Attacks On Jews Around the World

Surada quotes Al jihadzeera and lies too.


The 'gas the Jews' chants by Arabs in AU was already two days after Oct 7 nazi-Palestine atrocities by genocidal 3,000 Arab-Muslims ...

Just proves that Islam is Evil
Asaf Romirowsky, an expert on the Middle East and executive director of Scholars for Peace in the Middle East, told The Algemeiner that since the 1960s, far-left “scholar activists” have gradually seized control of the higher education system, tailoring admissions processes and the curricula to foster ideological radicalism and conformity, which students then carry with them into careers in government, law, corporate America, and education.

“This is 1984,” he explained, alluding to George Orwell’s classic novel about a dystopian state. “As we can see, these rallies are not peaceful as their supporters have insisted. They are violent, verbally and physically. People are ending up in the hospital with injuries. This is analogous to Nazi Germany, and that should be a wake-up call to the American people. If these are the institutions that should be the vanguard of American democracy and Western values and this is what they are producing, we should be seriously questioning the functionality of higher education as a whole.”

Just proves that Islam is Evil

They paint a picture of a facility where doctors sometimes amputated prisoners’ limbs due to injuries sustained from constant handcuffing; of medical procedures sometimes performed by underqualified medics earning it a reputation for being “a paradise for interns”; and where the air is filled with the smell of neglected wounds left to rot.
An 18-year-old Jewish man wearing a kippa in Cologne, Germany, was beaten by a group of 10 attackers in a public green space and taken to the hospital with a broken nose and cheekbone.

Police arrested two suspects in what they are deeming an antisemitic hate crime. The attack was captured on police surveillance video on Friday.

The suspects, ages 18 and 19, were released on Saturday on their own recognizance. There was no further information released about them.

And this was a long time before the present crisis

These are likely the antisemitic black Muslims doing this. London has had a big problem with their massive influx. I just pray that Biden doesn’t carry through on his plan to bring the HAMAS-supporting Muslims to America.

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