Arizona state representatives issued a call to withhold the state’s Electoral College votes for Joe Biden


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Momentum seems to be building, but Establishment RINO Cucks will probably just ignore it.

Arizona state representative Mark Finchem (district 11) on Monday issued a call to withhold the state’s Electoral College votes for Joe Biden because “he believes there is enough significant evidence of fraud to invalidate the state’s votes.”
President Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani and Trump campaign senior legal advisor Jenna Ellis appeared before Arizona state lawmakers in a public hearing on Monday.
The hearing was chaired by Representative Mark Finchem with a number of House and Senate members on the hearing panel.
Trump’s legal team brought out many credible witnesses again on Monday who testified on the Dominion voting machines and other irregularities that point to outright Democrat voter fraud.
TRENDING: Crowd Erupts in Cheers as Giuliani Tells AZ State Lawmakers: "Your Political Career is Worth Losing if You Can Save the Right to Vote in America" (VIDEO)
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai presented very powerful data to Arizona lawmakers that completely obliterated the Biden victory narrative.
In the middle of the hearing on Monday, Arizona’s crooked Secretary of State certified the false election results.
Momentum seems to be building, but Establishment RINO Cucks will probably just ignore it.

Arizona state representative Mark Finchem (district 11) on Monday issued a call to withhold the state’s Electoral College votes for Joe Biden because “he believes there is enough significant evidence of fraud to invalidate the state’s votes.”
President Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani and Trump campaign senior legal advisor Jenna Ellis appeared before Arizona state lawmakers in a public hearing on Monday.
The hearing was chaired by Representative Mark Finchem with a number of House and Senate members on the hearing panel.
Trump’s legal team brought out many credible witnesses again on Monday who testified on the Dominion voting machines and other irregularities that point to outright Democrat voter fraud.
TRENDING: Crowd Erupts in Cheers as Giuliani Tells AZ State Lawmakers: "Your Political Career is Worth Losing if You Can Save the Right to Vote in America" (VIDEO)
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai presented very powerful data to Arizona lawmakers that completely obliterated the Biden victory narrative.
In the middle of the hearing on Monday, Arizona’s crooked Secretary of State certified the false election results.
First the dog attacks Joe, now this....Looks like it is going to be a bark winter....
As the counting of votes continues, an anti-democratic suggestion has taken hold among supporters of President Trump that Republican state legislatures could prevent a Biden presidency by directly appointing Trump-supporting electors to the Electoral College, rather than by sending a delegation of electors in line with their states’ popular votes. “GET READY TO DO YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY,” tweeted conservative radio host Mark Levin on Nov. 5. Soon after, Donald Trump, Jr., retweeted Levin. Later that night, Sen. Lindsey Graham joined the bandwagon. The idea is not entirely new: In September, Barton Gellman in The Atlantic reported that some state legislators were already considering this gambit—though Pennsylvania Republicans soon rejected the notion.

There are a host of clear legal problems with this suggestion, including that electors are required to be selected on Election Day, not later (absent circumstances not present here), and that due process requires a state to give effect to the fundamental right to vote for president. What’s more, such a move would justifiably be seen by much of the public as a coup. It is a terrible idea.

But even more fundamentally, the Supreme Court has unanimously undercut the core premise to this argument for legislative superpower. And we should know. We argued the opposite before the court this year, in the context of presidential electors, rather than state legislatures, going rogue—and we lost.

Thankfully, it appears very unlikely that any legislature will accept Mark Levin’s challenge, and select a slate contrary to the votes of its people. But if any legislature were to take up the call, the Supreme Court would be asked to review that unprecedented act. Its ruling should be clear that this move is illegal. Prominent originalist scholars have noted how far Chiafalo strayed from the framing design. It would be extraordinary now if, in the name of originalism, the justices would sanction an even greater perversion of the original design. The greatest charge against originalism is partisan selectivity. We do not believe that selectivity is inherent to originalism. But few would agree if, after ignoring the Framers in Chiafalo, the Supreme Court invoked the Framers now to defeat a candidate who has won an absolute majority of the public’s vote. Whatever else that result would say, it would certainly not communicate that “[w]e the people rule.”
I'm surprised to find out that I am only 7/10ths of a person, according to Democrat Fraud Machines used in The 6 states that cheated.

Dr Shiva from MIT just proved Vote Swapping Live on TV at The Arizona Hearing.

130% of Democrats voted for Biden vs. -30% voted for Trump.

If you are a Republican, you are only 7/10ths of a person.

Based on the revelation from MIT Scientist Dr. Shiva, that Dominion Machines swapped votes counting Trump votes at 7/10ths of a vote, and Biden votes as 1.3 votes, here are the actual legal vote totals for the 2020 Election

President Trump 98,028,452 votes
Joe Biden 56,161,000

This election will separate the men from the boys. Those who are not willing to stand for their country and those who are.
Well, clearly the Trumpists are in the “not” category.

That would be wrong. Trump is in the super American category. Stands for American people and American values - which you disagree with, a reminder.

It's fine to hate freedom if you want to live in a dumpster, we don't. It built the best country and more improvement than in all of history prior. Freedom will always beat the hell out of leftist authoritarianism.
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This election will separate the men from the boys. Those who are not willing to stand for their country and those who are.
Well, clearly the Trumpists are in the “not” category.

That would be wrong. Trump is in the super American category. Stands for American people and American values - which you disagree with, just a remainder.

It's fine to hate freedom, we don't. It built the best country and more improvement than in all of history prior. Freedom will always beat the hell out of leftist authoritarianism.
That is just...bizarre Norman....
This election will separate the men from the boys. Those who are not willing to stand for their country and those who are.
Well, clearly the Trumpists are in the “not” category.

That would be wrong. Trump is in the super American category. Stands for American people and American values - which you disagree with, just a remainder.

It's fine to hate freedom, we don't. It built the best country and more improvement than in all of history prior. Freedom will always beat the hell out of leftist authoritarianism.
That is just...bizarre Norman....

The part about freedom building more progress than we had cumulatively before?

Nope, we went from mud huts to sky scrapers. It is the best.

Leftist authoritarianism is back to the mud huts again. The price of free shit isn't free, although it sure as hell includes freedom.
Momentum seems to be building, but Establishment RINO Cucks will probably just ignore it.

Arizona state representative Mark Finchem (district 11) on Monday issued a call to withhold the state’s Electoral College votes for Joe Biden because “he believes there is enough significant evidence of fraud to invalidate the state’s votes.”
President Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani and Trump campaign senior legal advisor Jenna Ellis appeared before Arizona state lawmakers in a public hearing on Monday.
The hearing was chaired by Representative Mark Finchem with a number of House and Senate members on the hearing panel.
Trump’s legal team brought out many credible witnesses again on Monday who testified on the Dominion voting machines and other irregularities that point to outright Democrat voter fraud.
TRENDING: Crowd Erupts in Cheers as Giuliani Tells AZ State Lawmakers: "Your Political Career is Worth Losing if You Can Save the Right to Vote in America" (VIDEO)
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai presented very powerful data to Arizona lawmakers that completely obliterated the Biden victory narrative.
In the middle of the hearing on Monday, Arizona’s crooked Secretary of State certified the false election results.
It's against Arizona state law § 16-212 to withhold those votes...

A. On the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, 1956, and quadrennially thereafter, there shall be elected a number of presidential electors equal to the number of United States senators and representatives in Congress from this state.

B. After the secretary of state issues the statewide canvass containing the results of a presidential election, the presidential electors of this state shall cast their electoral college votes for the candidate for president and the candidate for vice president who jointly received the highest number of votes in this state as prescribed in the canvass.

And it's against Arizona state law § 16-212 to not cast an electoral college vote for the winner of the popular vote in their state...

C. A presidential elector who knowingly refuses to cast that elector's electoral college vote as prescribed in subsection B of this section is no longer eligible to hold the office of presidential elector and that office is deemed and declared vacant by operation of law.  The chairperson of the state committee of the political party represented by that elector shall appoint a person who is otherwise qualified to be a presidential elector.  The replacement presidential elector shall cast the elector's electoral college vote as prescribed by this section.  Notwithstanding § 16-344 and any other statute, the nomination paper and affidavit of qualification of the replacement presidential elector may be completed and filed with the secretary of state as soon as is practicable after the presidential elector's appointment.

So all you have is a Republican calling for break the law to help Impeached Trump win the election he lost in a landslide.
Momentum seems to be building, but Establishment RINO Cucks will probably just ignore it.

Arizona state representative Mark Finchem (district 11) on Monday issued a call to withhold the state’s Electoral College votes for Joe Biden because “he believes there is enough significant evidence of fraud to invalidate the state’s votes.”
President Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani and Trump campaign senior legal advisor Jenna Ellis appeared before Arizona state lawmakers in a public hearing on Monday.
The hearing was chaired by Representative Mark Finchem with a number of House and Senate members on the hearing panel.
Trump’s legal team brought out many credible witnesses again on Monday who testified on the Dominion voting machines and other irregularities that point to outright Democrat voter fraud.
TRENDING: Crowd Erupts in Cheers as Giuliani Tells AZ State Lawmakers: "Your Political Career is Worth Losing if You Can Save the Right to Vote in America" (VIDEO)
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai presented very powerful data to Arizona lawmakers that completely obliterated the Biden victory narrative.
In the middle of the hearing on Monday, Arizona’s crooked Secretary of State certified the false election results.
First the dog attacks Joe, now this....Looks like it is going to be a bark winter....

Wouldnt that be a "Ruff" winter?
As the counting of votes continues, an anti-democratic suggestion has taken hold among supporters of President Trump that Republican state legislatures could prevent a Biden presidency by directly appointing Trump-supporting electors to the Electoral College, rather than by sending a delegation of electors in line with their states’ popular votes. “GET READY TO DO YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY,” tweeted conservative radio host Mark Levin on Nov. 5. Soon after, Donald Trump, Jr., retweeted Levin. Later that night, Sen. Lindsey Graham joined the bandwagon. The idea is not entirely new: In September, Barton Gellman in The Atlantic reported that some state legislators were already considering this gambit—though Pennsylvania Republicans soon rejected the notion.

There are a host of clear legal problems with this suggestion, including that electors are required to be selected on Election Day, not later (absent circumstances not present here), and that due process requires a state to give effect to the fundamental right to vote for president. What’s more, such a move would justifiably be seen by much of the public as a coup. It is a terrible idea.

But even more fundamentally, the Supreme Court has unanimously undercut the core premise to this argument for legislative superpower. And we should know. We argued the opposite before the court this year, in the context of presidential electors, rather than state legislatures, going rogue—and we lost.

Thankfully, it appears very unlikely that any legislature will accept Mark Levin’s challenge, and select a slate contrary to the votes of its people. But if any legislature were to take up the call, the Supreme Court would be asked to review that unprecedented act. Its ruling should be clear that this move is illegal. Prominent originalist scholars have noted how far Chiafalo strayed from the framing design. It would be extraordinary now if, in the name of originalism, the justices would sanction an even greater perversion of the original design. The greatest charge against originalism is partisan selectivity. We do not believe that selectivity is inherent to originalism. But few would agree if, after ignoring the Framers in Chiafalo, the Supreme Court invoked the Framers now to defeat a candidate who has won an absolute majority of the public’s vote. Whatever else that result would say, it would certainly not communicate that “[w]e the people rule.”


Circular Reasoning Definition and Examples

In informal logic, circular reasoning is an argument that commits the logical fallacy of assuming what it is attempting to prove.

FIRST, you prove that Biden

" has won an absolute majority of the public’s vote"sans fraud

Then you arrive at a conclusion.


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