Are Democrats the enemy of the people?

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I am ashamed of myself for being a Democrat. But I think they are redeemable. I almost want the FBI to arrest or have neophyte democrats put under 24-7 psychiatric observation. They obviously are out of touch with realty like some sort of cult. Biden is their leader, like Jim Jones. They want us to drink their purple Kool-Aid of "Wokeness".
The people who want you believe your fellow citizens are your enemies because of their beliefs are your real enemies.
I am ashamed of myself for being a Democrat. But I think they are redeemable. I almost want the FBI to arrest or have neophyte democrats put under 24-7 psychiatric observation. They obviously are out of touch with realty like some sort of cult. Biden is their leader, like Jim Jones. They want us to drink their purple Kool-Aid of "Wokeness".
No problem. I can see where lots of people would ashamed of you.
No. They are not tbe “enemy of tbe people”.
Is this a real topic for discussion. or just another nasty call out thread worthy of the rubber room? Exactly how can we tell the difference?
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Democrats used to be hardnosed realists. All our actual Democrat leaders died off and are replaced with scoundrels and posers. These weasels are now fighting for bullshit. 367 genders from the purple dimension? Fighting for the rights, er. Ginger Eskimo left-handed albino twirlers flat earther that find gravity is racist...This isn't what the Democratic party was, no. Its insanity popularized.
Democrats used to be hardnosed realists. All our actual Democrat leaders died off and are replaced with scoundrels and posers. These weasels are now fighting for bullshit. 367 genders from the purple dimension? Fighting for the rights, er. Ginger Eskimo left-handed albino twirlers flat earther that find gravity is racist...This isn't what the Democratic party was, no. Its insanity popularized.
Republicans used to be honorable. Now they are just a bunch of lying conspiracy theory nuts. Where do you get all your batshit crazy info?
I agree with Democrats on many issues: I oppose Racism of which some Republicans are guilty, I support Welfare, I oppose letting suicidal people access guns.

But Cancel Culture makes Democrats The Greater evil.

When we have no Free Speech, we are not really Free. He who has no right to voice his grievances has no rights. Those who oppose our Free Speech take away all our rights and our personhood.
I am an old school Democrat. I want sanity back, I want logic back. I Want to scub the party of insane Chinese apparatchiks.
You won't find sanity or logic if you keep falling for all those batshit crazy conspiracy theories. I guess you just can't expect more from anyone who falls for trump's big lie.
I left the democrats because they sort of left US. They demonize the bourgeoise, the middleclass. Brilliant. The fact the Democrats, the party of healing and acceptance are NEITHER and create such divisiveness...And are controlled by the wealthy concerns. Everything from Soros or the Chinese, take your pick. That and say, the Democrats tacitly support race riots and didn't lift a finger to stop civil unrest. That's not what MY old school democratic party would have done.
What "people" are you talking about? It is the republicans who have been attacking their fellow Americans for years now. The Democrats have not.
I agree with Democrats on many issues: I oppose Racism of which some Republicans are guilty, I support Welfare, I oppose letting suicidal people access guns.

But Cancel Culture makes Democrats The Greater evil.

When we have no Free Speech, we are not really Free. He who has no right to voice his grievances has no rights. Those who oppose our Free Speech take away all our rights and our personhood.
Hopefully more supporters of Freedom will see proponents of Cancel Culture as The Enemy and take every practical legal step against The Enemy's best interests:

1) Pressure their employers to fire them.

2) Do not help them more then Laws absolutely require.

3) Use Jury Nullification Rights against them.
My democratic party would have actually stopped race riots and had declared marshal law, and had the called in the civil guard. Because...common sense.

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