As a general principle, a universal truism, if your political philosophy often leaves you unwilling to answer simple questions about it . . .

She answered his question, if he didn't like that answer, for whatever reason, that is on him, not her. She doesn't owe him an answer he likes.

Technically yes she did answer him. Then again if someone asks you "what is 1+1?" And you answer "hotdogs are delicious" then yes, you technically answered the question. And that's what she did, she technically answered his question.

But in reality she didn't answer it, she spewed out over used boilerplate comments without any sign of insight, savvy, thought or relevance. She used catchphrases and slogans.

She also didn't answer the question at all because her response had nothing to do with it and also was devoid of consideration. According to her blacks have more abortions "because racism". And sighted how blacks are denied fair treatment and rights and good living conditions while ignoring the millions of broke ass white trash we have in this country in the exact same circumstances as the blacks she spoke of.

She also ignored the fact she is black and is sitting there speaking, well if systemic racism keeps all blacks down then why is she there? Why did we have a black president? Why did bill Cosby and Oprah start out as poor black kids but go on to build empires? Why do we have black doctors, lawyers, congressman, senators and so on?

She didn't address that maybe, just maybe blacks have so many abortions is because they are less responsible for themselves, careless, and so on. If a woman gets an abortion that's her fault. She could use birth control or she could not have unprotected sex, she could just not have sex. If blacks have more abortions then that's telling of blacks. It's no outside forces decision to make them get pregnant and make them get abortions.

So no, she didn't answer his question at all.
It was not a simple question, it was fully loaded. A simple question would have been "Do you think women should have the right to make decisions about their bodies?".

Let me ask you the same question. Yes or no?
hilarious, now you believe that you know what question someone else should be asking. hahahahahahahahahahaahhahha can you hear yourself? turn it up!!!!
This is simply impossible right now.

The walls are up in both tribes. Just being honest is considered capitulation, weakness. You can see a partisan ideologue's mind churning when asked a tough question, which is why deflection is now the go-to tactic in political "discourse". To put it more simply, the tribes are simply afraid to be honest. And this is clearly getting even worse.

We need leaders - cultural, political, business - who have enough self esteem and confidence to just be honest to start a trend here.
I have no problem is saying Abortion should be Safe, Legal and Rare...

I think there is little wrong with it for the first 12 weeks... From then it is I think it is wrong but not murder.... But I have very little right to impose my beliefs on to others..
I know that Evangelical Cristians didn't care about abortion until a date in 1978, 5 years after Roe v Wade... Abortions is a wedge issue...

I struggle to understand people who say they are Christians and are blind to the havoc and death the US drug war is having in Central America and then treat Asylum Seekers as criminals.

Constitution was written by some very well meaning men 200 years ago... Other countries change their constitutions with the changing times, why can't US.
hilarious, now you believe that you know what question someone else should be asking. hahahahahahahahahahaahhahha can you hear yourself? turn it up!!!!
Thanks for confirming that you couldn't answer a simple yes or question but are outraged when someone else can't either. Hypocritic?
Thanks for confirming that you couldn't answer a simple yes or question but are outraged when someone else can't either. Hypocritic?
Dude, you fkers never ever, ever answer a question! EVER
It was not a simple question, it was fully loaded. A simple question would have been "Do you think women should have the right to make decisions about their bodies?".

Let me ask you the same question. Yes or no?

If you want to put it that way, my answer is no. When she decides to do the horizontal mambo and creates another human, she is no longer making decisions about "her" own body.


You know, the modern day Right bitches about "wokism" so often that their whining has entered the Boy Who Cried Wolf category. The danger of this is that when something truly outrageous to common sensibilities comes along, like this video, it does not shock as much as it should.

The cowardice displayed by the two black women is some of the worst prevarication I have ever seen.

That they would not say a baby has value one day before it is born is very revealing and terrifying.
Ask just one loaded question and you have forfeited any expectation that you will be seen as a fair-minded individual. As a general rule people are hesitant to give their thoughts when they know only ridicule will be given as a rebuttal.
Their cowardly dodging answers guaranteed they will forever be ridiculed. They could not answer a straight question.

They have given the pro-life movement a warehouse of ammunition. That they would not acknowledge an unborn child nine months into a pregnancy has value and should not be aborted confirms every pro-lifer's worst fears.

Those two women did major damage to the pro-abortion movement.
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She answered his question, if he didn't like that answer, for whatever reason, that is on him, not her. She doesn't owe him an answer he likes.
Neither of the black women answered the questions asked of them.

Q: Do you like chocolate?

A: I believe persons who ride bicycles are entitled to use that mode of transportation.

TARD: She answered the question.

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