At 5'5" - how thin do you have to be....

That's what I thought....

Dude, mark your territory better.
Oh yeah???!!!
Where did you have in mind?

I am thinking ice cream by the beach away from wet cats?

... tempting... I haven't had ice cream in a while.... will you carry me while I eat it?
Believe it or not, goose stepping is the Austrian way to a flat stomach.

Would you be better off with a less shallow partner?
to have a totally FLAT stomach.

I'm around 123 and it's kinda flat but not totally.
Should I lose more weight or just do sit ups?
When I stand, I'm always leaning back and forth to tighten them up... but it pisses me off cause 123 is the lowest I've been since I had my last child and that was over 20 years ago
At 5'5" 123 pounds you should already have a flat belly.

Bonzi, you posted what you ate all day once and I was worried that you were not eating enough to possibly meet all of your body's nutritional needs. You should always eat at least 3 square meals a day.

When people get to middle age sometimes their digestive system slows down and causes abdominal bloating. And that could be what is happening to you. You probably don't have excess body fat, but may just be bloating.

If you want a flat belly don't skip breakfast and make sure you get plenty of both soluble and insoluble fiber at breakfast to get your digestive system moving in the morning. Potatoes are a good source of both. So hash browns or home fries with breakfast is a good choice. And potatoes are also a good source of potassium. When people don't get enough potassium in their diet their potassium/sodium balance can get out of whack. That can cause you to retain excess water and that causes bloating too.

All the crunches in the world won't flatten your belly if your intestines are bloated. And starving yourself is never the answer.
to have a totally FLAT stomach.

I'm around 123 and it's kinda flat but not totally.
Should I lose more weight or just do sit ups?
When I stand, I'm always leaning back and forth to tighten them up... but it pisses me off cause 123 is the lowest I've been since I had my last child and that was over 20 years ago

Your weight seems about right to me.
Losing enough weight might make your stomach flatter- but having kids beats the hell out of your abdomen- Hollywood models with perfect genes and 24/7 trainers and the finest liposuction money can buy can get flat stomach after kids- but not most ordinary humans.

Of course more ab exercises would be good for many reasons- but wouldn't necessarily lead to a flat stomach.
to have a totally FLAT stomach.

I'm around 123 and it's kinda flat but not totally.
Should I lose more weight or just do sit ups?
When I stand, I'm always leaning back and forth to tighten them up... but it pisses me off cause 123 is the lowest I've been since I had my last child and that was over 20 years ago

having kids beats the hell out of your abdomen- ....

Especially for the father, what with working extra jobs, eating late at night, and trying to find a place to keep all that beer it's a real struggle.
to have a totally FLAT stomach.

I'm around 123 and it's kinda flat but not totally.
Should I lose more weight or just do sit ups?
When I stand, I'm always leaning back and forth to tighten them up... but it pisses me off cause 123 is the lowest I've been since I had my last child and that was over 20 years ago

Your weight seems about right to me.
Losing enough weight might make your stomach flatter- but having kids beats the hell out of your abdomen- Hollywood models with perfect genes and 24/7 trainers and the finest liposuction money can buy can get flat stomach after kids- but not most ordinary humans.

Of course more ab exercises would be good for many reasons- but wouldn't necessarily lead to a flat stomach.

Even BEFORE kids it was never 100% flat, I was at 108 .. but I have a tilted uterus so I'm thinking that is part of the problem? Dunno. But, it's okay... at 52 I'll just be glad to be able to be in decent shape. Am going to try the Planks though. We have 3 vacations coming up with the first one in May 2 months
at 5' 10" and 135 lbs....i looked like i was starving and yet had a tummy....fuck took active cancer to get down that far and i will never see that weight again..again fuck it...dont try to compete with the 20 yr olds...
at 5' 10" and 135 lbs....i looked like i was starving and yet had a tummy....fuck took active cancer to get down that far and i will never see that weight again..again fuck it...dont try to compete with the 20 yr olds...

true, and like I said, I never had it so I don't know what I'm thinking ! Wishful I guess. I know I'll never compete w/ 20 year olds. I could not even compete with them when I was 20 myself much less now!

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