As Of This Minute, Kerry Takes A Stand


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
For now, he's against the war:


July 13, 2004 -- JOHN Kerry has finally spo ken the words that make the November election an unambiguous choice. On "60 Minutes" on Sunday night, according to the official transcript released by CBS News, Kerry said: "I am against the — the war."
He tried to qualify them, to fudge them a bit, but no matter. The words are now out there and can't be taken back.

The possible future president of the United States opposes the war in Iraq now being fought by 130,000 American troops.
In most instances "As of this minute" would impy from this time forward, however in this case I read it as the elapsed 60 seconds during the conversation that Kerry had.
Originally posted by MtnBiker
In most instances "As of this minute" would impy from this time forward, however in this case I read it as the elapsed 60 seconds during the conversation that Kerry had.

Hard to tell, he may not have given it the full 60....:D
I heard the whole clip. Dems will simply say he was against "the way we went to war", so as to be ultra-ambiguous as per Liberal SOP. Nevermind the fact that he signed his vote TWICE to have the President take neccessary action against Iraq. Kerry was against the way we went to war. Perhaps his "Hectic schedule" was too demanding for him to keep up with the issues of the day.
Originally posted by insein
I heard the whole clip. Dems will simply say he was against "the way we went to war", so as to be ultra-ambiguous as per Liberal SOP. Nevermind the fact that he signed his vote TWICE to have the President take neccessary action against Iraq. Kerry was against the way we went to war. Perhaps his "Hectic schedule" was too demanding for him to keep up with the issues of the day.

Well we know that his 'hectic schedule' is too much for fitting in timely briefings!

My candidate: Did John Kerry really say, in answer to the simple question of whether Bush's Iraq policy had increased the chance of a terrorist attack on America, that he'd have to wait for "the briefing that I'm waiting to get this weekend"? I think he did! Pathetic. ... P.S.: At least he didn't get testy! ... O.K., O.K., at least he didn't throw anything. .. P.P.S.: Two weeks left for Dems to Panic. Imagine if Kerry does something like that in the debates. ... [Link via Maguire via Instapundit] 9:56 P.M.

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