Zone1 Are Atheists Happier Than Christians?

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
In one sense Christians have the hope and promise of Heaven, but in another sense atheists ( or so they think anyways) will never have to answer for sin in their lives.
In one sense Christians have the hope and promise of Heaven, but in another sense atheists ( or so they think anyways) will never have to answer for sin in their lives.
Because one is an atheist does not mean that they don't have a firm ethical and moral grounding. Just as believing in God does not guarantee that one is a good person.

A person does not need future reward..Heaven--nor does one need future consequences...Hell--to be a good person.

Pie in the sky feeds nobody~
In one sense Christians have the hope and promise of Heaven, but in another sense atheists ( or so they think anyways) will never have to answer for sin in their lives.
By Atheist do you mean anyone who doesn't believe in Christianity, or do you mean someone who completely rejects the notion of any God and afterlife?
In one sense Christians have the hope and promise of Heaven, but in another sense atheists ( or so they think anyways) will never have to answer for sin in their lives.

the c-bible, desert religions could not be any farther from the heavens than if they actually attempted to fulfill the mission set by a&e to accomplish their own self determination necessary for life in the everlasting.
In one sense Christians have the hope and promise of Heaven, but in another sense atheists ( or so they think anyways) will never have to answer for sin in their lives.
If all we have is the hope and promise of a heavenly afterlife, we have nothing else--and those who have nothing else are not happy.

What Catholics havek that it seems that many non-Catholic Christians do not, is that we have life in the Kingdom, right here and right now. We are not waiting for something, we have it, and those who have something are happy.

What makes many atheists happy is they do not feel weighed down by what they believe religion is and what religion requires. They find religion, prayer, spirituality, a needless burden.
In one sense Christians have the hope and promise of Heaven, but in another sense atheists ( or so they think anyways) will never have to answer for sin in their lives.

Worldwide, the very religious report higher levels of happiness

If all we have is the hope and promise of a heavenly afterlife, we have nothing else--and those who have nothing else are not happy.

What Catholics havek that it seems that many non-Catholic Christians do not, is that we have life in the Kingdom, right here and right now. We are not waiting for something, we have it, and those who have something are happy.

What makes many atheists happy is they do not feel weighed down by what they believe religion is and what religion requires. They find religion, prayer, spirituality, a needless burden.
Like every Christian, I'm NOT worried about going to Hell. Unlike every Christian, I don't think anyone else is going to Hell. That makes this atheist happy.
Like every Christian, I'm NOT worried about going to Hell. Unlike every Christian, I don't think anyone else is going to Hell. That makes this atheist happy.
No one is going to choose to remain separate from God? (Definition of hell.)
By Atheist do you mean anyone who doesn't believe in Christianity, or do you mean someone who completely rejects the notion of any God and afterlife?


If all we have is the hope and promise of a heavenly afterlife, we have nothing else--and those who have nothing else are not happy.

I didn't mean it like that. The hope of Heaven isn't ALL we have, it just seems like the biggest and most important since we won't be separated from God for all of eternity.
In one sense Christians have the hope and promise of Heaven, but in another sense atheists ( or so they think anyways) will never have to answer for sin in their lives.
You're only good because you're afraid of being tortured by your deity in hell for all eternity? Is that why you empathize or feel any compassion for others? It's all because you have your deity over you with a Louisville Slugger ready to hit you over the head with it? You're only good if your deity gives you eternal life?

Don't you have any inherent qualities and propensities that you were born with as a human being? Like the ability to feel compassion and empathy for others, your attraction to the opposite sex, and your urge to procreate. Isn't this all-natural, with or without religion? Do you want to survive and thrive? How is that dependent upon being religious?
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You're only good because you're afraid of being tortured by your deity in hell for all eternity? Is that why you empathize or feel any compassion for others? It's all because you have your deity over you with a Louisville Slugger ready to hit you over the head with it? You're only good if your deity gives you eternal life?
But I don’t believe I’m good or that I will necessarily be eternally united with God. So what do you believe my reason is believing in God?
But I don’t believe I’m good or that I will necessarily be eternally united with God. So what do you believe my reason is believing in God?

I wasn't answering you, so what are you talking about? Elaborate.
The short answer is yes.

Do Hindus and Muslims go to heaven or just Christians? Seems kind of draconian don't you think? Just Christians go to heaven, while everyone else is tortured in hell by your deity. It seems like your deity is like a heavenly Adolf Hitler.
Do Hindus and Muslims go to heaven or just Christians? Seems kind of draconian don't you think? Just Christians go to heaven, while everyone else is tortured in hell by your deity. It seems like your deity is like a heavenly Adolf Hitler.
That's why I asked if "atheists" means everyone who doesn't believe in Christianity. I'm not about bashing Christians or Christianity I know many who are wonderful people. There is a tendency for them to believe there's is the only valid Faith. I don't believe that.
You're only good because you're afraid of being tortured by your deity in hell for all eternity?

I never said I was good so your argument is useless. I'm nice(ish) if that's what you mean, but not really all that good.

The short answer is yes.

The problem is that happier doesn't always equal better though.

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