“At First Quietly, Then Much Less Quietly”


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
They've been slowly and then more rapidly insinuating themselves in all our institutions.

The Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI), a branch of the U.S. Department of Defense, was launched in 1971 as the Defense Race Relations Institute (it changed to DEOMI in 1979). But whatever the name, the mandate’s always been the same: pollute the armed forces with propaganda about how America is racist, sexist, “homophobic,” and an all-around evil place filled with Klansmen and Himmlers.

DEOMI employs a trickle-down methodology, indoctrinating base commanders who then pass along the propagandizing to their rank-and-file service members.

In the late 1990s I was asked by a friend of mine, a major in the U.S. Army, to serve as a researcher on a DEOMI booklet about Holocaust revisionism. I took the job because I hoped my presence would help ensure that the publication didn’t falsely label my fellow revisionists as “deniers” (to an extent, I was successful). But also, I really wanted to get a look at DEOMI from the inside, an opportunity few civilians ever secure. And thanks to that familiarity, after Obama became president and DEOMI started to go into indoctrinational hyperdrive, I was able to ferret out some of its wilder schemes.

In 2011, DEOMI launched what it called “Power and Privilege,” an online training seminar that base commanders and their subordinates were required to take. “Power and Privilege” was an unashamed attack on straight white Christian males. There wasn’t even a small attempt to couch the hateful message in softer language. The course proselytized what today everyone knows as critical race theory. But back in 2011, that poison had yet to envelope the entire culture.

Some examples of what the course taught:

You’re “privileged” and thus an oppressor if you believe in “the idea that people fall into two distinct and complementary categories—male and female.”

Christian state holidays are “discriminatory” against non-Christians (this lesson included a graphic of a store window with a sign in it reading “Closed on Christmas Day” and the caption “PRIVILEGED!”).

You’re a racist if you believe, regarding violent crime, that “people of color attack white people too.” No, whites always attack POCs, never the converse.

As for the Great Recession, anyone who claims that “white people had it just as bad as anyone else” is a Nazi.


And now we know why servicemen stood by as two teenage girls carjacked and killed an Uber Eats driver in DC a few weeks back. They offered no assistance to the poor man.

DEOMI lay low for a while. And then in 2013 it came back with a vengeance with its “Bystander Intervention Training Course.” While the title was purposely innocuous, the content was anything but. The theme of the course was that if you’re a bystander who comes across a person of color engaging in an act of violence, do not use violence to intervene.​
No, no, no OP. America never had any racism, as it's never had any racists. Certainly no white ones.
Marc. The past can not be changed. Making excuses for what happens now is old. This has been going on for many decades. Unlike the times of the past you talk about, the taxpayers have been paying through the nose to help people with the wrongs you speak of. Its a two way street.
They've been slowly and then more rapidly insinuating themselves in all our institutions.

The Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI), a branch of the U.S. Department of Defense, was launched in 1971 as the Defense Race Relations Institute (it changed to DEOMI in 1979). But whatever the name, the mandate’s always been the same: pollute the armed forces with propaganda about how America is racist, sexist, “homophobic,” and an all-around evil place filled with Klansmen and Himmlers.
DEOMI employs a trickle-down methodology, indoctrinating base commanders who then pass along the propagandizing to their rank-and-file service members.
In the late 1990s I was asked by a friend of mine, a major in the U.S. Army, to serve as a researcher on a DEOMI booklet about Holocaust revisionism. I took the job because I hoped my presence would help ensure that the publication didn’t falsely label my fellow revisionists as “deniers” (to an extent, I was successful). But also, I really wanted to get a look at DEOMI from the inside, an opportunity few civilians ever secure. And thanks to that familiarity, after Obama became president and DEOMI started to go into indoctrinational hyperdrive, I was able to ferret out some of its wilder schemes.
In 2011, DEOMI launched what it called “Power and Privilege,” an online training seminar that base commanders and their subordinates were required to take. “Power and Privilege” was an unashamed attack on straight white Christian males. There wasn’t even a small attempt to couch the hateful message in softer language. The course proselytized what today everyone knows as critical race theory. But back in 2011, that poison had yet to envelope the entire culture.
Some examples of what the course taught:
You’re “privileged” and thus an oppressor if you believe in “the idea that people fall into two distinct and complementary categories—male and female.”
Christian state holidays are “discriminatory” against non-Christians (this lesson included a graphic of a store window with a sign in it reading “Closed on Christmas Day” and the caption “PRIVILEGED!”).
You’re a racist if you believe, regarding violent crime, that “people of color attack white people too.” No, whites always attack POCs, never the converse.
As for the Great Recession, anyone who claims that “white people had it just as bad as anyone else” is a Nazi.

Very interesting...
No, no, no OP. America never had any racism, as it's never had any racists. Certainly no white ones.
ahhh...spinning chit again. The OP never claimed that US never had racism...his premise was that the military is being taught to be racist.
Marc. The past can not be changed. Making excuses for what happens now is old. This has been going on for many decades. Unlike the times of the past you talk about, the taxpayers have been paying through the nose to help people with the wrongs you speak of. Its a two way street.
I haven't talked about "the times of the past" or anything else you're referring to in this entire paragraph.

Please expound.
No, no, no OP. America never had any racism, as it's never had any racists. Certainly no white ones.
Of course not. Whites were helping blacks to emigrate to the New World from the bad world of West Africa. Oh my!
They've been slowly and then more rapidly insinuating themselves in all our institutions.

The Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI), a branch of the U.S. Department of Defense, was launched in 1971 as the Defense Race Relations Institute (it changed to DEOMI in 1979). But whatever the name, the mandate’s always been the same: pollute the armed forces with propaganda about how America is racist, sexist, “homophobic,” and an all-around evil place filled with Klansmen and Himmlers.
DEOMI employs a trickle-down methodology, indoctrinating base commanders who then pass along the propagandizing to their rank-and-file service members.
In the late 1990s I was asked by a friend of mine, a major in the U.S. Army, to serve as a researcher on a DEOMI booklet about Holocaust revisionism. I took the job because I hoped my presence would help ensure that the publication didn’t falsely label my fellow revisionists as “deniers” (to an extent, I was successful). But also, I really wanted to get a look at DEOMI from the inside, an opportunity few civilians ever secure. And thanks to that familiarity, after Obama became president and DEOMI started to go into indoctrinational hyperdrive, I was able to ferret out some of its wilder schemes.
In 2011, DEOMI launched what it called “Power and Privilege,” an online training seminar that base commanders and their subordinates were required to take. “Power and Privilege” was an unashamed attack on straight white Christian males. There wasn’t even a small attempt to couch the hateful message in softer language. The course proselytized what today everyone knows as critical race theory. But back in 2011, that poison had yet to envelope the entire culture.
Some examples of what the course taught:
You’re “privileged” and thus an oppressor if you believe in “the idea that people fall into two distinct and complementary categories—male and female.”
Christian state holidays are “discriminatory” against non-Christians (this lesson included a graphic of a store window with a sign in it reading “Closed on Christmas Day” and the caption “PRIVILEGED!”).
You’re a racist if you believe, regarding violent crime, that “people of color attack white people too.” No, whites always attack POCs, never the converse.
As for the Great Recession, anyone who claims that “white people had it just as bad as anyone else” is a Nazi.

And now they want to indoctrinate our youth with "critical race theory." Theory is not education--it is one group's take on what they believe.

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