Are We Alone?

It's interesting how many atheists claim there is no proof for God but then believe in aliens when there is no proof of aliens.

That's indeed fascinating, specially because a concrete proof in this case is in principle possible. The people believe even in intelligent machines, altthough never anyone saw any intelligent computer or machine. "AI" means "artificial stupidity". But the "scientists" in the past believed also for example in perpetuum mobiles. Strange forms of belief are nothing new. In general the belief in science, the belief in materialism - or with other words a religion science or the religion atheism - have not a lot to do with real science and the real world all around and within us.

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Even though they may find a planet like this (which they haven't), the secular/atheist scientists do not know how life originated.
Youre always fill of shit on so many levels. Yes, we have found exoplanets like that. No, you religious goobers dont know how life originated, either.

You remember me to the boy who found the dress and beard of Santa Claus in the loft. "Now I know Santa is only a myth!" he said to his father. "And I found the color for the Easter eggs in Moms drawer too. Everything written there: You hide them on your own! And I also do not believe in the children bringing storch any longer!! In school I heard children are born! And now I will go back to the loft and will search for the borer, until I will find it!"

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Those morons are just looking for funding.:lol:

Anyone rember the quest for life on Mars??? I coulda told those morons there wasn't any. Of course, that would have ruined their oportunity to play with our money. :eusa_whistle:

O, I know The Light but I love space. Look at this gorgeous photo of another galaxy, taken with a telescope....


I suppose little of this serves any useful purpose, but after all the nonsense we waste money on, I don't resent some spending for space exploration.

I wish they would just spend some money here repairing what is falling apart.
Sounds interesting. Could you elaborate?

You can go in any direction forever and never find the edge. But there is a finite amount of space. Like the surface of a sphere.

As far as I am able to imagine this is wrong. The universe exands from all points into all directions. This means not the universe exists within a 4 dimensional structure in analogy to a 2 dimensional structure, which exists in a 3 dimensional world. It is a geometric structure, where always every point is in the middle and never any point is at any border - in whatever kind of dimension. Looks like "around" the universe is just simple nothing at all, even if within this nothing would exist (or not exist, what's perhaps the same in such a case) a Hilbert space with the dimension aleph-zero.

One problem in this context is for example that we live in a flat world (Euclidian universe). A flat space shows the universe is not closed and not open too - perhaps it is endless? But the universe began and expands.

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Now, since you know that life is rare (even my evolution website from Cal Berkeley sez so), then you know aliens are rare.
What does rare mean in cosmic terms? If life can found in one solar system in a billion then there are 250 such planets in our galaxy alone. Is that still rare

From what I read of evolutionary thinking, the astronomers and cosmologists look at galaxies with planets that are "common" to ours or that have a star and planets surrounding its habitable zone. They're looking for planets with plenty of water, ideally on its surface or below in the earth as underground oceans. They also look for signs of a magnetic field and atmosphere like Earth's even with an ozone layer. Even though they may find a planet like this (which they haven't), the secular/atheist scientists do not know how life originated. The Anthropic Principle states that since the universe and its contents exist and we, as living, conscious observers, find ourselves in a place with conditions suitable for life. IOW, there must be a reason that we are intelligent and able to observe these conditions. The AP says that we are the lucky ones who hit the lottery of life. Thus, we wonder how many other lottery winners are out there. It turns out from the fine tuning facts, that there are likely none than having other winners.
Isn't it a bit egocentric to base all this logical thinking on OUR existence alone? Who says life could not have evolved without water? WE could not have evolved without water. It does not mean that OUR evolution of life forms is the only game in the cosmos.
Now, since you know that life is rare (even my evolution website from Cal Berkeley sez so), then you know aliens are rare.
What does rare mean in cosmic terms? If life can found in one solar system in a billion then there are 250 such planets in our galaxy alone. Is that still rare

From what I read of evolutionary thinking, the astronomers and cosmologists look at galaxies with planets that are "common" to ours or that have a star and planets surrounding its habitable zone. They're looking for planets with plenty of water, ideally on its surface or below in the earth as underground oceans. They also look for signs of a magnetic field and atmosphere like Earth's even with an ozone layer. Even though they may find a planet like this (which they haven't), the secular/atheist scientists do not know how life originated. The Anthropic Principle states that since the universe and its contents exist and we, as living, conscious observers, find ourselves in a place with conditions suitable for life. IOW, there must be a reason that we are intelligent and able to observe these conditions. The AP says that we are the lucky ones who hit the lottery of life. Thus, we wonder how many other lottery winners are out there. It turns out from the fine tuning facts, that there are likely none than having other winners.
Isn't it a bit egocentric to base all this logical thinking on OUR existence alone? Who says life could not have evolved without water? WE could not have evolved without water. It does not mean that OUR evolution of life forms is the only game in the cosmos.
All correct. But, given our limited time and resources and the vastness of the universe, it only makes sense that scientists would first focus their efforts onthe type of life we somewhat understand and would recognize, should we find it.
It is a geometric structure, where always every point is in the middle and never any point is at any border in whatever kind of dimension.
Exactly like any point on the surface of a sphere. As I said.

Okay - you found the the borer in the loft. Now you are born.
I don't think

I know.

that foreign language colloquialism translates into American English very well.

Take your time and learn another German language or Latin - then you will be able to understand the European language, which you are using, in a much better way.

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Take your time and learn another German language or Latin - then you will be able to understand the European language, which you are using, in a much better way.
Irrelevant snark...the colloquialism did not translate well for cultural reasons, not linguistic reasons.
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Take your time and learn another German language or Latin - then you will be able to understand the European language, which you are using, in a much better way.
Irrelevant snark...the colloquialism did not translate well for cultural reasons, not linguistic reasons. Stop your incessant, irrelvant whining .

Why? Do you explode, because you expand?

Take your time and learn another German language or Latin - then you will be able to understand the European language, which you are using, in a much better way.
Irrelevant snark...the colloquialism did not translate well for cultural reasons, not linguistic reasons. Stop your incessant, irrelvant whining .

Why? Do you explode, because you expand?
Uh...put up the crack pipe...

When 75% of all life forms had died out 65 million years ago, because a comet crushed down - why caused this the death of 100% of all dinosauri?

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Take your time and learn another German language or Latin - then you will be able to understand the European language, which you are using, in a much better way.
Irrelevant snark...the colloquialism did not translate well for cultural reasons, not linguistic reasons. Stop your incessant, irrelvant whining .

Why? Do you explode, because you expand?
Uh...put up the crack pipe...

When 75% of all life forms had died out 65 million years ago, because a comet crushed down - why caused this the death of 100% of all dinosauri?

Do you plan to acknowledge your error?

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