"are you for sale? are the American people for sale' 'This Is Not The People's House!': Chip Roy Goes Off On House Of Free Stuff In Fiery Floor Speech

The GOP has been for sale for four decades....to the corporations and the wealthy..at the detriment of all the rest of the policies that cow "Chip" here is railing against.
And to think the GOP used to be the party of the little guy. Now, it's the party of conspiracy theories. :)
End the drug war and the free shit the cops get to fight the war.
make surgical military strikes to know drug kingpins in Central and South America and continue to do so. Do subterfuge to known cargo ships bringing in drugs from Asia.
The GOP has been for sale for four decades....to the corporations and the wealthy..at the detriment of all the rest of the policies that cow "Chip" here is railing against.
And to think the GOP used to be the party of the little guy. Now, it's the party of conspiracy theories. :)

Your transference of Party ideology is typical. The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies have never been for the worker. They are power hungry wealthy elitists.
Where did the $60 million funding by the Democrat to BLM go?
Why are Truckers in the U.S. going to the side of MAGA instead of the Left?
all the perks are given to the members of Congress-- including free parking at the office and D.C. airports, child daycare, free meals at the legislative dining hall, and cheap membership to the house gym -- are tax free.
I see you are a pro-vaxer who claims your body is not your choice.
Is that what you got out of that? We have been having a war on drugs for a long long time. Putting minor dealers and drug users in jail while the kingpins get off scot free. The Vax is political. Every way of diminishes the effects of covid would be promoted by a legitimate and free nation. And we would know the many avenues of choices with the hundreds of TV channels we have. But we are controlled by globalism and people who have hooked on to crazy agendas.
Is that what you got out of that? We have been having a war on drugs for a long long time. Putting minor dealers and drug users in jail while the kingpins get off scot free. The Vax is political. Every way of diminishes the effects of covid would be promoted by a legitimate and free nation. And we would know the many avenues of choices with the hundreds of TV channels we have. But we are controlled by globalism and people who have hooked on to crazy agendas.
My body, my choice is the vanguard motto of patriots, you evidently don't agree.
Your transference of Party ideology is typical. The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies have never been for the worker. They are power hungry wealthy elitists.
Where did the $60 million funding by the Democrat to BLM go?
Why are Truckers in the U.S. going to the side of MAGA instead of the Left?
What does ANY of this alt-right screed have to do with Chips-A-Roy's rant?
Answer, nothing. The GOP is beholden to corporations and the wealthy...at the expense of the social safety net for the most vulnerable.
What does ANY of this alt-right screed have to do with Chips-A-Roy's rant?
Answer, nothing. The GOP is beholden to corporations and the wealthy...at the expense of the social safety net for the most vulnerable.

You just keep telling yourself that. The fact is that corporations depend more on their donations to the DNC

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