Asking Biden supporters to criticize BLM and apologize for suggesting January 6 was an “attempted takeover of the government”….

FranklinRoosevelt_FTW said:
Countless numbers of cities were looted. People were killed. It was a catastrophe."

Frank, your shrill histrionics ain't benefitting the perception of you being a poster with gravitas or thoughtful opinions. Nor one with an understanding of due diligence, and homework.
Settle down. Calm your hysteria. It ain't a good look for your avatar.
Trust me.

"Countless numbers of cities looted".....??? Partner, pour yourself some chardonnay and breathe slowly. Your discombobulation over the Floyd demonstrations makes ALL QAnon'ers and MAGA's look bad. Don't do that. You have a responsibility to represent your kind more favorably.

So, let's try to rehabilitate your avatar with some correctives. We'll just use Wicki to kick it off. K?
First, Google is your friend, and "2,000" cities hosting demonstrations ain't "countless".


"Protests quickly spread nationwide and to over 2,000 cities and towns in over 60 countries in support of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement.[22][23][24] Polls in the summer of 2020 estimated that between 15 million and 26 million people had participated at some point in the demonstrations in the United States, making the protests the largest in U.S. history.[25][26][27]

While the majority of protests were peaceful,[28] demonstrations in some cities escalated into riots, looting,[29] and street skirmishes with police and counter-protesters. Some police responded to protests with instances of violence, including against reporters.[30][31][32] At least 200 cities in the U.S. had imposed curfews by early June 2020........ By the end of June 2020, at least 14,000 people had been arrested.[4][38][39] By June 2020, more than 19 people had died in relation to the unrest. A report from the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project estimated that between May 26 and August 22, 93% of individual protests were "peaceful and nondestructive"[40][41] and research from the Nonviolent Action Lab and Crowd Counting Consortium estimated that by the end of June, 96.3% of 7,305 demonstrations involved no injuries and no property damage.[42] However, arson, vandalism, and looting that occurred between May 26 and June 8 caused approximately $1–2 billion in insured damages nationally, the highest recorded damage from civil disorder in U.S. history........

The protests precipitated a worldwide debate on policing and racial injustice that has led to numerous legislative proposals on federal, state, and municipal levels in the U.S. intended to combat police misconduct, systemic racism, qualified immunity and police brutality.[44]


So, Frank, be at peace. You are scaring your cats.
America has two industries that account for 100 percent of our problems.
1. The Teaching industry
2. The Media industry

Both control with a steel grip what Americans know.
One party controls both of them.

Due to my advanced age, and having been in both parties, I see it from a single point. Truth.
That’s a fair point and let me contribute to this point of yours. I worked at an Islamic school today for a few years. And before the BLM George Floyd riots things were going pretty good there, but after the Floyd killing they started teaching all sorts of left-wing propaganda. I was notified of this by a history teacher who chose to stop working there because he was told to teach BLM type propaganda to the kids, and he refused to do it. And this teacher was a left winger, but even he couldn’t teach Lies and propaganda about US history
FranklinRoosevelt_FTW said:
Countless numbers of cities were looted. People were killed. It was a catastrophe."

Frank, your shrill histrionics ain't benefitting the perception of you being a poster with gravitas or thoughtful opinions. Nor one with an understanding of due diligence, and homework.
Settle down. Calm your hysteria. It ain't a good look for your avatar.

Trust me.

"Countless numbers of cities looted".....??? Partner, pour yourself some chardonnay and breathe slowly. Your discombobulation over the Floyd demonstrations makes ALL QAnon'ers and MAGA's look bad. Don't do that. You have a responsibility to represent your kind more favorably.

So, let's try to rehabilitate your avatar with some correctives. We'll just use Wicki to kick it off. K?
First, Google is your friend, and "2,000" cities hosting demonstrations ain't "countless".


"Protests quickly spread nationwide and to over 2,000 cities and towns in over 60 countries in support of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement.[22][23][24] Polls in the summer of 2020 estimated that between 15 million and 26 million people had participated at some point in the demonstrations in the United States, making the protests the largest in U.S. history.[25][26][27]

While the majority of protests were peaceful,[28] demonstrations in some cities escalated into riots, looting,[29] and street skirmishes with police and counter-protesters. Some police responded to protests with instances of violence, including against reporters.[30][31][32] At least 200 cities in the U.S. had imposed curfews by early June 2020........ By the end of June 2020, at least 14,000 people had been arrested.[4][38][39] By June 2020, more than 19 people had died in relation to the unrest. A report from the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project estimated that between May 26 and August 22, 93% of individual protests were "peaceful and nondestructive"[40][41] and research from the Nonviolent Action Lab and Crowd Counting Consortium estimated that by the end of June, 96.3% of 7,305 demonstrations involved no injuries and no property damage.[42] However, arson, vandalism, and looting that occurred between May 26 and June 8 caused approximately $1–2 billion in insured damages nationally, the highest recorded damage from civil disorder in U.S. history........

The protests precipitated a worldwide debate on policing and racial injustice that has led to numerous legislative proposals on federal, state, and municipal levels in the U.S. intended to combat police misconduct, systemic racism, qualified immunity and police brutality.[44]


So, Frank, be at peace. You are scaring your cats.
Don’t get personal. That’s unbecoming of a gentleman. I’ve treated you with nothing but respect. Concentrate on the issue.


You’re talking with a liberal. I’m living in Cambodia right now.

From your link which is a left wing source. Wikipedia is very much influenced by left-wing BLM type propaganda. And even that says the following from your own link.

“Demonstrations in many other cities also descended into riotsand widespread looting.[6][7] There was police brutality against protesters and journalists.[8][9][10][11][12] Property damage estimates resulting from arson, vandalism and looting ranged from $1 to $2 billion, eclipsing the highest inflation adjusted totals for the 1992 Los Angeles riots.[13]

It says it right there. It was a catastrophe that is a proper word to use. Again, sir do you remember the countless videos of violence from 2020. Again one example of many a BLM Looter trying to steal from a FedEx truck but getting ran over and dying while doing so. It was total mayhem.
That’s a fair point and let me contribute to this point of yours. I worked at an Islamic school today for a few years. And before the BLM George Floyd riots things were going pretty good there, but after the Floyd killing they started teaching all sorts of left-wing propaganda. I was notified of this by a history teacher who chose to stop working there because he was told to teach BLM type propaganda to the kids, and he refused to do it. And this teacher was a left winger, but even he couldn’t teach Lies and propaganda about US history
I have lived through the mayhem we now call America. I have seen the Democrats pretense to be loyal to America since the era of FDR. FDR practiced deceit on this country. And thanks to him, the term socialism is used daily to describe the USA.
These incidents were not "a bit of leftist vandalism" The CHOP/CHAZ occupation of six blocks of a Seattle neighborhood for six weeks, denying residents free use of their properties and forcing the evacuation of a police precinct are terrorism. It alone was responsible for more deaths and assaults than the four hour riot on J6.
Arson on a federal courthouse with employees inside and 100 days of riots in Portland isn't "boys being boys" It is terrorism. Try again
Read the TRUTH about your fascist ilk, commie foreigner.
It’s a very valid point and it is lost on some Biden supporters. We all know if it was white Trump supporters who took over the chop zone. It would be viewed as one of the greatest terror events of American history by the media in Hollywood. I mean this is such common sense. I can’t believe some of my fellow Democrats today are not JFK Democrats anymore. There something else is with their support of giving billions of dollars of taxpayer money to foreign countries for their wars. They’re kind of like neocons.

I’m a Democrat and I’m voting for Trump again in 2024

I’m hoping that the Democrat party returns to its roots and becomes the party of my grandparents again.
The CHOP/CHAZ occupation of six blocks of a Seattle neighborhood for six weeks, denying residents free use of their properties and forcing the evacuation of a police precinct are terrorism.
Well, actually, it was 5-1/2 blocks (out of Seattle's 11,512 city blocks).
It was a "local" problem.
Resolved and adjudicated locally.
As it should have been.


Arson on a federal courthouse with employees inside and 100 days of riots in Portland isn't "boys being boys" It is terrorism. Try againRead the TRUTH about your fascist ilk, commie
"boys-being-boys" is your own strawman.
And you bravely were able to push him forward as your point-man, but, you see...
.......he is only a strawman. A fiction. An artifice. An intentional misdirection.

Be better than that, Concerned American. There were no boys just being boys. Trust me.


And then
"fascist ilk, commi" ????

Partner, what's up with that?
You seem to have a remarkably strange, and seemingly nostalgic fear of Nikita coming to get you.
He ain't.
He's been dead for 53 years.
You will need to find another something to blame for your unhappiness, your grievances, anger, and failures.
Trust me, Nikita is dead.
So crawl out from under your elementary school desk.
There is no "bomb" comin' to get you.
And if there was, your little desk wouldn't save you anyway.
Trust me.
Well, actually, it was 5-1/2 blocks (out of Seattle's 11,512 city blocks).
It was a "local" problem.
Resolved and adjudicated locally.
As it should have been.


"boys-being-boys" is your own strawman.
And you bravely were able to push him forward as your point-man, but, you see...
.......he is only a strawman. A fiction. An artifice. An intentional misdirection.

Be better than that, Concerned American. There were no boys just being boys. Trust me.


And then
"fascist ilk, commi" ????

Partner, what's up with that?
You seem to have a remarkably strange, and seemingly nostalgic fear of Nikita coming to get you.
He ain't.
He's been dead for 53 years.
You will need to find another something to blame for your unhappiness, your grievances, anger, and failures.
Trust me, Nikita is dead.
So crawl out from under your elementary school desk.
There is no "bomb" comin' to get you.
And if there was, your little desk wouldn't save you anyway.
Trust me.
Take your pretentious attitude down the road. It does little to mask your ignorance and amplifies your unjustified arrogance.
Don’t get personal. That’s unbecoming of a gentleman. I’ve treated you with nothing but respect. Concentrate on the issue.

Much of the violence at the BLM rallies came from the right. Those attending told me "Everything was fine, people went home, then after midnight, the thugs that nobody knew arrived."

Why does the right excuse that violence by pretending it didn't happen? Your pals murdered two cops in cold blood. The left never did such a thing.

It wasn't just the two cops. White boys in hoods came out to do all kinds of damage.

Show I'm wrong. Condemn the right for their cold-blooded murder of two police officers. If you do, you may be the first conservative anywhere to have done so.

"An officer was gunned down. The killer was a ‘boogaloo boy’ using nearby peaceful protests as cover, feds say."

on May 29, a white van pulled up outside a federal courthouse. A door slid open, and a man peppered the two security officers outside with bullets, killing one and wounding the other.

Was it tied to the protests just blocks away? Even after the suspected killer was dramatically caught in the nearby mountains eight days later, his motive was murky.

Now, federal authorities say the man, identified as Air Force Staff Sgt. Steven Carrillo, 32, was an adherent of the “boogaloo boys,” a growing online extremist movement that has sought to use peaceful protests against police brutality to spread fringe views and ignite a race war."

Washington Post 6/17/2020


This is one illustration of how the extremist right sought to hijack the rightful demonstrations against police brutality in the summer of 2020....and turn it into a violent polemic for their angst against Democrats, leftist, progressives, Biden supporters, climate activists, LGTBQ, pro-abortionist, and their grievance-mindset in general. IMHO

It is of a kind with the right wing extremist who drove from Texas to Minneapolis to fire-bomb a precinct station and get it blamed on the police-brutality demonstrators.
It is of a kind with the widely reported incidents of J6 Jackass-types like Proud Boys, Oathkeepers, Boogaloo Bois, Three Percenters, and who knows how many other right wing fringie extremists who tried to camouflage their violence behind the Floyd demonstrations.

So pardon my poor avatar if he has some skepticism about our right wing posters who seek to do a similar tactic.
It was total mayhem.
Well, no it was not.
There WERE incidents of criminal vandalism and jackassery. Some of an unknown degree....instigated or accelerated by right wing extremist groups.

Still, with over 20 million Americans participating it was a remarkable demonstration of the citizenry's growing intolerance of police shooting down or somehow killing another single unarmed black man. There were demonstrations in more than 7,300 cities, including in more than 60 countries. 96.3% of them involved no injuries and no property damage.

In my own city, the very next morning hundreds of citizens showed up downtown with their brooms and rolling trash bins and swept it all up. THAT is not the mayhem that poster Frank wishes to promote.


Don’t get personal
Whaddya talkin' about there Frank?
You are posting anonymously on a internet social media site while using a fake name.
That doesn't look like a a whole lot of skin in the game.

Your avatar is kinda sorta edging toward snowflakism. No?

And then Frank, you rail about statues of Jewish slaveholders, and black slaveholders NOT being removed the way, say, war criminal Nathan Bedford Forrest's was.
When asked to enumerate how many such statues of these Jewish and black slavers actually exist....well, amigo, you whiff.
What's up with that?
"Take your pretentious attitude down the road. It does little to mask your ignorance and amplifies your unjustified arrogance."
Poor poster Concerned American, we feel your pain.

Life is tough....likely tougher.....for the grievance-ridden QAnon'rs and MAGAloons striving to achieve the American dream that so many others have already secured.

We wish you.....and your family.....better luck, ConAmerican.
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Yet they never stormed Capitol Hill to stop Congress from certifying an election.
You are not basing your claims on any of the actual charges made against those who were convicted.

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