Are you among the world's wealthiest?

They only have one thing that's bad, they is from Texass...

You need to go to Dallas and just observe the women, holy crap.

Is that purple store still downtown?

That just cracked me up.

Big hair, no brains and purple. Lots and lots of purple.

And the men - all hat, no cattle.

That's quintessential Texasss for you.
That would be store bought cowboys that sprung up after Disco died. Heck, the cowboys partied as hard as the hippie heads..and were nicer than the biker gangs fellows....them country gals ain't as shy and innocent as they portray them as...more like the farmer's daughter jokes...
I would go to lay brick and block on houses in Arlington about 3 blocks from the damn stadium that Tom built...I stayed at the old rodeo grounds in Fourt Wath(Texass twang)with my brother in laws, but they redid the old stockyards and put in rest. and bars...
Then told me that that woman had a ass like a 40 dollar mule...
So your Poppa is an "ass" man?
Being born in 1896, a good ass was hard to come by, cheaply...
your dad was born in 1896? old are you?....
My dad's dad was born in 1874.
Where at?
Here's a 1882 utility bill from his house in Chicago:


"If you have "$3650" you’re among the wealthiest half of people in the world, according to Credit Suisse's new report on global wealth. In numbers and charts, we break down the need-to-know stats"

Are you among the world s wealthiest - Telegraph

I don't "feel" rich.
Because you don't understand what poverty really is.

Poverty, as experienced by much of the world, is not in America.

"If you have "$3650" you’re among the wealthiest half of people in the world, according to Credit Suisse's new report on global wealth. In numbers and charts, we break down the need-to-know stats"

Are you among the world s wealthiest - Telegraph

I don't "feel" rich.
Because you don't understand what poverty really is.

Poverty, as experienced by much of the world, is not in America.

THAT is the entire point, the American Left has NO knowledge of reality.

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