Are the anti-science zealots accepting anthropogenic climate change yet?

Cool. So, you ask me if I could have refuted teh claims of ICE AGE in the 70s, and when I said no, you post a graph that was clearly made decades later than that.

Did I, as a regular guy on the street, with no internet at the time, because it did not exist, without that graph at the time, because it did not exist, how did I know not to believe the ice age and population bomb people and support turning the world into a totalitarian hell hole for no real reason, since their fears proved to be groundless?

I think the lesson to be learned, is, anytime someone, anyone, tries to tell you that you need to turn the world into a totalitarian hellhole, that the answer is no.

It will be sad if THIS TIME, we really do need to turn the world into a totalitarian hellhole, because it is the only way to survive, becasue I am not open to any such arguments. Just not.

You will have to use force to get me to give up my rights and/or standard of living and the rights and prosperity of my descendents.
I don't pretend that responsible mitigation of the consequences of global warming requires that we "turn the world into a totalitarian hell hole for no real reason."

It is actually the authoritarian denial of science that augers such consequences.

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Trump Endorses Brazil's Bolsonaro

I don't pretend that responsible mitigation of the consequences of global warming requires that we "turn the world into a totalitarian hell hole for no real reason."

It is actually the authoritarian denial of science that augers such consequences.

THe supposed scientists of the 70s wanted at best zero population growth, FAST. That would have required totalitarian hellhole.

The current generation of supposed scientists, now want zero carbon growth. Which will require a poorer world. So we need to pick and choose who gets to have a decent standard of living and who has to live in abject poverty.

You think that's going to be done democratically? Cause evne if all the billion people in china vote that I should give up all my shit and my family needs to live in squallor and die young, my answer will be let's have a war instead.
Dissenting scientific opinions in the literature are not reflected in the various IPCC statements.
THe supposed scientists of the 70s wanted at best zero population growth, FAST.
Whoever the unidentified folks are whom you reference, their data must have been of insufficient merit for nearly 200 nations ((excluding Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Eritrea, Yemen, and South Sudan) to take them seriously enough to undertake such measures.

Is there poverty and starvation driving many of the planet's burgeoning human populace to migrate? Clearly.

Climate change is a major contributory factor.
Such paranoia regarding all the world's advanced nations based upon respect for science confirms that the ideologues in denial are not going to be taken seriously, certainly not as the scientific forecasts are being realized.
Climate change and solar variability are both multifaceted concepts. As Pittock (1983) noted, historically, many of the studies of Sun/climate relationships have provided results that are ambiguous and open to interpretation in either way (Pittock 1983).
Do you believe that the world's climatologists have contrived a vast, dastardly conspiracy by compiling vast amounts of fake data, so diabolical that they have duped all nations, except for your most scientifically astute Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Eritrea, Yemen, and South Sudan - or that the experts in their field's combined acumen is inferior to yours regarding climatology?
Um, no. Do you? I don't even know how you created and misquoted me giving that double thumbs down image, LOL
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Climate change and solar variability are both multifaceted concepts. As Pittock (1983) noted, historically, many of the studies of Sun/climate relationships have provided results that are ambiguous and open to interpretation in either way (Pittock 1983).
Do you fancy that the world's climatologists are ignorant of their dated data that you cherry pick to prop up your ideological denialism? Their data is continually being compiled, integrated, analyzed, and refined.

Despite the propaganda of the dirty fuel cartel and ideologues, folks are increasingly recognizing the reality;

Aug 31, 2022​
A survey across 19 countries found that a median of 75% consider climate change as a major threat, according to the Pew Research Center. Europeans were most alarmed by climate change, with 54% of people in the U.S. labeling it the top threat. The opinion reflected the sharp political differences on the subject in America, with 78% of Democrats and those leaning that way terming it a major threat and only 23% of Republicans saying so.​
Do you fancy that the world's climatologists are ignorant of their dated data that you cherry pick to prop up your ideological denialism? Their data is continually being compiled, integrated, analyzed, and refined.

Despite the propaganda of the dirty fuel cartel and ideologues, folks are increasingly recognizing the reality;

Aug 31, 2022​
A survey across 19 countries found that a median of 75% consider climate change as a major threat, according to the Pew Research Center. Europeans were most alarmed by climate change, with 54% of people in the U.S. labeling it the top threat. The opinion reflected the sharp political differences on the subject in America, with 78% of Democrats and those leaning that way terming it a major threat and only 23% of Republicans saying so.​
The consensus approach deprives policy makers of a full view of the plurality of scientific opinions within and between the various scientific disciplines that study the climate problem” (van der Sluijs et al. 2010). This suppression of open-minded scientific inquiry is hindering scientific progress into improving our understanding of these challenging issues.
The consensus approach deprives policy makers of a full view of the plurality of scientific opinions within and between the various scientific disciplines that study the climate problem” (van der Sluijs et al. 2010). This suppression of open-minded scientific inquiry is hindering scientific progress into improving our understanding of these challenging issues.
In recent years, the ideologues in denial have been failing to make their case in their assault upon science and against the world's climatologists. (Well, maybe they succeeded in Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Eritrea, Yemen, and South Sudan.)

A federal climate report published in late 2017, for example, found that there is no natural explanation for recent global warming.
"This assessment concludes, based on extensive evidence, that it is extremely likely that human activities, especially emissions of greenhouse gases, are the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century," the report said. "For the warming over the last century, there is no convincing alternative explanation supported by the extent of the observational evidence."
The consensus approach deprives policy makers of a full view of the plurality of scientific opinions within and between the various scientific disciplines that study the climate problem” (van der Sluijs et al. 2010). This suppression of open-minded scientific inquiry is hindering scientific progress into improving our understanding of these challenging issues.
Your failing here is your implication that there exists some sort of significant plurality of scientific opinions on this topic. The number of scientists who reject the idea that human GHG emissions are the primary cause of the warming observed since 1850 represent less than 1% of the world's climate scientists. That is not a plurality. That is a gnat floating in a 2-liter jug.
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OMG! That's awful!

The global average temperature has never increased that much in the planet's history.

I expect that a residue of ideologues in denial of anthropogenic climate change will always be with us, like those who refuse to accept biological evolution, prefer an earth-centric universe, or still embrace their flat earth cosmology.

Meanwhile, others will deal with reality.
I expect that a residue of ideologues in denial of anthropogenic climate change will always be with us, like those who refuse to accept biological evolution, prefer an earth-centric universe, or still embrace their flat earth cosmology.

Meanwhile, others will deal with reality.

Global average temperature has increased that much in the planet's history?
Without our help?
Everything didn't die?

Does that make you sad?

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