As a registered Republican I am disgusted by some of my brethren here.

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Give the new guy some breathing room :)

That would be the nice thing to do, unfortunately these people don't do nice. Also, assuming he is sincere, the new guy kind of screwed up throwing down the gauntlet right off the bat.
If it's anyone who doesn't do nice, it's liberoidal skid marks like you and Dot Bomb.

Seriously...Get the fuck over yourself.
Look at you.
Whining constantly about Obama.

He farts and you clowns whine about it. You call him names and call names to people who defend him. You don't debate the substance of what Obama or they say, you merely insult them without answering their complaints or concerns.
Is that what Americans want? Obnoxious jerks who blame everyone else for everything but they themselves are not responsible for their actions? No...they don't want WHINERS...they want WINNERS.

I ask myself this question often.
What have we done for the American people lately and why should they vote for us ?

We deregulated the financial system into a casino then made everyone pay to bail it out.
Did we ever ADMIT we did it? No. Do YOU trust people who make mistakes but don't admit to them?
We cut taxes on the rich, while cutting social services on people who need it the most....children and the elderly.
We REFUSE to look at the NUMBERS on socialized medicine. Half the cost....better care. The rest of the world isn't rushing to embrace our system...why ? If our system was inherently better, we'd have more countries following our lead...but that's not the case is it?

It's time to look at socialized medicine if it works...I've visited the Europe and they are VERY proud of their medical system. I actually heard one elderly lady in London describe the US health care system as "barbaric" having broken her ankle on vacation while here and saying she wouldn't trade systems for all the tea in India.

Time to END the favors to big oil, the NRA and Grover Nordquist. Either we adapt to the changing economic times that the vast majority of Americans are experiencing or we go extinct. Blaming Obama might get you in the worked for him using Bush....but then you have to DO SOMETHING once you're there. What have we accomplished since the teapartiers took over? NOTHING!

We either kick out the big influence peddlers in our party out or we're doomed to look more and more like bought and paid for ladies of the evening.

I want Dwight Eisenhower dammit. A republican who understood the value of social and infrastructure spending. Who knew the value of military RESTRAINT. Who knew what it was like to be an ordinary joe, struggling to get by and not the crop of nanby-panby mancaped millionaire puffballs we've got in congress and running for office now.

In short....even though I just got here, my fellow conservatives have it mostly wrong and are kinda being dicks. No one likes dicks.
The Following 15 Users Say Thank You to TorJohnson For This Useful Post:
bobcollum (Yesterday), DaGoose (Today), Dot Com (Today), editec (Today), jillian (Yesterday), JosefK (Yesterday), JScott (Today), Mr Clean (Yesterday), Old Rocks (Yesterday), OohPooPahDoo (Yesterday), skipper (Yesterday), Synthaholic (Yesterday), uscitizen (Today), vampiric68 (Yesterday), Vidi (Today)

Interesting. The names I know are all leftists.

And leftists stick together.
Look at you.
Whining constantly about Obama.

He farts and you clowns whine about it. You call him names and call names to people who defend him. You don't debate the substance of what Obama or they say, you merely insult them without answering their complaints or concerns.
Is that what Americans want? Obnoxious jerks who blame everyone else for everything but they themselves are not responsible for their actions? No...they don't want WHINERS...they want WINNERS.

I ask myself this question often.
What have we done for the American people lately and why should they vote for us ?

We deregulated the financial system into a casino then made everyone pay to bail it out.
Did we ever ADMIT we did it? No. Do YOU trust people who make mistakes but don't admit to them?
We cut taxes on the rich, while cutting social services on people who need it the most....children and the elderly.
We REFUSE to look at the NUMBERS on socialized medicine. Half the cost....better care. The rest of the world isn't rushing to embrace our system...why ? If our system was inherently better, we'd have more countries following our lead...but that's not the case is it?

It's time to look at socialized medicine if it works...I've visited the Europe and they are VERY proud of their medical system. I actually heard one elderly lady in London describe the US health care system as "barbaric" having broken her ankle on vacation while here and saying she wouldn't trade systems for all the tea in India.

Time to END the favors to big oil, the NRA and Grover Nordquist. Either we adapt to the changing economic times that the vast majority of Americans are experiencing or we go extinct. Blaming Obama might get you in the worked for him using Bush....but then you have to DO SOMETHING once you're there. What have we accomplished since the teapartiers took over? NOTHING!

We either kick out the big influence peddlers in our party out or we're doomed to look more and more like bought and paid for ladies of the evening.

I want Dwight Eisenhower dammit. A republican who understood the value of social and infrastructure spending. Who knew the value of military RESTRAINT. Who knew what it was like to be an ordinary joe, struggling to get by and not the crop of nanby-panby mancaped millionaire puffballs we've got in congress and running for office now.

In short....even though I just got here, my fellow conservatives have it mostly wrong and are kinda being dicks. No one likes dicks.
The Following 15 Users Say Thank You to TorJohnson For This Useful Post:
bobcollum (Yesterday), DaGoose (Today), Dot Com (Today), editec (Today), jillian (Yesterday), JosefK (Yesterday), JScott (Today), Mr Clean (Yesterday), Old Rocks (Yesterday), OohPooPahDoo (Yesterday), skipper (Yesterday), Synthaholic (Yesterday), uscitizen (Today), vampiric68 (Yesterday), Vidi (Today)

Interesting. The names I know are all leftists.

And leftists stick together.

They know and appreciate poseurs.
Look at you.
Whining constantly about Obama.

He farts and you clowns whine about it. You call him names and call names to people who defend him. You don't debate the substance of what Obama or they say, you merely insult them without answering their complaints or concerns.
Is that what Americans want? Obnoxious jerks who blame everyone else for everything but they themselves are not responsible for their actions? No...they don't want WHINERS...they want WINNERS.

I ask myself this question often.
What have we done for the American people lately and why should they vote for us ?

We deregulated the financial system into a casino then made everyone pay to bail it out.
Did we ever ADMIT we did it? No. Do YOU trust people who make mistakes but don't admit to them?
We cut taxes on the rich, while cutting social services on people who need it the most....children and the elderly.
We REFUSE to look at the NUMBERS on socialized medicine. Half the cost....better care. The rest of the world isn't rushing to embrace our system...why ? If our system was inherently better, we'd have more countries following our lead...but that's not the case is it?

It's time to look at socialized medicine if it works...I've visited the Europe and they are VERY proud of their medical system. I actually heard one elderly lady in London describe the US health care system as "barbaric" having broken her ankle on vacation while here and saying she wouldn't trade systems for all the tea in India.

Time to END the favors to big oil, the NRA and Grover Nordquist. Either we adapt to the changing economic times that the vast majority of Americans are experiencing or we go extinct. Blaming Obama might get you in the worked for him using Bush....but then you have to DO SOMETHING once you're there. What have we accomplished since the teapartiers took over? NOTHING!

We either kick out the big influence peddlers in our party out or we're doomed to look more and more like bought and paid for ladies of the evening.

I want Dwight Eisenhower dammit. A republican who understood the value of social and infrastructure spending. Who knew the value of military RESTRAINT. Who knew what it was like to be an ordinary joe, struggling to get by and not the crop of nanby-panby mancaped millionaire puffballs we've got in congress and running for office now.

In short....even though I just got here, my fellow conservatives have it mostly wrong and are kinda being dicks. No one likes dicks.

^This Snapperhead is the Fresh Meat?...

Meh. :doubt:


Look at you.
Whining constantly about Obama.

He farts and you clowns whine about it. You call him names and call names to people who defend him. You don't debate the substance of what Obama or they say, you merely insult them without answering their complaints or concerns.
Is that what Americans want? Obnoxious jerks who blame everyone else for everything but they themselves are not responsible for their actions? No...they don't want WHINERS...they want WINNERS.

I ask myself this question often.
What have we done for the American people lately and why should they vote for us ?

We deregulated the financial system into a casino then made everyone pay to bail it out.
Did we ever ADMIT we did it? No. Do YOU trust people who make mistakes but don't admit to them?
We cut taxes on the rich, while cutting social services on people who need it the most....children and the elderly.
We REFUSE to look at the NUMBERS on socialized medicine. Half the cost....better care. The rest of the world isn't rushing to embrace our system...why ? If our system was inherently better, we'd have more countries following our lead...but that's not the case is it?

It's time to look at socialized medicine if it works...I've visited the Europe and they are VERY proud of their medical system. I actually heard one elderly lady in London describe the US health care system as "barbaric" having broken her ankle on vacation while here and saying she wouldn't trade systems for all the tea in India.

Time to END the favors to big oil, the NRA and Grover Nordquist. Either we adapt to the changing economic times that the vast majority of Americans are experiencing or we go extinct. Blaming Obama might get you in the worked for him using Bush....but then you have to DO SOMETHING once you're there. What have we accomplished since the teapartiers took over? NOTHING!

We either kick out the big influence peddlers in our party out or we're doomed to look more and more like bought and paid for ladies of the evening.

I want Dwight Eisenhower dammit. A republican who understood the value of social and infrastructure spending. Who knew the value of military RESTRAINT. Who knew what it was like to be an ordinary joe, struggling to get by and not the crop of nanby-panby mancaped millionaire puffballs we've got in congress and running for office now.

In short....even though I just got here, my fellow conservatives have it mostly wrong and are kinda being dicks. No one likes dicks.
The Following 15 Users Say Thank You to TorJohnson For This Useful Post:
bobcollum (Yesterday), DaGoose (Today), Dot Com (Today), editec (Today), jillian (Yesterday), JosefK (Yesterday), JScott (Today), Mr Clean (Yesterday), Old Rocks (Yesterday), OohPooPahDoo (Yesterday), skipper (Yesterday), Synthaholic (Yesterday), uscitizen (Today), vampiric68 (Yesterday), Vidi (Today)

Interesting. The names I know are all leftists.

And leftists stick together.

They know and appreciate poseurs.
Of course. They recognize one of their own.
Look at you.
Whining constantly about Obama.

He farts and you clowns whine about it. You call him names and call names to people who defend him. You don't debate the substance of what Obama or they say, you merely insult them without answering their complaints or concerns.
Is that what Americans want? Obnoxious jerks who blame everyone else for everything but they themselves are not responsible for their actions? No...they don't want WHINERS...they want WINNERS.

I ask myself this question often.
What have we done for the American people lately and why should they vote for us ?

We deregulated the financial system into a casino then made everyone pay to bail it out.
Did we ever ADMIT we did it? No. Do YOU trust people who make mistakes but don't admit to them?
We cut taxes on the rich, while cutting social services on people who need it the most....children and the elderly.
We REFUSE to look at the NUMBERS on socialized medicine. Half the cost....better care. The rest of the world isn't rushing to embrace our system...why ? If our system was inherently better, we'd have more countries following our lead...but that's not the case is it?

It's time to look at socialized medicine if it works...I've visited the Europe and they are VERY proud of their medical system. I actually heard one elderly lady in London describe the US health care system as "barbaric" having broken her ankle on vacation while here and saying she wouldn't trade systems for all the tea in India.

Time to END the favors to big oil, the NRA and Grover Nordquist. Either we adapt to the changing economic times that the vast majority of Americans are experiencing or we go extinct. Blaming Obama might get you in the worked for him using Bush....but then you have to DO SOMETHING once you're there. What have we accomplished since the teapartiers took over? NOTHING!

We either kick out the big influence peddlers in our party out or we're doomed to look more and more like bought and paid for ladies of the evening.

I want Dwight Eisenhower dammit. A republican who understood the value of social and infrastructure spending. Who knew the value of military RESTRAINT. Who knew what it was like to be an ordinary joe, struggling to get by and not the crop of nanby-panby mancaped millionaire puffballs we've got in congress and running for office now.

In short....even though I just got here, my fellow conservatives have it mostly wrong and are kinda being dicks. No one likes dicks.

Thank You sir.... You've pretty much summed up why I left the party in '07. I didn't believe in it anymore.
As a registered Republican * * * *

We could have all stopped reading your "post" right there.

You are obviously a liberal Democratic.

Now kindly go fuck off.

Perhaps back at the DU'h.

Good boy.

I picked your post to respond to just by chance... but it could have been any of them from the "CONServative" side.

I know... you'd rather believe that this guy is a "plant" than a Republican who is frustrated by their party's actions....or lack thereof. But I'll tell you what.... there are probably many more like him than there is of you "True Believers" in this country. People who don't get their memes from Limbaugh or Beck... or maybe listen to them but actually DO realize that they are full of shit and just being well paid shills who excel at Rabble Rousing.

People who realize that FOX News isn't all that fair and balanced(neither is MSNBC, for that matter....two sides of the same coin).

People who don't believe that Democrats and moderate Republicans aren't Marxist boogeymen.

It's simply amazing how fucking ignorant you people on the right are. You'd rather assume that someone who tells you something that you don't want to hear is your mortal enemy than to even try to comprehend where their coming from.

You'd rather believe that man made global warming is a lie because some Corporate Scientists supposedly "debunked" it.... Just like they did when the Tobacco industry Scientists declared Cigarettes are GOOD for you. Meanwhile, you smallmouth bass population has black splotches on them and have both sex organs....and it's not just here in PA.... it's happening all over the country. You'd rather let the fucking world burn up... and then after we can barely inhabit this planet anymore, say.... Oops... our bad! Let me put it this way.... I'd rather err on the side of the environmentalists on this one.... because if we're wrong.... all we did was cost some money.

edit... More to follow... gotta go to work.
Look at you.
Whining constantly about Obama.

He farts and you clowns whine about it. You call him names and call names to people who defend him. You don't debate the substance of what Obama or they say, you merely insult them without answering their complaints or concerns.
Is that what Americans want? Obnoxious jerks who blame everyone else for everything but they themselves are not responsible for their actions? No...they don't want WHINERS...they want WINNERS.

I ask myself this question often.
What have we done for the American people lately and why should they vote for us ?

We deregulated the financial system into a casino then made everyone pay to bail it out.
Did we ever ADMIT we did it? No. Do YOU trust people who make mistakes but don't admit to them?
We cut taxes on the rich, while cutting social services on people who need it the most....children and the elderly.
We REFUSE to look at the NUMBERS on socialized medicine. Half the cost....better care. The rest of the world isn't rushing to embrace our system...why ? If our system was inherently better, we'd have more countries following our lead...but that's not the case is it?

It's time to look at socialized medicine if it works...I've visited the Europe and they are VERY proud of their medical system. I actually heard one elderly lady in London describe the US health care system as "barbaric" having broken her ankle on vacation while here and saying she wouldn't trade systems for all the tea in India.

Time to END the favors to big oil, the NRA and Grover Nordquist. Either we adapt to the changing economic times that the vast majority of Americans are experiencing or we go extinct. Blaming Obama might get you in the worked for him using Bush....but then you have to DO SOMETHING once you're there. What have we accomplished since the teapartiers took over? NOTHING!

We either kick out the big influence peddlers in our party out or we're doomed to look more and more like bought and paid for ladies of the evening.

I want Dwight Eisenhower dammit. A republican who understood the value of social and infrastructure spending. Who knew the value of military RESTRAINT. Who knew what it was like to be an ordinary joe, struggling to get by and not the crop of nanby-panby mancaped millionaire puffballs we've got in congress and running for office now.

In short....even though I just got here, my fellow conservatives have it mostly wrong and are kinda being dicks. No one likes dicks.

You are no conservative and your talking points are out there. Oh come on kiddie land.

OK lets say you are genuine. My eyes are glazing over as I type.

But okey dokey. Let's play in the sandbox and you can bring your mommy or your daddy can jump in at any time.

Bring it.

I'm game. Bring it.
As a registered Republican * * * *

We could have all stopped reading your "post" right there.

You are obviously a liberal Democratic.

Now kindly go fuck off.

Perhaps back at the DU'h.

Good boy.

I picked your post to respond to just by chance... but it could have been any of them from the "CONServative" side.

I know... you'd rather believe that this guy is a "plant" than a Republican who is frustrated by their party's actions....or lack thereof. But I'll tell you what.... there are probably many more like him than there is of you "True Believers" in this country. People who don't get their memes from Limbaugh or Beck... or maybe listen to them but actually DO realize that they are full of shit and just being well paid shills who excel at Rabble Rousing.

People who realize that FOX News isn't all that fair and balanced(neither is MSNBC, for that matter....two sides of the same coin).

People who don't believe that Democrats and moderate Republicans aren't Marxist boogeymen.

It's simply amazing how fucking ignorant you people on the right are. You'd rather assume that someone who tells you something that you don't want to hear is your mortal enemy than to even try to comprehend where their coming from.

You'd rather believe that man made global warming is a lie because some Corporate Scientists supposedly "debunked" it.... Just like they did when the Tobacco industry Scientists declared Cigarettes are GOOD for you. Meanwhile, you smallmouth bass population has black splotches on them and have both sex organs....and it's not just here in PA.... it's happening all over the country. You'd rather let the fucking world burn up... and then after we can barely inhabit this planet anymore, say.... Oops... our bad! Let me put it this way.... I'd rather err on the side of the environmentalists on this one.... because if we're wrong.... all we did was cost some money.

edit... More to follow... gotta go to work.

How nuts are you? You're looking like Almond Joy here.

Seriously look at the numbers out of the EU. Billions in. Nothing out. Cost some money?

Billions. Trillions.

And hey I am for green. I lived just north of Delhi in Ontario and pushed myself and my husbands balls to the wall.

Primitive. Hit me. I bet you can't touch me for shit. We ran the house on wood. I made my own candles.

I pumped my own water.

Wanna have a go at this old conservative lady? Do me little left winger kid. By all means bring it.
As a registered Republican * * * *

We could have all stopped reading your "post" right there.

You are obviously a liberal Democratic.

Now kindly go fuck off.

Perhaps back at the DU'h.

Good boy.

I picked your post to respond to just by chance... but it could have been any of them from the "CONServative" side.

I know... you'd rather believe that this guy is a "plant" than a Republican who is frustrated by their party's actions....or lack thereof. But I'll tell you what.... there are probably many more like him than there is of you "True Believers" in this country. People who don't get their memes from Limbaugh or Beck... or maybe listen to them but actually DO realize that they are full of shit and just being well paid shills who excel at Rabble Rousing.

People who realize that FOX News isn't all that fair and balanced(neither is MSNBC, for that matter....two sides of the same coin).

People who don't believe that Democrats and moderate Republicans aren't Marxist boogeymen.

It's simply amazing how fucking ignorant you people on the right are. You'd rather assume that someone who tells you something that you don't want to hear is your mortal enemy than to even try to comprehend where their coming from.

You'd rather believe that man made global warming is a lie because some Corporate Scientists supposedly "debunked" it.... Just like they did when the Tobacco industry Scientists declared Cigarettes are GOOD for you. Meanwhile, you smallmouth bass population has black splotches on them and have both sex organs....and it's not just here in PA.... it's happening all over the country. You'd rather let the fucking world burn up... and then after we can barely inhabit this planet anymore, say.... Oops... our bad! Let me put it this way.... I'd rather err on the side of the environmentalists on this one.... because if we're wrong.... all we did was cost some money.

edit... More to follow... gotta go to work.

What are you driving? Are you cycling to go to work? Are you walking or running?

I pray you aren't driving a car.:lol:

By all means, get back to me on you believing in eco whackos. I'm a conservationist.
Worlds apart.

But by all means, up and coming engage me.
After two pages it is pretty clear that to be a republican one must adopt a pretty narrow range of opinions or face excommunication.

After two pages it is pretty clear he is not and never was not and never will be a Republican. I'm not a Republican, I lean conservative and he has never voted Republican and the only people fooled are Democrats, but go on, look stupid.
Click here: Obama ensures his fraudulent re-election.... a Soros-owned Spanish company will count the ballots !!!! - Constitut ''
After two pages it is pretty clear that to be a republican one must adopt a pretty narrow range of opinions or face excommunication.

After two pages it is pretty clear he is not and never was not and never will be a Republican. I'm not a Republican, I lean conservative and he has never voted Republican and the only people fooled are Democrats, but go on, look stupid.

I'm a registered Democrat and have voted for a republican or two in my time. I also voted for our "independent" mayor.
After two pages it is pretty clear that to be a republican one must adopt a pretty narrow range of opinions or face excommunication.

After two pages it is pretty clear he is not and never was not and never will be a Republican. I'm not a Republican, I lean conservative and he has never voted Republican and the only people fooled are Democrats, but go on, look stupid.

Barack Obama was the first Democrat I ever voted for in a national election i.e. POTUS, US Senate, House of Reps.

Go figure.
Full-auto,this guys a DU plant.

Yup...I doubt he ever wore a republican hat in his liberal life. IMHO

Probably true. Basically because no self-respecting Republican ever admits that they care about the poor, the young, the elderly, health care, the mess Bush left, military restraint or the environment.

And then they insult people who do.


Oh blow me.:lol:

Come on. Stop with the talking points. It gets tedious Sallow.

With the new media zones we have Dems wishing they died as a child.

Think 2010.:D
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