Are We Alone?

why caused this the death of 100% of all dinosauri?
It didn't. Not all dinosaurs died. In fact, they still exist today. They are birds.

Tirili, tirili, tirila, master of the runaround.

Take your time and learn another German language or Latin - then you will be able to understand the European language, which you are using, in a much better way.
Irrelevant snark...the colloquialism did not translate well for cultural reasons, not linguistic reasons. Stop your incessant, irrelvant whining .

Why? Do you explode, because you expand?
Uh...put up the crack pipe...

When 75% of all life forms had died out 65 million years ago, because a comet crushed down - why caused this the death of 100% of all dinosauri?

Do you plan to acknowledge your error?

If you try to drive a car with nearly lightspeed then you will perhaps - I doubt about, because you have mass on your own - not meet any edge, but you also will not be able to cross the universe - not by driving around nor in any form of shortcut through any point which is in the middle - because you are in the middle - ah sorry: I am in the middle - ah sorry again: the Andromeda galaxy is in the middle ... damn: everything what we are able to see - and much more than only this - is in the middle of the universe ... independent from any number of dimensions.Wherever you will drive, you will always be in the middle of the universe. And you will never be able to come back to the point, where you had started once your travel around the universe, because the universe expands.

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the belief in materialism - or with other words a religion science or the religion atheism - have not a lot to do with real science
100% backwards wrong. Science is purely materialistic.

I call the spirituality of physics "mathematics" and the godly attribute, the truth, of physics "the experiment"; and the people "lost", who like to force everyone to serve their own vanity fair. My bad luck of this "philosophy" is it, that you are in the middle of the love of god too. This makes it difficult for me to scalp you. On the other side you try continously to seperate god from his children. But such idiocies have nothing to do with natural science.

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You are arguing against evolution, so what do you believe in besides the AP? You are already wrong about the planets we explored as being done by humans. They were explored by probes and robots.

Anthropic Principle: Using human existence to explain the universe

As for your second part about God, I did not mention God so if I bring him into the discussion now it will just confuse you.
Evolution really has no role to play here since life must exist BEFORE it comes into play. And they were our probes and robots.

As for what I believe? My eyes and Occam's Razor.
You are arguing against evolution, so what do you believe in besides the AP? You are already wrong about the planets we explored as being done by humans. They were explored by probes and robots.

Anthropic Principle: Using human existence to explain the universe

As for your second part about God, I did not mention God so if I bring him into the discussion now it will just confuse you.
Evolution really has no role to play here since life must exist BEFORE it comes into play. And they were our probes and robots.

As for what I believe? My eyes and Occam's Razor.

What you are referring to is ToE by dumb Darwin. Before that there was evolutionary thinking and history. Your scientific knowledge is very lacking.

The probes and robots were unmanned. So you are still WRONG.

Your eyes is not good enough. There has to be objective verification. It goes to show you did not watch and learn from the Carl Sagan video and you probably do not know enough to explain Occam's Razor. Why don't I put you down as LCD internet atheist and move on?
Evolution really has no role to play here since life must exist BEFORE it comes into play. And they were our probes and robots.

As for what I believe? My eyes and Occam's Razor.

What you are referring to is ToE by dumb Darwin. Before that there was evolutionary thinking and history. Your scientific knowledge is very lacking.
First off, Darwin wasn't dumb, he saw things that other missed. When Charles Darwin published The Origin of Species 150 years ago he consciously avoided discussing the origin of life. He had his own speculations but they were not part of his writing on the ToE. Can you show otherwise with your vast scientific knowledge or are you just blowing smoke?
Evolution really has no role to play here since life must exist BEFORE it comes into play. And they were our probes and robots.

As for what I believe? My eyes and Occam's Razor.

What you are referring to is ToE by dumb Darwin. Before that there was evolutionary thinking and history. Your scientific knowledge is very lacking.
First off, Darwin wasn't dumb, he saw things that other missed. When Charles Darwin published The Origin of Species 150 years ago he consciously avoided discussing the origin of life. He had his own speculations but they were not part of his writing on the ToE. Can you show otherwise with your vast scientific knowledge or are you just blowing smoke?

Darwin was a follower and pupil of Charles Lyell who was influenced by atheist James Hutton who went against the establishment of creation and creation science. Just what did he see that other's missed???!!!???!!! Lyell and Hutton first established uniformitarianism before Darwin came along with ToE. Before that was evolutionary thinking and history such as comparative anatomy, observation and natural theology, fossils and birth of paleontology and more -- History of Evolutionary Thought. You really thought it started with Darwin didn't you and that's all there is.

If you want more, then I can provide another paper on evolutionary thinking in ancient times.
abu afak

I know that you are not Muslim but an US-American tick simulator. What I did not find out was whether you are a human being or only a PC-program which simulates artificial stupidity. What about to try to read a book - and to make comments with a pencil there? Then you have enough time later to think about your own thoughts and concepts and how this fits to the thoughts and concepts of the author of the book. After a while you will perhaps be able to speak with other people about your own thoughts too and you have not to demonstrate others how to be a brainwashed propagandistic ideologist without any own cognitive existence.

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Darwin was a follower and pupil of Charles Lyell who was influenced by atheist James Hutton who went against the establishment of creation and creation science. Just what did he see that other's missed???!!!???!!! Lyell and Hutton first established uniformitarianism before Darwin came along with ToE. Before that was evolutionary thinking and history such as comparative anatomy, observation and natural theology, fossils and birth of paleontology and more -- History of Evolutionary Thought. You really thought it started with Darwin didn't you and that's all there is.

If you want more, then I can provide another paper on evolutionary thinking in ancient times.
Every great scientist stands on the shoulders of those that came before him. Darwin's insight was to bring together the science of his day, his observations on the Beagle, and Malthus (the Malthusian Theory of Population is a theory of exponential population growth and arithmetic food supply growth). Many people believed in evolution from the fossil record (dinosaurs showed that life was different in the past) and biology (racism) but Darwin supplied the missing piece, a mechanism for ToE.
Evolution really has no role to play here since life must exist BEFORE it comes into play. And they were our probes and robots.

As for what I believe? My eyes and Occam's Razor.

What you are referring to is ToE by dumb Darwin. Before that there was evolutionary thinking and history. Your scientific knowledge is very lacking.
First off, Darwin wasn't dumb, he saw things that other missed. When Charles Darwin published The Origin of Species 150 years ago he consciously avoided discussing the origin of life. He had his own speculations but they were not part of his writing on the ToE. Can you show otherwise with your vast scientific knowledge or are you just blowing smoke?

Darwin was a follower and pupil of Charles Lyell who was influenced by atheist James Hutton who went against the establishment of creation and creation science. Just what did he see that other's missed???!!!???!!! Lyell and Hutton first established uniformitarianism before Darwin came along with ToE. Before that was evolutionary thinking and history such as comparative anatomy, observation and natural theology, fossils and birth of paleontology and more -- History of Evolutionary Thought. You really thought it started with Darwin didn't you and that's all there is.

If you want more, then I can provide another paper on evolutionary thinking in ancient times.

What you choose to ignore is that science has progressed since the 1850's. There are honest Christians who have the intellectual integrity to not take the bible literally on scientific matters. I think the ones "bashing" the reputation of all Christians are the ID'iot creationists. They do more harm to Christianity than anything science can do.

While ID'iot creationists will splatter the the term "creation scientists" in their posts, that's really dishonest. ID'iot creationism consists of out-of-context quotation, distortion or avoidance of evidence, predetermined conclusions, and some flat-out lies, all masquerading in the guise of science. People deserve better than to have pseudoscience and lies passed off as real science.

Science, as opposed to religious dogma, is a method of discovering the way the natural world works. If the evidence indicates that the world works differently than we had hoped, the scientific method cannot ignore the evidence. Sometimes, the process of science uncovers information that is uncomfortable and / or contrary to our view of humans as somehow separated from the natural world. ID'iot Creationism represents an attempt at resisting knowledge and learning.

ID'iot Creationism attempts to protect a specific religious dogma by attacking science while offering nothing more than appeals to magic and supernaturalism.
Every great scientist stands on the shoulders of those that came before him. Darwin's insight was to bring together the science of his day, his observations on the Beagle, and Malthus (the Malthusian Theory of Population is a theory of exponential population growth and arithmetic food supply growth). Many people believed in evolution from the fossil record (dinosaurs showed that life was different in the past) and biology (racism) but Darwin supplied the missing piece, a mechanism for ToE.

Yes, but Hutton and Lyell were wrong. Wrongness led to today Darwin and ToE. I have the preponderance of evidence as most of Darwin's theories have been shown to be wrong. Even his "survival of the fittest" (technically Spencer) has not stood the test of time. Malthus just backs my evolutionary thought and history argument; It includes Malthus -- The Ecology of Human Populations: Thomas Malthus. I hope you now know that you can't just stand on ToE and ignore origins. It includes origins.

If many people believed in evo, then it wasn't due to Darwin. What he did best was create Hitler, social Darwinism, WW II and Planned Parenthood. His theories still needed long time in order to make it un-observable. We didn't get that until 1956 -- Radiometric Dating: Clair Patterson.

What exactly was this mechanism for ToE?
100% backwards wrong. Science is purely materialistic.

Only because creation science was eliminated. Just studying the material world means you are led to wrong conclusions :rolleyes:. Thus, it is you, you, you and atheist science that is 100% backward wrong.
100% backwards wrong. Science is purely materialistic.

Only because creation science was eliminated. Just studying the material world means you are led to wrong conclusions :rolleyes:. Thus, it is you, you, you and atheist science that is 100% backward wrong.
No goober, there is no room for magic in science...not your magocal incantations or anyone else's....
No goober, there is no room for magic in science...not your magocal incantations or anyone else's....

To the contrary, you are the goober who believes in magic in science. You're the one with magical aliens, multiverses, dark matter, dark energy, infinite temperature and infinite density, boundless universes, humans from monkeys, birds from dinosaurs, abiogenesis and more wackiness because of believing in lies. You cannot explain why we are alone. I can explain by fine tuning facts, solar wind and Earth's habitability. Thus, you have been been made to look foolish once again :auiqs.jpg:.

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