Are we headed towards a putsch?


Coup attempt?

That's you asking for violence.

You realize that, don't you?
The only coup seems to be from the right trying to hinder the legal process.

In what way? From everything that has been reported the trump campaign has bent over backwards to cooperate. It is the mueller team that has provably broken laws.

No...I don't think so. Mueller has crossed every t and dotted every i. He's republican, you can't claim partisanship there. His reputation was stellar and applauded UNTIL his investigation started to get close to Trump.

The numerous inferences to firing him, closing down the investigation etc are not bending over backwards. Nor has he talked with Mueller. What he's done is threaten Mueller at every opportunity. That's not bending over backwards.

Facts in evidence say otherwise. muellers team violated attorney client privilege and obtained tens of thousands of documents from the trump transition team, even before he was in the WH. That's a violation of the Presidential Transition Act. We know that on November 16th the Chief Records Officer of the U.S. government sent a letter to all federal agencies reminding them of their duties under that Act. mueller ignored the Act.

He compounds his criminal behavior by not informing the trump team for months that he has illegally obtained these documents.

This is not in question, these are serious crimes that he has committed.
The transition team was using GSA devices, so there was no expectation of privacy:
Loewentritt said transition officials were told that "in using our devices," materials "would not be held back in any law enforcement" requests. He added there was a series of agreements between the transition and GSA for using its goods and therefore there was no expectation of privacy.

They were also using GSA server, which is where mueller got the emails.

Hogwash. The Act APPLIES to EVERYONE, and EVERY Agency. You can blow smoke up ignorant peoples butts, but not those of us who actually know what the hell is going on.
The only coup seems to be from the right trying to hinder the legal process.

In what way? From everything that has been reported the trump campaign has bent over backwards to cooperate. It is the mueller team that has provably broken laws.

No...I don't think so. Mueller has crossed every t and dotted every i. He's republican, you can't claim partisanship there. His reputation was stellar and applauded UNTIL his investigation started to get close to Trump.

The numerous inferences to firing him, closing down the investigation etc are not bending over backwards. Nor has he talked with Mueller. What he's done is threaten Mueller at every opportunity. That's not bending over backwards.

Facts in evidence say otherwise. muellers team violated attorney client privilege and obtained tens of thousands of documents from the trump transition team, even before he was in the WH. That's a violation of the Presidential Transition Act. We know that on November 16th the Chief Records Officer of the U.S. government sent a letter to all federal agencies reminding them of their duties under that Act. mueller ignored the Act.

He compounds his criminal behavior by not informing the trump team for months that he has illegally obtained these documents.

This is not in question, these are serious crimes that he has committed.
The transition team was using GSA devices, so there was no expectation of privacy:
Loewentritt said transition officials were told that "in using our devices," materials "would not be held back in any law enforcement" requests. He added there was a series of agreements between the transition and GSA for using its goods and therefore there was no expectation of privacy.

They were also using GSA server, which is where mueller got the emails.

Hogwash. The Act APPLIES to EVERYONE, and EVERY Agency. You can blow smoke up ignorant peoples butts, but not those of us who actually know what the hell is going on.

The transition act requires that computer communications are secure (ie, encrypted). This act doesnt support withholding transition team emails from criminal investigators.

The transition team used GSA equipment, and were explicitly told that information would not be held back from law enforcement.
In what way? From everything that has been reported the trump campaign has bent over backwards to cooperate. It is the mueller team that has provably broken laws.

No...I don't think so. Mueller has crossed every t and dotted every i. He's republican, you can't claim partisanship there. His reputation was stellar and applauded UNTIL his investigation started to get close to Trump.

The numerous inferences to firing him, closing down the investigation etc are not bending over backwards. Nor has he talked with Mueller. What he's done is threaten Mueller at every opportunity. That's not bending over backwards.

Facts in evidence say otherwise. muellers team violated attorney client privilege and obtained tens of thousands of documents from the trump transition team, even before he was in the WH. That's a violation of the Presidential Transition Act. We know that on November 16th the Chief Records Officer of the U.S. government sent a letter to all federal agencies reminding them of their duties under that Act. mueller ignored the Act.

He compounds his criminal behavior by not informing the trump team for months that he has illegally obtained these documents.

This is not in question, these are serious crimes that he has committed.
The transition team was using GSA devices, so there was no expectation of privacy:
Loewentritt said transition officials were told that "in using our devices," materials "would not be held back in any law enforcement" requests. He added there was a series of agreements between the transition and GSA for using its goods and therefore there was no expectation of privacy.

They were also using GSA server, which is where mueller got the emails.

Hogwash. The Act APPLIES to EVERYONE, and EVERY Agency. You can blow smoke up ignorant peoples butts, but not those of us who actually know what the hell is going on.

The transition act requires that computer communications are secure (ie, encrypted). This act doesnt support withholding transition team emails from criminal investigators.

The transition team used GSA equipment, and were explicitly told that information would not be held back from law enforcement.

The Act applies to ALL communications for the Transition team. Stop lying.
Oh hell no. It would be one of the worst things to have ever struck this country. Unlike most idiots and fools, such as yourself, I have actually been in a lawless country. It ain't nice. Nope, a new revolution would be a catastrophe, and I sincerely hope that this coup attempt can be brought under control through legal means.


Coup attempt?

That's you asking for violence.

You realize that, don't you?
The only coup seems to be from the right trying to hinder the legal process.

In what way? From everything that has been reported the trump campaign has bent over backwards to cooperate. It is the mueller team that has provably broken laws.

No...I don't think so. Mueller has crossed every t and dotted every i. He's republican, you can't claim partisanship there. His reputation was stellar and applauded UNTIL his investigation started to get close to Trump.

The numerous inferences to firing him, closing down the investigation etc are not bending over backwards. Nor has he talked with Mueller. What he's done is threaten Mueller at every opportunity. That's not bending over backwards.

That's why Mueller picked a totally Hillary-donor team, amirite?

And no, not lynching, my family has put their lives on the line to prevent that.

Hanging for treason is what Obama deserves. Not my problem that he was groomed for it.

There needs to be a return to public hanging to get the debt/deficit and sedition-oriented people in order. Also sociopaths that might think twice if they know they'll die quick.

Mueller did not pick a totally Hillary donor time. You are another lying Trump weasel. Apparently you want to define deviancy down.
The Watergate fiasco was bad enough, but the current attempt to unseat the duly elected President of the United States is now resembling German politics in the 1930's where both the Communists and the National Socialists were actively engaged in trying to bring down the democratically elected government.

If the President is successfully forced out of office, the (Left Wing) Democrats will have field day of bringing the Executive Branch to its knees while the (Right Wing) Republicans will feel that the Constitution has been unalterably usurped by their opponents. As a result, faith in our democratic processes could evaporate.

In this event, we may well see an attempt to overthrow our government by one side or the other in order to impose their policies and beliefs on the entire nation. We have seen this before.

You don't remember the part of the Constitution that allows for impeachment huh?

You don't remember the part where there are three branches of government all equal and with differing powers huh?

It's not a putsch if it's only one of those who could be impeached.
The Watergate fiasco was bad enough, but the current attempt to unseat the duly elected President of the United States is now resembling German politics in the 1930's where both the Communists and the National Socialists were actively engaged in trying to bring down the democratically elected government.

If the President is successfully forced out of office, the (Left Wing) Democrats will have field day of bringing the Executive Branch to its knees while the (Right Wing) Republicans will feel that the Constitution has been unalterably usurped by their opponents. As a result, faith in our democratic processes could evaporate.

In this event, we may well see an attempt to overthrow our government by one side or the other in order to impose their policies and beliefs on the entire nation. We have seen this before.

It'd be Civil War. America is not like other countries.

It's already a civil war. We just aren't shooting yet.

The democrats win or the Constitution survives. One or the other.
We have seen a Coup by the Left (Media and Democrats) since inauguration day, maybe even election day. The Left has been trying to undermine this Administration which was legitimately elected, and trying to undermine the Constitution. Russia didn't work, so now they're using Stormy Daniels.
Legitimately elected by 3,000,000 fewer voters than the other guy.

There's nothing legitimate about that.

Of course 6,000,000,000 illegal aliens voted.

California is open about the fact that we let/encourage illegals to vote.

Go ahead and lie about it. I'll take you apart.
This is fun.

You all are great Americans!

And you are something like 20% of the population.

Have at it.

The Revolution was fought by 3% of the population. Just sayin...

Yeah. That's cool. You gonna join the call for a hot war against people like me?

Go ahead. You know you want to.

The cold civil war you traitors are waging will remain cold until such time as YOU engage in violence.

But we all know you will. You're losing and badly in your attempted coup. Violence will be your next move.
Leftists should be glad Trump got elected, it probably would have gotten violent by now, if not. I don't mean Antifa violence, I mean real stuff.
Given the fact that "antifa violence" is a right wing propaganda masturbation season, I'm not too worried about the rights idea of "real" violence

That's nice, honey. So, what kind of weapons are you proficient with?

Look! We have a nutter who thinks liberals can't shoot. Love that kind.

90% of you Communists have never touched a firearm. The average Stalinist democrat seeks to outlaw guns.
Leftists should be glad Trump got elected, it probably would have gotten violent by now, if not. I don't mean Antifa violence, I mean real stuff.
Given the fact that "antifa violence" is a right wing propaganda masturbation season, I'm not too worried about the rights idea of "real" violence

That's nice, honey. So, what kind of weapons are you proficient with?

Look! We have a nutter who thinks liberals can't shoot. Love that kind.

90% of you Communists have never touched a firearm. The average Stalinist democrat seeks to outlaw guns.

The average Stalinist democrat seeks to outlaw guns.

For everyone but their own security details!!!!!
This is fun.

You all are great Americans!

And you are something like 20% of the population.

Have at it.
20%? Dream on. Real Americans are a majority of the country. Breathe some fresh air every once in awhile outside of that stinky Liberal bubble sphere.

There are more Democrats than Republicans. Get out of the foxegyn bubble and open your eyes.

Yeah but increasingly the Big Middle is getting bigger than BOTH of your sorry ass, corrupt, inept parties. That's the Indies and 3rd party and folks who just refuse to vote for mindless party droids anymore. It's 44% and growing. And the 2 stale Brand Name parties are going down..

That 44% may or may not participate in your little tribal conflict. But they are gonna be determining election results from here on out. Because BOTH of your parties are killing THEMSELVES really. Chasing folks away faster than a stink bomb at a picnic.
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This is fun.

You all are great Americans!

And you are something like 20% of the population.

Have at it.
20%? Dream on. Real Americans are a majority of the country. Breathe some fresh air every once in awhile outside of that stinky Liberal bubble sphere.

There are more Democrats than Republicans. Get out of the foxegyn bubble and open your eyes.

Yeah but increasingly the Big Middle is getting bigger than BOTH of your sorry ass, corrupt, inept parties. That's the Indies and 3rd party and folks who just refuse to vote for mindless party droids anymore. It's 44% and growing. And the 2 stale Brand Name parties are going down..

That 44% may or may not participate in your little tribal conflict. But they are gonna be determining election results from here on out. Because BOTH of your parties are killing THEMSELVES really. Chasing folks away faster than a stink bomb at a picnic.

Man. You REALLY believe that you are one of the 44% don’t ya? Amazing. You make me double over with laughter.

Let me tell ya something. I’d be happier than you if the 44% came out to vote in every election. We’d have Medicare for all, legal marijuana, better wages for minimum wage workers, REAL religious freedom, sensible gun laws and a cleaner environment.

And someone like Trump wouldn’t be able to sniff an elected position.

My card said NPA until last year. I also shunned party politics for my adult life. I decided that my best option was to change the Dem party from within and then convince NPA’s to vote. NPA’s lean left. That’s the opposite direction from you, in case you needed a reminder.
Let me tell ya something. I’d be happier than you if the 44% came out to vote in every election. We’d have Medicare for all, legal marijuana, better wages for minimum wage workers, REAL religious freedom, sensible gun laws and a cleaner environment.

I'm shocked. You almost get this. The only piece you're missing is that the Big Middle KNOW they are being played by MORONS in control of the 2 parties. You don't. This is incredibly apparent because as you go HIGHER in Party power structure -- the STUPIDER you get apparently. Until you reach the 4 folks that are RUNNING that are running the entire Legislative branch. Then you feel pity for these tools who get dressed every day just to make people irate and more polarized and make fools of themselves doing it.

So the majority of the Big Middle DECLARE indenpendent because they are waiting to principled, fighting mad candidates that WILL literally "speak truth to power".. They want independent voices and votes and SOLUTIONS. Not juvenile horseshit sound bites.

Speaking of sound bites. If you're GONNA BE a Big Cheese Dick, Top Party Dog like Schumer and your job for the day is to get that SOUNDBITE RIGHT and into the vacant heads of the media and party faithful ----

Then you better understand it and get it RIGHT. Not just try to repeat something an aide told you an hour ago. Or not only the Big Middle will be laughing at you.. HERE'S 1/4 of the braintrust that runs Congress.

This is fun.

You all are great Americans!

And you are something like 20% of the population.

Have at it.
20%? Dream on. Real Americans are a majority of the country. Breathe some fresh air every once in awhile outside of that stinky Liberal bubble sphere.

There are more Democrats than Republicans. Get out of the foxegyn bubble and open your eyes.

Yeah but increasingly the Big Middle is getting bigger than BOTH of your sorry ass, corrupt, inept parties. That's the Indies and 3rd party and folks who just refuse to vote for mindless party droids anymore. It's 44% and growing. And the 2 stale Brand Name parties are going down..

That 44% may or may not participate in your little tribal conflict. But they are gonna be determining election results from here on out. Because BOTH of your parties are killing THEMSELVES really. Chasing folks away faster than a stink bomb at a picnic.

One thing we have seen with Laura Bush spewing her idiocy is that there is no difference between the GOP and the Stalinists. The whole "two party" sham is a giant fraud. Bush and Obama employed different rhetoric, but governed the same.

Trump is a real outsider, and both halves of the ruling elite want to destroy him. Hopefully he destroys them first.

If he doesn't there will be civil war, a shooting war.
The Watergate fiasco was bad enough, but the current attempt to unseat the duly elected President of the United States is now resembling German politics in the 1930's where both the Communists and the National Socialists were actively engaged in trying to bring down the democratically elected government.

If the President is successfully forced out of office, the (Left Wing) Democrats will have field day of bringing the Executive Branch to its knees while the (Right Wing) Republicans will feel that the Constitution has been unalterably usurped by their opponents. As a result, faith in our democratic processes could evaporate.

In this event, we may well see an attempt to overthrow our government by one side or the other in order to impose their policies and beliefs on the entire nation. We have seen this before.

As if there isn't anything in the US Constitution that allows for the impeachment of the president.

As if the President is above the law.
Oh hell no. It would be one of the worst things to have ever struck this country. Unlike most idiots and fools, such as yourself, I have actually been in a lawless country. It ain't nice. Nope, a new revolution would be a catastrophe, and I sincerely hope that this coup attempt can be brought under control through legal means.


Coup attempt?

That's you asking for violence.

You realize that, don't you?

I'm not the one trying to engineer the coup sweetie. That would be your side. Like I very clearly stated, I want the perps to be dealt with LEGALLY. Namely, indicted, tried, and if found guilty, sent to prison.

And that is exactly what I want. I want those who broke laws and conspired to fuck over this nation to be dealt with according to the law. Nothing more.

Well....being totally honest....I do want Trombies to beg forgiveness for supporting the guy, but that hardly qualifies as a coup.

Sweetie? Have I been wrong about you all along? Are you a woman? Gay? Auditioning for the part of an IHOP waitress?
Nobody broke any laws, you dumbfuck. You and rest of the Dims have been fucking this country over for the last 100 years.

What's wrong, Bri? Mommy lose your binky?

There is currently a investigation into whether or not MORE laws were broken. It has already been shown that some were broken.

Your guy is trying to call the investigation into question. That should give you pause.

It's Friday. Expect some more fun.

Why should that "give me pause?" The "investigation" is just a corrupt partisan whitchhunt. The longer it goes on, the more obvious that becomes. Only douchebags and morons believe in this farce.

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