Are Christians hypocrites?

I get tired of self-righteous nosey judgmental Christian busy-bodies practically always telling me that what I am doing is wrong and trying to tell me how I should live. If they would concentrate on improving their own lives instead of being so eager to find fault among others, the world would be a much better place.
I get awful tired of non Christian/Jewish busy-bodies telling Christians how they should act or what they should think. So we evidently have something in common. If non-believers would concentrate on their on personal issues and quit telling believers how they should act/be or what they should be teaching their own children then we could all take a rest.
I get awful tired of non Christian/Jewish busy-bodies telling Christians how they should act or what they should think. So we evidently have something in common. If non-believers would concentrate on their on personal issues and quit telling believers how they should act/be or what they should be teaching their own children then we could all take a rest.

Post 18.:eusa_whistle:
The purpose of a church is NOT to save sinners. The purpose of a church is to #1, praise God, and to provide fellowship, support and strengthen the faith of those who are saved.

Those who are saved are supposed to witness to others, and most Christian churches have an open door policy when it comes to bringing in the unsaved; we like to see people in our churches, hearing the word, because through the Word comes salvation. But the primary function of a church isn't to "save" sinners, nor is the implication that those who are "saved" aren't sinners. THat is the universal appeal of the Christian church...the recognition that we are all sinners, every single one of us. We are saved through faith and faith alone. The desire to be good comes with being saved...but nowhere in the Bible does it say that those who are saved are not still sinful, and nobody except someone who is completely ignorant of Christianity would ever try to imply that. Every human is a sinner, and Christians recognize this.

I get tired of being called a "hypocrite" because I don't act the way non-Christians think I should. That doesn't make me a hypocrite, it makes you ignorant because you don't understand Christianity.
Edification of believers is the biggest task the church has.
The purpose of a church is to save sinners.

If a church does not have a whole bunch of sinners attending the services, that church is not doing what it should be doing, and that is inviting non believers and strong sinners to come and fellowship and learn about God.

So, if you go to a church that only has religious people who are totally obedient to God, then you have found a hypocrite laden church.

Otherwise, if you are surrounded with sinners, that church must have one hell of a ministry. My hat is off to a church like that. It is doing God's work.
If any of the Churches had not veered away from teaaching the basic principals that Jesus spoke from the beginning then Christians would not be able to be considered hypocrites.

When you have flakes running around who are unwilling to stand on the Word you are obviously going to be considered hypocritical.

He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.
If any of the Churches had not veered away from teaaching the basic principals that Jesus spoke from the beginning then Christians would not be able to be considered hypocrites.

When you have flakes running around who are unwilling to stand on the Word you are obviously going to be considered hypocritical.

He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.

For those who wish to spin it as such, being exactly what we are supposed to be -- sinners and incapable of perfection -- we are hypocrites because THAT is what suits their arguments.
For those who wish to spin it as such, being exactly what we are supposed to be -- sinners and incapable of perfection -- we are hypocrites because THAT is what suits their arguments.

Yes, well, those are the same people who bought it when Bill Clinton couldn't define the word "is". Someone should really buy them dictionaries.
The purpose of a church is to save sinners.

If a church does not have a whole bunch of sinners attending the services, that church is not doing what it should be doing, and that is inviting non believers and strong sinners to come and fellowship and learn about God.

So, if you go to a church that only has religious people who are totally obedient to God, then you have found a hypocrite laden church.

Otherwise, if you are surrounded with sinners, that church must have one hell of a ministry. My hat is off to a church like that. It is doing God's work.

I don't know about a whole bunch, but every time I'm there I see at least 1 sinner and I'm always glad she found the time to visit. :)
I don't recall that Bill Clinton was accused of not being able to define the word "is." Probably help if you put a little context to it.

You don't recall former President Clinton's famous line, "It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is"?

My hand to God, I actually encountered a leftist once who said, "Well, no one has YET provided a good definition for it" when I mentioned this quote.

Let's face it, there are a lot of people in the world today who either don't know the meanings of words, or don't grasp the fact that words HAVE meanings.
My dad, who is a Mormon, said it best I think:
"We're not any better than anyone else, just forgiven".

I always liked that. It shuts up the religion haters immediately!

We don't hate religion. We just hate the way some of you fundies corrupt it and use it as a weapon. That behavior contradicts everything you preach on and on and on and on and on about.
You don't recall former President Clinton's famous line, "It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is"?

My hand to God, I actually encountered a leftist once who said, "Well, no one has YET provided a good definition for it" when I mentioned this quote.

Let's face it, there are a lot of people in the world today who either don't know the meanings of words, or don't grasp the fact that words HAVE meanings.

Nah, I must've lost track of that definition in the wake of his definition of "sexual relations.":lol:

Relativism and out of context literalism: The weapons of choice for those who have no real argument but wish to play themselves off as intellectually superior.
We don't hate religion. We just hate the way some of you fundies corrupt it and use it as a weapon. That behavior contradicts everything you preach on and on and on and on and on about.

Don't say "we."

The vast majority of Christians I know don't like fundies anymore than non-Christians do.
You know.....people could solve this little dilemma if they would just listen to what Yeshua said.......

"Live and let live".

I won't tell Christian bullshit artists what they should believe, if they don't tell me what I should believe.

Besides.......they don't know everything that I do, nor do they have all my experiences. I probably had more "adult" experiences by the time I was 12, than most people have by the time they're 40.

Nope.....I won't tell them what to do, and they better not step on my toes, because I step back.........HARD.
You know.....people could solve this little dilemma if they would just listen to what Yeshua said.......

"Live and let live".
"Live at let live" does not include lay down and let others rule over you regardless of who they are or how big of feet they may have.
"Live at let live" does not include lay down and let others rule over you regardless of who they are or how big of feet they may have.

You're means walk softly and don't step on anyone else's toes. But....if they step on yours, shatter their pelvis.

That way I can continue to live and let live.
"Live at let live" does not include lay down and let others rule over you regardless of who they are or how big of feet they may have.

gosh, is that what jebus meant when telling you that your reward lies in heaven and not in this physical world? typical pharisee christians. Give unto Ceasar, remember?

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