Are You Ready For The Truth?


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
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Unless it acknowledges that a large portion of the WMD that Iraq possessed prior and after the first Persian Gulf War were supplied by America, then theres no truth to this story whatsoever.
PsuedoGhost said:
Unless it acknowledges that a large portion of the WMD that Iraq possessed prior and after the first Persian Gulf War were supplied by America, then theres no truth to this story whatsoever.
Not completely true. Most of the chemical equipment was supplied by Germany. Most of the ingredients were supplied by Singapore and the Netherlands while most of the premade munitions came from Italy, Spain and China.
PsuedoGhost said:
Unless it acknowledges that a large portion of the WMD that Iraq possessed prior and after the first Persian Gulf War were supplied by America, then theres no truth to this story whatsoever.

No matter how surmountable the amount of proof gets to be, you liberals will never admitt you were all wrong and LIED about, "NO WMD's".

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