At what point did the richest people get cell phones, internet???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Simple question.
Did any of the richest people in history ever get a "cell phone"?
Of course not. It depended on the NON- wealthiest to help pay for the cell towers, etc.

Did the richest people have the internet 50 years ago?
No. It took the MASSES of the NON-wealthiest for the richest now to use the internet.

All these idiots who keep attacking the wealthiest are just like little kids. They see what someone else has THEY think they should have it!

I really have pity for your people that hate the wealthy. Sad you can't take that hateful energy and make it positive.

In fact I'm 70 years old. I have 5 distinct web services ... totally unique. Each of which could make millionaires of people that would want to develop.
I'm right now very busy with one of them but really wish there were people with more desire to improve then to hate !
Things would improve greatly if the rich would just pay their fair share.

But I don't even think Obama believes that anymore.

The carried interest tax rate is still in the tax code, allowing the Romney's to siphon off money earned in the American consumer-based economy.
So...since certain technologies didn't exist some time ago...and said rich people didn't have those nonexistent technologies...that means that....


rich people...only wanted...or poor people had....want to have...nonexistent technologies?

Some of us have a few more bucks and stuff than others and generally it doesn't mean a thing to me until I see whiney lefties bitching about how unfair it is that they, for whatever reason(s), don't have as much as others. That makes my day because they've convinced themselves we probably didn't work hard to earn our rewards so we should somehow be obligated to give more and more of it to people like them. It's stupid, but that's how they think about things. Well, suffer away you sorry asses.

Meanwhile, I'm on the hunt to replace my golf cart for next spring. That's the kind of stuff I 'worry' about.
Things would improve greatly if the rich would just pay their fair share.

But I don't even think Obama believes that anymore.

The carried interest tax rate is still in the tax code, allowing the Romney's to siphon off money earned in the American consumer-based economy.

Just what is that,this fair share you blubber so often about??
Things would improve greatly if the rich would just pay their fair share.

But I don't even think Obama believes that anymore.

The carried interest tax rate is still in the tax code, allowing the Romney's to siphon off money earned in the American consumer-based economy.

Oh dear GOD...

Not this shit again...

They already pay their "share" and more...
Things would improve greatly if the rich would just pay their fair share.

But I don't even think Obama believes that anymore.

The carried interest tax rate is still in the tax code, allowing the Romney's to siphon off money earned in the American consumer-based economy.

What is their "fair share"? 90% in Federal taxes?

What share do you pay?

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