Arizona Attorney General Brnovich Has Done Nothing with Criminal Activities Identified in 2020 Election Audit

Let's go one by one through the Cyber Ninjas list:

23,344 mail-in ballots from prior address:


I don't know why I'm bothering, really. The tards are just gonna go, "NUH-UH!"

And then invent a whole new bullshit claim.
3,432 official results do not match who voted.

Logan said one of the audit’s findings, that 3,432 more ballots were cast than were shown in a file of voters provided by the county, was resolved when election officials explained on Thursday that those voters didn’t show up in the files because their addresses are protected. The addresses of certain voters, such as law enforcement members, judges and domestic violence victims, are kept confidential under state law.
Finally, the last "question" on the list: 2,592 more duplicates than original ballots.

County workers duplicate a ballot when, for some reason, the ballot won't be accepted by the ballot tabulating machine. This could happen if a ballot is torn or stained or for various other reasons.

Cyber Ninjas said it found that the county counted 2,592 more duplicated ballots than it had originally sent to duplication.

The county says it's confident that its duplication process was accurate, especially because
this was confirmed in a court case challenging the issue that was eventually dismissed.
Not one of your 'read these posts' addresses forensic examination as was done by World Renowned Forensic Document Analyst Erich Speckin.
From the OP link:

In September a group of individuals in Arizona identified thousands of issues related to voters who reportedly voted in the 2020 Election. This group estimated that nearly 300,000 votes in Maricopa County in the 2020 Election were questionable and very possibly fraudulent.

That was the ridiculously named Cyber Ninja audit.

All of the posts I presented to you debunked all of that fraudit's "findings". And even the Ninjas said Biden won and Trump lost. In fact they gave MORE votes to Biden and LESS votes to Trump.

All caught up now?
From the OP link:

In September a group of individuals in Arizona identified thousands of issues related to voters who reportedly voted in the 2020 Election. This group estimated that nearly 300,000 votes in Maricopa County in the 2020 Election were questionable and very possibly fraudulent.

That was the ridiculously named Cyber Ninja audit.

All of the posts I presented to you debunked all of that fraudit's "findings". And even the Ninjas said Biden won and Trump lost. In fact they gave MORE votes to Biden and LESS votes to Trump.

All caught up now?
I like your 'one size fits all' explanation.

No mention of of forensic analysis of some 25,000 ballots.
Aren't we taxpayers paying him to do his job?

---Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich was given a platter of fraudulent and criminal activities related to the results of the 2020 Election in Arizona. The fact that he has done nothing with this to date is reprehensible. ---

Former Republican Arizona Attorney Mark Brnovich Sat On Report Refuting Trump Election Fraud Claims.

PHOENIX – Arizona's former attorney general suppressed findings by his investigators who concluded there was no basis for allegations that the 2020 election was marred by widespread fraud, according to documents released Wednesday by his successor.

Democratic Attorney General Kris Mayes, who took office last month, said the records show the 2020 election “was conducted fairly and accurately by election officials.”

Previous Attorney General Mark Brnovich, a Republican, never released a March 2022 summary of investigative findings, which ruled out most of the fraud claims spread by allies and supporters of former President Donald Trump. Yet a month later, he released an “interim report" that claimed his investigation “revealed serious vulnerabilities that must be addressed and raises questions about the 2020 election in Arizona."

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