why do you say that? i do not care for trump and will be glad to tell you why.....i find him a fraud ...anyone looking at his personal life sees the disconnect between what he says and what he does.....i do not understand how christians or women can support him...he is building his run on hate...that is all he has...he refuses to give any answers till he is president.....if i knew one damn way to save one american soldier much less win the war as he claims he knows how to do...i would be shouting it from the roof tops not blackmailing the country....how hard is it to be successful with a daddy who gives you a million dollar loan and then leaves you millions...and look at his family....he wants to 'date' his daughter....you do realize most fathers would not state that? his wives....his large game hunting sons...the list just goes on and on...i wonder if bloomberg is right that trump is not rich enough for a 3rd party run....
the gop will go the way of the whigs...a broken party now dying...the tea party did that....you have no one to blame but yourself for that...when you let extremes control the party it will happen....i am not sure how the democrats are going to save their party either...
i just can see hillary winning and i am a dye hard democrat....which is getting harder and harder to be and the gop offers no alternatives...