Are Christians hypocrites?

Where did you get your law degree? A hate crime is a crime against an individual that is motivated by hostility towards the victim's race, color, creed, gender or sexual orientation.

What crime is being committed by those signs and what individual is the victim?

So then, you would have no problem with a sign that says "All gays are perverts" placed on public property?

You don't think it's hateful to dismiss all religious people as being hard hearted and stupid? You think it's perfectly okay to put up such a sign on public property?

How about if I put up a sign that said "All Jews are hateful and stupid?" Or one that says "All blacks are criminals"? You don't think that's a hate crime?

Why is it okay to insult every religious person in the world in a big sign on public property?
Not when posted in large letters on public property.

That all depends, it's a huge gray area and getting bigger by the day. Hate crimes were written to protect the minority from such events as lynching and discrimination by the majority, however stating ones opinion is never considered a hate crime by the law and no judge would convict on that basis.
But if you live by faith then scientific advances of any sort would breaking that ideal. Thus if you live by faith in your god alone then you cannot use anything science has granted us, including the books printed in a machine press, for it would all be an affront to the faith.

Also, back in the time that the christian collection of myths was written they would have hung you for sorcery if you had shown them a computer. Everyone who drives a car is considered a witch by the original times in which it was written.

So we're not to rotate crops? Science has been around as long as man has and if God didn't want us to use computers, he wouldn't have allowed man to invent them.
Regular Joe Christian does not get to define what a sin is. The Bible does that and is very specific in the definition.
and some christians pick and choose the ones they want judge people by!
Plus my other problem is I know the bible is suppose to be the word of god but I always wondered if the author shaped the word of God around his own beliefs.
Basically, without all us who live by science you wouldn't have anything. Living in the jungle with wooden spears and barely anything to wear, much less a book of myths to worship.

Jesus never lived in the Jungle, nor did he carry a spear. He was a carpenter. He lived in the upper middle class of the time.

When's the last time you read the Bible?
So then, you would have no problem with a sign that says "All gays are perverts" placed on public property?

You don't think it's hateful to dismiss all religious people as being hard hearted and stupid? You think it's perfectly okay to put up such a sign on public property?

How about if I put up a sign that said "All Jews are hateful and stupid?" Or one that says "All blacks are criminals"? You don't think that's a hate crime?

Why is it okay to insult every religious person in the world in a big sign on public property?

Again, you are referencing words that were posted on PRIVATE property, on a privately purchased advertising space on a billboard. Do you believe that you have the right to regulate private advertising content simply because you find it offensive, when it doesn't violate any public decency laws?
I doubt prop 8 was passed only by Christians. I'm certain some Christians didn't vote for it just as I'm certain some people of other faiths or lack there of did vote for it. I'm also pretty sure it will be overturned.

I'm positive that this is the red herring. You are using a law passed by the state of California as a reason to hate Christians.

Sheila, I have beensaying for years that Government has no business defining Religious terms. Government has no right to define the word Marriage. Only religious institutions have the right to define religious terms, so if the First Church of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance defines marriage as between a couple in love who promise to love, protect and defend their partner, the State should accept that.

Government should only recognise "Unions" or partnerships for income tax purposes. That was the whole idea behind recognising marriages in the first place. Government wanted to afford benefits to married couples to encourage marriage. Government can still do that, but call it Union and thus stop trying to define marriage.
On state property, absolutely. On private property, no. I believe in free speech, even if that speech offends me.

But you have no problem with a sign that condemns every religious person in the world as being hard hearted and stupid placed on public property?

This is what we're talking about here. At least what I'm talking about. The group "Freedom From Religion" has placed a sign in our state capitals that declare that religion is a myth that causes hearts to harden and enslaves minds.

No if they put up a sign "There's not such thing as God", I could handle that, but this is an insult and rude and it's placed there if not out of hatred, then to cause hatred.

A nativity doesn't cause hatred. I have no problems with a nativity on public property but I would be all up in arms if some idiot put a sign that said "All non-believers are going to hell" up on public property.

This particular sign, on our states capital grounds, is an insult and I don't understand how our government can let it stand nor how the idiots that made it in the first place can get away with claiming that religion causes hatred when they put up signs like this.
But you have no problem with a sign that condemns every religious person in the world as being hard hearted and stupid placed on public property?

This is what we're talking about here. At least what I'm talking about. The group "Freedom From Religion" has placed a sign in our state capitals that declare that religion is a myth that causes hearts to harden and enslaves minds.
This particular sign, on our states capital grounds, is an insult and I don't understand how our government can let it stand nor how the idiots that made it in the first place can get away with claiming that religion causes hatred when they put up signs like this.

Please show me where this is located on PUBLIC property. I was under the impression that they'd purchased a billboard on PRIVATE property, adjacent to your state capital.

I don't have any problems with that. Placing it on public property is inappropriate.
So we're not to rotate crops? Science has been around as long as man has and if God didn't want us to use computers, he wouldn't have allowed man to invent them.

*grin* And if your god didn't like gay people, abortion, etc. then he wouldn't have allowed it as well.

The attempts to attack these makes christians hypocrites.
Again, you are referencing words that were posted on PRIVATE property, on a privately purchased advertising space on a billboard. Do you believe that you have the right to regulate private advertising content simply because you find it offensive, when it doesn't violate any public decency laws?
but most of the billboards lease their land from the city or county where they stand. Unless it is on the side of a privately owned building the city still owns the land in which the billboard is placed on. At least that is how it works where I live!
Still it is protected under freedom of speech in most cases! My problem is that if it said chritians are perverts or something along that lines that billboard would be gone in a day!
But my understanding is that these words were posted on PRIVATE property, on a privately purchased advertising space on a billboard. Do you believe that you have the right to regulate private advertising content simply because you find it offensive, when it doesn't violate any public decency laws?

I have been talking about a sign placed on our state capital grounds from a group called "Freedom from Religion" who aren't even in this state. Part of that sign says that religion causes hearts to harden and enslaves minds.

That is what I have a problem with. If they put up a sign that said, "There is not God" I could handle that, but this sign, is obviously made to cause hatred.
but most of the billboards lease their land from the city or county where they stand. Unless it is on the side of a privately owned building the city still owns the land in which the billboard is placed on. At least that is how it works where I live!
Still it is protected under freedom of speech in most cases! My problem is that if it said chritians are perverts or something along that lines that billboard would be gone in a day!

Actually, I doubt that. I suspect most of these billboards are located on private property, and are privately owned by advertising companies.
*grin* And if your god didn't like gay people, abortion, etc. then he wouldn't have allowed it as well.

The attempts to attack these makes christians hypocrites.

I can't find anything in the Bible against computers, I can find scripture that states that man shall not lay with man. Nothing about women laying with women though. :D
and some christians pick and choose the ones they want judge people by!
Plus my other problem is I know the bible is suppose to be the word of god but I always wondered if the author shaped the word of God around his own beliefs.
I think most of us understand that the Writing of the Bible was constrained by the culture that surrounded it. That is the reason why there are so many institutions of higher learning dedicated to the study of the Bible. So much effort is put into teaching the culture, the history and the languages that the Bible was shaped by. Even then, our translations in this modern era are still limited by biases from earlier generations. To the Jews, homosexual sex was an abomination. (Probably because it resulted in a lower birth rate for their population that was constantly being attacked by non Jews. The higher the numbers the greater the chance of survival. Besides, children were the social security system of old.)

Be thankful that religion is evolving. It is a constant but slow process. Usually the change is for the good.
I think most of us understand that the Writing of the Bible was constrained by the culture that surrounded it. That is the reason why there are so many institutions of higher learning dedicated to the study of the Bible. So much effort is put into teaching the culture, the history and the languages that the Bible was shaped by. Even then, our translations in this modern era are still limited by biases from earlier generations. To the Jews, homosexual sex was an abomination. (Probably because it resulted in a lower birth rate for their population that was constantly being attacked by non Jews. The higher the numbers the greater the chance of survival. Besides, children were the social security system of old.)

Be thankful that religion is evolving. It is a constant but slow process. Usually the change is for the good.
you are probably right about the population of jews and homosexuals, I had never thought about it that way.
And I do have to say you are right religion does evolve and usually for the better.
I personally feel the bible is the biggest reason why I don't feel like a christian anymore, I do believe in some of what it is says but not quite a bit of it.
Please cite for us an example of a Christian trying to run your life for you. No, I do not want to hear outraged diatribes about, "This person DARED to express his opinion where I had to hear it and be aware of it! The nerve!" If there were a law mandating that no one ever had to hear opinions they didn't like, the entire country would be walking around with their lips sewn shut.

Several times in high school I tried to courageously act upon my convictions and not bow my head as Christian prayers were recited over the public address system. Later, I was looked at with scorned as students learned that I was not doing what was expected. During break time, one student even got in my face and shoved me asking why I would not pray with the others and suggested that I thought that I was better than everybody else. Thinking back, I think that I should have filed an assault complaint. He came close to hitting me. Then, for my bachelor party, some friends took me to a strip club. A coworker learned about it and gave me a long lecture about how he was “disappointed with me”. I thanked him for his unrequested opinion of me, but he would not take the hint. He continued to “push the Bible” until I finally told him to leave me alone. There are many other examples but I have stuff to do. Your turn.

I am not saying that there should be a law. Don’t put words in my mouth. I am just saying that a Christian can be, and often is, just as much a pushy nosey, judgmental busy-body as a non-Christian can be.
But if you live by faith then scientific advances of any sort would breaking that ideal. Thus if you live by faith in your god alone then you cannot use anything science has granted us, including the books printed in a machine press, for it would all be an affront to the faith.

Also, back in the time that the christian collection of myths was written they would have hung you for sorcery if you had shown them a computer. Everyone who drives a car is considered a witch by the original times in which it was written.

Could you point me toward the scriptures in question? I'm not trying to pick a fight I'm genuinely curious. I don't see how what you're saying can be anything more than an interpretation designed to make Christians look foolish. I'm especially not concerned if it's in the Old Testament, because the teachings of Jesus turn a lot of that on it's head. Either way, I'm hardly perfect, if God can forgive the truly terrible things I've done I think he'll let me slide on technology.

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