Are you sick and tired of the Twoparties using their Senate and House committees to endlessly investigate each other?

BS.....She could have been whacked over the head with a stick or other object, no cause for the amount of force used on a unarmed 125# woman.....Failure under stress.
That's giving Lieutenant Byrd benefit of the doubt that would never be given to an officer shooting an unarmed woman in other circumstances.

Maybe he should have the benefit of the doubt, I'm not saying that it's wrong to give him that. But, looking at the video, he doesn't appear particularly stressed. At his rank, he would be close to the upper echelon. Not in the upper echelon, but close enough to know what they are thinking.

It appears that he was confident that there would be no consequences for standing flat-footed and shooting a woman in the head.

Just like the months long confinement for misdemeanors, it is clear that Trump supporters who go over the line are treated way more harshly than the Biden supporters who rioted for nine months prior to Jan 6.
That's giving Lieutenant Byrd benefit of the doubt that would never be given to an officer shooting an unarmed woman in other circumstances.

Maybe he should have the benefit of the doubt, I'm not saying that it's wrong to give him that. But, looking at the video, he doesn't appear particularly stressed. At his rank, he would be close to the upper echelon. Not in the upper echelon, but close enough to know what they are thinking.

It appears that he was confident that there would be no consequences for standing flat-footed and shooting a woman in the head.

Just like the months long confinement for misdemeanors, it is clear that Trump supporters who go over the line are treated way more harshly than the Biden supporters who rioted for nine months prior to Jan 6.
Hell I've in much worse prison riots than that little dust-up. We never had to shoot a convict but we did beat them about the head and shoulders on occasion. ;)
Trump made a joke about advising them what to look for after the hacking was made public. But don't let facts get in the way of a good stories.

If you're not honest enough to be embarrassed about the dossier that your Party created, there's no reasoning with you.
You should be embarrassed to support the swine liar scumbag traitor who did all that stuff DUHH....
Instead of doing the work of the nation?

I'm sure not!

The more time they spend with investigations destined to go nowhere, the less time they have for spending bills, tax hikes, and citizen-controlling regulations. When our elected representatives go to work for us, instead of attacking the other party, we are sure to suffer.

But the investigations must be persistent and near-continuous. Just a brief pause of the Jan 6 Show Trial allowed Dems breathing room to cut a deal with Joe Manchin that will cost the American people 700 Billion dollars, plus the perpetual cost over-runs.

Contact your representative, and your senators, no matter which party they belong to, and tell them to keep investigating the other party, dammit!
No I am fine with it.

They have no business doing the work of the nation. That is done by individuals and should not be controlled.

The more time they waste investigating each other the more they leave us alone.
As long as idiot Democrats are conducting witch hunts and other useless 'investigations' they aren't legislating our rights away. It evens out.
Like they doing away with the right to stop people from smoking pot, and giving them 30 years in prison. And doing away with the right to stop people from getting abortions when their birth control fails.
I figure the murder of Ashley Babbit will be a damn good place to start.
Well, since you don't know how to spell either her First name or her Last name, tells volumes about your concern for Ashli Babbitt.

Ashli Babbitt is a TRAITOR.

What about the years-long investigations of Trump collusion that never happened, followed by the years-long investigation of Russian collusion with the Clinton campaign, and Obama's spying on the Trump campaign that got nowhere because witness got away with refusing to answer questions? That was more rec

Logical humans don't make up past events that never happened. It's much better to just laugh at these people and not tell them they are wrong. No matter what you say will not effect their delusion. So just laugh at their craziness and be happy you are nothing like them. The time to get serious is when it's time to rid our self of these morons.
Instead of doing the work of the nation?

I'm sure not!

The more time they spend with investigations destined to go nowhere, the less time they have for spending bills, tax hikes, and citizen-controlling regulations. When our elected representatives go to work for us, instead of attacking the other party, we are sure to suffer.

But the investigations must be persistent and near-continuous. Just a brief pause of the Jan 6 Show Trial allowed Dems breathing room to cut a deal with Joe Manchin that will cost the American people 700 Billion dollars, plus the perpetual cost over-runs.

Contact your representative, and your senators, no matter which party they belong to, and tell them to keep investigating the other party, dammit!
As long as this party is focused on undermining the other they are not passing laws to deny our freedoms and rights.
Instead of doing the work of the nation?

I'm sure not!

The more time they spend with investigations destined to go nowhere, the less time they have for spending bills, tax hikes, and citizen-controlling regulations. When our elected representatives go to work for us, instead of attacking the other party, we are sure to suffer.

But the investigations must be persistent and near-continuous. Just a brief pause of the Jan 6 Show Trial allowed Dems breathing room to cut a deal with Joe Manchin that will cost the American people 700 Billion dollars, plus the perpetual cost over-runs.

Contact your representative, and your senators, no matter which party they belong to, and tell them to keep investigating the other party, dammit!
The children are taking over. An embarrassing time in our political history

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