So since I have gone back to school I have gone back to work in customer service and it sucks a big fat one but it works around my school schedule. The next time you are at a store and are pissed off remember it is not the lowly workers fault, we do not make the policies we are just there to enforce them. If an item is not in it is not our fault, if we can't return an item because you don't have a reciept it is also not our fault we are just following rules plus with the economy everyone and their dog is stealing shit. And if you do loose your reciept it is your own fucking fault don't blame us. If you are broke we are also broke so don't give us some sad story because we are right there with you. And the bigger the asshole you are the more we are going to not give you what you want. It is also not our fault that there is not more people working. Also remember when you flip out and are a dick, we have had ten other customers just like you.