Are Democrats the enemy of the people?

I agree with Democrats on many issues: I oppose Racism of which some Republicans are guilty, I support Welfare, I oppose letting suicidal people access guns.

But Cancel Culture makes Democrats The Greater evil.

When we have no Free Speech, we are not really Free. He who has no right to voice his grievances has no rights. Those who oppose our Free Speech take away all our rights and our personhood.
Can you point to the pro-Cancel Culture platform in the Democratic manifesto please?
My democratic party would have actually stopped race riots and had declared marshal law, and had the called in the civil guard. Because...common sense.
I disagree with Republicans on Racism. This is one of the areas where Democrats are right.
Hopefully more supporters of Freedom will see proponents of Cancel Culture as The Enemy and take every practical legal step against The Enemy's best interests:

1) Pressure their employers to fire them.

2) Do not help them more then Laws absolutely require.

3) Use Jury Nullification Rights against them.
1) Pressure their employers to fire them. -- or in other words, cancel them

2) Do not help them more then Laws absolutely require.

3) Use Jury Nullification Rights against them. -- or in other words, cancel them.
I used to be a Democrat. I also lived trough the reverend Jim Jones suicide cult back in the 70's Um, Democrats are like that. its why I left them. The Dunning-Kruger effect. They don't even know.
1) Pressure their employers to fire them. -- or in other words, cancel them

2) Do not help them more then Laws absolutely require.

3) Use Jury Nullification Rights against them. -- or in other words, cancel them.
Fight Fire with Fire.
Got it . It's clear that you want to cancel everybody while you whine about cancel culture. Typical trump supporter conspiracy theory nut.
I oppose Cancel Culture. Unfortunately while The Enemy engages in it, we have no option not to respond in kind.
I am not significant enough to be cancelled.

But many people have been cancelled unjustly.

Cancel the Cancellers.
You mean like all these companies trump wanted to cancel?
I used to be a liberal Democrat. I voted for Jimmie Carter. Now? The democrats left me, us! They are the party of madness, of stupidity and demagogues and panderers. Its time the Democrats where overhauled and reexamined they have just pushed this crap too far.
That party no longer resembles the Democrat party I grew up with from the 60s up til now. It has been totally hijacked by the most radical elements and it isn't hyperbole to say the leadership of it today are Marxists. They've so completely insinuated themselves into the permanent DC bureaucracy, the courts, media, schools, entertainment, and now our modern "public square" of social media that they have begun to make the final push for total control.

Imagine the surprise when people like the anti-semitic Ilhan Omar and her thug buddies in the "squad" finally twig to the fact that just because they have the means to shape opinion, it does NOT translate into creating reality. THAT little bit of social alchemy takes a lot more than shaming and emotional blackmail.
Nah, if they want to take my country from me then they better be ready to put it all on the line. They think their plans are working perfectly and that most Americans will become so confused and demoralized that eventually, we'll just retreat into diversions and entertainments and so on and just forget about the chaos. They'd be WRONG about that. Something happened on the way to the demoralization. WE GOT PISSED!
You mean like all these companies trump wanted to cancel?
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How, pray tell, can a person who has no effective control over those companies "cancel them"? Trump hit back when they came after him and at worst, all it cost them was a bit off their bottom line. You people are cold-blooded, ruthless where it concerns shutting down public opinion you don't like. I mean, you RUIN lives. A day always comes when that kind of energy comes back to bite you.
How, pray tell, can a person who has no effective control over those companies "cancel them"? Trump hit back when they came after him and at worst, all it cost them was a bit off their bottom line. You people are cold-blooded, ruthless where it concerns shutting down public opinion you don't like. I mean, you RUIN lives. A day always comes when that kind of energy comes back to bite you.
He called for boycotts for all of them.

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