Are you for school choice, or do you want to brain wash other people's children?

School choice means getting credit for your school tax dollars to be credited toward a real education for your children instead of being indoctrinated by the teacher's unions in the holding pens called public schools. Without school choice we pay school taxes AND pay very expensive tuition. That is simply unfair.
How does that work in rural areas ?
They want the government to pay for their privilege of sending their children to the schools they choose.
No, they want the tax dollars they pay for their children's education to go to the school they choose to send their children to.
No, they want the tax dollars they pay for their children's education to go to the school they choose to send their children to.
That's not the way it works. Tax dollars pay for more than education. Life in the big city so to speak.

Again, pay to send your kids to private or parochial schools. Or, get together with a group of parents or corp sponsors to start a charter school.

That's how it work in this country. :)
Then you would support cameras in the classroom?

Someone's home is a private place. A school is a public place where you entrust your children in the hands of someone else. I think parents have a right to know what goes on in the classroom.

If the teachers aren't doing anything wrong, then they have nothing to worry about, right?
More about Feasibility
Cost, whose gonna watch the video
Also right wingers would complain about their FREEDOMS being violated.

Why are you for childrens rights being violated by filming them
Hey pseudo conservative dumbasses....

We have had cameras in every classroom for the last two years of remote learning. Did any of you frauds watch them?

Of course not. Just a bunch of empty crybabying, as usual.
Defunding of public schools IS an objective of the "school choice" crowd. And I said both racially AND economically..which crosses white, black, and brown lines. And that's how "school choice" will shake out if allowed to become the norm. It already happens.
And yes, you will have a shortage of teachers when a lot leave or can't be trained in numbers enough. Which is what you will get when you allow "choice". Teachers will be vying for those schools in droves because only the best and brightest will be there..and the rest?..they'll leave and won't be easily replaced.

There's not a school I've seen where reading, writing, and math isn't taught.
What you want taught are traditional Christian values...we have private and parochial schools for that. :)
As it should be. Public schools are a joke, have been failing for decades, and need to be replaced with vouchers. and as to the inner city schools? Let them crumble just like the rest of the urban shitholes.
IOW, future democrats.
That explains why the left is so frightened by choice: they will be left behind.

How is it not feasible?
Without being yelled at and being called a Moron, how about you adresss the feasibility

You have asked why it is not feasible and posters have tried to explain

3 schools. A,B ,C

50% of parents want to use their vouchers from both A and C, and they choose to send them to B. B has no parents wishing to choose a different school.

Can you answer how you believe this ^^^^^ is feasible?
As it should be. Public schools are a joke, have been failing for decades, and need to be replaced with vouchers. and as to the inner city schools? Let them crumble just like the rest of the urban shitholes.
The solution to bettering public schools is not to burn them down. Goddamn we are a country of morons.
As it should be. Public schools are a joke, have been failing for decades, and need to be replaced with vouchers. and as to the inner city schools? Let them crumble just like the rest of the urban shitholes.
Well, they've been failing because just and righteous right wing politicians having been making sure that funding for public education gets cut. Why? Christian Conservative values.

You wanna know why places that you speak of as "shitholes" and the people that live there stay in poverty and squalor?...lack of education is one of the reasons.
Why do you think that is?
All public schools need to be shut down. The sooner the better.
Did you think that through
Dumbest idea typed today.

No, they want the tax dollars they pay for their children's education to go to the school they choose to send their children to.
And people make that choice when they buy property.
Well, they've been failing because just and righteous right wing politicians having been making sure that funding for public education gets cut. Why? Christian Conservative values.

You wanna know why places that you speak of as "shitholes" and the people that live there stay in poverty and squalor?...lack of education is one of the reasons.
Why do you think that is?
You mean lack of INDOCTRINATION. Admit it! Public screwels are nothing but centers to force "I Hate America" far Leftwing communism on children.

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