Are there any left leaning or liberal mods?

I still think you'd be a great mod, Bones. When I look at who they passed up to bring the last three on board, I have NO IDEA what was going on in their minds.

And since there are currently two admins and two mods on site, I can't help wondering why this thread is still running.

When I hitch a ride in someone else's car, I don't complain about the music they listen to.

when you hitch a ride, you're not paying for the gas, either

Yet you can still be escorted out the arena door even when you bought a ticket.
When I hitch a ride in someone else's car, I don't complain about the music they listen to.

when you hitch a ride, you're not paying for the gas, either

Yet you can still be escorted out the arena door even when you bought a ticket.

Dude. I haven't broken any rules. Standing up and saying there's a problem is not a punishable offense. Jeezus criminy.
The only new mods I have seen are right leaning? Maybe I am missing the new liberal mods, or any that have stayed around? I have forgotten how to look up who is on the mod staff.
The site was founded by meatheads who like killing brown people. I assume it'll remain the same.

You're full of shit. The site was founded by jimnyc, who as you can see if you care to check for yourself, is member #1, and he was far from racist.

Don't be a liar.
The only new mods I have seen are right leaning? Maybe I am missing the new liberal mods, or any that have stayed around? I have forgotten how to look up who is on the mod staff.
The site was founded by meatheads who like killing brown people. I assume it'll remain the same.

You're full of shit. The site was founded by jimnyc, who as you can see if you care to check yourself, is member #1, and he was far from racist.

Don't be a liar.

Okay, and him being far from racist does not equal YOU being far from racist.
The site was founded by meatheads who like killing brown people. I assume it'll remain the same.

You're full of shit. The site was founded by jimnyc, who as you can see if you care to check yourself, is member #1, and he was far from racist.

Don't be a liar.

Okay, and him being far from racist does not equal YOU being far from racist.

Or you for that matter.

Try harder hon. Sometimes in your zeal to insult someone, you just sound really stupid.
He is a right wing republican from everything I saw of him and that means racist
You're full of shit. The site was founded by jimnyc, who as you can see if you care to check yourself, is member #1, and he was far from racist.

Don't be a liar.

Okay, and him being far from racist does not equal YOU being far from racist.

Or you for that matter.

Try harder hon. Sometimes in your zeal to insult someone, you just sound really stupid.

And now you sound just like Trajan! Too funny.

I'd volunteer. I wouldn't expect to be taken seriously/up on it, - but I'd volunteer.

Shouldn't we be concerned when posters who think the mods let their politics dictate their actions as mods, volunteers to be a mod? :eusa_think: ;)

No. Because volunteering means I care about the board. As I always have. That's why everytime Jstone socks up, I report his sorry ass.
could we please focus on this thread and its topic...which is why arent there any left leaning or liberal mods...and why just one female....

is there a glass ceiling on usmb?

i think we all have gathered that not everyone is happy with all the mod appts....that is to be expected...the bad mods will show he has done in the past....

i have been perplexed by a few of the appointments but i dont own this board...and what is the basic reason to own and run a make long as the post counts and membership is up...the board is working for the owners....simple as that
What I DON'T want to see though is somebody being put on as mod out of some affirmative action kind of thing. You know, to achieve balance. I want mods whether left, right, or center to be people who will do the job competently and impartially.

I miss EZ too. And Care.

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