Are reparations even possible?


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
America's first black billionaire says recent talk of Critical Race Theory and Black Lives Matter protests aren't enough to make up for past injustices against black people: He's reiterating his call for $14 trillion in payments to the descendants of slaves - including himself.

Can this generation of eeevvvviiillll White Americans be held responsible for slavery?
How do we know who really is a decedent of a slave?
What about Black people who have immigrated to America after slavery?
What about people of mixed race?
What about the eeeviiillllll White people who's ancestors immigrated to America after slavery?
What about a mixed couple? Would one spouse owe the the other spouse?
Would these reparations continue to be paid to every Black American who is born in America indefinitely or just the present generation?
Would reparations improve race relations in America, or would the racist left wing bigots just continue with their hate and violence even if they were paid?
A rough calculation of $14 trillion dollars would be about $50 to $60 thousand dollars owed by each eeeeeeviiilll White American Oppressor regardless of their age.
America's first black billionaire says recent talk of Critical Race Theory and Black Lives Matter protests aren't enough to make up for past injustices against black people: He's reiterating his call for $14 trillion in payments to the descendants of slaves - including himself.

Can this generation of eeevvvviiillll White Americans be held responsible for slavery?
How do we know who really is a decedent of a slave?
What about Black people who have immigrated to America after slavery?
What about people of mixed race?
What about the eeeviiillllll White people who's ancestors immigrated to America after slavery?
What about a mixed couple? Would one spouse owe the the other spouse?
Would these reparations continue to be paid to every Black American who is born in America indefinitely or just the present generation?
Would reparations improve race relations in America, or would the racist left wing bigots just continue with their hate and violence even if they were paid?
A rough calculation of $14 trillion dollars would be about $50 to $60 thousand dollars owed by each eeeeeeviiilll White American Oppressor regardless of their age

Would be like stimulus. People would be demanding more and more and more before the first checks went out
They already have their reparations - the fact that they're in the USA and entitled to all the programs, benefits, affirmative action schemes, diversity quotas and living in a free society.

They wouldn't have had that if their great great great ancestors weren't brought over in boats hundreds of years ago, rounded up by their own kind.

They should be grateful their ancestors suffered appallingly so that they can enjoy the benefits today.
If not they'd still be in African villages and jungles shagging monkeys, getting aids and kidney failure from drinking out dirty puddles.
America's first black billionaire says recent talk of Critical Race Theory and Black Lives Matter protests aren't enough to make up for past injustices against black people: He's reiterating his call for $14 trillion in payments to the descendants of slaves - including himself.

Can this generation of eeevvvviiillll White Americans be held responsible for slavery?
How do we know who really is a decedent of a slave?
What about Black people who have immigrated to America after slavery?
What about people of mixed race?
What about the eeeviiillllll White people who's ancestors immigrated to America after slavery?
What about a mixed couple? Would one spouse owe the the other spouse?
Would these reparations continue to be paid to every Black American who is born in America indefinitely or just the present generation?
Would reparations improve race relations in America, or would the racist left wing bigots just continue with their hate and violence even if they were paid?
A rough calculation of $14 trillion dollars would be about $50 to $60 thousand dollars owed by each eeeeeeviiilll White American Oppressor regardless of their age.

It's just a Ponzi Scheme, fostered in guilt, and shilled out by the Establishment ... :thup:
Nothing is stopping Robert Johnson from writing a check to anyone he thinks deserves it.

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America's first black billionaire says recent talk of Critical Race Theory and Black Lives Matter protests aren't enough to make up for past injustices against black people: He's reiterating his call for $14 trillion in payments to the descendants of slaves - including himself.

Can this generation of eeevvvviiillll White Americans be held responsible for slavery?
How do we know who really is a decedent of a slave?
What about Black people who have immigrated to America after slavery?
What about people of mixed race?
What about the eeeviiillllll White people who's ancestors immigrated to America after slavery?
What about a mixed couple? Would one spouse owe the the other spouse?
Would these reparations continue to be paid to every Black American who is born in America indefinitely or just the present generation?
Would reparations improve race relations in America, or would the racist left wing bigots just continue with their hate and violence even if they were paid?
A rough calculation of $14 trillion dollars would be about $50 to $60 thousand dollars owed by each eeeeeeviiilll White American Oppressor regardless of their age.
I don't support cash be given to African Americans. I support laws to make sure of the equal rights and equal opportunities for all minorities, including a new voting rights bill. That includes much of President Biden's original and yes, progressive agenda, which is rejected by the Republican Pols.
Pay any amount, no matter how small or large, and it won't be enough, and far too much at the same time.

Even a nickel will only fuel the fire for more and give legitimacy to this nonsense, leading to ever-greater levels of nonsense.

My grandmother was sold at the age of 8 and lived in a barn in the midwest, kept warm in the winter by warm cow shit. She ran from there a few years later, went to the city and got a job in a sweat shop for dimes. She was no rags to riches success story, but worked her entire life, raised a family, never took a fucking dime from the government or anyone else and had her pride until the day she died.

Life is hard. Tough shit. Quit whining and stop looking for handouts, get off your asses and get a damn job, fucking losers.
A one-way free ticket to the country of their choice, forever renounce their U.S. Citizenship, and $100,000 paid out in installments. Re-entry into America is a felony with 20 years in prison, no parole.
Pay any amount, no matter how small or large, and it won't be enough, and far too much at the same time.

Even a nickel will only fuel the fire for more and give legitimacy to this nonsense, leading to ever-greater levels of nonsense.

My grandmother was sold at the age of 8 and lived in a barn in the midwest, kept warm in the winter by warm cow shit. She ran from there a few years later, went to the city and got a job in a sweat shop for dimes. She was no rags to riches success story, but worked her entire life, raised a family, never took a fucking dime from the government or anyone else and had her pride until the day she died.

Life is hard. Tough shit. Quit whining and stop looking for handouts, get off your asses and get a damn job, fucking losers.
You deserve a thousand "Thanks" for your terrific post. These ever whining losers deserve shit.

They should go back to Africa to try and collect from their African brothers who originally sold their worthless, stinking, asses into slavery. And, while they're there, do us all a favor, stay there.
Bottom line: you've had states where reparations cases have been made. In short, the criteria goes like this

- people have to document being a direct descendant of a slave.
- documentation of slave ownership by a former family or company or corporation has to be shown.
- documentation that the aforementioned owner(s) have profitable, existing descendants today as a result of the past profit due in part to slave labor.
- Agreement as to either monetary amount as promised in early Congressional proposal (20 acres and a mule) to be distributed to descendant or to a charity/foundation of their choice or a public acknowledgement as compensation.
- ruling that legitimizes all of this has to come out of Congress and high court.

So essentially, this would NOT be a blanket check to every black American, nor would it be a continuing process.

However, since all this hinges on legal rulings through Congress and/or the SCOTUS, it's highly unlike that this will become a federal mandate.
Pay any amount, no matter how small or large, and it won't be enough, and far too much at the same time.

Even a nickel will only fuel the fire for more and give legitimacy to this nonsense, leading to ever-greater levels of nonsense.

My grandmother was sold at the age of 8 and lived in a barn in the midwest, kept warm in the winter by warm cow shit. She ran from there a few years later, went to the city and got a job in a sweat shop for dimes. She was no rags to riches success story, but worked her entire life, raised a family, never took a fucking dime from the government or anyone else and had her pride until the day she died.

Life is hard. Tough shit. Quit whining and stop looking for handouts, get off your asses and get a damn job, fucking losers.
I liken it to a trip to the grocery store. When the 3 year old throws a complete shit fit at the check out line, and the parent buys them that candy bar they are screaming for, guess what?

It teaches the three year old that throwing a shit fit gets them what they want.

Now, I should probably apologize for making this comparison, as 3 year olds don't run around burning looting and murdering to get their way, but still......
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Reparations for slavery will not happen. Just thinking about quantifying the assets owed and then deciding who should receive them makes it impossible. Do we pay the wages they would have made in Africa or here? Where racism was legal under law. Why should we be paying people who would no doubt be poorer in Africa than here? They've made money and had no rights under our law when they were brought here. Same thing with Indians....Supreme court denied us equal rights specifically in 1924 even though we're "caucasian" like most of the planet. We aren't white they said. Well that means under American law we don't really have any expectation of protection until the civil rights act. Or at the earliest plessy vs ferguson, but obviously in reality things were not very equal.

Are we going to DNA test people, the more white genes they can find the less you get paid? What if you're an African immigrant? What if a white guy just says he's black for a check/ How do you stop that?

Not to mention time is running out on white Americans in general....The average white is 57. There is no way this happens when the majority of the tax payers are not white. Mixed America is just going to point out the obvious that we're all mixed and everyone should shut the fuck up about their ancestor's struggles.

Banks are a lot more believable that they'd give out some sort of true holistic reparations via special financing rules or something. To make up for all the racist shit they'd done in the past. I don't understand exactly why the bank having a single record with your race on it outside a picture is legal....But it should not be.

Lead in the water wouldn't need holistic black reparations just the peopel who suffered, some of whom would be white. Same thing with criminal justice. It's only banks/real estate where the racism touches the vast vast majority of black citizens.
America's first black billionaire says recent talk of Critical Race Theory and Black Lives Matter protests aren't enough to make up for past injustices against black people: He's reiterating his call for $14 trillion in payments to the descendants of slaves - including himself.

Can this generation of eeevvvviiillll White Americans be held responsible for slavery?
How do we know who really is a decedent of a slave?
What about Black people who have immigrated to America after slavery?
What about people of mixed race?
What about the eeeviiillllll White people who's ancestors immigrated to America after slavery?
What about a mixed couple? Would one spouse owe the the other spouse?
Would these reparations continue to be paid to every Black American who is born in America indefinitely or just the present generation?
Would reparations improve race relations in America, or would the racist left wing bigots just continue with their hate and violence even if they were paid?
A rough calculation of $14 trillion dollars would be about $50 to $60 thousand dollars owed by each eeeeeeviiilll White American Oppressor regardless of their age.

What about us American Indians that got left in the gutter just because we were never registered into a tribe when we were born??
I don't support cash be given to African Americans. I support laws to make sure of the equal rights and equal opportunities for all minorities, including a new voting rights bill. That includes much of President Biden's original and yes, progressive agenda, which is rejected by the Republican Pols.
Ok I'm glad you do not support reparations. But why do you believe we need a new law for minority "voting rights"? If you are a citizen, you already have the right to vote. Are you talking about minority non-citizens getting the right to vote or just being able to vote without the person having to identify him/herself?
I don't support cash be given to African Americans. I support laws to make sure of the equal rights and equal opportunities for all minorities, including a new voting rights bill. That includes much of President Biden's original and yes, progressive agenda, which is rejected by the Republican Pols.
Ok I'm glad you do not support reparations. But why do you believe we need a new law for minority "voting rights"? If you are a citizen, you already have the right to vote. Are you talking about minority non-citizens getting the right to vote or just being able to vote without the person having to identify him/herself?
I'm talking about the JIM CROW Laws being passed which make voting more difficult, don't pretend these laws are to make minorities easier to cast their vote. Only biddable fools believe this.
Though no black person would ever admit it, there is a great deal blacks could learn from whites. Adapting these ideas would be a huge help in raising the average standard of living for blacks.

The ideas may sound corny or too simple, but they work. They include:
Developing a strong work ethic and a love for learning and education. Get a job and keep it. Save some money for a down payment on a house. Learn to rely on yourself (no one owes you a living). All basic but important shit.

Spend your time improving yourself, instead of rioting and whining and blaming everyone else for your problems. Grow the fuck up. Stop begging, you'll make people hate you.

Imo, any reparation payments would only serve to make blacks even lazier and less responsible than they already are. That's the last thing they need.

Watch for a flood of posts calling this message racist. It's easier to scream 'racism' than to stand on one's own two feet. And, sadly, that's what blacks have been trained to do, scream 'racism' at every fucking opportunity.
I don't support cash be given to African Americans. I support laws to make sure of the equal rights and equal opportunities for all minorities, including a new voting rights bill. That includes much of President Biden's original and yes, progressive agenda, which is rejected by the Republican Pols.
Ok I'm glad you do not support reparations. But why do you believe we need a new law for minority "voting rights"? If you are a citizen, you already have the right to vote. Are you talking about minority non-citizens getting the right to vote or just being able to vote without the person having to identify him/herself?
I'm talking about the JIM CROW Laws being passed which make voting more difficult, don't pretend these laws are to make minorities easier to cast their vote. Only biddable fools believe this.
There are no Jim Crow laws being suggested.

Since you oppose a valid I.d requirement to vote, though, do you think minorities are just too stupid to get one or just too lazy?

Oops, I might have done you a disservice, there, as I left out the possibility that you think minorities are too stupid AND too lazy.
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Reparations for slavery will not happen. Just thinking about quantifying the assets owed and then deciding who should receive them makes it impossible. Do we pay the wages they would have made in Africa or here? Where racism was legal under law. Why should we be paying people who would no doubt be poorer in Africa than here? They've made money and had no rights under our law when they were brought here. Same thing with Indians....Supreme court denied us equal rights specifically in 1924 even though we're "caucasian" like most of the planet. We aren't white they said. Well that means under American law we don't really have any expectation of protection until the civil rights act. Or at the earliest plessy vs ferguson, but obviously in reality things were not very equal.

Are we going to DNA test people, the more white genes they can find the less you get paid? What if you're an African immigrant? What if a white guy just says he's black for a check/ How do you stop that?

Not to mention time is running out on white Americans in general....The average white is 57. There is no way this happens when the majority of the tax payers are not white. Mixed America is just going to point out the obvious that we're all mixed and everyone should shut the fuck up about their ancestor's struggles.

Banks are a lot more believable that they'd give out some sort of true holistic reparations via special financing rules or something. To make up for all the racist shit they'd done in the past. I don't understand exactly why the bank having a single record with your race on it outside a picture is legal....But it should not be.

Lead in the water wouldn't need holistic black reparations just the peopel who suffered, some of whom would be white. Same thing with criminal justice. It's only banks/real estate where the racism touches the vast vast majority of black citizens.
Why are we paying for the social welfare like Healthcare for Israeli citizens with our tax dollars?

To the tune of Billions!
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