Are Republican Partisans Crossing Over to Vote for Sanders?

1. We should avoid these labels of "liberal" or "conservative" or "socialist" or "communist."

2. Senator Sanders has been forthright about his views on various topics.

3. If you agree with most of his policies, then probably you will want to vote for him; if you disagree with most of his policies, then ...

4. I personally support President Trump. I do not pay attention to the labels (including "racist") that have been applied to him. I like many, not all, of his policies. E.g., I wish that he supported pro-choice.
Because he's an insane douchebag. The same reason you love him!
How is he "insane?" Opposing corruption is insane? Controlling the border is insane?

No - being an unhinged dementia patient is the insanity part. The rest is your wishful thinking.
In other words, he is insane because he's insane. That's the kind of answer I've come to expect from TDS morons.

Yes! TDS! A convenient excuse for those of you have abandoned principles and morality!

Slather some more lube on Trump's balls and show me your true colors!
What principles and morality have I abandoned?

Which have you retained? It's possible I'm mistaken, but I seem to remember you pretending to be a libertarian at one point. Crazy, eh?
How is he "insane?" Opposing corruption is insane? Controlling the border is insane?

No - being an unhinged dementia patient is the insanity part. The rest is your wishful thinking.
In other words, he is insane because he's insane. That's the kind of answer I've come to expect from TDS morons.

Yes! TDS! A convenient excuse for those of you have abandoned principles and morality!

Slather some more lube on Trump's balls and show me your true colors!
What principles and morality have I abandoned?

Which have you retained? It's possible I'm mistaken, but I seem to remember you pretending to be a libertarian at one point. Crazy, eh?
You're the one who claimed I was immoral. If you can't name a reason, then we'll just assume that you were blowing hot gas out your ass.
No - being an unhinged dementia patient is the insanity part. The rest is your wishful thinking.
In other words, he is insane because he's insane. That's the kind of answer I've come to expect from TDS morons.

Yes! TDS! A convenient excuse for those of you have abandoned principles and morality!

Slather some more lube on Trump's balls and show me your true colors!
What principles and morality have I abandoned?

Which have you retained? It's possible I'm mistaken, but I seem to remember you pretending to be a libertarian at one point. Crazy, eh?
You're the one who claimed I was immoral. If you can't name a reason, then we'll just assume that you were blowing hot gas out your ass.

Assume whatever you like, dingleberry. You worship the authoritarian state. That's all.
Where I come from, you can vote in whichever party primary you want, for whatever reason you want. If there is nobody to worry about in the party you support and therefore need to put your vote on to insure their place on the ticket, voting in the other party's primary to try to get the easiest to beat is not an uncommon tactic. You do not have to register to a party here to vote in the primary. You just can't vote in both primaries. Obviously your vote for the person or party you choose in the General. Is this unusual in the rest of the country?
That’s how it is here. And he’ll yes I’m going to help the democrats screw themselves with bernie
Sounds normal to me, although not sure how effective in the long run. Guess it depends on how many people do it, whether it is effective.

Oh, it will be effective. The DNC is already pulling their hair out, lol, Just remember------->if we can't beat BERNARD, we can't beat anyone and...……………….neither the Democrats or the Republicans are going to green light any of his plans. So basically, congress will run the country for 4 years.
If you can't get the Hill, the Bern is indeed the best foil. Suspect you are quite correct that neither Reps or Dems would green light his biggest actual plans, so I have no actual fear that we would see as much changes as feared by the hard right or desired by the hard left. Extremist are a pain in the ass of both parties.

Just remember this--------->if we moved RIGHT, we would be moving back to the Bill Clinton years. we move in BERNARDS direction, we move towards the USSR and Cuba.

For me, the choice is not hard at all-)

Correct! Conservatism in America is basically liberalism with a few decade lag. Moldbug’s “left ratchet”. There is nothing the communists in the Democrat Party are saying today that the Conservative intelligentsia wont be touting within a decade.
Where I come from, you can vote in whichever party primary you want, for whatever reason you want. If there is nobody to worry about in the party you support and therefore need to put your vote on to insure their place on the ticket, voting in the other party's primary to try to get the easiest to beat is not an uncommon tactic. You do not have to register to a party here to vote in the primary. You just can't vote in both primaries. Obviously your vote for the person or party you choose in the General. Is this unusual in the rest of the country?
That’s how it is here. And he’ll yes I’m going to help the democrats screw themselves with bernie

And if you don’t want a Communist who actually spent time in the USSR propping it up...the Democrats will offer you a fake Indian...or a homosexual kissing his husband onstage...or a billionaire who hopes to move society to a place where he can kill off old people...
In other words, he is insane because he's insane. That's the kind of answer I've come to expect from TDS morons.

Yes! TDS! A convenient excuse for those of you have abandoned principles and morality!

Slather some more lube on Trump's balls and show me your true colors!
What principles and morality have I abandoned?

Which have you retained? It's possible I'm mistaken, but I seem to remember you pretending to be a libertarian at one point. Crazy, eh?
You're the one who claimed I was immoral. If you can't name a reason, then we'll just assume that you were blowing hot gas out your ass.

Assume whatever you like, dingleberry. You worship the authoritarian state. That's all.
hmmm, hardly. I'm an anarchist. If you vote for Bernie, you're voting for the totalitarian state.

You still haven't name a single thing I endorse that's immoral.
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If so, just dont admit to it.

You are giving Sanders due consideration for President, and keep a straight face while your at it.

The D's have been involved in this kind of shenanigans for decades. If R's want to, they should do it.

Although I doubt that they are as Trump scored a record number of votes in NH and Iowa.

Remember that it was the D's crossing over that gave the Republicans that Pathetic Loser Romney in 2012.

And it if wasn't for Crazy Bernie's run in 2016, the D's would have ganged up to nominate Kasich or JEB! as a weak Republican candidate that year.

I could see voting for Sanders in the Primary as a "thank you" for his help in getting Trump nominated in 2016
The bulk of Sanders supporters are 20 to 40 and drowning in debt. Bernie's message is:
Bernie is a dipshit. I hope he is not the nominee in November.

You’ll vote for him if he is though.
Yes. I am fed up with the trumpster.
Are you fed up with his policies or his persona?

For me it's pretty much always one or the other. Usually both.
The bulk of Sanders supporters are 20 to 40 and drowning in debt. Bernie's message is:
Bernie is a dipshit. I hope he is not the nominee in November.

You’ll vote for him if he is though.
Yes. I am fed up with the trumpster.
Are you fed up with his policies or his persona?

For me it's pretty much always one or the other. Usually both.
Ok is it foreign or domestic policies, or both? And why are you fed up with the policy (ies)?
Bernie is a dipshit. I hope he is not the nominee in November.

You’ll vote for him if he is though.
Yes. I am fed up with the trumpster.
Are you fed up with his policies or his persona?

For me it's pretty much always one or the other. Usually both.
Ok is it foreign or domestic policies, or both? And why are you fed up with the policy (ies)?
Both. Because they are stupid/shortsighted/amoral/petty/vindictive/etc ....
The bulk of Sanders supporters are 20 to 40 and drowning in debt. Bernie's message is:
Bernie is a dipshit. I hope he is not the nominee in November.

You’ll vote for him if he is though.
Yes. I am fed up with the trumpster.
Are you fed up with his policies or his persona?
Have not like his persona since see Apprentice commercial. Quickly grew tired of the lies, exaggerations. Knew he was screwing up with Lil Kim. Hated the picks for the cabinet posts and department heads, because many were the antithesis of what the departments needed, unless you were trying to stop the positive work being done. Hated the fact, he denied Russia's interference and siding with Russia over the intelligence service while overseas, seemed traitorous. Investigations by both houses of congress agreed on the interference. I didn't vote for him, but didn't like or vote Hillary either, and thought he would be funny, and I wouldn't have to hear her shill voice for four years, but he grated on me more and more. Still don't think the country would be better off with the Hill, but have grown to despise trump. The man has no self control, character, morals, ethics or maturity beyond puberty. Studied leadership and had to lead most of my adult life. He has the most deplorable leadership characteristics in on package I have ever seen. I am ready for someone else (hell, anyone else) to dislike in that office.
Where I come from, you can vote in whichever party primary you want, for whatever reason you want. If there is nobody to worry about in the party you support and therefore need to put your vote on to insure their place on the ticket, voting in the other party's primary to try to get the easiest to beat is not an uncommon tactic. You do not have to register to a party here to vote in the primary. You just can't vote in both primaries. Obviously your vote for the person or party you choose in the General. Is this unusual in the rest of the country?
That’s how it is here. And he’ll yes I’m going to help the democrats screw themselves with bernie

And if you don’t want a Communist who actually spent time in the USSR propping it up...the Democrats will offer you a fake Indian...or a homosexual kissing his husband onstage...or a billionaire who hopes to move society to a place where he can kill off old people...
Hellova way to run a country, eh?
You’ll vote for him if he is though.
Yes. I am fed up with the trumpster.
Are you fed up with his policies or his persona?

For me it's pretty much always one or the other. Usually both.
Ok is it foreign or domestic policies, or both? And why are you fed up with the policy (ies)?
Both. Because they stupid/shortsighted/amoral/petty/vindictive/etc ....
OK so if it's border policy, what is/are the problems with Trump's border policy? I like to understand what specifically people hate about President Trump.
The bulk of Sanders supporters are 20 to 40 and drowning in debt. Bernie's message is:
Bernie is a dipshit. I hope he is not the nominee in November.

You’ll vote for him if he is though.
Yes. I am fed up with the trumpster.
Are you fed up with his policies or his persona?
Have not like his persona since see Apprentice commercial. Quickly grew tired of the lies, exaggerations. Knew he was screwing up with Lil Kim. Hated the picks for the cabinet posts and department heads, because many were the antithesis of what the departments needed, unless you were trying to stop the positive work being done. Hated the fact, he denied Russia's interference and siding with Russia over the intelligence service while overseas, seemed traitorous. Investigations by both houses of congress agreed on the interference. I didn't vote for him, but didn't like or vote Hillary either, and thought he would be funny, and I wouldn't have to hear her shill voice for four years, but he grated on me more and more. Still don't think the country would be better off with the Hill, but have grown to despise trump. The man has no self control, character, morals, ethics or maturity beyond puberty. Studied leadership and had to lead most of my adult life. He has the most deplorable leadership characteristics in on package I have ever seen. I am ready for someone else (hell, anyone else) to dislike in that office.
OK fair enough, but you do realize there is no "door number 3". You either get Donald Trump's second term or Bernie.
Yes. I am fed up with the trumpster.
Are you fed up with his policies or his persona?

For me it's pretty much always one or the other. Usually both.
Ok is it foreign or domestic policies, or both? And why are you fed up with the policy (ies)?
Both. Because they stupid/shortsighted/amoral/petty/vindictive/etc ....
OK so if it's border policy, what is/are the problems with Trump's border policy? I like to understand what specifically people hate about President Trump.

The border policy is a good one. It's all just pandering. It's a phony, symbolic solution to a phony, symbolic problem. He plays to the worst of people, to their fears and insecurity, to their hubris, to their ignorance. He has no consistent principles or ideology - he's a pure populist. Which, in a democracy, is the most dangerous kind of leader.

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