Armed black militia in America issues threat to build 'its own nation'


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Armed black militia in America issues threat to build 'its own nation'
'Not F****** Around Coalition' outnumber far-right militia group Three Percenters in Louisville, Kentucky

26 Jul 2020 ~~ By David Millward
...An estimated 2,500 members of the Not F*****g Around Coalition (NFAC) took to the streets of Louisville, Kentucky on Saturday, joining a protest march over police shooting dead Breonna Taylor, a 26-year-old black nurse, in March.
Wearing black combat fatigues and carrying automatic weapons, the group outnumbered a small clutch of Three Percenters, a far-right militia group that also made an appearance at the demonstration.
...However, the appearance of the two armed militias raised the spectre that future confrontations may not pass off as peacefully, given the backdrop of violent protests that have swept the US following the killing of George Floyd by police in Minneapolis in May.
Entirely separate from the Black Lives Matter movement, the NFAC is willing to use violence as the group's leader "Grandmaster Jay" – whose real name is John Fitzgerald Johnson – made clear.
"We are all ex-military, we are very disciplined, we are all expert shooters," he said in one recent interview. "We don't want to negotiate, we don't want to sing songs, we don't bring signs to a gunfight. We are an eye for an eye organisation."
Carrying echoes of the Black Panther Movement of the 1960s, the NFAC is militant and separatist, according to Mr Johnson.
"The solution is very simple," he said. "We follow a declaration of liberation, declaring every African descendant of the slave trade a political prisoner here in the United States.
"Then after that, the United States has a choice, they carve us a piece of land out here – we'll take Texas and let us do our own thing – or exodus out of here and go somewhere where they will give us our own land to build our own nation."

We could compromise and give them Washington State, or Michigan. The only problem is that after doing so they'd change whatever is given to them it into a second Haiti and would claim poverty and begin to leave the mess they made and illegally filter back into the country they left. Those left behind would be asking the U.S. for aid just as Haitians continue to do each year and do nothing to lidt themselves out of poverty because of their inner corruption.
Beyond that President Madison already tried that by repatriating Black slaves and sending them to Liberia... That said, fast foward one hundred and forty-five years and what do we see in Liberia today?
I would just note that if your looking to start an insurrection, you might want to consider the odds. A few thousand does not strike me as a viable threat to the Republic.
Besides Mexicans living in Texas might take umbrage to the fact that the "NFAC" wants to take what they say is theirs..
Meanwhile if NFAC is cracked up to be what they claim, they have a little explaining to do... See:

I'm sorry that these 2500 men who now have 100% equal rights are discontent with that, and think that we made a mistake to stick our necks out for them against public opinion. This demand now tells us that the people who wanted to take all the blacks and send them back to Africa had a point. Maybe they should consider going to their ancestral grounds in Africa as a resolution to their hatred for the United States of America, and their hatred for sharing power with the people who are here now--whites, chicanos, and numerous other population groups from every country in the world.

Their demands should be met by sending them back to their native land on a cease and desist order of business to accommodate demands we shall not meet.
This is a serious topic.

In the coming decades, there may be PEACEFUL talks on how to divide up this nation.

Despite the wishes of sincere Democrats (there are some!), history has shown that two certain ethnicities (no need to name them) simply CANNOT get along.

One member in another thread a few days ago summed it up brilliantly. That poster said the brutal truth: Some cultures are simply incompatible. A divorce is the only solution for both ethnicities -- IMHO.
Armed black militia in America issues threat to build 'its own nation'
'Not F****** Around Coalition' outnumber far-right militia group Three Percenters in Louisville, Kentucky

26 Jul 2020 ~~ By David Millward
...An estimated 2,500 members of the Not F*****g Around Coalition (NFAC) took to the streets of Louisville, Kentucky on Saturday, joining a protest march over police shooting dead Breonna Taylor, a 26-year-old black nurse, in March.
Wearing black combat fatigues and carrying automatic weapons, the group outnumbered a small clutch of Three Percenters, a far-right militia group that also made an appearance at the demonstration.
...However, the appearance of the two armed militias raised the spectre that future confrontations may not pass off as peacefully, given the backdrop of violent protests that have swept the US following the killing of George Floyd by police in Minneapolis in May.
Entirely separate from the Black Lives Matter movement, the NFAC is willing to use violence as the group's leader "Grandmaster Jay" – whose real name is John Fitzgerald Johnson – made clear.
"We are all ex-military, we are very disciplined, we are all expert shooters," he said in one recent interview. "We don't want to negotiate, we don't want to sing songs, we don't bring signs to a gunfight. We are an eye for an eye organisation."
Carrying echoes of the Black Panther Movement of the 1960s, the NFAC is militant and separatist, according to Mr Johnson.
"The solution is very simple," he said. "We follow a declaration of liberation, declaring every African descendant of the slave trade a political prisoner here in the United States.
"Then after that, the United States has a choice, they carve us a piece of land out here – we'll take Texas and let us do our own thing – or exodus out of here and go somewhere where they will give us our own land to build our own nation."

We could compromise and give them Washington State, or Michigan. The only problem is that after doing so they'd change whatever is given to them it into a second Haiti and would claim poverty and begin to leave the mess they made and illegally filter back into the country they left. Those left behind would be asking the U.S. for aid just as Haitians continue to do each year and do nothing to lidt themselves out of poverty because of their inner corruption.
Beyond that President Madison already tried that by repatriating Black slaves and sending them to Liberia... That said, fast foward one hundred and forty-five years and what do we see in Liberia today?
I would just note that if your looking to start an insurrection, you might want to consider the odds. A few thousand does not strike me as a viable threat to the Republic.
Besides Mexicans living in Texas might take umbrage to the fact that the "NFAC" wants to take what they say is theirs..
Meanwhile if NFAC is cracked up to be what they claim, they have a little explaining to do... See:

Im skeptical of their ability to construct a modern building. Where will they be building this shanty town?
With all these violent groups coming to the forefront and commiting mayhem, arson, riotring, rape and murder throughout Blue cities, does anyone think that if Joe Biden is by all odds elected this will all stop?
I don't think so.... The Progressive Marxist Soacialist/DSA Democrat Left has uncorked this genie and I don't think they can put it back in the bottle.
Unless this country can restore Law and order and start arresting these terrorists and prosecuting them, this will not stop.
The average American is fed up with this. People will be killed either on individual basis or in the case of businesses they will soon be protecting them and their homes. It's happened in St. Louis and on Saturday a protestercarrying and pointing his weapon was shot and killed in Austin Tx.
In my mind that is just the start.
Let's not forget that crime is skyrocketing in major cities too.
Personally, I continue to carry my side arm and practice using it at the range at least twice a month. I will not be intimidated or allow myself or my family to be attacked or threatened.....
I'm sorry that these 2500 men who now have 100% equal rights are discontent with that, and think that we made a mistake to stick our necks out for them against public opinion. This demand now tells us that the people who wanted to take all the blacks and send them back to Africa had a point. Maybe they should consider going to their ancestral grounds in Africa as a resolution to their hatred for the United States of America, and their hatred for sharing power with the people who are here now--whites, chicanos, and numerous other population groups from every country in the world.

Their demands should be met by sending them back to their native land on a cease and desist order of business to accommodate demands we shall not meet.
Since we don't have equal rights as the laws are applied, we have every right to protest. Since your ancestral grounds are not in America you will accept our right to use the first and second amendment or you can pack your bags and return to Europe. Because you see white woman, when we fought for civil rights blacks got beaten and killed so that you could get out of the kitchen.
Despite the wishes of sincere Democrats (there are some!), history has shown that two certain ethnicities (no need to name them) simply CANNOT get along.
Speaking only for myself I get along just fine with black people who I cross paths with in the real world

i bet most whites do

but there certainly is deep but narrow hatred in the universities when the dumbest black people and guilt-ridden whites reside
Despite the wishes of sincere Democrats (there are some!), history has shown that two certain ethnicities (no need to name them) simply CANNOT get along.
Speaking only for myself I get along just fine with black people who I cross paths with in the real world

i bet most whites do

but there certainly is deep but narrow hatred in the universities when the dumbest black people and guilt-ridden whites reside

Most blacks don't try to engage whites on the issue of race because we generally know the outcome. Parser seems to believe that in order for non whites and whites to get along that we just take crap from whites. His assessment is woefully incorrect because there are a lot of people who are not whit who can't stand whites who are racists.
Well its about tiime. Black Americans are being shot in the back, choked , and kneed to death by white male sociopath police. There has to be some kind of response to this wanton police abuse. What do you whites expect?.Black Guns Matter!!
Well its about tiime. Black Americans are being shot in the back, choked , and kneed to death by white male sociopath police. There has to be some kind of response to this wanton police abuse. What do you whites expect?.Black Guns Matter!!
HEY! If it bothers you that blacks are being shot, choked and kneed by cops, perhaps they should RE-EVALUATE THEIR LIFESTYLES, STOP COMMITTING CRIMES and STOP RESISTING ARREST!
Cops don't drive along playing eenie, meenie, meine, moh, grabbing up some random black on the street. They get 911 calls to inner-city black neighborhoods after a crime has been committed and seek out the suspect. When they find the suspect, they detain him/her and if they feel they have the right person, attempt to arrest them.....WHY you ask?? Strangely, there are actual criminal laws on the books, put in by your local leaders, allowing police to arrest people for violating know, those pesky laws like...oh say.....murder, robbery, rape, theft, illegal drug sales, muggings. If you don't like the laws on the books, petition your local government (it's not federal) to exempt blacks from those laws....but don't be too surprised when they just laugh at you. You aren't special.
So, if you don't like cops coming into your neighborhoods, don't allow people to call 911, as you are robbing, mugging, raping and murdering them.
Or, when they do come, STOP RESISTING ARREST!
The VAST majority of cops are just doing a difficult and dangerous job, trying to keep order. I suggest that you actually go on a "ride-along" with the police to see what they have to deal with.
Do cops accidently kill the wrong person? Very rarely. As for bad cops, only a small number of cops are "bad."
So, if there are any fingers to be pointed at a source of the's the inner-city black communities that glorify crime and criminals and praise criminals when they are shot by cops instead of glorifying blacks that go on to become positive role-models for the black communities (physicians, nurses, scientists, astronauts, corporate leaders, firefighters and yes...cops).
Those positive role-models, didn't listen to the losers in their schools that told them "they were trying to be white," when all they were studying and working towards, was achieving their personal dreams.
I'm sorry that these 2500 men who now have 100% equal rights are discontent with that, and think that we made a mistake to stick our necks out for them against public opinion. This demand now tells us that the people who wanted to take all the blacks and send them back to Africa had a point. Maybe they should consider going to their ancestral grounds in Africa as a resolution to their hatred for the United States of America, and their hatred for sharing power with the people who are here now--whites, chicanos, and numerous other population groups from every country in the world.

Their demands should be met by sending them back to their native land on a cease and desist order of business to accommodate demands we shall not meet.
Since we don't have equal rights as the laws are applied, we have every right to protest. Since your ancestral grounds are not in America you will accept our right to use the first and second amendment or you can pack your bags and return to Europe. Because you see white woman, when we fought for civil rights blacks got beaten and killed so that you could get out of the kitchen.
More lies
Armed black militia in America issues threat to build 'its own nation'
'Not F****** Around Coalition' outnumber far-right militia group Three Percenters in Louisville, Kentucky

26 Jul 2020 ~~ By David Millward
...An estimated 2,500 members of the Not F*****g Around Coalition (NFAC) took to the streets of Louisville, Kentucky on Saturday, joining a protest march over police shooting dead Breonna Taylor, a 26-year-old black nurse, in March.
Wearing black combat fatigues and carrying automatic weapons, the group outnumbered a small clutch of Three Percenters, a far-right militia group that also made an appearance at the demonstration.
...However, the appearance of the two armed militias raised the spectre that future confrontations may not pass off as peacefully, given the backdrop of violent protests that have swept the US following the killing of George Floyd by police in Minneapolis in May.
Entirely separate from the Black Lives Matter movement, the NFAC is willing to use violence as the group's leader "Grandmaster Jay" – whose real name is John Fitzgerald Johnson – made clear.
"We are all ex-military, we are very disciplined, we are all expert shooters," he said in one recent interview. "We don't want to negotiate, we don't want to sing songs, we don't bring signs to a gunfight. We are an eye for an eye organisation."
Carrying echoes of the Black Panther Movement of the 1960s, the NFAC is militant and separatist, according to Mr Johnson.
"The solution is very simple," he said. "We follow a declaration of liberation, declaring every African descendant of the slave trade a political prisoner here in the United States.
"Then after that, the United States has a choice, they carve us a piece of land out here – we'll take Texas and let us do our own thing – or exodus out of here and go somewhere where they will give us our own land to build our own nation."

We could compromise and give them Washington State, or Michigan. The only problem is that after doing so they'd change whatever is given to them it into a second Haiti and would claim poverty and begin to leave the mess they made and illegally filter back into the country they left. Those left behind would be asking the U.S. for aid just as Haitians continue to do each year and do nothing to lidt themselves out of poverty because of their inner corruption.
Beyond that President Madison already tried that by repatriating Black slaves and sending them to Liberia... That said, fast foward one hundred and forty-five years and what do we see in Liberia today?
I would just note that if your looking to start an insurrection, you might want to consider the odds. A few thousand does not strike me as a viable threat to the Republic.
Besides Mexicans living in Texas might take umbrage to the fact that the "NFAC" wants to take what they say is theirs..
Meanwhile if NFAC is cracked up to be what they claim, they have a little explaining to do... See:

In b4 they shoot themselves..owait.. :auiqs.jpg:
Guess not! :aargh:
They can go pioneer their way out in the woods and build their own nation. My ancestors did.
Oh! I so have the solution for this!
No they don't get all of Texas, the dumbasses...
This fixes everything..hold on..
New Black America gets a 40 mile strip North of the Mexican border.
Follow the border and 40 miles north. Walled off like "Escape From New York".
I call it "Operation Black Cushion".
Real black Americans don't have to go there..only those that want reparations and welfare and free housing and things like that. EBT is not recognized outside of the "New Black America" borders.
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