Putin and the Democrats

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
In fielding Hillary, the Democrats nominated a very flawed candidate, who was endorsed by her scandal plagued husband, and a divisive president who didn't even like her.

To explain their devastating defeat. The Democrat party invented a farfetched tale about Russian hackers, and Putin meddling in the election, to help explain the disaster which befell them.

Now the Democrats are in complete disarray, disillusioned, and demoralized. But yet, they continue clinging to the, "Russian hacker" fable. When they should be looking inward at changing their failed policies and radical based agenda. ...... :cool:
Let them have it, it just puts public weight behind President Trump's initiative to investigate voter fraud so we can find any problem areas and get them fixed so everyone can shush about it in the future (hopefully.)

Though I do think if we're going to pursue 'foreign influence' crap then we need to nail other countries to the wall for 'political propaganda' and 'trolls' - it's completely stupid to only tag Russia for that when almost every nation on the planet does it.
Far left people just don't get that it's their turn to leave now. They were born winning. They cannot recognize defeat.

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