannot hire someone who WILL work is about as socialistic as you can get... and it appears your objective is to make National Socialism look honorable. That's the ONLY reason for attacking me. You can play innocent all you like, but you are trying your very best to make me out to be something we both know I am not.

You've shown a total disdain for Liberty; you have shown you don't know a damn thing about the Constitution; you are supporting strategies that will ultimately lead to the demise of white people. Don't try to pee down peoples neck and tell them it's raining.
Do you have, like a list of laws you have determined as "unconstitutional" or do you just know them when you see them or whenever a law prevents you from doing something you want to do?
Did you hear me make an excuse for somebody. I don't think so.
I am actually a great lover of liberty. i just realize that having the liberty I enjoy obligates me to some laws and societal norms.
I promise not to pee on you unless you are on fire and i do not have another method available to help. Friends?
You love liberty about as much as Pol Pot loves liberty.
I don't think we have met. I have two honorable discharges and a letter the President thanking me for my many years service protecting our freedoms here and overseas, and congratulating me on my retirement. Nothing special just doing the duty. Did you answer the call when asked? You are in no position to judge me, kid.
I call honorable ex-serviceman can vote for or defend the Mexicrat Party and their ideologies. NONE
Nobody even mentioned a "Mexicrat" party. I just re-read the post you are responding to. It did not either and defended no party period. The one before was raving about Pol Pot. I assure you I was less than 17 when the killing fields occurred in indochina. Is there a salient quote you would like to address or is this just a generalized unprovoked attack on all retired officers and enlisted who do not voice support for your political affiliation?

I know lots of servicemen and women and NONE speak like you do...NONE have a leftist bone in their body.
I am not much of a leftist either. I'm more of a centrist, but to people on the hard right anybody more centrist than them is erroneously labeled leftist at times. I have a great many military friends and family and only the crusading trump supporters tend to think like you do. Funny how they do not attack me or make up catagories trying to pigeon hole me. Didn't mean to threaten you sense of self righteousness or belief in you understanding of military people. Guess you would have to have served to know that is not a right-wing good ole boys club. Hope you do not become anti-military now that someone has pointed out error of your narrow viewpoint and experience.

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