Are Politics and Policies Mutually Exclusive?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Why do so many people in the U.S. prefer Republican policies, yet continue to vote for Democrats? Most Americans agree that we should secure the border, maintain a strong military, keep out of foreign wars, limit late term abortions, maintain a strong dollar and keep inflation in check. Why have transitory notions of climate change, social justice and personalities overridden these substantive issues for so many people?

Are they just so lazy and self absorbed to care about these issues? Or have they been brainwashed by a government/education/media cabal into believing that these issues are nothing more than right-wing conspiracy theories? How far down the rabbit hole do they have to go before reality closes in on them (and the rest of us)?
Not sure.

That is what drives me batty about liberals TBH.... You have to check all the boxes to be a liberal supposedly. We've had nuke power on US Navy ships for like 70 years or so at this point. How many meltdowns have occurred on these ships? None. There hasn't even been a lot of serious mishaps. Yet try to convince a liberal that nuclear power can be made safe even though reactors are 1,000 meters below water on submarines, doing 40 knots through rough seas, or sitting in 100+ degree hear in the Indian Ocean and they look at you like you're insane. I'll never understand why my view on a woman's right to choose has to be tied to a policy on nuke power, affirmative action, etc....

The same thing happens on the right to be sure.... your view on a woman's right to choose is pre-determined by your view on the 2nd Amendment.
Why do so many people in the U.S. prefer Republican policies, yet continue to vote for Democrats? Most Americans agree that we should secure the border, maintain a strong military, keep out of foreign wars, limit late term abortions, maintain a strong dollar and keep inflation in check. Why have transitory notions of climate change, social justice and personalities overridden these substantive issues for so many people?

Are they just so lazy and self absorbed to care about these issues? Or have they been brainwashed by a government/education/media cabal into believing that these issues are nothing more than right-wing conspiracy theories? How far down the rabbit hole do they have to go before reality closes in on them (and the rest of us)?
People seem to vote for those who conform closest to their ideology. That's perpetuated by media (social and otherwise) and politicians.

Now, to be specific, conservatism (in its present form) is a dead and failed ideology. It hasn't had a successful policy implementation in over four decades. A virtual litany of failure. Yet, election cycle after election cycle, you can go through the map of states and predict almost to a "T" which ones will vote red (keep sending the same people who don't give a shit about the average worker) year after year.

Policy is where the rubber meets the road in this country.
Progressive policies move the country forward. Like it or not.

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