Zone1 Are Jews the choosen people of God?

Ask me something and I give you an answer if I am able to do so. Very simple: "God's chosen people are the Jews." If I said so to Jews about 4, 5 or 6 thousand years ago they had for sure asked me something else than you try to ask me now.

I fear in this case you would be the only human being who thinks so about the own person. Stupid are the others.

I am on my own for example a member of the community of destiny of all Jews. Not my choice. But I am no Jew. Also not my choice.

There were no Jews 5-6 thousand years ago ago.
Does Judaism believe that chosenness endows Jews with special rights in the way racist ideologies endow those born into the "right race"? Not at all. The most famous verse in the Bible on the subject of chosenness says the precise opposite: "You alone have I singled out of all the families of the earth. That is why I call you to account for all your iniquities" (Amos 3:2). Chosenness is so unconnected to any notion of race that Jews believe that the Messiahhimself will descend from Ruth, a non-Jewish woman who converted to Judaism.​
Still you think you are superintelligent. The only problem: Mankind will not survive with supperinteliget people like you.
Coming from our simple Germ who finds long words difficult to spell and does not know the difference between one or two words, your pist ( an attempt at a post) is laughable .

January is the month to start evening classes in English and Logic .
Coming from our simple Germ who finds long words difficult to spell and does not know the difference between one or two words, your pist ( an attempt at a post) is laughable .

January is the month to start evening classes in English and Logic .
Really excellent advice. :)
Coming from our simple Germ who finds long words difficult to spell and does not know the difference between one or two words, your pist ( an attempt at a post) is laughable .

January is the month to start evening classes in English and Logic .
This guy is like Ishmael, "his hand is against everyone".
I always understood traditional catholic/orthodox/lutheran(?) theology to say that jews were once choosen, but they killed christ, so the blood of christ "is upon them and their children" and the choosen people or the people of God are not by circumisation anymore but by faith in Christ "in christ we are one, be it woman or man or slave or free or jew or greek" i think the choosen is the church now. But I think even the catholic church made adjustments, giving again more credit to christian zionism and such, that jews are still choosen people. I think the first pope say that was pope john paul the second, he apologised to jews as first pope and declared jews are still choosen people, i think the catholic church didnt fully broke with their traditional doctrine, but this where they made compromises.
No, remember Luther caused much of the Holocaust.
Catholic theology takes the EXACT opposite approach.
Here is Pope Benedict (and I do get tired of having to post this)

Pope: Jews not to blame for crucifixion - Excerpt from Jesus of Nazareth, Part Two​

In it, the Jewish crowd shouts, “Let his blood be on us and on our children,” as they demand that Pilate execute Jesus. Yet the Pope insists that the crowd represents all humanity. Further, Jesus’ blood was not “poured out against anyone, it is poured out for many, for all.” Jesus’ blood can never be a curse, “but rather redemption, salvation.”

When in Matthew’s account the “whole people” say: “His blood be on us and on our children” (27:25), the Christian will remember that Jesus’ blood speaks a different language from the blood of Abel (Heb 12:24): it does not cry out for vengeance and punishment; it brings reconciliation. It is not poured out against anyone; it is poured out for many, for all. “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God . . . God put [Jesus] forward as an expiation by his blood” (Rom 3:23, 25). Just as Caiaphas’ words about the need for Jesus’ death have to be read in an entirely new light from the perspective of faith, the same applies to Matthew’s reference to blood: read in the light of faith, it means that we all stand in need of the purifying power of love which is his blood. These words are not a curse, but rather redemption, salvation.
The Jews may still be the chosen of God, but right now they are on the 'outs' with him.
Coming from our simple Germ who finds long words difficult to spell and does not know the difference between one or two words, your pist ( an attempt at a post) is laughable .

January is the month to start evening classes in English and Logic .
This guy is like Ishmael, "his hand is against everyone".
... but seldom on his heart.

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