Arizona Ballots Shredded


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2011
I do not want to here about the source. There are pictures and eyewitnesses. Another admission of guilt? You bet it is. Massive fraud. The election was stolen.
For months the Board of Supervisors in Maricopa County have blocked and delayed any independent audit performed by the Arizona Senate of the County’s results in the 2020 Presidential election. As we’ve reported previously, after being subpoenaed by the Arizona Senate and then suing the Senate to prevent a Senate audit of their 2020 election results, the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (MCBOS) agreed to have an audit if they could pick the auditors. The two firms they picked they claimed were the only two who were certified by the governmental body the US Election Assistance Commission (EAC). However, we found that these firms were not certified at the time they were selected by the MCBOS:
I do not want to here about the source. There are pictures and eyewitnesses. Another admission of guilt? You bet it is. Massive fraud. The election was stolen.
For months the Board of Supervisors in Maricopa County have blocked and delayed any independent audit performed by the Arizona Senate of the County’s results in the 2020 Presidential election. As we’ve reported previously, after being subpoenaed by the Arizona Senate and then suing the Senate to prevent a Senate audit of their 2020 election results, the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (MCBOS) agreed to have an audit if they could pick the auditors. The two firms they picked they claimed were the only two who were certified by the governmental body the US Election Assistance Commission (EAC). However, we found that these firms were not certified at the time they were selected by the MCBOS:
It is only commie loving America haters that deny this reality.the trolls constantly evade eyewitness testimony with video footage of criminal Ruby leading it all,dead people voting,death threats given to whistleblowers,the list goes on and on and anytime you bring up those facts they evade it and pretend you never made the post in just post a laughing smiley like the cowards they are.
This is infuriating. I know people who refused to certify elections because there were more votes than registered voters.
And when RINOs get on the news and say, it was a fair and honest election, it makes me sick.
Well we have always had a corrupt one party system disguised as two,the only reason the gop has not been infiltrated by terrorists as the dem party has is because trump is an outsider not part of that corrupt two party system the bush’s and Obama’s and Biden’s and Romney’s are.

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