Are you nervous about Mike Pence possibly running as an independent in 2024?

Not gonna happen. The GOP can't win without MAGA voters who they will pressure into voting for the rinos. Trying to use Pence to take away votes from TRUMP or DeSantis would piss off to many people who in turn wouldn't vote for rinos down ticket.
Splitting the Republican vote with a well-funded conservative running as an independent would be a problem for Trump. I would not put it past this swampy Republican party to let that happen. Don't think Pence would move the needle though.
The Repub establishment has done that before. They try and have had success in getting a RINO/NEO CON as their standard bearer. One who bends to the Progs when needed while giving some crumbs to the ones who voted for them. Trump was not so conservative but tried to keep his promises which were more common sense. And this is where we are at now. Common sense has been thrown out with the sink.
Trump was not so conservative but tried to keep his promises which were more common sense.

Build a wall and make Mexico pay for it
Replace Obamacare with something better
Negotiate a better nuclear deal with Iran
Bring back the Coal industry
Bring back jobs from China
A RINO with zero support outside the beltway... why would that scare anyone?
Are proggys just so conditioned to fear that your balls shrink over everything?
You don't even believe yourself, claiming that Pence would get zero percent anywhere but DC.
Build a wall and make Mexico pay for it
Replace Obamacare with something better
Negotiate a better nuclear deal with Iran
Bring back the Coal industry
Bring back jobs from China
Thanks for debunking the myth that Trump kept all his promises. No president keeps all his promises.

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