Are there same-sex marriages in the United States?

Homosexuals were de facto given the right to violence, because a man raped by a homosexual will never go to the police.
Homosexuality is associated with the matriarchy and chthonism of Old Europe. This is known to scientists, you are too stupid to discuss it

I don't know what causes homosexuality, and neither do you.

But it is certainly not from customs from 2000 years ago.
You better know how often you get raped. Judging by your brains, their sperm has reached the top of your head and is flowing through your nose.


It is often said that the most fervent anti-homosexuals are simply gays still in the closet.
The overwhelming majority of rapes by straight men and against women.
No one knows the statistics of homosexual rapes, because there are no appeals to the police. It was very common in Soviet prisons.
I talked to a man who was raped in a children's camp and he didn't say anything to his parents. As a result, he became a homosexual, his psyche could not stand it. Many commit suicide.It also happens quite often in the army
You could isolate yourself in your stinking zoo, and then no one would touch you. But instead, you aggressively spread your corruption, demand that we change the legislation for the sake of your vices, so that they throw their children into the altar of your corruption.

My philosophy is simple. Here is a part. Live and let live. You mind your business and I’ll mind mine. As long as ye harm none. Do what he will.

I believe in the Constitution. The principles enshrined in that document. I believe in leaving people alone. If my neighbor wants to paint his house like a rainbow. It’s his business. I’m not harmed by him.

If two men or women want to date. It is none of my business. If they want to marry. Fine. Again. It doesn’t harm anyone.

It was in fact small minded idiots like you who got Gay Marriage authorized in the nation. Let’s review.

California voted for Prop 8 to define a marriage as a union between a man and a woman. It was never going to stand. Civil Unions violate the prohibition of separate but equal. The Prop violated the principles of the 14th Amendment.

Now. The Attorney General had a duty to defend this proposition. I think he was wrong in not doing so. I think he would have lost. But that doesn’t change his duty.

When he refused to defend it. The small minded idiots like yourself argued they should be allowed to defend it. At this point Gay Marriage was only legal in California. It was not a national ruling. But again. Small minded idiots.

You all challenged the thing all the way to the Supreme Court. The Court ruled that first. A coalition of small minded idiots did not have Standing to speak for California. Second the DOMA or your often quoted Defense of Marriage Act was unconstitutional.

If you small minded idiots would have minded your own business then the law would have stood for another decade. Perhaps. Instead. You small minded bigoted idiots insisted you were right. When every court ruled against you not a one of you realized that you were holding the shitty end of the stick.

However. You small minded idiots are too stupid. Abortion is liable to turn the Red Tsunami into a slight increase in water level.
No one knows the statistics of homosexual rapes, because there are no appeals to the police. It was very common in Soviet prisons.
I talked to a man who was raped in a children's camp and he didn't say anything to his parents. As a result, he became a homosexual, his psyche could not stand it. Many commit suicide.It also happens quite often in the army

Rapes in prison are less about homosexuality and more about power and the lack of access to women.

If you have a link concerning someone "turning homosexual" please post it. Otherwise that comment is nonsense.

Maybe males raping males happens quite often in the Russian army. But it is rare in the US military.
I don't know what causes homosexuality, and neither do you.

But it is certainly not from customs from 2000 years ago.
Partly from customs, it also depends on genetics and hormones. In northern Europe, remnants of this have been preserved. In fact, this abomination comes from the North German and Baltic cultures, and partly from the Near East. These are cultures that have been embraced by the matriarchy
Rapes in prison are less about homosexuality and more about power and the lack of access to women.
I don't care why these bitches rape men, I'd rather kill them if the law allowed it
I'm not going to understand the psyche of faggot rapists
Partly from customs, it also depends on genetics and hormones. In northern Europe, remnants of this have been preserved. In fact, this abomination comes from the North German and Baltic cultures, and partly from the Near East. These are cultures that have been embraced by the matriarchy

Homosexuality has existed in every culture on Earth.

And you know what, your hatred of gays is ridiculous. You don't like it? Then don't engage in it. Just mind your own business. And despite your nonsense, same sex marriage does no harm whatsoever.
I don't care why these bitches rape men, I'd rather kill them if the law allowed it
I'm not going to understand the psyche of faggot rapists

You mean you'd rather the state kill them. I doubt you are much of a threat to anyone.
Partly from customs, it also depends on genetics and hormones. In northern Europe, remnants of this have been preserved. In fact, this abomination comes from the North German and Baltic cultures, and partly from the Near East. These are cultures that have been embraced by the matriarchy

What customs, specifically? No, not your usual generalizations. Tell us specifically what customs.
You mean you'd rather the state kill them. I doubt you are much of a threat to anyone.
If the state killed them, I would have no reason to think that these creatures would rape someone, the concern is that the leftists states protect these creatures, they even prevent protection from them. A man saved the boys from a faggot rapist and got 8 years for it because he fight with vilain. Faggot rapists and murderers themselves get about the same amount. Not a single criminal pervert and villain can be killed - a moratorium on the murder of villains and queers has been introduced in left-wing countries.
in addition, formally, a faggot can seduce any person who has reached the age of majority. But what kind of parents would want a motherfucker to fuck their 18-year-old son even with his consent?
" What Is Ours By Informed Consent "

* Negative Liberties Versus Positive Liberties *

No, because there is no definition of "same-sex marriage" in US Law
Negative liberties are to be equally protected , while positive liberties may not be equally endowed .

A social civil contract between one or more individuals can be established as a matter of principle by negative liberties .

Having a particular style of social civil contract recognized for either negative liberties of protection , or especially for positive liberties of endowment is a different issue .

How would social civil agreements , as different styles of civil union , differ from a social civil agreement in the establishment of a corporation ?
Why should we allow faggots? Who needs it except the faggots themselves? What's the point of that?
We allow them to live among us, and instead of gratitude, they seduce and rape children and shout about their special privileges at every corner. Tomorrow they will say that we violate their rights because not suck their dicks when they want.
Negative liberties are to be equally protected , while positive liberties may not be equally endowed .
Should cannibalism also be protected? Where do so many degenerates in the USA

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