Attempts to Roll Back Marriage Equality since the Trump Election.

The solution is to let gays marry as they will but not impose that marriage on any unwilling person.
Yup, Those children would be so much better off in foster care, a group home, a shelter or just having one legal parent instead of the security of having two who are both their guardians.

What do you propose doing about those 2M + kids currently with a gay parent or parents?? Snatch them away and find a good Christian hetero family for them?

How would you propose preventing gay people from having more kids.?? You do know that Lesbians can carry and give birth to a child? That gay men have sperm?? Ah forced sterilization sound good!! Don't you agree?
What certainly doesn't sound good is gays making children as laboratory experiments or paying some woman as a surrogate. It goes without saying that children should be removed from homes with a gay parent. How many John Walker Lindhs do we need?

Children raised by gay parents grow up unhappy and dysfunctional. They will never be able to relate to others normally.
The solution is to let gays marry as they will but not impose that marriage on any unwilling person.
Yup, Those children would be so much better off in foster care, a group home, a shelter or just having one legal parent instead of the security of having two who are both their guardians.

What do you propose doing about those 2M + kids currently with a gay parent or parents?? Snatch them away and find a good Christian hetero family for them?

How would you propose preventing gay people from having more kids.?? You do know that Lesbians can carry and give birth to a child? That gay men have sperm?? Ah forced sterilization sound good!! Don't you agree?
What certainly doesn't sound good is gays making children as laboratory experiments or paying some woman as a surrogate. It goes without saying that children should be removed from homes with a gay parent. How many John Walker Lindhs do we need?

Children raised by gay parents grow up unhappy and dysfunctional. They will never be able to relate to others normally.
Remove them??!! Common!! You're bull shitting me ! Right?? No one could be that crazy or stupid!!

What would we do with those 2M + kids ? Huge institutions?? Ya think that they might be a bit traumatized from being wretched away from their parents.? You want to create serial killers and psychopaths that that would be the way to go!!

If you actually believe that the kids should be removed at that they would be better off, you can't even be actually human!! Your a zombie troll bot!!
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The solution is to let gays marry as they will but not impose that marriage on any unwilling person.
Yup, Those children would be so much better off in foster care, a group home, a shelter or just having one legal parent instead of the security of having two who are both their guardians.

What do you propose doing about those 2M + kids currently with a gay parent or parents?? Snatch them away and find a good Christian hetero family for them?

How would you propose preventing gay people from having more kids.?? You do know that Lesbians can carry and give birth to a child? That gay men have sperm?? Ah forced sterilization sound good!! Don't you agree?
What certainly doesn't sound good is gays making children as laboratory experiments or paying some woman as a surrogate. It goes without saying that children should be removed from homes with a gay parent. How many John Walker Lindhs do we need?

Children raised by gay parents grow up unhappy and dysfunctional. They will never be able to relate to others normally.
Remove them??!! Common!! You're bull shitting me ! Right?? No one could be that crazy or stupid!!

What would we do with those 2M + kids ? Huge institutions?? Ya think that they might be a bit traumatized from being wretched away from their parents.? You want to create serial killers and psychopaths that that would be the way to go!!

If you actually believe that the kids should be removed at that they would be better off, you can't even be actually human!! Your a zombie troll bot!!
Many of those children should never have been born. They are created deliberately as little vanity trophies. In a sane culture they would never have been conceived. We have no way of knowing that these artificially twisted little souls won't be psychopaths and serial killers. As it is such children can never and will never function normally. There is no help for those already created. But for God's sake let's not make more.
The solution is to let gays marry as they will but not impose that marriage on any unwilling person.
Yup, Those children would be so much better off in foster care, a group home, a shelter or just having one legal parent instead of the security of having two who are both their guardians.

What do you propose doing about those 2M + kids currently with a gay parent or parents?? Snatch them away and find a good Christian hetero family for them?

How would you propose preventing gay people from having more kids.?? You do know that Lesbians can carry and give birth to a child? That gay men have sperm?? Ah forced sterilization sound good!! Don't you agree?
What certainly doesn't sound good is gays making children as laboratory experiments or paying some woman as a surrogate. It goes without saying that children should be removed from homes with a gay parent. How many John Walker Lindhs do we need?

Children raised by gay parents grow up unhappy and dysfunctional. They will never be able to relate to others normally.
Remove them??!! Common!! You're bull shitting me ! Right?? No one could be that crazy or stupid!!

What would we do with those 2M + kids ? Huge institutions?? Ya think that they might be a bit traumatized from being wretched away from their parents.? You want to create serial killers and psychopaths that that would be the way to go!!

If you actually believe that the kids should be removed at that they would be better off, you can't even be actually human!! Your a zombie troll bot!!
Many of those children should never have been born. They are created deliberately as little vanity trophies. In a sane culture they would never have been conceived. We have no way of knowing that these artificially twisted little souls won't be psychopaths and serial killers. As it is such children can never and will never function normally. There is no help for those already created. But for God's sake let's not make more.
Holy shit!! Thank you for confirming that you are indeed a zombie troll bot with no heart, soul or brain!! I hope the fuck that you don't get near any kids and eat their brains.

For the record, most kids who are in the care of gay people were conceived "naturally" They were either born to a woman who later came out as a lesbian and is now in a relationship with another woman, or they were given up for adoption, or taken away from, a heterosexual family or individual WHO ABUSED THEM. Is it possible that you are to fucking stupid to know that??

And what about the kids who were conceived by heterosexual couples by artificial means?? Are they monsters who should have not been born?? What shall we do with them all? Lock them away? You make no sense to me. I'm on 5 different forums and you are by far the craziest fuck that I have ever come across. I'll bet that even your friends at the FRC would think that your completely over the edge. No help for those kids?? There is no help for YOU
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Even if a child is conceived artificially and born into a household with a mother and father they are at least in a normal family that can model normal responses as those children become adults. The children of gay parents have no hope. They will never be able to function and never be able to form stsble relationships.
Most posters who obsess about hating gays are really compensating for their tiny dicks.

And their inability to have anything to sink in.
In a lesbian "marriage" which one provides the vital father role model for boy children involved? In a gay male "marriage" who provides the vital mother role model for girl children involved?

It's time to face facts that your cult's critics have valid points...
It time for you to face facts. It's no longer 1950. People are not hung up on gender rolls anymore . Men and women do what they do and fulfill rolls based on their interests and abilities. In heterosexual households , tasks are not divided according who is male and female either. It follows that children learn that they are not restricted to being certain things or doing certain things according to their gender and that is healthy. Children do get male and female roll modeling - to the extent necessary-from people who are not the parents. I have posted several peer reviewed studies that clearly shows this but you have either been to lazy to read them or too obtuse to understand them.

Ugh, another cocoon liberal who thinks the whole world is a mirror of leftist enclaves on the coasts.
And not having a "mom and a dad" or not adhering to traditional gender rolls will not result in the kids being gay, transgender, non binary gender fluid or anything else that freaks you out so much.. Just anticipating the next stupid comment.

Of course, you can't know this. No one can
Even if a child is conceived artificially and born into a household with a mother and father they are at least in a normal family that can model normal responses as those children become adults. The children of gay parents have no hope. They will never be able to function and never be able to form stsble relationships.

Of course this is true. Children patern their life's on how they see things growing up. There is no greater patern that they see then that if their parents. That is seen in study after study, but let's discount those studies when it comes to gays?
Even if a child is conceived artificially and born into a household with a mother and father they are at least in a normal family that can model normal responses as those children become adults. The children of gay parents have no hope. They will never be able to function and never be able to form stsble relationships.

Of course this is true. Children patern their life's on how they see things growing up. There is no greater patern that they see then that if their parents. That is seen in study after study, but let's discount those studies when it comes to gays?
I have known a great many same sex marriages and the children from these marriages. To the last one, they are dysfunctional. Many say they had a happy childhood and considered themselves well adjusted. They weren't. A man, raised by men will never understand the relationship between a woman and her mother. He will always be bewildered by a mother and daughter bond. He never saw it and never had a mother himself. I've known these people. Years of therapy won't help. He won't be able to form a strong relationship with a woman. He will never have an appropriate understanding of a daughter.

This of course is only one example. There are hundreds of instances. We think we prove a point in bringing these souls into the world and twisting them. How downright evil can we be?
Even if a child is conceived artificially and born into a household with a mother and father they are at least in a normal family that can model normal responses as those children become adults. The children of gay parents have no hope. They will never be able to function and never be able to form stsble relationships.

Of course this is true. Children patern their life's on how they see things growing up. There is no greater patern that they see then that if their parents. That is seen in study after study, but let's discount those studies when it comes to gays?
I have known a great many same sex marriages and the children from these marriages. To the last one, they are dysfunctional. Many say they had a happy childhood and considered themselves well adjusted. They weren't. A man, raised by men will never understand the relationship between a woman and her mother. He will always be bewildered by a mother and daughter bond. He never saw it and never had a mother himself. I've known these people. Years of therapy won't help. He won't be able to form a strong relationship with a woman. He will never have an appropriate understanding of a daughter.

This of course is only one example. There are hundreds of instances. We think we prove a point in bringing these souls into the world and twisting them. How downright evil can we be?

People who are delusional can not make adequate judgements as it pertains to normalcy. It's called......Impossible
Even if a child is conceived artificially and born into a household with a mother and father they are at least in a normal family that can model normal responses as those children become adults. The children of gay parents have no hope. They will never be able to function and never be able to form stable relationships.
Let's recap. You have been railing against people having children by other than " natural" means. I said '"And what about the kids who were conceived by heterosexual couples by artificial means?? Are they monsters who should have not been born??" Now you are walking that back and trying to say that you only mean kids born to gay people. How fucking stupid and dishonest is that !!?? And where do you get this horseshit about children of gays never being able to form stable relationships. You are either knowingly lying or the voices in your head are telling you that. I defy you to come up with one single credible source to support that or your contention that they will be psychopaths . Christ your are a fucking mess!!
Even if a child is conceived artificially and born into a household with a mother and father they are at least in a normal family that can model normal responses as those children become adults. The children of gay parents have no hope. They will never be able to function and never be able to form stsble relationships.

Of course this is true. Children patern their life's on how they see things growing up. There is no greater patern that they see then that if their parents. That is seen in study after study, but let's discount those studies when it comes to gays?
I have known a great many same sex marriages and the children from these marriages. To the last one, they are dysfunctional. Many say they had a happy childhood and considered themselves well adjusted. They weren't. A man, raised by men will never understand the relationship between a woman and her mother. He will always be bewildered by a mother and daughter bond. He never saw it and never had a mother himself. I've known these people. Years of therapy won't help. He won't be able to form a strong relationship with a woman. He will never have an appropriate understanding of a daughter.

This of course is only one example. There are hundreds of instances. We think we prove a point in bringing these souls into the world and twisting them. How downright evil can we be?
Seriously ?? you have known a great many same sex marriages and the children from these marriages??? Do they know you and what a complete nightmare you are . Would they want to know you if they did know? What a fucking liar! Or a delusional psychotic . Not sure which. We are so fucking done here. You are not to be taken seriously.
Even if a child is conceived artificially and born into a household with a mother and father they are at least in a ivenormal family that can model normal responses as those children become adults. The children of gay parents have no hope. They will never be able to function and never be able to form stsble relationships.

Of course this is true. Children patern their life's on how they see things growing up. There is no greater patern that they see then that if their parents. That is seen in study after study, but let's discount those studies when it comes to gays?
I have known a great many same sex marriages and the children from these marriages. To the last one, they are dysfunctional. Many say they had a happy childhood and considered themselves well adjusted. They weren't. A man, raised by men will never understand the relationship between a woman and her mother. He will always be bewildered by a mother and daughter bond. He never saw it and never had a mother himself. I've known these people. Years of therapy won't help. He won't be able to form a strong relationship with a woman. He will never have an appropriate understanding of a daughter.

This of course is only one example. There are hundreds of instances. We think we prove a point in bringing these souls into the world and twisting them. How downright evil can we be?
Seriously ?? you have known a great many same sex marriages and the children from these marriages??? Do they know you and what a complete nightmare you are . Would they want to know you if they did know? What a fucking liar! Or a delusional psychotic . Not sure which. We are so fucking done here. You are not to be taken seriously.
I've been fucking done with you since the beginning. You are a liberal therefore beneath contempt.
Most posters who obsess about hating gays are really compensating for their tiny dicks.

And their inability to have anything to sink in.
In a lesbian "marriage" which one provides the vital father role model for boy children involved? In a gay male "marriage" who provides the vital mother role model for girl children involved?

It's time to face facts that your cult's critics have valid points...
It time for you to face facts. It's no longer 1950. People are not hung up on gender rolls anymore . Men and women do what they do and fulfill rolls based on their interests and abilities. In heterosexual households , tasks are not divided according who is male and female either. It follows that children learn that they are not restricted to being certain things or doing certain things according to their gender and that is healthy. Children do get male and female roll modeling - to the extent necessary-from people who are not the parents. I have posted several peer reviewed studies that clearly shows this but you have either been to lazy to read them or too obtuse to understand them.

Ugh, another cocoon liberal who thinks the whole world is a mirror of leftist enclaves on the coasts.
And not having a "mom and a dad" or not adhering to traditional gender rolls will not result in the kids being gay, transgender, non binary gender fluid or anything else that freaks you out so much.. Just anticipating the next stupid comment.

Of course, you can't know this. No one can

It's called social research but you can't possibly know anything about that

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
In a lesbian "marriage" which one provides the vital father role model for boy children involved? In a gay male "marriage" who provides the vital mother role model for girl children involved?

It's time to face facts that your cult's critics have valid points...
It time for you to face facts. It's no longer 1950. People are not hung up on gender rolls anymore . Men and women do what they do and fulfill rolls based on their interests and abilities. In heterosexual households , tasks are not divided according who is male and female either. It follows that children learn that they are not restricted to being certain things or doing certain things according to their gender and that is healthy. Children do get male and female roll modeling - to the extent necessary-from people who are not the parents. I have posted several peer reviewed studies that clearly shows this but you have either been to lazy to read them or too obtuse to understand them.

Ugh, another cocoon liberal who thinks the whole world is a mirror of leftist enclaves on the coasts.
And not having a "mom and a dad" or not adhering to traditional gender rolls will not result in the kids being gay, transgender, non binary gender fluid or anything else that freaks you out so much.. Just anticipating the next stupid comment.

Of course, you can't know this. No one can

It's called social research but you can't possibly know anything about that

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It's called social engineering or at least social tinkering. It should be illegal.
Most posters who obsess about hating gays are really compensating for their tiny dicks.

And their inability to have anything to sink in.
In a lesbian "marriage" which one provides the vital father role model for boy children involved? In a gay male "marriage" who provides the vital mother role model for girl children involved?

It's time to face facts that your cult's critics have valid points...
It time for you to face facts. It's no longer 1950. People are not hung up on gender rolls anymore . Men and women do what they do and fulfill rolls based on their interests and abilities. In heterosexual households , tasks are not divided according who is male and female either. It follows that children learn that they are not restricted to being certain things or doing certain things according to their gender and that is healthy. Children do get male and female roll modeling - to the extent necessary-from people who are not the parents. I have posted several peer reviewed studies that clearly shows this but you have either been to lazy to read them or too obtuse to understand them.

Ugh, another cocoon liberal who thinks the whole world is a mirror of leftist enclaves on the coasts.
And not having a "mom and a dad" or not adhering to traditional gender rolls will not result in the kids being gay, transgender, non binary gender fluid or anything else that freaks you out so much.. Just anticipating the next stupid comment.

When did I mention something "freaking me out "?
What's funny is homos are so stupid they didn't know they could basically sign contracts similar to marriage contracts without the Obergefel ruling. .

Are you stupid, ignorant or lying? Or all three.

There never existed any alternative to marriage that conferred all the benefits of marriage.

And bigots like you worked hard to ensure that.

A simple contract would confer all the benefits of marriage.
Well.... no it wouldn't.
Even if a child is conceived artificially and born into a household with a mother and father they are at least in a normal family that can model normal responses as those children become adults. The children of gay parents have no hope. They will never be able to function and never be able to form stable relationships.
Let's recap. You have been railing against people having children by other than " natural" means. I said '"And what about the kids who were conceived by heterosexual couples by artificial means?? Are they monsters who should have not been born??" Now you are walking that back and trying to say that you only mean kids born to gay people. How fucking stupid and dishonest is that !!?? And where do you get this horseshit about children of gays never being able to form stable relationships. You are either knowingly lying or the voices in your head are telling you that. I defy you to come up with one single credible source to support that or your contention that they will be psychopaths . Christ your are a fucking mess!!
You have made an argument and attributed your position to me. I don't play that game.
In a lesbian "marriage" which one provides the vital father role model for boy children involved? In a gay male "marriage" who provides the vital mother role model for girl children involved?

It's time to face facts that your cult's critics have valid points...
It time for you to face facts. It's no longer 1950. People are not hung up on gender rolls anymore . Men and women do what they do and fulfill rolls based on their interests and abilities. In heterosexual households , tasks are not divided according who is male and female either. It follows that children learn that they are not restricted to being certain things or doing certain things according to their gender and that is healthy. Children do get male and female roll modeling - to the extent necessary-from people who are not the parents. I have posted several peer reviewed studies that clearly shows this but you have either been to lazy to read them or too obtuse to understand them.

Ugh, another cocoon liberal who thinks the whole world is a mirror of leftist enclaves on the coasts.
And not having a "mom and a dad" or not adhering to traditional gender rolls will not result in the kids being gay, transgender, non binary gender fluid or anything else that freaks you out so much.. Just anticipating the next stupid comment.

Of course, you can't know this. No one can

It's called social research but you can't possibly know anything about that

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Research done that conflicts with literally thousands of other type research about parental influence is simply.........

Delusional researchers feeding the delusional.

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