Are we headed towards a putsch?

We have seen a Coup by the Left (Media and Democrats) since inauguration day, maybe even election day. The Left has been trying to undermine this Administration which was legitimately elected, and trying to undermine the Constitution. Russia didn't work, so now they're using Stormy Daniels.
Legitimately elected by 3,000,000 fewer voters than the other guy.

There's nothing legitimate about that.

been legitimate for 200 years
We have seen a Coup by the Left (Media and Democrats) since inauguration day, maybe even election day. The Left has been trying to undermine this Administration which was legitimately elected, and trying to undermine the Constitution. Russia didn't work, so now they're using Stormy Daniels.
Legitimately elected by 3,000,000 fewer voters than the other guy.

There's nothing legitimate about that.

been legitimate for 200 years
Trump got 3,000,000 fewer votes. Have a nice day.
What percentage of the hardcore left (27% if that) are ready and willing to take on over 50% of armed Americans?

Turkey shoot. Fish in a barrel.

The Left believes what it's told, ergo they believe in nothing. It's difficult to fight for nothing. They would break early.

That said, let's hope they don't push anyone to that. We really don't want that in our backyards.
Leftists should be glad Trump got elected, it probably would have gotten violent by now, if not. I don't mean Antifa violence, I mean real stuff.
Given the fact that "antifa violence" is a right wing propaganda masturbation season, I'm not too worried about the rights idea of "real" violence

That's nice, honey. So, what kind of weapons are you proficient with?
What percentage of the hardcore left (27% if that) are ready and willing to take on over 50% of armed Americans?

Turkey shoot. Fish in a barrel.

The Left believes what it's told, ergo they believe in nothing. It's difficult to fight for nothing. They would break early.

That said, let's hope they don't push anyone to that. We really don't want that in our backyards.

Come on.
Leftists should be glad Trump got elected, it probably would have gotten violent by now, if not. I don't mean Antifa violence, I mean real stuff.
Given the fact that "antifa violence" is a right wing propaganda masturbation season, I'm not too worried about the rights idea of "real" violence

That's nice, honey. So, what kind of weapons are you proficient with?

Look! We have a nutter who thinks liberals can't shoot. Love that kind.
We have seen a Coup by the Left (Media and Democrats) since inauguration day, maybe even election day. The Left has been trying to undermine this Administration which was legitimately elected, and trying to undermine the Constitution. Russia didn't work, so now they're using Stormy Daniels.
Legitimately elected by 3,000,000 fewer voters than the other guy.

There's nothing legitimate about that.

been legitimate for 200 years
Trump got 3,000,000 fewer votes. Have a nice day.

Unfortunately for your stupid ass, the US presidential election gets decided by the Electoral College.

Lemme guess, you never learned that in Civics class or nuthin', huh?
We have seen a Coup by the Left (Media and Democrats) since inauguration day, maybe even election day. The Left has been trying to undermine this Administration which was legitimately elected, and trying to undermine the Constitution. Russia didn't work, so now they're using Stormy Daniels.
Legitimately elected by 3,000,000 fewer voters than the other guy.

There's nothing legitimate about that.

been legitimate for 200 years
Trump got 3,000,000 fewer votes. Have a nice day.

Popular vote doesn't put someone in the Oval Office, the Electoral College does.
This is fun.

You all are great Americans!

And you are something like 20% of the population.

Have at it.

The Revolution was fought by 3% of the population. Just sayin...

Yeah. That's cool. You gonna join the call for a hot war against people like me?

Go ahead. You know you want to.

Oh hell no. It would be one of the worst things to have ever struck this country. Unlike most idiots and fools, such as yourself, I have actually been in a lawless country. It ain't nice. Nope, a new revolution would be a catastrophe, and I sincerely hope that this coup attempt can be brought under control through legal means.
What percentage of the hardcore left (27% if that) are ready and willing to take on over 50% of armed Americans?

Turkey shoot. Fish in a barrel.

The Left believes what it's told, ergo they believe in nothing. It's difficult to fight for nothing. They would break early.

That said, let's hope they don't push anyone to that. We really don't want that in our backyards.

Come on.

No thanks. I'm strictly hetero. I don't swing that way.
This fantasy that the left doesn't both own and enjoy guns is going to bite youin the ass if that day ever comes. I'm excited for knuckle dragging liars like yourself to find it just how good a shot this Democrat is. Bullies always fall hard.

Our local quilting club could whip a whole brigade of lefties ... And be done in time to cook a mean apple pie afterwards ... :thup:

We have seen a Coup by the Left (Media and Democrats) since inauguration day, maybe even election day. The Left has been trying to undermine this Administration which was legitimately elected, and trying to undermine the Constitution. Russia didn't work, so now they're using Stormy Daniels.
Legitimately elected by 3,000,000 fewer voters than the other guy.

There's nothing legitimate about that.

According to the Constitution of the USA, you know, the country you live in, you are wrong.
Legitimately elected by 3,000,000 fewer voters than the other guy.

There's nothing legitimate about that.
Trump got 3,000,000 fewer votes. Have a nice day.

LOL! And what meaning does the popular vote have in a Presidential Election? Do you want NY, and CA to dictate to the entire country? Fools.
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What percentage of the hardcore left (27% if that) are ready and willing to take on over 50% of armed Americans?
This fantasy that the left doesn't both own and enjoy guns is going to bite youin the ass if that day ever comes. I'm excited for knuckle dragging liars like yourself to find it just how good a shot this Democrat is. Bullies always fall hard.
I done seen the elephant. Bring 'er on.
The Watergate fiasco was bad enough, but the current attempt to unseat the duly elected President of the United States is now resembling German politics in the 1930's where both the Communists and the National Socialists were actively engaged in trying to bring down the democratically elected government.

If the President is successfully forced out of office, the (Left Wing) Democrats will have field day of bringing the Executive Branch to its knees while the (Right Wing) Republicans will feel that the Constitution has been unalterably usurped by their opponents. As a result, faith in our democratic processes could evaporate.

In this event, we may well see an attempt to overthrow our government by one side or the other in order to impose their policies and beliefs on the entire nation. We have seen this before.

Someday, (maybe) you too would realize that there is only ONE person to bring down the orange buffoon....and that is Trump himself and the thugs he has surrounded himself with.

Rosenstein Admits "You Can't Revoke an Election"


Then why in the hell are the DimocRATs so hell bent on voiding the will of the people? Threats of calling the president before a grand jury. Threats to impeach. Continued whining that he didn't win the popular vote (which is a lie because millions of votes were never counted. See references to uncounted absentee ballots.)

Video and story @ Fmr. Lawyer Asks Why 2016 Election Can’t be Rescinded; Rosenstein Responds with a Visual
In their mind there has to be a penalty for denying the White House to the hildabeast. Beyond that Trump is an outsider and they want to make an example of him for the next outsider who tries to run for office
More than that, they want to discourage any Republican with a spine from running for the office in the future. Who would voluntarily themselves to this kind of rectal exam?

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