Atheists Who Celebrate All The Good That God Causes , , , , ,


Gold Member
Apr 24, 2015
JAG Writes:
Atheists do not believe that God exists but some atheists will postulate that
God does exist for the sake of argument.

Some of these Atheists interpret the Christian doctrine of God's Omnipotence
(He is all powerful) as meaning that God not only permits, but also causes,
all human suffering. These Atheists say that Christianity demands that we say
that God causes . . .ALL. . . that comes to pass in human history and that God
is therefore morally responsible for all that comes to pass in human history.

Let us get this nailed down solid.
Atheists do not believe that God exists.
But they postulate that God exists for the sake of argument.
Many atheists say the God-That-Does-Not-Exist drowned children in the Genesis Flood.
Many atheists say the God-That-Does-Not-Exist committed genocide in the Old Testament.
How can they say this if they do not believe that God exists?
Again , , , They postulate that God does exist for the sake of argument, so they can
accuse God of being evil and accuse Him of being ultimately responsible for all that
comes to pass in human history because He is Omnipotent {all powerful} and
could have created a world free from evil, pain, suffering, and death, but He
chose not to do that, but rather chose to create the present world we have now,
so they say God is therefore ultimately responsible for everything that occurs.

Some of these Atheists say that the God-That-Does-Not-Exist is responsible for , , ,
■ bone cancer in children
■ the COVID-19 virus now raging upon the human race
■ human diseases like cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's Disease, etc
■ earthquakes, mudslides, killer storms, Tsunamis, Hurricanes, etc
■ and all the other evils and suffering in the world


So God either causes all things or He does not cause all things.

If God causes all things then , , ,

Worldwide every year there are thousands of good things that God
causes but no threads are ever started by Atheists celebrating those
thousands of good things God causes.

If God gets the blame for all the bad things He is said to cause, then He
also must get the credit for all the good things He causes -- if you want
to be consistent --- and you do want to be consistent, I feel certain you

So if God is Omnipotent and CONTROLS and CAUSES . . .ALL . . things,
therefore all the tens of thousands of acts of kindness that occur worldwide
every year are also caused by God --- and everything else that is a good thing.

I ask these God-Causes-All-Things Atheists to join me in listing the good
things God causes, along with the bad things they say He causes.

So I have a question for atheists that DO accuse God of being evil because they
say He caused all things and is ultimately responsible for the world of suffering
we now have.
Here is the question:
God either , , ,
{1} causes all things , , ,
or He
{2} does not cause all things.
Which is it?

If you say {2} then I call upon you to STOP accusing the God of the Bible
of being evil because you picked {2} God "does not cause all things."

If you say {1} then I call upon you to START giving God credit for all the
good things God causes as well as giving God the credit for all the evil
things you say God causes ---because you picked {1} God "causes all things" , , ,

, , , and now I ask you to celebrate all the good things that God causes,
as well as all the evil things you say that God causes , , , and here are
some of those good things that God caused , , ,

■ caused Polio to be cured.

■ caused all the love in the world

■ caused all the kindness in the world

■ caused all the empathy in the world

■ caused all the sympathy in the world

■ caused all the hospitals in the world to be built

■ caused all the charities in the world to come to exist

■ caused all the homes of people to be built

■ caused the Center For Disease Control to come to exist

■ caused the World Health Organization to come to exist

■ caused all the Super Walmart Stores and Sam's Clubs to come to exist

■ and caused every single thing that is a good thing, to come to exist

■ caused your automobiles to be made and to become yours

■ caused all the money you have, or will ever have, to become yours

■ caused your homes to be heated and cooled

■ caused all your clothes to be made and to become yours

■ caused your pets to come to exist and to become your pets

■ caused all your medicines to be made and to come to be inside your medicine cabinet

■ caused General Motors to come to exist

■ caused your cell phone to be made and to become yours

■ caused all the books in the world that you enjoy to be written

■ caused all the movies you enjoy to be made

■ caused all the music you enjoy to be made

■ caused all the warm sandy beaches you enjoy to come to exist

■ caused all the schools and universities to come to exist

■ caused the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra to come to exist

■ caused all the nursing homes to come to exist

■ caused all the retirement centers to come to exist

■ caused it to be possible for you to retire and enjoy your retirement

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We may just be here as the result of chemistry and biology.

If that's the case, stuff happens, and blaming or giving credit to a god is pointless.

"We may just be here as the result of chemistry and biology.
If that's the case, stuff happens, and blaming or giving credit
to a god is pointless."___Mac

It is good to know that you are not one of those that blame God for , , ,
■ bone cancer in children
■ the COVID-19 virus now raging upon the human race
■ human diseases like cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's Disease, etc
■ earthquakes, mudslides, killer storms, Tsunamis, Hurricanes, etc
■ and all the other evils and suffering in the world

, , , , of course many people do blame God as explained in my OP.

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We may just be here as the result of chemistry and biology.

If that's the case, stuff happens, and blaming or giving credit to a god is pointless.
It's propagating the $1.2T religious industry. I'm an Agnostic. I believe that atheists are as stupid as religious folks.
We may just be here as the result of chemistry and biology.

If that's the case, stuff happens, and blaming or giving credit to a god is pointless.
It's propagating the $1.2T religious industry. I'm an Agnostic. I believe that atheists are as stupid as religious folks.
To claim to know for sure is pure ego.
We may just be here as the result of chemistry and biology.

If that's the case, stuff happens, and blaming or giving credit to a god is pointless.

"We may just be here as the result of chemistry and biology.
If that's the case, stuff happens, and blaming or giving credit
to a god is pointless."___Mac

It is good to know that you are not one of those that blame God for , , ,
■ bone cancer in children
■ the COVID-19 virus now raging upon the human race
■ human diseases like cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's Disease, etc
■ earthquakes, mudslides, killer storms, Tsunamis, Hurricanes, etc
■ and all the other evils and suffering in the world

, , of course many people do blame God as explained in my OP.

I guess that's human nature.
We may just be here as the result of chemistry and biology.

If that's the case, stuff happens, and blaming or giving credit to a god is pointless.
It's propagating the $1.2T religious industry. I'm an Agnostic. I believe that atheists are as stupid as religious folks.

"I'm an Agnostic. I believe that atheists are as stupid as religious folks."___OnePercenter

"I believe" is a faith position.

Have you considered becoming agnostic about your believing that?

Also this: You know for certain that there are many Christians with
IQ's in the high ranges and who have earned doctorates from top
secular universities --- so you don't really believe they are literally

So your "stupid" means something other than its literal definition.
You wanna tell me what "stupid" means in your context up there?


Only atheists and suicide bombers are absolutely certain about the afterlife.
JAG Writes:
Atheists do not believe that God exists but some atheists will postulate that
God does exist for the sake of argument.

Some of these Atheists interpret the Christian doctrine of God's Omnipotence
(He is all powerful) as meaning that God not only permits, but also causes,
all human suffering. These Atheists say that Christianity demands that we say
that God causes . . .ALL. . . that comes to pass in human history and that God
is therefore morally responsible for all that comes to pass in human history.

Let us get this nailed down solid.
Atheists do not believe that God exists.
But they postulate that God exists for the sake of argument.
Many atheists say the God-That-Does-Not-Exist drowned children in the Genesis Flood.
Many atheists say the God-That-Does-Not-Exist committed genocide in the Old Testament.
Hoe can they say this if they do not believe that God exists?
Again , , , They postulate that God does exist for the sake of argument, so they can
accuse God of being evil and accuse Him of being ultimately responsible for all that
comes to pass in human history because He is Omnipotent {all powerful} and
could have created a world free from evil, pain, suffering, and death, but He
chose not to do that, but rather chose to create the present world we have now,
so they say God is therefore ultimately responsible for everything that occurs.

Some of these Atheists say that the God-That-Does-Not-Exist is responsible for , , ,
■ bone cancer in children
■ the COVID-19 virus now raging upon the human race
■ human diseases like cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's Disease, etc
■ earthquakes, mudslides, killer storms, Tsunamis, Hurricanes, etc
■ and all the other evils and suffering in the world


So God either causes all things or He does not cause all things.

If God causes all things then , , ,

Worldwide every year there are thousands of good things that God
causes but no threads are ever started by Atheists celebrating those
thousands of good things God causes.

If God gets the blame for all the bad things He is said to cause, then He
also must get the credit for all the good things He causes -- if you want
to be consistent --- and you do want to be consistent, I feel certain you

So if God is Omnipotent and CONTROLS and CAUSES . . .ALL . . things,
therefore all the tens of thousands of acts of kindness that occur worldwide
every year are also caused by God --- and everything else that is a good thing.

I ask these God-Causes-All-Things Atheists to join me in listing the good
things God causes, along with the bad things they say He causes.

So I have a question for atheists that DO accuse God of being evil because they
say He caused all things and is ultimately responsible for the world of suffering
we now have.
Here is the question:
God either , , ,
{1} causes all things , , ,
or He
{2} does not cause all things.
Which is it?

If you say {2} then I call upon you to STOP accusing the God of the Bible
of being evil because you picked {2} God "does not cause all things."

If you say {1} then I call upon you to START giving God credit for all the
good things God causes as well as giving God the credit for all the evil
things you say God causes ---because you picked {1} God "causes all things" , , ,

, , , and now I ask you to celebrate all the good things that God causes,
as well as all the evil things you say that God causes , , , and here are
some of those good things that God caused , , ,

■ caused Polio to be cured.

■ caused all the love in the world

■ caused all the kindness in the world

■ caused all the empathy in the world

■ caused all the sympathy in the world

■ caused all the hospitals in the world to be built

■ caused all the charities in the world to come to exist

■ caused all the homes of people to be built

■ caused the Center For Disease Control to come to exist

■ caused the World Health Organization to come to exist

■ caused all the Super Walmart Stores and Sam's Clubs to come to exist

■ and caused every single thing that is a good thing, to come to exist

■ caused your automobiles to be made and to become yours

■ caused all the money you have, or will ever have, to become yours

■ caused your homes to be heated and cooled

■ caused all your clothes to be made and to become yours

■ caused your pets to come to exist and to become your pets

■ caused all your medicines to be made and to come to be inside your medicine cabinet

■ caused General Motors to come to exist

■ caused your cell phone to be made and to become yours

■ caused all the books in the world that you enjoy to be written

■ caused all the movies you enjoy to be made

■ caused all the music you enjoy to be made

■ caused all the warm sandy beaches you enjoy to come to exist

■ caused all the schools and universities to come to exist

■ caused the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra to come to exist

■ caused all the nursing homes to come to exist

■ caused all the retirement centers to come to exist

■ caused it to be possible for you to retire and enjoy your retirement

..just a bunch of wasted babble crap
there is no god
A deity has never existed and many of those things you listed, were the result of human innovation.
As for empathy, even elephants, primates, dolphins, canines and parrots demonstrate empathy towards their own. It's brain wiring.
Only atheists and suicide bombers are absolutely certain about the afterlife.
I don't think they (atheists) truly are so certain. If they were, they wouldn't be spending anytime here trying to convince everyone else to agree with them. They simply would take everything in stride. I don't know of any atheist who totally hates Christmas -------- they most certainly love the day off. And frankly, I imagine even atheists experience a feeling of letdown after the holidays pass...
A deity has never existed and many of those things you listed, were the result of human innovation.
As for empathy, even elephants, primates, dolphins, canines and parrots demonstrate empathy towards their own. It's brain wiring.
Ironically, you just argued against the existence of empathy by suggesting that it is nothing more than involuntary brain impulses.
We may just be here as the result of chemistry and biology.

If that's the case, stuff happens, and blaming or giving credit to a god is pointless.
It's propagating the $1.2T religious industry. I'm an Agnostic. I believe that atheists are as stupid as religious folks.

"I'm an Agnostic. I believe that atheists are as stupid as religious folks."___OnePercenter

"I believe" is a faith position.

Have you considered becoming agnostic about your believing that?

Also this: You know for certain that there are many Christians with
IQ's in the high ranges and who have earned doctorates from top
secular universities --- so you don't really believe they are literally

So your "stupid" means something other than its literal definition.
You wanna tell me what "stupid" means in your context up there?


A "belief" is an opinion. You can base your opinion on fact (me) or fairy tale (you).

"I believe" IS NOT a "faith position." For instance; I believe I'll have another beer. Is that a faith position or an opinion?

"Stupid" is intended for people that base their life on fairy tales. Unless, of course you are very smart and make a lot of money bilking the sheep. Then you have Jerry Falwell, Jr. dropping his drawers recently.
JAG Writes:
Atheists do not believe that God exists but some atheists will postulate that
God does exist for the sake of argument.

Some of these Atheists interpret the Christian doctrine of God's Omnipotence
(He is all powerful) as meaning that God not only permits, but also causes,
all human suffering. These Atheists say that Christianity demands that we say
that God causes . . .ALL. . . that comes to pass in human history and that God
is therefore morally responsible for all that comes to pass in human history.

Let us get this nailed down solid.
Atheists do not believe that God exists.
But they postulate that God exists for the sake of argument.
Many atheists say the God-That-Does-Not-Exist drowned children in the Genesis Flood.
Many atheists say the God-That-Does-Not-Exist committed genocide in the Old Testament.
How can they say this if they do not believe that God exists?
Again , , , They postulate that God does exist for the sake of argument, so they can
accuse God of being evil and accuse Him of being ultimately responsible for all that
comes to pass in human history because He is Omnipotent {all powerful} and
could have created a world free from evil, pain, suffering, and death, but He
chose not to do that, but rather chose to create the present world we have now,
so they say God is therefore ultimately responsible for everything that occurs.

Some of these Atheists say that the God-That-Does-Not-Exist is responsible for , , ,
■ bone cancer in children
■ the COVID-19 virus now raging upon the human race
■ human diseases like cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's Disease, etc
■ earthquakes, mudslides, killer storms, Tsunamis, Hurricanes, etc
■ and all the other evils and suffering in the world


So God either causes all things or He does not cause all things.

If God causes all things then , , ,

Worldwide every year there are thousands of good things that God
causes but no threads are ever started by Atheists celebrating those
thousands of good things God causes.

If God gets the blame for all the bad things He is said to cause, then He
also must get the credit for all the good things He causes -- if you want
to be consistent --- and you do want to be consistent, I feel certain you

So if God is Omnipotent and CONTROLS and CAUSES . . .ALL . . things,
therefore all the tens of thousands of acts of kindness that occur worldwide
every year are also caused by God --- and everything else that is a good thing.

I ask these God-Causes-All-Things Atheists to join me in listing the good
things God causes, along with the bad things they say He causes.

So I have a question for atheists that DO accuse God of being evil because they
say He caused all things and is ultimately responsible for the world of suffering
we now have.
Here is the question:
God either , , ,
{1} causes all things , , ,
or He
{2} does not cause all things.
Which is it?

If you say {2} then I call upon you to STOP accusing the God of the Bible
of being evil because you picked {2} God "does not cause all things."

If you say {1} then I call upon you to START giving God credit for all the
good things God causes as well as giving God the credit for all the evil
things you say God causes ---because you picked {1} God "causes all things" , , ,

, , , and now I ask you to celebrate all the good things that God causes,
as well as all the evil things you say that God causes , , , and here are
some of those good things that God caused , , ,

■ caused Polio to be cured.

■ caused all the love in the world

■ caused all the kindness in the world

■ caused all the empathy in the world

■ caused all the sympathy in the world

■ caused all the hospitals in the world to be built

■ caused all the charities in the world to come to exist

■ caused all the homes of people to be built

■ caused the Center For Disease Control to come to exist

■ caused the World Health Organization to come to exist

■ caused all the Super Walmart Stores and Sam's Clubs to come to exist

■ and caused every single thing that is a good thing, to come to exist

■ caused your automobiles to be made and to become yours

■ caused all the money you have, or will ever have, to become yours

■ caused your homes to be heated and cooled

■ caused all your clothes to be made and to become yours

■ caused your pets to come to exist and to become your pets

■ caused all your medicines to be made and to come to be inside your medicine cabinet

■ caused General Motors to come to exist

■ caused your cell phone to be made and to become yours

■ caused all the books in the world that you enjoy to be written

■ caused all the movies you enjoy to be made

■ caused all the music you enjoy to be made

■ caused all the warm sandy beaches you enjoy to come to exist

■ caused all the schools and universities to come to exist

■ caused the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra to come to exist

■ caused all the nursing homes to come to exist

■ caused all the retirement centers to come to exist

■ caused it to be possible for you to retire and enjoy your retirement

If God gets the blame for all the bad things He (they) is said to cause ...
stop being deceitful jag -

the fallacies and forgeries of the desert religions, their uninterrupted history of persecution and victimization of the innocent - deserve the blame.

its sinners like you that perpetuate the distraction you claim is directed at the metaphysical when it is your actions that are the true culprit.
JAG Writes:
Atheists do not believe that God exists but some atheists will postulate that
God does exist for the sake of argument.

Some of these Atheists interpret the Christian doctrine of God's Omnipotence
(He is all powerful) as meaning that God not only permits, but also causes,
all human suffering. These Atheists say that Christianity demands that we say
that God causes . . .ALL. . . that comes to pass in human history and that God
is therefore morally responsible for all that comes to pass in human history.

Let us get this nailed down solid.
Atheists do not believe that God exists.
But they postulate that God exists for the sake of argument.
Many atheists say the God-That-Does-Not-Exist drowned children in the Genesis Flood.
Many atheists say the God-That-Does-Not-Exist committed genocide in the Old Testament.
How can they say this if they do not believe that God exists?
Again , , , They postulate that God does exist for the sake of argument, so they can
accuse God of being evil and accuse Him of being ultimately responsible for all that
comes to pass in human history because He is Omnipotent {all powerful} and
could have created a world free from evil, pain, suffering, and death, but He
chose not to do that, but rather chose to create the present world we have now,
so they say God is therefore ultimately responsible for everything that occurs.

Some of these Atheists say that the God-That-Does-Not-Exist is responsible for , , ,
■ bone cancer in children
■ the COVID-19 virus now raging upon the human race
■ human diseases like cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's Disease, etc
■ earthquakes, mudslides, killer storms, Tsunamis, Hurricanes, etc
■ and all the other evils and suffering in the world


So God either causes all things or He does not cause all things.

If God causes all things then , , ,

Worldwide every year there are thousands of good things that God
causes but no threads are ever started by Atheists celebrating those
thousands of good things God causes.

If God gets the blame for all the bad things He is said to cause, then He
also must get the credit for all the good things He causes -- if you want
to be consistent --- and you do want to be consistent, I feel certain you

So if God is Omnipotent and CONTROLS and CAUSES . . .ALL . . things,
therefore all the tens of thousands of acts of kindness that occur worldwide
every year are also caused by God --- and everything else that is a good thing.

I ask these God-Causes-All-Things Atheists to join me in listing the good
things God causes, along with the bad things they say He causes.

So I have a question for atheists that DO accuse God of being evil because they
say He caused all things and is ultimately responsible for the world of suffering
we now have.
Here is the question:
God either , , ,
{1} causes all things , , ,
or He
{2} does not cause all things.
Which is it?

If you say {2} then I call upon you to STOP accusing the God of the Bible
of being evil because you picked {2} God "does not cause all things."

If you say {1} then I call upon you to START giving God credit for all the
good things God causes as well as giving God the credit for all the evil
things you say God causes ---because you picked {1} God "causes all things" , , ,

, , , and now I ask you to celebrate all the good things that God causes,
as well as all the evil things you say that God causes , , , and here are
some of those good things that God caused , , ,

■ caused Polio to be cured.

■ caused all the love in the world

■ caused all the kindness in the world

■ caused all the empathy in the world

■ caused all the sympathy in the world

■ caused all the hospitals in the world to be built

■ caused all the charities in the world to come to exist

■ caused all the homes of people to be built

■ caused the Center For Disease Control to come to exist

■ caused the World Health Organization to come to exist

■ caused all the Super Walmart Stores and Sam's Clubs to come to exist

■ and caused every single thing that is a good thing, to come to exist

■ caused your automobiles to be made and to become yours

■ caused all the money you have, or will ever have, to become yours

■ caused your homes to be heated and cooled

■ caused all your clothes to be made and to become yours

■ caused your pets to come to exist and to become your pets

■ caused all your medicines to be made and to come to be inside your medicine cabinet

■ caused General Motors to come to exist

■ caused your cell phone to be made and to become yours

■ caused all the books in the world that you enjoy to be written

■ caused all the movies you enjoy to be made

■ caused all the music you enjoy to be made

■ caused all the warm sandy beaches you enjoy to come to exist

■ caused all the schools and universities to come to exist

■ caused the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra to come to exist

■ caused all the nursing homes to come to exist

■ caused all the retirement centers to come to exist

■ caused it to be possible for you to retire and enjoy your retirement

If God gets the blame for all the bad things He (they) is said to cause ...
stop being deceitful jag -
View attachment 378725
the fallacies and forgeries of the desert religions, their uninterrupted history of persecution and victimization of the innocent - deserve the blame.

its sinners like you that perpetuate the distraction you claim is directed at the metaphysical when it is your actions that are the true culprit.
The problem with the picture above is that such would likely occur in Europe, primarily Spain and Italy during the Inquisition and not in the desert... The man on the wheel would be more than likely a rich landowner who read the Bible and helped Protestants. Those in charge of his torture would have wanted his money and land to add to the coffers of the Roman Catholic affiliation known as the Jesuits, and ultimately the Vatican itself.
JAG Writes:
Atheists do not believe that God exists but some atheists will postulate that
God does exist for the sake of argument.

Some of these Atheists interpret the Christian doctrine of God's Omnipotence
(He is all powerful) as meaning that God not only permits, but also causes,
all human suffering. These Atheists say that Christianity demands that we say
that God causes . . .ALL. . . that comes to pass in human history and that God
is therefore morally responsible for all that comes to pass in human history.

Let us get this nailed down solid.
Atheists do not believe that God exists.
But they postulate that God exists for the sake of argument.
Many atheists say the God-That-Does-Not-Exist drowned children in the Genesis Flood.
Many atheists say the God-That-Does-Not-Exist committed genocide in the Old Testament.
How can they say this if they do not believe that God exists?
Again , , , They postulate that God does exist for the sake of argument, so they can
accuse God of being evil and accuse Him of being ultimately responsible for all that
comes to pass in human history because He is Omnipotent {all powerful} and
could have created a world free from evil, pain, suffering, and death, but He
chose not to do that, but rather chose to create the present world we have now,
so they say God is therefore ultimately responsible for everything that occurs.

Some of these Atheists say that the God-That-Does-Not-Exist is responsible for , , ,
■ bone cancer in children
■ the COVID-19 virus now raging upon the human race
■ human diseases like cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's Disease, etc
■ earthquakes, mudslides, killer storms, Tsunamis, Hurricanes, etc
■ and all the other evils and suffering in the world


So God either causes all things or He does not cause all things.

If God causes all things then , , ,

Worldwide every year there are thousands of good things that God
causes but no threads are ever started by Atheists celebrating those
thousands of good things God causes.

If God gets the blame for all the bad things He is said to cause, then He
also must get the credit for all the good things He causes -- if you want
to be consistent --- and you do want to be consistent, I feel certain you

So if God is Omnipotent and CONTROLS and CAUSES . . .ALL . . things,
therefore all the tens of thousands of acts of kindness that occur worldwide
every year are also caused by God --- and everything else that is a good thing.

I ask these God-Causes-All-Things Atheists to join me in listing the good
things God causes, along with the bad things they say He causes.

So I have a question for atheists that DO accuse God of being evil because they
say He caused all things and is ultimately responsible for the world of suffering
we now have.
Here is the question:
God either , , ,
{1} causes all things , , ,
or He
{2} does not cause all things.
Which is it?

If you say {2} then I call upon you to STOP accusing the God of the Bible
of being evil because you picked {2} God "does not cause all things."

If you say {1} then I call upon you to START giving God credit for all the
good things God causes as well as giving God the credit for all the evil
things you say God causes ---because you picked {1} God "causes all things" , , ,

, , , and now I ask you to celebrate all the good things that God causes,
as well as all the evil things you say that God causes , , , and here are
some of those good things that God caused , , ,

■ caused Polio to be cured.

■ caused all the love in the world

■ caused all the kindness in the world

■ caused all the empathy in the world

■ caused all the sympathy in the world

■ caused all the hospitals in the world to be built

■ caused all the charities in the world to come to exist

■ caused all the homes of people to be built

■ caused the Center For Disease Control to come to exist

■ caused the World Health Organization to come to exist

■ caused all the Super Walmart Stores and Sam's Clubs to come to exist

■ and caused every single thing that is a good thing, to come to exist

■ caused your automobiles to be made and to become yours

■ caused all the money you have, or will ever have, to become yours

■ caused your homes to be heated and cooled

■ caused all your clothes to be made and to become yours

■ caused your pets to come to exist and to become your pets

■ caused all your medicines to be made and to come to be inside your medicine cabinet

■ caused General Motors to come to exist

■ caused your cell phone to be made and to become yours

■ caused all the books in the world that you enjoy to be written

■ caused all the movies you enjoy to be made

■ caused all the music you enjoy to be made

■ caused all the warm sandy beaches you enjoy to come to exist

■ caused all the schools and universities to come to exist

■ caused the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra to come to exist

■ caused all the nursing homes to come to exist

■ caused all the retirement centers to come to exist

■ caused it to be possible for you to retire and enjoy your retirement


I don't believe that any of the more or less 4000 gods exist but my question is, if godists believe that their particular god did not DO (refer to OP's list above) then why pray to that god to undo or fix it?
JAG Writes:
Atheists do not believe that God exists but some atheists will postulate that
God does exist for the sake of argument.

Some of these Atheists interpret the Christian doctrine of God's Omnipotence
(He is all powerful) as meaning that God not only permits, but also causes,
all human suffering. These Atheists say that Christianity demands that we say
that God causes . . .ALL. . . that comes to pass in human history and that God
is therefore morally responsible for all that comes to pass in human history.

Let us get this nailed down solid.
Atheists do not believe that God exists.
But they postulate that God exists for the sake of argument.
Many atheists say the God-That-Does-Not-Exist drowned children in the Genesis Flood.
Many atheists say the God-That-Does-Not-Exist committed genocide in the Old Testament.
How can they say this if they do not believe that God exists?
Again , , , They postulate that God does exist for the sake of argument, so they can
accuse God of being evil and accuse Him of being ultimately responsible for all that
comes to pass in human history because He is Omnipotent {all powerful} and
could have created a world free from evil, pain, suffering, and death, but He
chose not to do that, but rather chose to create the present world we have now,
so they say God is therefore ultimately responsible for everything that occurs.

Some of these Atheists say that the God-That-Does-Not-Exist is responsible for , , ,
■ bone cancer in children
■ the COVID-19 virus now raging upon the human race
■ human diseases like cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's Disease, etc
■ earthquakes, mudslides, killer storms, Tsunamis, Hurricanes, etc
■ and all the other evils and suffering in the world


So God either causes all things or He does not cause all things.

If God causes all things then , , ,

Worldwide every year there are thousands of good things that God
causes but no threads are ever started by Atheists celebrating those
thousands of good things God causes.

If God gets the blame for all the bad things He is said to cause, then He
also must get the credit for all the good things He causes -- if you want
to be consistent --- and you do want to be consistent, I feel certain you

So if God is Omnipotent and CONTROLS and CAUSES . . .ALL . . things,
therefore all the tens of thousands of acts of kindness that occur worldwide
every year are also caused by God --- and everything else that is a good thing.

I ask these God-Causes-All-Things Atheists to join me in listing the good
things God causes, along with the bad things they say He causes.

So I have a question for atheists that DO accuse God of being evil because they
say He caused all things and is ultimately responsible for the world of suffering
we now have.
Here is the question:
God either , , ,
{1} causes all things , , ,
or He
{2} does not cause all things.
Which is it?

If you say {2} then I call upon you to STOP accusing the God of the Bible
of being evil because you picked {2} God "does not cause all things."

If you say {1} then I call upon you to START giving God credit for all the
good things God causes as well as giving God the credit for all the evil
things you say God causes ---because you picked {1} God "causes all things" , , ,

, , , and now I ask you to celebrate all the good things that God causes,
as well as all the evil things you say that God causes , , , and here are
some of those good things that God caused , , ,

■ caused Polio to be cured.

■ caused all the love in the world

■ caused all the kindness in the world

■ caused all the empathy in the world

■ caused all the sympathy in the world

■ caused all the hospitals in the world to be built

■ caused all the charities in the world to come to exist

■ caused all the homes of people to be built

■ caused the Center For Disease Control to come to exist

■ caused the World Health Organization to come to exist

■ caused all the Super Walmart Stores and Sam's Clubs to come to exist

■ and caused every single thing that is a good thing, to come to exist

■ caused your automobiles to be made and to become yours

■ caused all the money you have, or will ever have, to become yours

■ caused your homes to be heated and cooled

■ caused all your clothes to be made and to become yours

■ caused your pets to come to exist and to become your pets

■ caused all your medicines to be made and to come to be inside your medicine cabinet

■ caused General Motors to come to exist

■ caused your cell phone to be made and to become yours

■ caused all the books in the world that you enjoy to be written

■ caused all the movies you enjoy to be made

■ caused all the music you enjoy to be made

■ caused all the warm sandy beaches you enjoy to come to exist

■ caused all the schools and universities to come to exist

■ caused the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra to come to exist

■ caused all the nursing homes to come to exist

■ caused all the retirement centers to come to exist

■ caused it to be possible for you to retire and enjoy your retirement

If God gets the blame for all the bad things He (they) is said to cause ...
stop being deceitful jag -
View attachment 378725
the fallacies and forgeries of the desert religions, their uninterrupted history of persecution and victimization of the innocent - deserve the blame.

its sinners like you that perpetuate the distraction you claim is directed at the metaphysical when it is your actions that are the true culprit.
The problem with the picture above is that such would likely occur in Europe, primarily Spain and Italy during the Inquisition and not in the desert... The man on the wheel would be more than likely a rich landowner who read the Bible and helped Protestants. Those in charge of his torture would have wanted his money and land to add to the coffers of the Roman Catholic affiliation known as the Jesuits, and ultimately the Vatican itself.
The problem with the picture above is that such would likely occur in Europe ...
add yourself to the o p's club of deciet-full bliss ...


How can they say this if they do not believe that God exists?
as stated, they say it in response to the recorded history of the desert religions and their collective fallacious denials. little nipper.

or name a century christianity was not at the forefront of persecution and victimization of the innocent.
JAG Writes:
Atheists do not believe that God exists but some atheists will postulate that
God does exist for the sake of argument.

Some of these Atheists interpret the Christian doctrine of God's Omnipotence
(He is all powerful) as meaning that God not only permits, but also causes,
all human suffering. These Atheists say that Christianity demands that we say
that God causes . . .ALL. . . that comes to pass in human history and that God
is therefore morally responsible for all that comes to pass in human history.

Let us get this nailed down solid.
Atheists do not believe that God exists.
But they postulate that God exists for the sake of argument.
Many atheists say the God-That-Does-Not-Exist drowned children in the Genesis Flood.
Many atheists say the God-That-Does-Not-Exist committed genocide in the Old Testament.
How can they say this if they do not believe that God exists?
Again , , , They postulate that God does exist for the sake of argument, so they can
accuse God of being evil and accuse Him of being ultimately responsible for all that
comes to pass in human history because He is Omnipotent {all powerful} and
could have created a world free from evil, pain, suffering, and death, but He
chose not to do that, but rather chose to create the present world we have now,
so they say God is therefore ultimately responsible for everything that occurs.

Some of these Atheists say that the God-That-Does-Not-Exist is responsible for , , ,
■ bone cancer in children
■ the COVID-19 virus now raging upon the human race
■ human diseases like cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's Disease, etc
■ earthquakes, mudslides, killer storms, Tsunamis, Hurricanes, etc
■ and all the other evils and suffering in the world


So God either causes all things or He does not cause all things.

If God causes all things then , , ,

Worldwide every year there are thousands of good things that God
causes but no threads are ever started by Atheists celebrating those
thousands of good things God causes.

If God gets the blame for all the bad things He is said to cause, then He
also must get the credit for all the good things He causes -- if you want
to be consistent --- and you do want to be consistent, I feel certain you

So if God is Omnipotent and CONTROLS and CAUSES . . .ALL . . things,
therefore all the tens of thousands of acts of kindness that occur worldwide
every year are also caused by God --- and everything else that is a good thing.

I ask these God-Causes-All-Things Atheists to join me in listing the good
things God causes, along with the bad things they say He causes.

So I have a question for atheists that DO accuse God of being evil because they
say He caused all things and is ultimately responsible for the world of suffering
we now have.
Here is the question:
God either , , ,
{1} causes all things , , ,
or He
{2} does not cause all things.
Which is it?

If you say {2} then I call upon you to STOP accusing the God of the Bible
of being evil because you picked {2} God "does not cause all things."

If you say {1} then I call upon you to START giving God credit for all the
good things God causes as well as giving God the credit for all the evil
things you say God causes ---because you picked {1} God "causes all things" , , ,

, , , and now I ask you to celebrate all the good things that God causes,
as well as all the evil things you say that God causes , , , and here are
some of those good things that God caused , , ,

■ caused Polio to be cured.

■ caused all the love in the world

■ caused all the kindness in the world

■ caused all the empathy in the world

■ caused all the sympathy in the world

■ caused all the hospitals in the world to be built

■ caused all the charities in the world to come to exist

■ caused all the homes of people to be built

■ caused the Center For Disease Control to come to exist

■ caused the World Health Organization to come to exist

■ caused all the Super Walmart Stores and Sam's Clubs to come to exist

■ and caused every single thing that is a good thing, to come to exist

■ caused your automobiles to be made and to become yours

■ caused all the money you have, or will ever have, to become yours

■ caused your homes to be heated and cooled

■ caused all your clothes to be made and to become yours

■ caused your pets to come to exist and to become your pets

■ caused all your medicines to be made and to come to be inside your medicine cabinet

■ caused General Motors to come to exist

■ caused your cell phone to be made and to become yours

■ caused all the books in the world that you enjoy to be written

■ caused all the movies you enjoy to be made

■ caused all the music you enjoy to be made

■ caused all the warm sandy beaches you enjoy to come to exist

■ caused all the schools and universities to come to exist

■ caused the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra to come to exist

■ caused all the nursing homes to come to exist

■ caused all the retirement centers to come to exist

■ caused it to be possible for you to retire and enjoy your retirement

If God gets the blame for all the bad things He (they) is said to cause ...
stop being deceitful jag -
View attachment 378725
the fallacies and forgeries of the desert religions, their uninterrupted history of persecution and victimization of the innocent - deserve the blame.

its sinners like you that perpetuate the distraction you claim is directed at the metaphysical when it is your actions that are the true culprit.
The problem with the picture above is that such would likely occur in Europe, primarily Spain and Italy during the Inquisition and not in the desert... The man on the wheel would be more than likely a rich landowner who read the Bible and helped Protestants. Those in charge of his torture would have wanted his money and land to add to the coffers of the Roman Catholic affiliation known as the Jesuits, and ultimately the Vatican itself.
The problem with the picture above is that such would likely occur in Europe ...
add yourself to the o p's club of deciet-full bliss ...

View attachment 379029
How can they say this if they do not believe that God exists?
as stated, they say it in response to the recorded history of the desert religions and their collective fallacious denials. little nipper.

or name a century Christianity was not at the forefront of persecution and victimization of the innocent.
You've shown yourself to be full of deceit. The picture above is not the one I was referring to, and you do know that... You likely can not even tell me what makes a true "Christian", or even a Jew for that matter.
JAG Writes:
Atheists do not believe that God exists but some atheists will postulate that
God does exist for the sake of argument.

Some of these Atheists interpret the Christian doctrine of God's Omnipotence
(He is all powerful) as meaning that God not only permits, but also causes,
all human suffering. These Atheists say that Christianity demands that we say
that God causes . . .ALL. . . that comes to pass in human history and that God
is therefore morally responsible for all that comes to pass in human history.

Let us get this nailed down solid.
Atheists do not believe that God exists.
But they postulate that God exists for the sake of argument.
Many atheists say the God-That-Does-Not-Exist drowned children in the Genesis Flood.
Many atheists say the God-That-Does-Not-Exist committed genocide in the Old Testament.
How can they say this if they do not believe that God exists?
Again , , , They postulate that God does exist for the sake of argument, so they can
accuse God of being evil and accuse Him of being ultimately responsible for all that
comes to pass in human history because He is Omnipotent {all powerful} and
could have created a world free from evil, pain, suffering, and death, but He
chose not to do that, but rather chose to create the present world we have now,
so they say God is therefore ultimately responsible for everything that occurs.

Some of these Atheists say that the God-That-Does-Not-Exist is responsible for , , ,
■ bone cancer in children
■ the COVID-19 virus now raging upon the human race
■ human diseases like cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's Disease, etc
■ earthquakes, mudslides, killer storms, Tsunamis, Hurricanes, etc
■ and all the other evils and suffering in the world


So God either causes all things or He does not cause all things.

If God causes all things then , , ,

Worldwide every year there are thousands of good things that God
causes but no threads are ever started by Atheists celebrating those
thousands of good things God causes.

If God gets the blame for all the bad things He is said to cause, then He
also must get the credit for all the good things He causes -- if you want
to be consistent --- and you do want to be consistent, I feel certain you

So if God is Omnipotent and CONTROLS and CAUSES . . .ALL . . things,
therefore all the tens of thousands of acts of kindness that occur worldwide
every year are also caused by God --- and everything else that is a good thing.

I ask these God-Causes-All-Things Atheists to join me in listing the good
things God causes, along with the bad things they say He causes.

So I have a question for atheists that DO accuse God of being evil because they
say He caused all things and is ultimately responsible for the world of suffering
we now have.
Here is the question:
God either , , ,
{1} causes all things , , ,
or He
{2} does not cause all things.
Which is it?

If you say {2} then I call upon you to STOP accusing the God of the Bible
of being evil because you picked {2} God "does not cause all things."

If you say {1} then I call upon you to START giving God credit for all the
good things God causes as well as giving God the credit for all the evil
things you say God causes ---because you picked {1} God "causes all things" , , ,

, , , and now I ask you to celebrate all the good things that God causes,
as well as all the evil things you say that God causes , , , and here are
some of those good things that God caused , , ,

■ caused Polio to be cured.

■ caused all the love in the world

■ caused all the kindness in the world

■ caused all the empathy in the world

■ caused all the sympathy in the world

■ caused all the hospitals in the world to be built

■ caused all the charities in the world to come to exist

■ caused all the homes of people to be built

■ caused the Center For Disease Control to come to exist

■ caused the World Health Organization to come to exist

■ caused all the Super Walmart Stores and Sam's Clubs to come to exist

■ and caused every single thing that is a good thing, to come to exist

■ caused your automobiles to be made and to become yours

■ caused all the money you have, or will ever have, to become yours

■ caused your homes to be heated and cooled

■ caused all your clothes to be made and to become yours

■ caused your pets to come to exist and to become your pets

■ caused all your medicines to be made and to come to be inside your medicine cabinet

■ caused General Motors to come to exist

■ caused your cell phone to be made and to become yours

■ caused all the books in the world that you enjoy to be written

■ caused all the movies you enjoy to be made

■ caused all the music you enjoy to be made

■ caused all the warm sandy beaches you enjoy to come to exist

■ caused all the schools and universities to come to exist

■ caused the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra to come to exist

■ caused all the nursing homes to come to exist

■ caused all the retirement centers to come to exist

■ caused it to be possible for you to retire and enjoy your retirement

It is written that God creates all things. But it is all has been done for a reason. He had permitted a famine in the days of Joseph and his 12 brothers. During that time, that it was the highest Sabbath. A Sabbath that no one wasn't allowed to work during this time. This Sabbath has last for seven years. Which it was impossible for the people who were separated to accomplished. But as it is written, that all things are possible through God.

The shutdown started in March, during the feast of the Passover,unleavened bread and the First Fruit. Which four days during this week, no one is allowed to do any work on these days. And fifty day later after these feasts. It is the day of the Pentecost. And there are several in September which one of those days is to see if we has atoned from our sin. But during these days, no work is allowed.
It taken twelve months to prepare Esther for the king. By making sure that everything is done right. And the people of Nineveh had humbled themselves 40 days before judgement came upon them, Yom Kipur.

Matthew 19:26
Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Matthew 9:15
Jesus answered, “How can the guests of the bridegroom mourn while he is with them? The time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them; then they will fast.


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