Arrest warrants for proposed new CIA Director?

Isn't this just more proof that Rump hires the best people?
No it's more roof the remocraps will do nything to erail rump.

And worse than that: It's yet more proof that the Prog-Dems have gone full totalitarian mob. No need for Due Process, let's just have a permanent witch hunt to destroy the lives of anyone who disagrees with them.

Wasn't it Rump that wanted to take your GGGGGUUUUUNNNNNZZZZZZ without due process just about 2 weeks ago?

Off your meds again today, snookums?

So know answer, babycakes?
Know answer you will accept.
I just hope this dies a horrible death in their court... Germany sure has changed in the last 40 years... If it wasn't for BREXIT, I would have given up all hope on the EU...
Time will tell, but they sure showed their hand before the deal was even done...
No it's more roof the remocraps will do nything to erail rump.

And worse than that: It's yet more proof that the Prog-Dems have gone full totalitarian mob. No need for Due Process, let's just have a permanent witch hunt to destroy the lives of anyone who disagrees with them.

Wasn't it Rump that wanted to take your GGGGGUUUUUNNNNNZZZZZZ without due process just about 2 weeks ago?

Off your meds again today, snookums?

So know answer, babycakes?
Know answer you will accept.

So your usual drivil of nothingness, do carry on.
Apparently FRoG prosecutors are contemplating drawing up papers on POTUS's pick for the CIA... I knew this European Union bs was going to be a problem...

Prosecutors Reviewing Request to Issue Arrest Warrant for Trump’s New CIA Director

She has a dark history. Torture and destroying evidence.

Dang...does that include deleting emails?

I don't know? Do you? Focus! Concentrate! Read thread title s-l-o-w-l-y.

Hmmm, if I knew I wouldn't ask the question...dumbass.

This woman is evil. She should be frogmarched to The Hague!

Gina Haspel, Trump's CIA Pick, Ran a Laboratory for Torture
Gina Haspel: Torture Queen

Haspel ran a "black site" CIA prison located in Thailand in 2002.[11][18] The site was codenamed "Cat's Eye" and held suspected al Qaeda terrorist members Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri and Abu Zubaydah for a time. The Senate Intelligence Committee report on CIA torture specifies that during their detention at the site they were waterboarded and interrogated using no-longer-authorized methods.[7][8] Declassified CIA cables specify that Zubaydah was waterboarded 83 times in a month, was sleep deprived, kept in a "large box", had his head slammed against a wall, and he lost his left eye. Zubaydah was deemed, by the CIA interrogators, to not be in possession of any useful intelligence (Interrogation of Abu Zubaydah).[19] Haspel was “directly involved in its controversial interrogation program” and had an “extensive role” in torturing detainees. The Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on torture detailed the central role she played in the particularly gruesome torture of detainee Abu Zubaydah.[20]

Haspel played a vital role in the destruction of interrogation videotapes that showed the torture of detainees both at the black site she ran and other secret agency locations.[21]

On December 17, 2014, the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) pressed criminal charges against unidentified CIA operatives, after the US Senate Select Committee published its report on torture by US intelligence agencies.

On June 7, 2017, the ECCHR called on the Public Prosecutor General of Germany to issue an arrest warrant against Haspel over claims she oversaw the torture of terrorism suspects. The complaint against her is centered on the case of Saudi national Abu Zubaydah.[22][23][24]

Gina Haspel - Wikipedia

She has much to answer for!
Gina Haspel: Torture Queen

Haspel ran a "black site" CIA prison located in Thailand in 2002.[11][18] The site was codenamed "Cat's Eye" and held suspected al Qaeda terrorist members Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri and Abu Zubaydah for a time. The Senate Intelligence Committee report on CIA torture specifies that during their detention at the site they were waterboarded and interrogated using no-longer-authorized methods.[7][8] Declassified CIA cables specify that Zubaydah was waterboarded 83 times in a month, was sleep deprived, kept in a "large box", had his head slammed against a wall, and he lost his left eye. Zubaydah was deemed, by the CIA interrogators, to not be in possession of any useful intelligence (Interrogation of Abu Zubaydah).[19] Haspel was “directly involved in its controversial interrogation program” and had an “extensive role” in torturing detainees. The Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on torture detailed the central role she played in the particularly gruesome torture of detainee Abu Zubaydah.[20]

Haspel played a vital role in the destruction of interrogation videotapes that showed the torture of detainees both at the black site she ran and other secret agency locations.[21]

On December 17, 2014, the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) pressed criminal charges against unidentified CIA operatives, after the US Senate Select Committee published its report on torture by US intelligence agencies.

On June 7, 2017, the ECCHR called on the Public Prosecutor General of Germany to issue an arrest warrant against Haspel over claims she oversaw the torture of terrorism suspects. The complaint against her is centered on the case of Saudi national Abu Zubaydah.[22][23][24]

Gina Haspel - Wikipedia

She has much to answer for!

Did they garner any useful information?

Haspel’s nomination will be controversial; she played a leading role (paywall) in running a US torture site abroad and later destroyed the evidence of it.

CIA videos of the torture were destroyed in 2005, on the orders of a cable drafted by Haspel. Her then-boss Jose Rodriguez, the CIA’s director of operations for counterterrorism, signed off on the order. “The cable left nothing to chance. It even told them how to get rid of the tapes,” he wrote in his memoir, according to ProPublica. “They were to use an industrial-strength shredder to do the deed.”

More: The CIA's new nominee director Gina Haspel once ran a torture site and destroyed evidence

This woman is evil.
And worse than that: It's yet more proof that the Prog-Dems have gone full totalitarian mob. No need for Due Process, let's just have a permanent witch hunt to destroy the lives of anyone who disagrees with them.

No, fuckhead........Haspel DID involve her sorry ass in torture and its not Dems who are calling her out, its the Germans who have had a long history with scum like Haspel.

Let her travel to Europe and lets see what

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