Arnold Schwarzenegger tells it like it is.

"Screw your freedoms!" Were the words of one Arnold Shittsinegger.

“There is a virus here — it kills people,” Schwarzenegger said. “And the only way we prevent it is get vaccinated, get masks, to do social distancing, washing your hands all the time, and not just to think about ‘well my freedom is being kind of disturbed here.’ No, screw your freedom. Because with freedom comes obligations and responsibilities. You cannot just say, ‘I have the right to X, Y, and Z.’ When you affect other people then it gets serious.”

We're about to throw our current Governor out of office, for being a tyrant, and here, we have Schwarzenegger wishing for greater tyranny than even Gavin Newsom practiced.

I supported Schwarzenegger when he was Governor of this state, but now, I say fuck him.
The governator says "with great freedoms come great responsibility". Or maybe that was Spiderman, not sure.

But either way Arnie wants no part of your antivaxer bullshit.

I don't care what that vagina grabber says. But he need to take his hand off my vagina.

That's great, kid. Anything else you'd like to tell me about how I feel or are you ready to go piss off now?

What? You wear your heart on your sleeve for all to see. Frankly you're over compensating for something.
Well he believe who has the money can decide to poke us or not. But if we don't want to be poked by them, that we will lose our maid's salary.
Not seeing the relevance here. Are you Arnie's maid?

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